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Sunday, 12/14/2014 5:25:30 PM

Sunday, December 14, 2014 5:25:30 PM

Post# of 482590
Scalia: Constitution silent on torture

AP Photo / Charles Rex Arbogast
[ (with comments)]

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, shown in an undated photo, said in an interview with a Swiss radio station the Constitution says nothing about torturing terrorists.
(Source: Wikimedia Commons/MGN Online)
[ ]

MARK SHERMAN | Associated Press
Posted: Friday, December 12, 2014 12:43 pm | Updated: 1:16 am, Sat Dec 13, 2014

WASHINGTON (AP) — Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is joining the debate over the Senate's torture report by saying it's hard to rule out the use of extreme measures to extract information if millions of lives were threatened.

Scalia told a Swiss broadcast network that American and European liberals who say such tactics may never be used are being self-righteous.

The 78-year-old justice said he doesn't "think it's so clear at all," especially if interrogators were trying to find a ticking nuclear bomb. Scalia has made similar comments in the past, but he renewed his remarks on Wednesday in an interview with Radio Television Suisse, a day after the release of the Senate report detailing the CIA's harsh interrogation of suspected terrorists. RTS aired the interview on Friday.

"Listen, I think it's very facile for people to say, 'Oh, torture is terrible.' You posit the situation where a person that you know for sure knows the location of a nuclear bomb that has been planted in Los Angeles and will kill millions of people. You think it's an easy question? You think it's clear that you cannot use extreme measures to get that information out of that person?" Scalia said.

Scalia also said that while there are U.S. laws against torture, nothing in the Constitution appears to prohibit harsh treatment of suspected terrorists. "I don't know what article of the Constitution that would contravene," he said. Scalia spent a college semester in Switzerland at the University of Fribourg.

The 30-minute interview touched on a range of topics, including the financing of political campaigns, the death penalty and gay marriage, about which Scalia said he should not comment because it is likely the court soon will have the issue before it. Asked about money and U.S. elections, Scalia scoffed that "women may pay more each year to buy cosmetics" than is spent on local, state and federal elections combined.

His comments about interrogation techniques echoed remarks he also has made to foreign audiences. In 2008, he used the example of the hidden bomb. "It seems to me you have to say, as unlikely as that is, it would be absurd to say you couldn't, I don't know, stick something under the fingernail, smack him in the face. It would be absurd to say you couldn't do that," he said.

A year earlier, Canada's Globe and Mail newspaper reported that Scalia invoked fictional TV counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer using torture to get terrorism suspects to reveal information that could help authorities foil an imminent attack.

"Is any jury going to convict Jack Bauer? I don't think so," he said. "So the question is really whether we believe in these absolutes. And ought we believe in these absolutes."

In January, Scalia seemed less concerned about the safety of residents of Los Angeles when the court heard arguments about whether anonymous tips could justify a traffic stop. Urging the lawyer for two suspects appealing their conviction to stand firm, Scalia suggested that not even information that a carload of terrorists heading to Los Angeles with an atomic bomb would be enough to justify police stopping the car, if the tip came from an anonymous source.

"I want you to say, 'Let the car go. Bye-bye, LA,'" Scalia said.

Follow Mark Sherman on Twitter at: [ , (with comments)]

© 2014 Associated Press [no comments yet] [also at e.g. (no comments, comments closed), (with "A Closer Look at CIA Torture Techniques" video embedded, and comments), and (with comments)]


Justice Scalia’s unfortunate entry into the torture debate

By Steve Benen
12/12/14 03:15 PM—Updated 12/12/14 03:43 PM

When it comes to the issue of torture, it’s been a discouraging week. Not only was the Senate Intelligence Committee report a heartbreaking indictment of an American scandal, but the argument surrounding the revelations started breaking far too much along partisan and ideological lines.

Antonin Scalia isn’t helping. The Associated Press reported today [updated version above] that the far-right Supreme Court justice joined the debate, such as it is, “by saying it is difficult to rule out the use of extreme measures to extract information if millions of lives were threatened.”

Scalia tells a Swiss radio network that American and European liberals who say such tactics may never be used are being self-righteous.

The 78-year-old justice says he doesn’t “think it’s so clear at all,” especially if interrogators were trying to find a ticking nuclear bomb.

Scalia says nothing in the Constitution appears to prohibit harsh treatment of suspected terrorists.

The interview took place at the court on Wednesday, the day after the release of the Senate report detailing the CIA’s harsh interrogation of suspected terrorists. Radio Television Suisse aired the interview on Friday.

I think some caution is probably in order. The AP ran a five-paragraph article, and it seems entirely plausible, but there’s exactly one, six-word quote in that piece. Everything else is a paraphrase, and to offer a detailed response to Scalia’s take, we’d need to know exactly what the justice argued.

That said, if the AP report is accurate [as the updated report above clearly demonstrates it was], Scalia’s perspective is deeply ridiculous.

For one thing, opposition to torture need not be the result of self-righteousness. Brutally abusing prisoners is about humanity, basic decency, and the existence of a moral compass. For another, the “ticking bomb” argument is childish and unserious.

As for the Constitution, it’s true that the document is silent on the issue of treating suspected terrorists, but it’s not silent on “cruel and unusual punishment.” And according to the CIA’s records, rectal feeding and hydration [ ] were forced on detainees without medical need – and the leap from that point to “cruel and unusual” seems quite small.

I’d still like to see a more detailed transcript of Scalia’s comments, but let’s just make this plain as part of the larger conversation: torture is wrong, it’s immoral, it undermines our security interests, and it’s illegal [ ].

If Scalia is prepared to publicly argue otherwise, he’s in the wrong line of work.

©2014 [with comments]


No. 06-1195. Argued December 5, 2007--Decided June 12, 2008 [ ]


Scalia, J., dissenting


Roberts, C. J., dissenting


The huge new Senate report on CIA torture, explained

An artwork called "Waterboarding" by British artist Steve Lazarides.
December 9, 2014


READ: The just-released Senate report investigating CIA torture
December 9, 2014 [with Scribd of the report, , embedded]


Map: The CIA's global network of secret torture centers

December 9, 2014


16 absolutely outrageous abuses detailed in the CIA torture report

This is a stock photo. What the CIA did was much worse.
December 9, 2014 [with embedded video "Ezra Klein points out the one sentence in the report that proves the program was a national disgrace"]


This is the single most damning sentence about the CIA's torture policies

A Guantanamo detainee stands at the fence in 2009.
December 9, 2014
"CIA officers regularly called into question whether the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques were effective, assessing that the use of the techniques failed to elicit detainee cooperation or produce accurate intelligence."


How the CIA misled the public on its torture program, in one chart

max seddon
Dec 9
The CIA tortured its own informants by accident.
[ ]

December 9, 2014


Ron Wyden's point-by-point smackdown of the CIA's defense of torture

Sen. Ron Wyden.
December 12, 2014 [with Scribd of Wyden's torture rebuttal, , embedded]


Senate torture report shows CIA misled public


What The CIA Said It Learned Through Torture, But Didn't
12/09/2014 Updated: 12/11/2014 [with embedded video report, and comments]


Amid Details on Torture, Data on 26 Who Were Held in Error

Mohamed Bashmilah, left, in 2008. A Senate report acknowledges Mr. Bashmilah’s 19 months of detention as wrongful.
DEC. 12, 2014 [with comments]


‘Do No Harm’: When Doctors Torture

Medical officers used their knowledge to aid and abet the CIA's interrogation tactics.
Dec 12 2014 [ ] [with comments]


Dick Cheney On Senate Torture Investigation: 'The Report Is Full Of Crap'

Former Vice President Dick Cheney.
Cliff Owen/AP

December 11, 2014 8:40 AM ET

"The report is full of crap."

That's what former Vice President Dick Cheney told Fox News in an interview [on December 10, 2014] about a Senate investigation [ ] that found the Central Intelligence Agency used brutal techniques to interrogate terrorism suspects and then misled lawmakers, the White House and Congress about what they were doing.

Cheney was combative and unrepentant, saying both he and then-President George W. Bush knew full well the techniques being used on detainees [ ]. Bush, he said, was an "integral part of the program" and "had to approve it before we went through with it."

Fox's Bret Baier pressed Cheney with specific details about some of the horrible things some prisoners were subjected to, including rectal rehydration. Cheney said what the administration approved was not tantamount to torture, but he added:

—"I have no sympathy for them [the detainees]."

— "How nice do you want to be to the murderers of 3,000 Americans on 9/11?"

— "I'd do it again in a minute."

— The CIA did "a hell of a job and they deserve our gratitude."

— The end "absolutely" justified the means.

It's a 13-minute interview, but it's worth your time:

[video embedded; a(n available for the time bring anyway) YouTube of the same included in the next item below]

© 2014 NPR (emphasis added) [with comments]


Fox Catches Dick Cheney Lying About Torture

Larry Downing/Reuters/The Atlantic

The former vice president's defense of brutal CIA interrogations is falling apart under scrutiny.

Conor Friedersdorf
Dec 12 2014, 6:00 AM ET

Former Vice President Dick Cheney, the de-facto leader of the national-security team that failed to stop the most successful terrorist attack in U.S. history, is taking to the airwaves to defend the Bush Administration's subsequent torture of prisoners.

His Fox News interview [ (next below, as embedded; with comments], also at (with comments)] rewards close scrutiny:

Early on, interviewer Bret Baier says, "The Feinstein report suggests that President Bush was not fully briefed on the program and deliberately kept in the dark by the CIA."

Dick Cheney denies this.

"Not true," he says. "Read his book. He talks about it extensively in his memoirs. He was, in fact, an integral part of he program. He had to approve it before we went forward .... We did discuss the techniques. There was no effort on our part to keep him from that." Cheney goes on to declare that "the men and women of the CIA did exactly what we wanted to have them do in terms of taking on this program."

Got that? Bush was fully briefed, and the CIA did exactly what Bush and Cheney asked. But attentive viewers would notice that Cheney subsequently contradicts himself.

Later in the interview, Baier notes a particularly depraved tactic. "At one point, this report describes interrogators pureeing food of one detainee and then serving it in his anus," he says, "something the agency called 'rectal rehydration.' I mean, is that torture?" (More to the point, did Bush and Cheney know about that? Is it "exactly" what they asked the CIA to do?) "I don't know anything about that specific instance," Cheney said. "I can't speak to that. I guess the question is, what are you prepared to do to get the truth about future attacks against the United States. Now, that was not one of the authorized or approved techniques. There were 12 of them, as I recall. They were all techniques we used in training on our own people."

So suddenly the White House wasn't fully briefed and the CIA went beyond what was authorized, using tactics that weren't "exactly what we wanted to have them do," and that Cheney implies he can't speak to and has never known about before.

Perhaps Cheney did know about "rectal rehydration," but is too ashamed or fearful of prosecution to admit it now. Explicitly defending the anal rape of prisoners is a bit much even for him. Or perhaps he really is just hearing about the tactic.

Either way, he story doesn't hold together. He can't have it both ways. Either the CIA hid depraved, unapproved tactics, or Cheney was perfectly okay with subjecting prisoners to anal rape. Perhaps Chuck Todd can ask him about this glaring discrepancy Sunday on Meet the Press. Until then, there is reason to suspect that, whatever Cheney knew, he doesn't have a moral problem with the anal rape of prisoners, a conclusion I draw from a succinct exchange later in the interview:

Bret Baier: Did the ends justify the means?

Dick Cheney: Absolutely.

That's the guy Commentary magazine honored with a roast.

There are a couple other examples from the Fox News interview of Cheney answers that cannot withstand scrutiny. Andrew Sullivan flags [ ] one of those passages:

Here’s the truly revealing part.

Cheney is told about a prisoner, Gul Rahman, who died after unimaginable brutality—beaten, kept awake for 48 hours, kept in total darkness for days, thrown into the Gestapo-pioneered cold bath treatment, and then chained to a wall and left to die of hypothermia. The factors in his death included “dehydration, lack of food, and immobility due to ‘short chaining.” This is Cheney’s response: "3,000 Americans died on 9/11 because of what these guys did, and I have no sympathy for them. I don’t know the specific details … I haven’t read the report … I keep coming back to the basic, fundamental proposition: how nice do you want to be to the murderers of 3000 Americans?"

But Gul Rahman had nothing whatsoever to do with the 9/11 plot.

He had engaged in no plots to kill Americans. He was a guard to the Afghan warlord, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, part of an organization that began by fighting the Soviets in occupied Afghanistan. It had alliances with al Qaeda at the time, but subsequently engaged in peace negotiations with the Karzai government. His brother claims Rahman was even involved in rescuing Hamid Kharzai in 1994. To equate him with individuals who committed mass murder of Americans or who were actively plotting against Americans is preposterous. He was emphatically not a threat to the US. Yet we tortured him to death. And the man running the torture camp was promoted thereafter.

When Cheney tries to associate everyone tortured by the CIA with the people who perpetrated 9/11, he's using the same cheap misdirection that allowed him to respond to that attack by calling for America to wage war against Saddam Hussein.

Cheney is a capable bullshitter.

But the more we find out about the torture program, the more he is reduced to increasingly naked expressions of his actual "argument": terrorism 9/11 9/11!!!! Take the moment in the Fox News interview when Baier brings up Senator Mark Udall's statement about former CIA Director Leon Panetta's review of CIA torture, and the fact that it reaches some of the same conclusions as the Senate report.

Here is Cheney's actual retort: "Well, I don't know where he was on 9/11, but he wasn't in the bunker." Baier seemed stunned that Cheney doesn't have any substantive rebuttal. I'm not. Many of Cheney's positions on this subject have no basis in fact [ ].

It's nice to see a Fox News anchor help to expose that

Copyright © 2014 by The Atlantic Monthly Group (emphasis in original) [ ] [with comments]


Dick Cheney On Torture: It's Good, And Good For You!
Darth Cheney appeared on Bret Baier's Special Report to convince America torture is just dandy for a nation of psychopaths.
December 10, 2014
Dick Cheney wants Americans to become the psychopath he is. He wants us all to shed all morality, sense of decency and character and climb right down in the pits of hate alongside him.
Don't believe me? Watch this clip of only a part of his interview with Bret Baier on Fox News tonight. He actually believes in his heart of hearts that the end justifies the means, even when the end does not actually yield the result he claims it did.
[...] [with video of a portion of the interview (included in full in the two items above) embedded, and comments]


Americans Are Divided On Use Of Torture, But Fewer Support Some Of The Harshest Tactics

12/12/2014 [with embedded video report, and comments]


The Torture Party: Why Republicans Defend the Most Sadistic Government Program in Recent History

Abu Ghraib
Photo: Marcel Mettelsiefen

By Jonathan Chait
December 12, 2014 1:23 p.m.

If George W. Bush’s fervent insistence that his government did not engage in torture does not define and haunt him forever—like Richard Nixon insisting he was not a crook, or Bill Clinton denying he had sexual relations with that woman—it will only be for the paradoxical reason that he insisted as much too many times for any one clip to supply the iconic denial.

The Bush administration’s supporters, operating under the assumption that its most brutal “enhanced interrogation technique” was waterboarding, spent much of the past decade defending this singular practice. Waterboarding did not amount to torture, they insisted, because Navy SEALS allegedly undergo the same treatment as part of their training. Anyway, it happened just a handful of times. Marc Thiessen, the Bush administration’s torture point man, later insisted, “We waterboarded in the CIA—the CIA waterboarded three terrorists. Just three.”

The torture regimen turns out to have been carried out on a vastly broader and more depraved scale than the administration’s defenders, or even its critics, ever imagined. The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on CIA torture [ ], released this week, describes practices few conservative politicians or intellectuals had prepared themselves to justify. Men were shackled to walls or ceilings for days, in diapers, locked in coffins, rectally violated, subject to days of sleep deprivation, beaten, and (in one instance) murdered. Several intelligence staffers reported being traumatized by the experience.

That is more than one can say for the torture apologists. Having dug in to mount an extended, pointillistic defense of waterboarding, they have found their position suddenly overrun, and have retreated to new ground. “Every civilized nation agrees that torture is wrong,” Senator Ted Cruz complained after the report was released, but, “after six years, enough with saying ‘everything is George W. Bush’s fault.’ ” To Cruz and other Republicans still in office, the allegation that the Bush administration used torture had gone from outrageous smear to tired news without ever having passed through the stage of acceptable topic of discussion. Senator Marco Rubio insisted on Twitter [ ], “Those who served us in aftermath of 9/11 deserve our thanks not one-sided partisan Senate report that now places American lives in danger.” Rubio’s previous tweet [ ] boasted that the Senate has passed “our bill imposing sanctions against human-rights violators” in Venezuela. The cognitive dissonance surely whooshed right over Rubio’s elegantly coiffed head.

The nature of evil has been a Republican obsession since immediately after 9/11. Evil is not only present in our enemies but, at times, their most distinguishing characteristic. (Bush’s “Axis of Evil” conveniently lumped together the otherwise unallied Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.) Human-rights violations are things bad guys do. We’re the good guys. “The United States of America is awesome. We are awesome,” insisted the apparently sincere Fox News host [ ] Andrea Tantaros last week. “This administration wants to have this discussion to show us how we’re not awesome.” As a frank display of unreasoning chauvinistic bellicosity, this was, in its own way, awesome. It was also no less sophisticated a response than Dick Cheney’s, who quickly dismissed the Senate’s detail-laden report as “hooey,” “full of crap,” and “a crock.”

For a leader long obsessed with the cruelty of communist regimes and jihadist movements, Cheney has always been complacent about mimicking that cruelty himself. In May 2009, he gave a speech [ (next below)]
at the American Enterprise Institute, an esteemed conservative think tank in Washington. Radiating gravitas, he referred repeatedly to the subjects of “enhanced interrogation” as “terrorists.” “In the years after 9/11, our government also understood that the safety of the country required collecting information known only to the worst of the terrorists,” he announced. And: “On the left wing of the president’s party, there appears to be little curiosity in finding out what was learned from the terrorists.” And: “You’ve heard endlessly about waterboarding. It happened to three terrorists.” And: “Few matters have inspired so much contrived indignation and phony moralizing as the interrogation methods applied to a few captured terrorists.”

At no point did Cheney even approach a cursory answer to questions like: How did he know that those subjected to these techniques were, in fact, terrorists? Did some elaborate judicial process exist that contained even stronger safeguards against false conviction than the imperfect American legal system? How could American intelligence staffers, dropped into foreign lands, reliably pluck out the guilty while sparing the innocent?

As we now know, they could not. ­Twenty-six of the 119 detainees turned out to be innocent. One of them was a Pakistani or Afghan man named Janat Gul. In July 2004, the CIA seized Gul, acting on a tip from a local informant who claimed he knew of a terror plot. His interrogators subjected him to sleep deprivation, slammed him into walls, and forced him to stand for as long as 47 hours in a row until he suffered hallucinations that he could see and hear his wife and children. He begged to be killed. Eventually, the informant who fingered Gul admitted to fabricating his story.

The Americans who engaged in this sadism should not necessarily be considered sadists. As their Republican defenders point out, they lived in terror of another mass-casualty attack. Their brutality arose from an attempt to prevent brutality on an even wider scale.

The failings of the torture regimen were, in fact, every conservative nightmare of a failed, out-of-control government program come to life. Through banal bureaucratic dysfunction, the torturers stumbled into a practice that lacked any sound empirical basis. (The CIA—which simply reverse-engineered the resistance training its own elite soldiers underwent, which tought them to withstand torture from communist regimes attempting to solicit propagandist false confessions—never considered that a practice designed to elicit false confessions is poorly suited to drawing out true ones.) Officials covered up their own mistakes; soldiers carried out practices haphazardly—some subjects were tortured for weeks before being interrogated. These are all acts of cruelty that Republicans would surely find terrifying—evil, even—if enacted by foreign governments, or Democratic administrations. And yet a fixation on evil abroad rendered invisible the most egregious abuses of government powers at home.

The most important evidence of the Bush administration’s disposition toward torture may have come not from the Senate report but from Cheney’s second and more carefully considered reply. Appearing later that night on Fox News, the former vice-president was no longer merely dismissing the report’s conclusions out of hand. Nor was he retreating to the slick evasions or complaints about George W. Bush’s feelings that so many of his fellow Republicans had relied upon.

The host, Bret Baier, asked Cheney about Bush’s reported discomfort when told of a detainee’s having been chained to a dungeon ceiling, clothed only in a diaper, and forced to urinate and defecate on himself. “What are we supposed to do? Kiss him on both cheeks and say ‘Please, please, tell us what you know’?” Cheney said. “Of course not. We did exactly what needed to be done in order to catch those who were guilty on 9/11 and prevent a further attack, and we were successful on both parts.”

Here, finally, was the brutal moral logic of Cheneyism on bright display. The insistence by his fellow partisans on averting their eyes from the horrible truth at least grows out of a human reaction. Cheney does not even understand why somebody would look away. His soul is a cold, black void.

This article appears in the December 15, 2014 issue of New York Magazine.

Related Stories

Frank Rich on the National Circus: America Is Still in Denial About Torture

5 Appalling Takeaways From the Senate’s CIA Torture Report

CIA Director Still Won’t Quite Say Torture Was Actually Torture

Republican Congressman Seems to Have Skipped Some Key Parts of the Torture Report

Copyright © 2014, New York Media LLC [with comments]


Sullying our image.....

Dec 11, 2014 [with comments]


Torture Is Who We Are

Witness Against Torture protesters march in front of the White House.
(Elvert Barnes/Flickr)

A country, like a person, is what it does.

Peter Beinart
Dec 11 2014, 2:46 PM ET

Torture, declared [ ] President Obama this week, in response to the newly released Senate report on CIA interrogation, is “contrary to who we are.” Maine Senator Angus King added [ ] that, “This is not America. This is not who we are.” According to [ ] Kentucky Congressman John Yarmuth, “We are better than this.”

No, actually, we’re not. There’s something bizarre about responding to a 600-page document detailing systematic U.S. government torture by declaring that the real America—the one with good values—does not torture. It’s exoneration masquerading as outrage. Imagine someone beating you up and then, when confronted with the evidence, declaring that “I’m not really like that” or “that wasn’t the real me.” Your response is likely to be some variant of: “It sure as hell seemed like you when your fist was slamming into my nose.” A country, like a person, is what it does.

The implication of the statements by Obama, King, and Yarmuth is that there is an essential, virtuous America whose purity the CIA defiled. But that’s silly. Aliens did not invade the United States on 9/11. In times of fear, war, and stress, Americans have always done things like this. In the 19th century, American slavery relied on torture. At the turn of the 20th, when America began assembling its empire overseas, the U.S. army waterboarded Filipinos during the Spanish-American War. As part of the Phoenix Program, an effort to gain intelligence during the Vietnam War, CIA-trained interrogators delivered electric shocks to the genitals of some Vietnamese communists, and raped, starved, and beat others.

America has tortured throughout its history. And every time it has, some Americans have justified the brutality as necessary to protect the country from a savage enemy. Others have called it counterproductive and immoral. At different moments, the balance of power between these two groups shifts. But neither side in these debates speaks for the “real America.” The real America includes them both. Morally, we contain multitudes.

Why does this matter? Because when you claim that the United States is intrinsically moral, and torture therefore represents an aberration, you undermine the fight against such practices. There is no innate moral sense that pushes America’s leaders to respect human rights. To the contrary, the U.S. political system is based on the recognition that since Americans, like all other human beings, are sinful creatures, and will abuse power, the best way to limit that abuse is to ensure that power is divided and balanced. In the 20th century, when American presidents helped establish first the League of Nations and then the United Nations, they recognized that—to a far more limited degree—the United States should submit to international laws and institutions that checked its power overseas. This stemmed in part from the belief that only by binding itself in systems of domestic and international law could the United States act differently from the totalitarian empires it opposed. The most dangerous aspect of totalitarianism, wrote Arthur Schlesinger in The Vital Center [ , ], was its attempt “to liquidate the tragic sense which gave man a sense of his limitations.”

Being a successful American politician today requires declaring that America is different, blessed, exceptional. Thus, when other countries torture, it reflects their basic character. When we torture, it violates ours. But the wisest American thinkers have found a way to reconcile this need to feel special with the recognition that, as human beings, Americans are just as fallen as everyone else. In the mid-20th century, men like Schlesinger and Reinhold Niebuhr argued that, paradoxically, the more Americans recognized their sinfulness, and restrained it within systems of law, the more America would prove its superiority over those totalitarian systems that refused such restraints.

After 9/11, while George W. Bush was announcing that God had deputized America to spread liberty around the world, his government was shredding the domestic and international restraints against torture built up over decades, and injecting food into inmates’ rectums. Those actions were not “contrary to who we are.” They were a manifestation of who we are. And the more we acknowledge that, the better our chances of becoming something different in the years to come.

Related Story

The 'Graywashing' of CIA Torture
The brutal interrogation program was far less defensible than its moderate critics seem to realize.

Copyright © 2014 by The Atlantic Monthly Group [with comments]


Fischer: Release Of Torture Report Shows That Democrats Are 'Juvenile Delinquents'

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Wednesday, 12/10/2014 9:45 am

The AFA [ ]'s Bryan Fischer [ ] was predictably outraged by the release of the Senate report [ ] on the CIA's use of torture ... not by the torture itself, mind you, but rather by the release of the report detailing it, fuming on his radio program yesterday [ ] that the Democrats only released the report to be "petty" and "juvenile."

"They just got voted out of office," he said [ (next below, as embedded)]. "This was their last chance to poke a finger in the eye of President Bush. I mean, they're like juvenile delinquents; they've been occupying this house, sitting in this house, they've just been evicted from the house, they're going to have to vacate the house on January 1. They're going to have to get out of there January 1 and so they're like juvenile delinquents that decide we're going to trash this place on the way out the door. We don't like the fact that we're going to have to vacate the premises January 1 so we are going to do as much damage on the way out the door as we possibly can":

© 2014 People For the American Way


Bush official: CIA interrogation tactics weren’t torture, but IRS investigations are

Lieutenant General William G. Boykin
(Credit: U.S. Army)

Jerry Boykin takes torture defenses to an insane new low

Luke Brinker
Thursday, Dec 11, 2014 11:39 AM CST

Retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, who served as a senior Defense Department official under President George W. Bush, maintained in an interview Wednesday that the interrogation methods outlined in a new Senate Intelligence Committee report didn’t constitute torture, but that IRS investigations into political nonprofits did.

Last night, Boykin and Kamal Saleem, the co-authors of a new thriller, sat down with TheBlaze TV’s Stu Burguiere. During the interview, Burguiere brought up the committee’s report, which the three men derided.

“Maybe I’m the meanest person in the world, I don’t know,” Burguiere said. “Maybe I’m awful. But things like attention grasp — the interrogator grabs the detainee by the collar with two hands and pulls him closer in. That’s torture now?”

Somehow, Burguiere left out the more mortifying revelations [ ] contained in the report, including that Central Intelligence Agency interrogators force-fed terror suspects through their rectums, waterboarded prisoners to the point of unresponsiveness, deprived detainees of sleep for as long as a week, made detainees stand in stress positions on broken legs, and threatened the safety of prioners’ children and other family members.

Saleem, who claims to be a former terrorist but whose story has some gaping holes [ ] in it, reassured Burguiere that terrorists are barbarians, which to right-wingers is justification enough for any brutality detainees have coming their way, regardless of whether they’ve actually been tried and convicted of crimes.

Turning to Boykin, who served as deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence from 2003 t0 2007, Burgueiere mused, “This list — I mean, having people stand, they don’t get to sleep as long as they want to, nudity. Is this torture? Are these the things that we should be punishing ourselves over?”

“Stu, let me say that I think that this report came from a bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites,” Boykin responded — rich words coming from a current official at the right-wing Family Research Council.

“This is not torture,” Boykin continued. “I’ll tell you what is torture. Torture is what we’ve done to the veterans at the VA hospitals. Torture is what we’ve done by having the IRS go after conservative groups.”

Lamentably, Burguiere did not follow up by verifying that Boykin would indeed prefer to be rectally fed hummus than to have the non-profit status of his political group scrutinized.

Watch the interview below, via [ , (next below, as embedded)] Right Wing Watch:

Copyright © 2014 Salon Media Group, Inc. [with comments]


Fischer: Terrorism Suspects Have No Right Not To Be Tortured

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Friday, 12/12/2014 11:48 am

On his radio program yesterday [ ], Bryan Fischer once again [ (item secondabove)] defended the CIA's use of torture against terrorism suspects by arguing that the techniques utilized by the CIA do not actually constitute torture ... but even if they were it would still be acceptable because terrorism suspects have no legal right not to be tortured.

As Fischer explained, foreign terrorism suspects have no constitutional rights since they are not U.S. citizens, nor do they have any rights under the Geneva Conventions, which means that the U.S. faces no legal prohibition against torturing them.

"They have absolutely no legal rights that they can claim anywhere," Fischer said [ (next below, as embedded)]. "So whatever treatment we give them, if there is any mercy involved in it, they have no right to that; that is simply because we are a merciful people who are driven by Christian principles.":

© 2014 People For the American Way


'No 9/11, No Rectal Rehydration': Bryan Fischer Explains Why Muslim Terrorists Are Responsible For The CIA's Use Of Torture

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Friday, 12/12/2014 4:35 pm

Bryan Fischer continued [ (item just above)] his vigorous defense of the CIA's use of torture on his radio program today [ ], explaining quite succinctly that had Islamic terrorists not carried out the 9/11 attacks, the United States never would have been forced to engage in practices such as rectal rehydration.

"The culpability and the blame and the accountability for every last bit of the enhanced interrogation techniques rests on the Muslims who were responsible for 9/11," he said. "If you're looking for somebody to blame for waterboarding and sleep deprivation and rectal rehydration, look no further than the Muslims who were responsible for 9/11. They made those enhanced interrogation techniques necessary."

"No 9/11, no waterboarding," Fischer explained [ (next below, as embedded)]. "No 9/11, no Gitmo. No 9/11, no rectal rehydration.":

© 2014 People For the American Way


Rick Santorum: Separation Of Church And State A Communist Idea, Not An American One

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 12/1/2014 12:50 pm

In a conference call with members of right-wing pastor E.W. Jackson [ ]’s STAND America that was posted online today [ (next below)],
former senator Rick Santorum [ ] disputed the existence of the separation of church and state in the U.S. Constitution, dismissing it as a Communist idea that has no place in America.

A listener on the call told Santorum that “a number of the things that the far left, a.k.a. the Democrat [sic] Party, and the president is pushing for and accomplishing actually accomplishes a number of the tenets of ‘The Communist Manifesto,’ including the amnesty, the elevation of pornography, homosexuality, gay marriage, voter fraud, open borders, mass self-importation of illegal immigrants and things of that nature.” The likely presidential candidate replied that “the words ‘separation of church and state’ is not in the U.S. Constitution, but it was in the constitution of the former Soviet Union. That’s where it very, very comfortably sat, not in ours.”

Of course, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, among others, referred to the separation of church and state [ ] when explaining the amendment which they drafted.

[audio, , embedded]

Later in the call, Santorum continued to lecture President Obama on race in America [ ], telling Jackson — who once criticized a desegregation plan [ ] as “social engineering” — that Obama harmed race relations and, ironically [ ], failed “to do something transformational.”

“When you cavort with Al Sharpton, you certainly aren’t into racial reconciliation, that sort of sums it up right there,” he said. “You surround yourself with folks who are not healers but dividers, this president has been the divider-in-chief on so many fronts. You had hoped, as you mentioned, Bishop [Jackson], you hoped that on this front it was an opportunity for the president to do something transformational, that he could’ve been that figure that could’ve made a real difference in racial reconciliation, could’ve made a real difference just within the black community and he chose to take a different path, he chose to use it as a wedge issue as opposed to an issue that was one that he said he wanted to accomplish when he was going to heal the country. He has done anything but.”

[audio, , embedded]

© 2014 People For the American Way


Barton: America Must Have 'A Biblical View On Computer Programming'

Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 12/2/2014 10:47 am

Back in September, David Barton [ , ] spoke at a "Truth For A New Generation [ ]" Christian apologetics conference in South Carolina. While at the conference, he participated in an interview which was recently uploaded to YouTube [ (next below)]
in which he made the case that America must implement a "biblical view" on literally every issue, even down to computer programming.

On marriage, Barton called for the elimination of no-fault divorce, and afterr repeating his claim [ ] that the Sixth Amendment's guarantee of our right to confront our accusers came directly out of the Bible, Barton said that conservative Christians need to make sure that everything from economics to contracts to employer-employee relations operates according to strictly biblical principles.

Once again citing [the YouTube just above, beginning just before the 13:00 mark] the importance of Christians wielding total control over the Seven Mountains of culture [ ], Barton demanded that society uphold "a biblical view on computer programing" and fondly recalled how, until the 1960s, Hollywood could not release any film "unless the church approved it."

"Until we get back into saying, you know, I've got to have a biblical view on computer programming, I've got to have a biblical view as a business, as a Chamber of Commerce, whatever it is," Barton said [ (next below, as embedded)], "if we don't get that back to where everyone has a common worldview and, based on our documents, that is there is a God, he gives you a certain set of rights, government protects those rights, he gives a fixed moral law that I'm not allowed to alter and then, below that, I can make decisions, until we get back to the common understanding of the nation, we won't have a stable nation":

© 2014 People For the American Way


This Map Shows Where America Loves 'Butts' More Than 'Boobs'

Americans apparently prefer "butts" to "boobs."
[ ]

A look at the world's pornographic leanings.

12/13/2014 [with comments]


Young Earth Creationists Take To Times Square To Advertise Noah's Ark Theme Park

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 12/10/2014 4:20 pm

Answers in Genesis [ ], the group which runs the Creation Museum, hopes to promote its Noah’s Ark-themed amusement park with a digital billboard in Times Square [ ], where the group last year took out a billboard [ ] to send a message to its “atheist friends,” and several billboards in its home state of Kentucky.

“The irony is that as secularists are criticizing the Ark project and relegating Noah’s Ark to a myth, they are passing around their own Ark myths,” said AiG president Ken Ham. “These agitators (most of them outside the state) are trying to undermine the Ark Encounter by spreading misinformation and putting pressure on Kentucky officials to reject an offer of a partial refund of future sales tax collected at the finished theme park (if the park sees excellent attendance and brings in significant tourism dollars to the state).”

To counter the secularists’ efforts, AiG’s billboard campaign will inform members of the public that they can learn the truth about the Ark project at As some of the Ark myths have been circulated by newspapers in the state, some of the 16 boards will be seen in neighborhoods near the offices of Kentucky’s major newspapers in Louisville, Lexington, and Frankfort.

The billboard campaign that begins this week (a Lexington board is already up) runs into part of January. In addition, a 15-second digital board will be displayed starting Wednesday in New York City’s Times Square (on Broadway between 45th & 46th streets, above the Disney Store), with 672 spots per day during this busy holiday season at this bustling square. Overall, the combined outdoor effort is expected to deliver more than 20 million impressions.

You can watch the fifteen second clip to be featured on the Times Square billboard here [ (next below, as embedded]:

© 2014 People For the American Way


Robot Handjobs Are The Future, And The Future Is Coming
The Second Law of Robotics is: A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings.


Bobby Jindal's Prayer Rally Materials Blame Gays & Legal Abortion For Hurricane Katrina

Submitted by Miranda Blue on Thursday, 12/11/2014 12:27 pm

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal [ ] is following in the footsteps of Texas Gov. Rick Perry [ ] and kicking off his possible presidential campaign next month with a stadium prayer rally organized by radical religious right activists [ ]. As Brian reported [id.] on Monday, the virulently anti-gay Christian nationalist American Family Association [ ], influential Religious Right leader David Lane [ ] and Doug Stringer [ ], a self-proclaimed “apostle” from Texas who has blamed America’s rejection of God [ ] for the September 11 attacks, are spearheading Jindal’s Baton Rouge rally.

These activists are the perfect ambassadors for the Christian nationalists that Jindal appears to be courting. In a letter [ ] introducing the rally — printed on official governor’s mansion stationary — Jindal warns of “a new world order of chaos…being driven by militant Islam seeking to impose Sharia Law worldwide” and domestic epidemics of “fatherless homes,” “drugs and crime in our inner cities” and “a saturation of pornography, abortion, racism,” problems for which Jesus Christ “is America’s only hope.”

Jindal’s prayer rally appears to be so closely modeled after Perry’s that its organizers are even reusing materials from the 2011 Texas event, including a prayer guide [ ] contending that natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina and the tornado in Joplin, Missouri, were the result of God’s displeasure with the “alternative lifestyle” of homosexuality, marriage equality, legal abortion, and Internet pornography.

The prayer guide listed on the “resources” page [ ] of the website for Jindal's rally includes suggestions for seven days of prayer leading up the event. It appears to be exactly the same as the guide disturbed to participants in Perry’s event [ ] in 2011 — it hasn't even been updated to include the increased number of states that are bringing God’s judgment on America by allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry:

Day 2 - Locust plagues


In Joel's day Israel experienced the destruction of a massive locust plague. The nation's economy was crippled because of the decimation of the agriculture. The reason these plagues came was because of the people's negligence to worship and serve God with their whole heart. Because the people grew cold and eventually departed from God, they experienced incredible hardships. The result of their inner departure was multiple external crises.

In America today we face a similar crisis. We have watched sin escalate to a proportion the nation has never seen before. We live in the first generation in which the wholesale murder of infants through abortion is not only accepted but protected by law. Homosexuality has been embraced as an alternative lifestyle. Same-sex marriage is legal in six states and Washington, D.C. Pornography is available ondemand through the internet.
Biblical signs of apostasy are before our very eyes. While the United States still claims to be a nation “under God” it is obvious that we have greatly strayed from our foundations in Christianity.

This year we have seen a dramatic increase in tornadoes that have taken the lives of many and crippled entire cities, such as Tuscaloosa, AL & Joplin, MO. And let us not forget that we are only six years from the tragic events of hurricane Katrina, which rendered the entire Gulf Coast powerless.

Furthermore, because of mismanagement and greed, our national economy is in incredible disarray, with our national debt topping 14 trillion dollars. We have effectively mortgaged our children's future, while spending money we do not have on entitlements as we search in vain for “the American dream”. The first “wave of locusts” has begun to descend upon us and many are oblivious to the fact that destruction has come and is still coming.

God destined America to be a gospel beacon to the rest of the earth – a nation under God who declares His goodness, truth and mercy to a world desperately in need.

The Jindal rally’s prayer guide also includes the 2011 guide’s plea to conservative Christians to save the United States from “debauchery, sin and ultimately destruction.”

There is much at stake for the church in America. In many ways we are at a crossroads of two divergent paths. Either the church will turn to the Lord with her whole heart, sparking a great revival and reformation in our nation, or she will continue in compromise, keeping the status quo as we watch our nation turn to debauchery, sin and ultimately destruction.

(Emphases are ours.)

Both “Response” rallies are modeled after the “Call” rallies [ ] organized by Religious Right leader Lou Engle [ ]. The leadership team of Perry’s rally included a number of officials from the International House of Prayer, a ministry closely associated with Engle that promotes the dominionist theology [ ] that calls for evangelical Christians to gain control of all parts of American culture and government.

© 2014 People For the American Way


Return of the Rhythm Method

Tired of condoms and the Pill, many women are turning to new apps that help them practice one of the oldest forms of contraception.
Dec 9 2014
Meanwhile, the majority of [ ] young people live with their partners before marriage, in many cases forming pseudo-marriages that the writer Ann Friedman [ ] dubbed “the pullout generation” in New York magazine last year. With a pack of Plan B close at hand, many young women in long-term relationships are eager to prioritize sexual pleasure and to rid themselves of daily synthetic hormones. (And to be sure, many of these women also have sufficient financial resources and relational stability not to fear a mis-timed pregnancy.) The same CDC study [ ] found that the number of women whose partners sometimes rely on “withdrawal” for birth control has increased to 60 percent, from 25 percent in 1982.
[...] [ ] [with comments]


Erotic liberty v. religious liberty: How the sexual revolution is eclipsing the First Freedom

R. Albert Mohler Jr. — December 11, 2014

In the context of acute and radical moral change, we now face an inevitable conflict of liberties that is excruciating, immense, and eminent. The conflict of liberties means that the new moral regime, with the backing of the courts and the regulatory state, will prioritize erotic liberty over religious liberty.

Over the course of the last several decades, we have seen this revolution coming. Erotic liberty has been elevated as a right more fundamental than religious liberty. Erotic liberty, foreign to the founders of this nation, now marginalizes, subverts, and neutralizes religious liberty — a liberty highly prized by the builders of this nation and its constitutional order. We must remember that the framers of the Constitution did not believe they were creating rights within the Constitution, but rather acknowledging rights given to all humanity by “nature and nature’s God.”

Erotic liberty emerges directly from arguments made in opinions handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court.

In Griswold v. Connecticut, Justice William O. Douglas’ “finding” of the right to privacy, and thus a right to contraceptives within the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, laid much of the groundwork for the advancement of erotic liberty. As Douglas acknowledged, this right is by no means explicit or even present in the text of the Constitution but is drawn from “penumbras” emanating from the Constitution.

Similarly, in the Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey decision on abortion in 1992, Justices Sandra Day O’Connor, Anthony Kennedy, and David Souter declared, “At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.”

A direct line can be drawn from Casey to the 2003 Lawrence v. Texas decision striking down all laws against sodomy. In his majority opinion, Kennedy said, quoting from Casey:

These matters [personal decisions relating to marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, child rearing, and education], involving those most intimate and personal choices a person may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy, are central to the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life. Beliefs about these matters could not define the attributes of personhood were they formed under compulsion of the State.

Kennedy added, “Persons in a homosexual relationship may seek autonomy for these purposes, just as heterosexual persons do.”

In the Proposition 8 (Hollingsworth v. Perry) and Defense of Marriage Act (United States v. Windsor) cases in 2013, the line was extended to advancing the momentum toward the total normalization of homosexuality and the legalization of same-sex marriage. In Windsor, Justice Antonin Scalia announced that the imposition of legalized same-sex marriage coast-to-coast was now inevitable. He accused Justice Kennedy, who wrote the majority opinion, and his colleagues of failing in their willingness to state this boldly. As Scalia anticipated, all we are waiting for now is for the other shoe to drop.

On Oct. 6, 2014, that shoe effectively has dropped. This day in U.S. legal history will be remembered for many years to come as a landmark day toward same-sex marriage. It was the day the nation’s highest court took one of the lowest paths of least resistance. It now seeks to maintain its prestige by avoiding the backlash the Court experienced in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade in 1973. It wants to have its victory without taking further risks to its reputation.

Consistent throughout all of these legal arguments is the assumption that erotic liberty is central to the project of defining “one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life,” as Kennedy found in Casey.

The use of that language demonstrates how erotic liberty typifies the freedom most cherished by the culture and most respected by the courts in the context of the secular age. A liberty that did not even exist when the Constitution was written now supersedes protections that are explicit in the Constitution. This explains the trajectory of court decisions and developments in the law and, at the same time, reveals the trajectory we can expect in the future.

In his withering dissent in Lawrence, Scalia argued that Kennedy set the stage for the legalization of same-sex marriage, which Kennedy denied. Scalia clearly found no joy in being right when the Windsor decision struck down the federal government’s law defining marriage exclusively as the union of a man and a woman.

Otherwise prescient in his analysis of the law, Scalia was incorrect about one matter. Scalia argued the succession of cases representing the progress of the gay liberation movement effectively meant the end of all morals legislation.

But it does not. The present trajectory of the courts only means the end of all morals legislation recognizable to American society just a matter of decades ago. Indeed, we can anticipate new morals legislation put into place that will reinforce the significant gains made by the sexual liberationists. Christians and other religious citizens will have to pay careful attention as these new laws are established, for religious liberty will be at stake and at risk in each of them.

The “take no prisoners” approach now demanded by the moral liberationists and increasingly accepted by the courts means that any exceptions are likely to be tenuous and very narrow, even when laws and regulations supposedly allow “religious exceptions.” We have already seen this in the contraception mandate in the Affordable Care Act. Obama administration authorities spoke of religious exemption only in terms of “houses of worship,” demonstrating the determination to narrow even allowed exceptions.

The aftermath of the Supreme Court decision siding with Hobby Lobby against the contraception mandate — an important exception to the rule of erotic liberty trumping religious liberty — nevertheless demonstrated that large sectors of American society and American political life have shifted their position in the contest of liberties.

Just two decades ago, legislation known as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) was put in place. That act required the federal government to respect religious liberty by demanding that all laws or restrictive regulations serve a legitimate and rational social purpose and be crafted so as to avoid conflict with the religious conscience of every citizen. That law, co-sponsored in the U.S. Senate by Orrin Hatch and Edward Kennedy, passed in the House of Representatives without a single dissenting vote and with 97 votes in the Senate. The fact that a conservative Republican and a liberal Democrat co-sponsored the legislation indicated the comprehensive support for RFRA represented at the time.

In the Hobby Lobby decision, Justice Samuel Alito, writing for the majority, cited RFRA to show that Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties had a religious liberty right that trumped the contraception mandate. In response, Harry Reid, the Democratic leader in the U.S. Senate, advocated legislation, supported by a large number of Democratic senators, to repeal RFRA or amend it so that it no longer had any legal teeth.

The challenge we now face consigns every believer, every congregation, and every religious institution to an arena of conflict where erotic liberty and religious liberty now clash. This poses no danger to theological liberals and their churches and denominations, which have accommodated themselves to the new morality and find themselves quite comfortable within the context of the new moral regime. Furthermore, some of these liberal denominations and churches style themselves as defenders of the new morality and actually advocate legal modifications that restrict the religious liberty rights of more conservative churches and denominations.

The arenas of conflict are already numerous and multiplying. Christian colleges and universities will face the immediate threat of being further marginalized in the larger culture. Some will be threatened with the denial of accreditation and labeled outlaws simply because they remain true to historic Christian conviction and biblical accountability. Given the fact that accrediting agencies and organizations such as the NCAA are identified as voluntary associations, they can make a legal claim to discriminate on that basis. But the “voluntary” nature of organizations such as regional accrediting agencies is undermined by the fact that, in many jurisdictions, colleges and universities are required to have such accreditation in order to have legal authority to conduct their programs.

The church’s freedom is not only the freedom to preach and teach within the confines of its worship service. Even as there are those now arguing to restrict or sanction speech by preachers, the more pressing threat is that the ministry of the church will be constricted by means of other regulations and discriminatory policies. Christians in the business world must watch very carefully as legislation such as the Employment Nondiscrimination Act comes into view. Without protection for religious liberty and Christian conscience, these laws will be used in a way that requires many Christians in business to decide between compromising conviction or going out of business.

Employees and executives in many corporations and American institutions already face this threat. They must either endorse the new moral regime or get out of the way. Christian humanitarian organizations face being cut off from access to ministry, unless they endorse the new sexual morality and operate by its precepts. Students in public schools face the denial of religious liberty rights, free association rights, and religious liberty rights as speech, thought, and conduct are increasingly defined in accordance with the new sexual morality. Christian couples may well face severe headwinds as they attempt to adopt children. As the revolution continues, they may find a host of secular family experts threatening to invade the sanctity of family life by asserting a moral authority contrary to that of the parents.

These are not idle threats or issues of hypothetical concern. Every one of these threats is rooted in arguments already made in the public square or political and legal processes already in play.

Interestingly, one of the early advocates of gay marriage warned his fellow moral revolutionaries that they must be careful lest they trample upon the conscience rights of their adversaries. In his book, Kindly Inquisitors: The New Attacks on Free Thought, Jonathan Rauch said:

Today, I fear that many people on my side of the gay-equality question are forgetting our debt to the system that freed us. Some gay people — not all, not even most, but quite a few — want to expunge discriminatory views. “Discrimination is discrimination and bigotry is bigotry,” they say, “and they are intolerable whether or not they happen to be someone’s religion or moral creed.”

Rauch counters: “I hope that when gay people — and non-gay people — encounter hateful or discriminatory opinions, we respond not by trying to silence or punish them but by trying to correct them.” Very few signs, however, are signaling that Rauch’s hope is being heard.

A review of the religious liberty challenges already confronting the conscience, conduct, and belief rights of convictional Christians shows us how daunting all this really is. We can be sure this is not the end of our struggle. It is only the beginning.

R. Albert Mohler Jr. [ ] is the 9th president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. This article is adapted from his forthcoming book, Aftermath: Life, Love, and Liberty in the Wake of a Sexual Revolution (Bethany House, September 2015). You can connect with Dr. Mohler on Twitter at @albertmohler, on Facebook [ ] or at [ ]. This article originally appeared in the winter 2015 issue of Southern Seminary Magazine [ ].

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Copyright 2014 The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary


The Sex Education of Grindr’s Joel Simkhai

Joel Simkhai, the founder of Grindr, takes it easy at home in Los Angeles. The app was born of an idea made possible by technology and a $2,000 grubstake.
DEC. 12, 2014


Hey, Ladies, This Conservative Blogger Wants You To Stop 'Destroying Your Husband'

Peter Dazeley via Getty Images

By Leigh Weingus
Posted: 12/12/2014 6:05 pm EST Updated: 12/12/2014 6:59 pm EST

A piece about how to stop destroying your husband and your marriage [ ] has elicited plenty of attention this week, with some slamming the advice as completely antiquated. Although author Katelyn Carmen told The Huffington Post that she can acknowledge a difference in opinion when it comes to what makes a marriage work, she's sticking to hers.

Carmen's article -- which appeared on [ ], a conservative website dedicated to helping men and women strengthen their marriages and families -- lists "five destructive things" she says will ultimately ruin a woman's relationship with her husband and offers tips for keeping the man happy. According to her advice, a woman should live within her spouse's means, never complain, always put her husband first and use sex as a "sacred tool" and never withhold it.

On the subject of never complaining, she writes:

Wives, show sincere appreciation and respect to your husband by carefully following a budget and making the most of what you have. Be wise about your finances.

Constantly complaining about not having enough to fulfill your lavish desires or racking up astronomical amounts of debt on your credit card is a poor way of saying "thank you" to a faithful spouse who works hard every day to provide for the family.

And when it comes to sex, Carmen doesn't really care if you're in the mood.

It is a great blessing to be wanted and needed by a loving, romantic husband who wants to share something so beautiful and important with you -- and you only. Even though you might not always be in the mood, it's worth it to give in (when you can) and spend that time bonding.

The article went viral [ ], and while some praised her tips on Facebook [ ], others weren't exactly thrilled with what she had to say.

"It turns out that while I’ve spent all these years trying to make us happy, I should have been worried about making him happy. Why? I don’t know. Because penis, I guess," Meredith Bland wrote on Mommyish [ ].

And Hemavathy DM Suppiah mockingly rephrased Carmen's words on MyLaunchpad [ ]. On Carmen's point about sex, she writes:

Men, susceptible creatures that they are, need lots and lots of physical affection. They cannot live without it and if you neglect your wifely duties, then he’s just going to go elsewhere, and you’ll be a bad, bad wife. Seriously, they’ll give you a trophy.

Never mind if you don’t feel well, or you’re tired, or just not in the mood, your husband’s needs surmount yours (refer to point no. 3) and it is your duty to give him all the pleasure he wants and needs.

When asked about the backlash, Carmen told The Huffington Post: "Some of the strongest emotions we experience as humans come from our relationships with the people we love. Strengthening our marriages and families should be two topics that people think about every day, but people don’t always agree on how that should be done."

"The advice I gave in this article was influenced by a variety of sources," she went on to say, "including my college studies and research -- I minored in marriage and family studies -- family therapists who contribute content to the site, my own marriage and advice from couples I know who’ve have had long, successful marriages."

Though the beginning of Carmen's article noted that her tips can also apply to men, she told HuffPost that an article will be coming out next week with advice specifically for men.

"Marriage is a partnership. My advice is just as important and relevant to men –- and we publish advice for both men and women on the site," she said. "As spouses, we should be willing to help one another as equal partners as we honor and serve one another. That, in turn, will bring the greatest likelihood of a successful marriage."

Copyright ©2014, Inc. [with comments]


Lost in translation? 7 reasons some women wince when Pope Francis starts talking

Pope Francis delivers his blessing while praying at a statue of Mary overlooking the Spanish Steps in Rome on Dec. 8, 2014, during the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
Photo by Paul Haring, courtesy of Catholic News Service

Pope Francis greets auditors of the Synod on the Family as he arrives for the afternoon session at the Vatican Oct. 10.
Photo courtesy of Catholic News Service

Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman who was nearly executed for apostasy for marrying a Christian man, and her daughter, Maya, meet Pope Francis at the Vatican after arriving in Italy on July 24, 2014, en route to the United States.
Photo courtesy L’Osservatore Romano Photo courtesy L'Osservatore Romano

David Gibson
December 10, 2014

(RNS) When Pope Francis this month wanted to highlight his appointment of several women to a blue-ribbon theological commission, he called the female theologians “strawberries on the cake.”


Two weeks earlier, when the pontiff gave a speech to the European Parliament, he used another lady-based analogy, this time underscoring the continent’s demographic decline and cultural crisis by comparing Europe to a grandmother who is “no longer fertile and vibrant.”


Yes, Francis is a veritable quote machine, tossing off-the-cuff bon mots that the public finds enormously appealing in large part because they are coming from a Roman pontiff — not an office known for its improv routines.

But when he speaks about women, Francis can sound a lot like the (almost) 78-year-old Argentine churchman that he is, using analogies that sound alternately condescending and impolitic, even if well-intentioned.

Indeed, Francis has spoken repeatedly of the “feminine genius” and the need for a church to develop “a deeper theology of women,” and of his determination to promote women to senior positions in Rome. He also points out that some of his remarks are meant as jokes, the fruit of a sense of humor that is part of his appeal.

Still, not everyone is amused.

“I am at a loss to see how this could be other than insulting to women who’ve already given up having families of their own to serve God,” The Washington Post’s Melinda Henneberger wrote [ ] after a speech in which the pope warned nuns not to become spiritual “old maids.”

And in a Los Angeles Times column this week, New Testament scholar Candida Moss of Notre Dame and Yale Bible professor Joel Baden blasted Francis’ granny comments to the European Parliament as “nothing other than crass chauvinism [ ].”

For all his positive comments and reforms, they said, the pope “reveals a highly patriarchal view” of the value and traditional role of women.

Here are seven examples of what these critics are talking about:

1. “Be a mother and not an old maid!”

“Please, let it be a fruitful chastity, a chastity that generates sons and daughters in the church. The consecrated woman is a mother, must be a mother and not an old maid (or “spinster”). … Forgive me for speaking this way, but the motherhood of consecrated life, its fertility, is important.”

— Address to nuns [ ] from around the world, May 8, 2013

2. “I am wary of ‘masculinity in a skirt.’“

“It is necessary to broaden the opportunities for a stronger presence of women in the church. I am wary of a solution that can be reduced to a kind of ‘female machismo’ (“machismo in gonnella,” he said in Italian, or “masculinity in a skirt”) because a woman has a different make-up than a man. But what I hear about the role of women is often inspired by an ideology of machismo.”

— Interview with Jesuit publications [ ], September 2013

3. “The fact is, woman was taken from a rib.”

Q: Do you see a bit of misogyny in the background (of your references to women mainly as mothers and wives rather than leaders)?

A: “The fact is, woman was taken from a rib.” (The pope gives a hearty laugh.) “I am kidding, that was a joke … ”

— Interview with the Italian daily [ ] Il Messaggero, June 29, 2014

4. “Pastors often wind up under the authority of their housekeeper!”

Q: Can we expect some historic decisions from you, such as making a woman the head of a Vatican department … ?”

A: (He laughs again) “Well, pastors often wind up under the authority of their housekeeper!”

— Interview with the Italian daily [id.] Il Messaggero, June 29, 2014

5. “Europe is now a ‘grandmother,’ no longer fertile and vibrant.”

“In many quarters we encounter a general impression of weariness and aging, of a Europe which is now a ‘grandmother,’ no longer fertile and vibrant. As a result, the great ideas which once inspired Europe seem to have lost their attraction … “

— Address to the European Parliament [ ], Nov. 25, 2014

6. Woman theologians “are the strawberries on the cake!”

“I would like to note, in the context of the increasingly diverse composition of the Commission, the greater presence of women — still not enough. … They are the strawberries on the cake, but we want more!”

— Address [ ] to the International Theological Commission [ ], Dec. 5, 2014

7. “A church that seems more like a spinster than a mother”

“When the church does not (evangelize), then the church stops herself, is closed in on herself, even if she is well-organized, has a perfect organizational chart, everything’s fine, everything’s tidy — but she lacks joy, she lacks peace, and so she becomes a disheartened church, anxious, sad, a church that seems more like a spinster than a mother, and this church doesn’t work, it is a church in a museum. The joy of the Church is to give birth … “

— Homily at morning Mass [ ], Dec. 9, 2014

© 2014 Religion News LLC [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


Creationist Group Fights For Its 'Fundamental Rights' To $18 Million In Tax Incentives

Submitted by Miranda Blue on Friday, 12/12/2014 1:05 pm

Yesterday, Kentucky’s tourism board announced [ ] that the state would not be granting an estimated $18 million tax break to the Creationist group Answers In Genesis (AIG) for its construction of a Noah’s Ark theme park, after learning that AIG intended to discriminate based on religion in its hiring.

Now, AIG’s CEO Ken Ham [ ] is crying religious persecution, claiming that Kentucky is violating his “fundamental rights” by failing to provide millions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies to his project. Ham told WorldNetDaily [ ] that he intends to sue the state for discriminating against him, saying, “We are fully prepared to defend our fundamental rights in court if necessary, as this issue is of huge importance, not only to us, but to every religious organization.”

Answers in Genesis [ ], which is building the life-size version of Noah’s Ark – 510 feet long, 85 feet wide and three stories high – announced Thursday it was informed by the state that it could participate in the tourism program on two conditions.

The organization is required to “waive its right to include a religious preference in hiring” and “affirm that it will tolerate no ‘proselytizing’ at the theme park.”

Not possible, AiG responded, on billboard messages and elsewhere.

AiG said Kentucky officials bowed to pressure from secularist groups when it denied the Ark Encounter theme park an opportunity to participate in a popular tax rebate incentive program offered by the state’s tourism office.”

The restrictions demanded by the state are “unlawful,” AiG asserted.

“It is well-established under both federal law (Title VII) and state law (KRS 344.090) that religious organization and entities like AIG are specifically permitted to utilize a religious preference in their hiring,” the organization said.

“Moreover, the government cannot show hostility toward religion or discriminate against persons or organizations who express religious viewpoints.”

Answers in Genesis CEO Ken Ham explained his organization’s position.

“We have been working on this project with Kentucky for more than two years, so this just-received denial announcement is as disappointing as it is costly for our ministry without the expected rebate,” he said. “Our construction has already begun at the Williamstown, Kentucky, site, and it must proceed. We are fully prepared to defend our fundamental rights in court if necessary, as this issue is of huge importance, not only to us, but to every religious organization.”

He said two law firms, Freedom Guard and the Center for Religious Express, already have agreed to represent AiG in the matter.

© 2014 People For the American Way


Bill Nye: Creationism Is 'Raising A Generation Of Young People Who Can't Think'

By Antonia Blumberg
Posted: 12/13/2014 8:59 am EST Updated: 12/13/2014 10:59 am EST

The biggest danger creationism plays, according to Bill Nye the "Science Guy," is that it is raising a generation of children who "can't think" and who "will not be able to participate in the future in same way" as those who are taught evolution.

Speaking on MidPoint [ (above, as embedded)], Nye said he blames an older generation of evangelicals "who have very strong conservative views" and who are "reluctant to let kids learn about evolution." Their presence on school boards [ ] leads to debates over curriculum, Nye argued, which further inhibits schools' ability to teach facts.

"Religion is one thing. People get tremendous comfort and community with their religions," Nye said. "But whatever you believe, whatever deity or higher power you might believe in, the Earth is not 6,000 years old."

Nye, who has a new book out titled "Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation," recently participated in a debate [ ] with creationist Ken Ham, which some argued was a moment of embarrassment for the science community.

University of Chicago evolution professor Jerry A. Coyne [ ] called the debate "pointless and counterproductive." The Guardian's Pete Etchells wrote [ ]:

Scientific literacy is crucial for society to function effectively, which means that we can’t afford to be messing around with the way that it’s taught in the classroom or wasting our time with fruitless public debates.

Nye stood by the debate, however, saying he "stepped into the lion's den" in order to spread awareness about the academic opportunities children are denied by being creationism.

"They will not have this fundamental idea that you can question things, that you can think critically, that you can use skeptical thought to learn about nature," Nye told MidPoint. "These children have to suppress everything that they can see in nature to try to get a world view that's compatible with the adults in who they trust and rely on for sustenance."

H/T RawStory [ ]

Copyright ©2014, Inc. [with comments]


Pope Francis Suggests All Animals Go To Heaven

Pope Francis recently suggested animals go to heaven. Here, he meets members of a Canine unit at the end of his weekly general audience in St Peter's square at the Vatican on Sept. 18, 2013.

By Cavan Sieczkowski
Posted: 12/12/2014 11:17 am EST Updated: 12/13/2014 5:59 am EST

Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope Francis seems to think so.

The pope suggested all animals go to heaven [ ] while delivering his weekly address at St. Peter's Square in late November.

"The Holy Scriptures teach us that the creation of this marvelous design concerns all that is around us, and all that came out of the thoughts and heart of God," Francis said, according to a Huffington Post translation of Italy's Resapubblica. The pope added: "Paradise is open to all creatures [ ], and there we will be vested with the joy and love of God, without limits. And it's so beautiful to think of being face to face with He who gives strength to the soul."

Animal groups such as the Humane Society and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals applauded the pope's comments [ ], the New York Times noted. Others were a bit more hesitant to declare his words as gospel.

“We all say that there will be a continuity between this world and the joyful one of the future, [but also] a transformation,” Gianni Colzani, an emeritus professor of theology at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome, said, per the Guardian. “It is the balance between the two things that we are not in a position to determine [ ]. For that reason, I think we shouldn’t make [Pope Francis] say more than he says.”

Still, Father James Martin, SJ [ ], a Jesuit priest and author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage [ ], said that Francis' comments [ ] shouldn't be dismissed.

"This is not an official pronouncement," Martin told HuffPost Friday. "By the same token, he was pretty clear about what he was talking about and we cant simply dismiss it. He wasn't putting forth any major church teaching. [But] overall I tend to agree with him. One way to look at it is that people have loving relationships with their pets and why would God destroy those loving relationships?"

Ultimately, though, we just don't know, Martin said.

"It falls under my general theological category of 'Who knows?,'" he added. "We have no idea what the afterlife is going to be like. Other than what Christ reveals to us in the resurrection and what church tradition has taught us, we have no idea. No one other than Jesus has come back from the dead."

Copyright ©2014, Inc. [with comments]


Overheard At Anti-Obama Rally: 'Hang Him! We've Got Rope'

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 12/11/2014 1:30 pm

Yesterday, a small group of right-wing demonstrators gathered in front of the White House [ ] at a rally scheduled to coincide with the visit of a number of sheriffs who were in Washington, D.C., to protest President Obama’s executive action on immigration.

One activist who was filming the rally [ ] spoke to several attendees who said they wanted to lynch Obama [ (next below, as embedded)].

Among the remarks picked up by the cameraman:

“Hang the traitor!”

“Hang the lying Kenyan traitor!”

“We’ve got rope.”

“Plenty of trees in the front yard, wouldn’t be the first one hung on one of them trees.”

“Whatever happened to those good ol’ days?”

“Don’t snap his neck, you watch him choke to death.”

“He’s just biding his time until Satan takes him home to where he belongs.”

© 2014 People For the American Way


Creed Singer Scott Stapp Threatened To Kill Obama, According To Wife's 911 Call [UPDATE]

GLENDALE, CA - OCTOBER 11: Lead vocalist Scott Stapp signs copes of his book 'Sinner's Creed' at Barnes & Noble Booksellers on October 11, 2012 in Glendale, California.
(Photo by Tibrina Hobson/FilmMagic)

By Stephanie Marcus
Posted: 12/12/2014 1:34 pm EST Updated: 12/12/2014 7:59 pm EST

Creed frontman Scott Stapp was hospitalized and placed on a 72-hour psychiatric hold last month [ ] after posting a video to Facebook [ ] in which he lamented his financial situation.

Stapp's wife of eight years, Jaclyn Stapp, had filed for divorce weeks earlier [ ], claiming that the singer's drug use had left him a "paranoid shell who has threatened to kill himself and harm his family."

Recently, the singer allegedly told his wife that he is a CIA agent on a mission to assassinate President Barack Obama, prompting a call to 911. In a 40-minute recording [ ], obtained by the TMZ, Jaclyn and her sister call for help to report that Stapp is "very ill":

[video report "Scott Stapp Threatens To Kill President Obama" embedded]

According to TMZ, Stapp told police that his estranged wife had stolen $6 million and, when he confronted her, she had retaliated by trying to have him committed. Police reportedly determined that the 41-year-old rocker did not show signs of mental instability to warrant another psychiatric hold.

Seemingly fixated on Obama, Stapp gave a recent interview in which he blamed the president for his current financial problems [ ].

"In 2012 I was doing a promotional tour for my book 'Sinner's Creed' and went on Fox News and expressed a little concern and disappointment with President Obama. Within two months of that public statement, that's when the IRS began to freeze my accounts," Stapp said. "I believe that the IRS situation is definitely a result of me expressing my dissatisfaction with President Obama. Absolutely, 100 percent."

UPDATE: TMZ reports that Creed singer Scott Stapp has lost custody of his three children [ ], after a Florida judge awarded sole legal and physical custody to his estranged wife.

Copyright ©2014, Inc. [with comments]


a correction to the post to which this is a reply: the caption that should have been there to the second image in "Man charged with murder for allegedly charging teen with SUV outside Kansas City mosque" is "Abdisamad Sheikh-Hussein, 15, was killed Thursday night."


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Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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