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Re: F6 post# 206014

Saturday, 07/06/2013 1:52:17 AM

Saturday, July 06, 2013 1:52:17 AM

Post# of 482592
Paul Scalia, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's Son, Doesn't Think That Homosexuality Is A Thing

Posted: 07/04/2013 9:19 am EDT | Updated: 07/05/2013 9:11 am EDT

Almost a month after the Supreme Court's landmark decisions in favor of marriage equality were handed down, one son of dissenting Justice Antonin Scalia will speak in front of Courage, an organization that believes gays and lesbians should never have sex.

Paul Scalia is a Roman Catholic priest affiliated with Courage [ ], a group that "ministers to persons with same-sex attractions [ ]," according to its website. He is also a featured speaker at Courage's annual summit [ ], taking place this year between July 25 and July 28 at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Ill.

Justice Scalia's opinions on homosexuality at this point are well known. In one of his most famous decisions regarding the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community (LGBT) [ ], Scalia wrote that a Texas law banning sodomy was simply trying to protect Texas citizens from "immoral and unacceptable" sexual behavior.

Overshadowed by his father for years, the similarly anti-gay opinions of Scalia's son Paul, however, are beginning to attract attention as well. An important tenet of the younger Scalia's position on homosexuality is his belief that being gay is not an immutable characteristic or identity.

In 2005, Scalia espoused this view [ ] in an article for the magazine First Things, where he warned about high school clubs that encourage tolerance of homosexuality, and readily label themselves or others "gay" or "homosexual."

"[Labels] presume that a person is his inclinations or attractions; he is a 'gay' or is a 'homosexual,'" Paul Scalia wrote. "At some point adults have to admit that a fifteen-year-old who claims to be 'a questioning transgendered bisexual' is really just confused."

In an example of how one might avoid these types of labels, Paul Scalia referred to homosexuality as a "phenomenon" [,14059 ] in a 2010 piece for the Catholic Herald. That piece also warned that same-sex marriage posed a threat to marriage and future societies.

Scalia's general thought process is perhaps best summed up, however, in a 2012 article written for Humanum: Issues in Family, Culture & Science [ ].

"In short, we should not predicate 'homosexual' of any person. That does a disservice to the dignity of the human person by collapsing personhood into sexual inclinations," Scalia writes. "Indeed, the Church is still trying to find the right vocabulary to speak about this modern phenomenon ... Either our sexuality is oriented in a certain direction (i.e. toward the one-flesh union of marriage), or it is not. We cannot speak of more than one sexual 'orientation' any more than we can think of the sun rising in more than one place (i.e. the orient)."

h/t Right Wing Watch [ ]

Copyright © 2013, Inc. [with slideshow "Dumbest Anti-Gay Statements", and comments]


Gay Marriage Will 'Destroy' Children And Lead Them To Crime And Violence: Bishop Harry Jackson

Posted: 07/04/2013 10:02 am EDT | Updated: 07/04/2013 10:04 pm EDT

The Supreme Court's rulings on the Defense of Marriage Act [ ] (DOMA) and California's Prop 8 [ ] have been enthusiastically received by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights advocates nationwide, but one conservative religious figure isn't having any of it.

In an impassioned column [ ] for the Christian Post, Bishop Harry Jackson claims that same-sex marriage will lead to "terrible suffering" for children, who will inevitably "turn to lives of crime and violence."

Jackson, who has previously spoken out [ ] against the LGBT community, writes:

"Lost in the never-ending push to redefine marriage are those who suffer most when they are denied the benefit of a traditional marriage. Children need both a mother and a father far more than any adult needs societal approval of a romantic relationship. And although American children may, for the most part, have food, shelter and education, too many are denied this most basic need."

He then adds:

"Since legalizing registered partnerships and gay marriage in Scandinavia, an overwhelming number of adults have simply stopped bothering to get married in the first place.

As I have pointed out many times before, words that mean everything, mean nothing. The looser we make the definition of marriage, the fewer people will feel bound to its obligations and constraints. And while broken relationships can hurt adults, they can destroy children."

Previously, Jackson has argued in favor of "stealing back the rainbow [ ]," and claimed that LGBT rights advocates are trying to recruit young people “just like during the times of Hitler [ ; (next below)]."

Copyright © 2013, Inc. [with comments]


LGBT Hate Crime New York Subway

Published on Jul 2, 2013 by Stopp Hating

On Sunday, June 30th at around 11:45 PM, I was riding home on the Queens-bound F train following a day of LGBT Pride festivities. Two men were loudly making homophobic comments, such as "Today was a scary day for me. There were fags everywhere." When a group of queer youth got on the train, the men proceeded to harass them, stating that the teens made them want to puke and that they would be killed if they were in Iran. The first assailant then threatened to rape them, at which point I took out my phone to document the incident.

Seeing that he was being recorded, the first assailant lunged at me, violently grabbing my arms while trying to steal away my phone. One of the youth took the phone from me temporarily to protect it and told the assailant he shouldn't attack a woman. When the assailant threatened to punch me, I took the phone back and ran to the other side of the train to push the emergency button and alert the authorities. At this point the second assailant got up and came towards me, grabbing my body and hands to try and get the phone to destroy the evidence. I yelled and told him I was an attorney. An onlooker then got up and stood between the assailants and myself, and another person left to get the train conductor.

A group of people had gathered to stand up to the gay bashers. During this, the second assailant put his hand around the neck of a young queer woman. When the doors opened up at the Roosevelt Ave stop, both assailants fled. I followed them to the station exit while calling 911. One witness had overheard them saying they were on route to Jamaica; they're likely commuters who regularly take this route.

I uploaded the video to YouTube to see if anyone can identify these men. I was left with bruises and scratches from both assailants which I also documented. If anyone sees them or knows them personally, please contact the authorities. This was a hate crime. Anyone with information regarding the incident should contact the NYPD's Hate Crime Hotline at 212-335-3100 or the AVP through its hotline at 212-714-1141 ; (with comments); [with comments]


The Very Public, Very Desperate Crumbling of the Anti-gay Right

by Jamie McGonnigal
Posted: 07/05/2013 9:15 am

One week ago, I sat in front of the Supreme Court of the United States among hundred of others anxiously awaiting their decisions on marriage equality.

(photo by Sarah Baker)

It's strange, because there in the sun, just a few hundred feet from where the decisions were being read, we actually found out quite a bit later than many of you at home reading SCOTUSblog. Phone service was sparse and in the bright, direct sunlight, I couldn't see a thing on my screen. Not to mention, I was busy hosting streaming coverage and interviews for WeActRadio. While talking with Congressman Mark Takano [ (next below)]
(D-CA), the decision striking down Section 3 of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) came out.

I wanted to scream and hug the Congress member, but we didn't quite have that kind of relationship yet. I continued covering the day's events and followed up with several other interviews [ ] on radio stations around the country and finished up the day on SiriusXM Radio with my husband and another friend and her wife... and a bottle of champagne. What a day!

My husband Sean and I had helped to organize rallies that happened outside the Supreme Court back in March while the DOMA and Prop 8 arguments were being heard. So much of our time was spent considering what "the other side" would be planning while we rallied. Partly we wanted to know so that we could respond courteously and effectively to the things they said. But the other reason we wanted to be prepared for them was so we could protect the families we knew would be standing with us, from the hateful, toxic things the anti-gay right seems to spew when they're angry. Our kids don't need to hear that.

Last week in front of the court was different though. Despite hate groups like the National Organization for Marriage and Family Research Council calling for "days of prayer [ ]" and for their followers to stand with them [ ] that morning on the steps of the court, no one came. I could count on one hand the number of people standing their with anti-gay signs. The rest was a sea of rainbows and love. Maybe despite their screams to the press that they would win, they knew what was coming, what was inevitable.

What followed that amazing day when my husband and I woke up without equality and went to bed with 1,100 more rights, was truly dumbfounding.

The National Organization immediately began attacking the court for making an "Illegitimate [ ]" decision. In their first email/blog post, they asked for money and linked to their fundraising page 8 TIMES. As a person who works in digital media for a living, I can tell you with some certainty that 3-4 times is excessive when asking for money in one email, but 8?!? Not even street canvassers will bother you that many times.

NOM President Brian Brown's initial response [ ] to the court's decision was scathing:

"There is a stench coming from this case that has now stained the Supreme Court. They've allowed corrupt politicians and judges to betray the voters, rewarding them for their betrayal. It's an illegitimate decision. We and millions of other Americans will refuse to accept this rogue decision rewarding corruption."

Then came the emails. The angry, angry emails. NOM's emails accused California lawmakers of participating in "lawlessness [ ]" when they began issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples (which was now legal following Prop 8 being struck down). Another email was filled with vitriol and borderline racist comments about CA Attorney General Kamala Harris [ ]. In this message, they refer to Harris' "arrogance," a term usually reserved for those we think don't deserve a place in leadership. Additionally, they use the email to twist and misquote remarks made by the President about Harris a few months ago.

They followed with a tweet that said "Polygamists are actually celebrating the Supreme Court's decisions this week as a personal victory for them" and linked to a blog post which of course, said nothing of the sort [ ].

In other posts, they continued their usual outdated theme claiming that marriage equality is bad for children somehow. Yet they continue to ignore the fact that their argument completely discounts the millions of kids being raised by LGBT parents.

NOM wrapped up the week with a patriotic 4th of July email [ ] claiming that a person cannot be gay or a supporter of equality for gay people and an American at the same time.

Graphic from NOM's most recent email

The anti-gay Right is disintegrating before our eyes and the desperation with which they are clinging onto life has never been more apparent. They will never be gone forever, though. Just as we've seen with groups that fought integration and some in the South who are still fighting the Civil War, they're never gone for good.

Happily though, with support for marriage equality in this country hitting all time highs and a Gallup poll [ ] following last week's rulings finding support at 55 percent for and 40 percent against legalizing same-sex marriages, these hate groups will continue to lose funding and support.

The fight is far from over, and as NOM is only too quick to recognize, there are still 37 states which do not recognize marriage equality. I think this number will drop quickly, but not without our work.

Copyright © 2013, Inc. [with comments]


Gay American History: Secrets Of The United States' Queer Past

By Christopher Rudolph
Posted: 07/04/2013 9:47 am EDT | Updated: 07/04/2013 9:59 am EDT

After the historic moments that went down last week [ ], what better way to celebrate Independence Day than looking into America's queer past?

Whether it's President Lincoln's sleepovers with his male companion, the woman who wrote one of America's most famous patriotic anthems (and was believed to have been in a lesbian relationship) or the heroic Civil War general who historians argue was gay, this slideshow represents a hidden side of America that many never knew ever existed.

And if you're interested in learning more about America's queer past, an excellent starting point is "A Queer History of the United States [ ]" by Michael Bronski.

Happy Fourth of July!

["Gay American History" slideshow embedded]

Copyright © 2013, Inc. [with comments]

Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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