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03/05/16 2:54 AM

#245831 RE: F6 #245830

Why young Democrats love Sanders and really don’t like Clinton

Students Molly Rose, Tim Pearson and Megan Roche explain why they are supporting Bernie Sanders for president at the University of New Hampshire, in r Durham, N.H., on Feb. 4, 2016.
David Lightman - McClatchy

Student Rachael Moss tries to write a song expressing why she likes Bernie Sanders. Sitting at a table of Sanders supporters, she sang some verses at the University of New Hampshire.
David Lightman - McClatchy

Emily Rice and Sarah King, Saint Anselm College students, campaign for Hillary Clinton in a Manchester neighborhood in New Hampshire on Feb. 6, 2016.
David Lightman - McClatchy

They went overwhelmingly for him in Iowa

Like his independent spirit

Don’t feel the excitement about possible first woman president

By David Lightman
February 8, 2016 1:00 AM

DURHAM, N.H. — To voters under 30, Bernie Sanders is one of them.

Forget Hillary Clinton. “She’s a corporate sellout,” said Emmy Ham, a senior international affairs and anthropology major at the University of New Hampshire.

And forget the notion that young women are eager to see Clinton president because of her gender. “There will be other opportunities for me to vote for a woman for president,” Ham said.

Sanders has surged among young people as few candidates have since the U.S. senator from Vermont was a college student in the turbulent 1960s. Sanders, 74, topped Clinton 84-14 [ ] among Democrats 29 and younger in Iowa’s Monday caucus. He’s got a 3-1 lead among those aged 18-29 in the latest NBCNews/WSJ-Marist New Hampshire poll.

Sanders has two important traits common to younger voters: He’s new and he won’t compromise his ideals.

Young voters see Clinton as part of another era. She’s been in the national spotlight 24 years, before most young people were born. “She’s been there their entire life, and she’s yesterday’s news,” said Andrew Smith, director of the University of New Hampshire Survey Center [ ]. “But no one knew who Bernie Sanders was until recently.”

In Sanders they see someone who stubbornly follows his own path. He pitches higher taxes and universal health care, initiatives long derided as woefully incompatible with Washington’s incremental, cautious ways of proceeding. He won’t take corporate contributions, and unapologetically promotes himself as a democratic socialist [ ].

That’s not unlike the thinking of a young person, full of energy and confidence they can shove aside all those boulders of political resistance and end up changing the world. They see Sanders helping them fulfill those dreams, and they’re fascinated.

“He owns himself,” said Jacob Moss, a senior geography major at UNH. “He follows his own moral compass.”

And he follows it with the same uninhibited fervor as a college student.

“Hillary is a good candidate, but Bernie has more passion,” said Megan Roche, a sophomore English major at UNH.

Clinton’s forces insist she has appeal to younger voters. “She loves talking to young people,” said Joel Benenson, Clinton’s pollster [ ]. Her supporters note she’s built her career working with younger people on a host of issues, such as easing the cost of college and women’s rights.

When Clinton campaigned door to door in Manchester Saturday, students from Saint Anselm College were waiting for her. “She’s the first person to say women’s rights are human rights,” said Emily Rice, a student from Saint Anselm College.

But she acknowledged that most young people she knows are Sanders backers. “People our age are very angry,” Rice said. “They don’t see a path forward, and Sanders has tapped into that.”

That’s easy to see on the University of New Hampshire campus. A Sanders for president table outside the food court in the Memorial Union building has constant traffic. “Feel the Bern” T-shirts are a popular fashion item. Fifteen traveled 37 miles to Concord at 12:30 A.M. Tuesday to await Sanders’ arrival from Iowa, and found students from other campuses waiting in a parking lot.

There’s no evidence of much, if any Clinton support There’s no table outside the food court and editors at the student newspaper were unaware of any organized effort.

The Sanders allure runs deep, fueled by several factors.

Students appreciate his views on the military. They see Clinton as part of the Obama administration team that’s had trouble controlling terrorism, and some cite her 2002 vote to authorize the war in Iraq. Clinton last week reiterated that vote was a mistake.

“I don’t support all-out war in the Middle East, and I do believe there’s a better chance that could happen with Clinton,” said Jacob Compagna, a freshman classic major.

Many of these students grew up in homes where parents came of age during or just after the Vietnam War. That means they protested, or were reluctant to back, mass American involvement. Emma Booth, a junior women’s studies major, said her parents are pacifists, helping drive her into Sanders’ camp.

Sanders also has a huge weapon that helps endear him to young voters – his plan to make public colleges and universities tuition free.

Gabrielle Greaves, a sophomore English major, has a brother entering college soon. Her family, she said, is “going to need a lot more money in the next two years.”

Clinton has a detailed program to help with tuition, largely by reducing interest rates on college loans. Not enough, said Greaves, explaining, “She just wants to pick up where Obama has failed.”

Who would pay for Sanders’ plans? “Top 1 percent,” said Tim Pearson, a sophomore women’s studies major. Sanders would raise the current top income tax rate, 39.6 percent, to 52 percent. The Tax Foundation found [ ] that overall, Sanders’ proposed tax increases would raise $13.6 trillion over the next 10 years.

To young people, his willingness to shift the tax burden is another example of a gutsy approach. “I’ve never agreed with any politician as much in my life,” said Quincy Abramson, a freshman communications major, who added "Bernie Sanders is more progressive and more pro-woman."

Students feel empowered. Athena Valkanos contributes $3 a month to Sanders effort. She proudly notes that the average contribution nationwide during the last three months of 2015 was $27.16.

Not even the prospect of the first woman president deters the young voters. “Feminism is the belief in equality,” said Sarah King-Mayes, a freshmen who hasn’t chosen a major.

They grew up seeing women in powerful roles. “All my professors are women,” said Madeline Clemons, a sophomore nursing major.

The challenge for Sanders is to harness this energy at the polls, and that can prove difficult. Young people historically don’t turn out in big numbers. They often don’t feel the same self-interest as older voters with mortgages, debt and health care challenges.

And they see politics as ultimately frustrating them. They turned out for President Barack Obama in big numbers eight years ago, and many were disillusioned four years later. “People see polarization, so they get reluctant,” said Ham.

There is hope. Eleven percent of 17-to-29 year olds participated [ ] in the Iowa caucus, down from 2008’s 14 percent, but enough to make a difference.

Reported CIRCLE, which studies youth voter trends, “Young people appear to be at least one of the keys to the very close Democratic results in Iowa.”

Copyright 2016 McClatchy Washington Bureau [with embedded video reports, and comments]


Noam Chomsky Says GOP Is 'Literally A Serious Danger To Human Survival’

ullstein bild via Getty Images

The MIT professor and noted author said "strategic voting" can keep Republican candidates away from the levers of power.

By Matt Ferner
01/25/2016 08:43 pm ET | Updated Jan 26, 2016

Noam Chomsky, the noted radical and MIT professor emeritus, said the Republican Party has become so extreme in its rhetoric and policies that it poses a “serious danger to human survival.”

“Today, the Republican Party has drifted off the rails,” Chomsky, a frequent critic of both parties, said in an interview Monday with The Huffington Post. “It’s become what the respected conservative political analysts Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein call ‘a radical insurgency’ that has pretty much abandoned parliamentary politics.”

Chomsky cited a 2013 article [ ] by Mann and Ornstein published in Daedalus, the journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, analyzing the polarization of the parties. The authors write that the GOP has become “ideologically extreme, scornful of facts and compromise, and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.”

Chomsky said the GOP and its presidential candidates are “literally a serious danger to decent human survival” and cited Republicans' rejection of measures to deal with climate change, which he called a “looming environmental catastrophe.” All of the top Republican presidential candidates are either outright deniers, doubt its seriousness or insist no action should be taken [ ] -- “dooming our grandchildren,” Chomsky said.

"I am not a believer," Donald Trump, the Republican presidential front-runner, said recently [ ]. "Unless somebody can prove something to me, I believe there’s weather."

Trump isn’t alone. Although 97 percent of climate scientists insist climate change is real and caused by human actions, more than half of Republicans in Congress deny mankind has anything to do with global warming [ ].

"What they are saying is, let's destroy the world. Is that worth voting against? Yeah," Chomsky said in a recent interview with Mehdi Hasan on Al Jazeera English's "UpFront [ (next item below)]."

The policies that the GOP presidential candidates and its representatives in Congress support, Chomsky argued, are in “abject service to private wealth and power,” despite “rhetorical posturing” of some, including House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.). GOP proposals would effectively raise taxes on lower-income Americans and reduce them for the wealthy.

Chomsky advised 2016 voters to cast their ballots strategically. He said the U.S. is essentially “one-party” system -- a business party with factions called Republicans and Democrats. But, he said, there are small differences between the factions that can make a “huge difference in systems of enormous power” -- like that afforded to the president.

“I’ve always counseled strategic voting, Chomsky said. "Meaning, in a swing state, or swing congressional district, or swing school board, if there is a significant enough difference to matter, vote for the better candidate -- or sometimes the least bad.”

Chomsky said if he lived in a swing state, he’d vote for Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

By no means should this be viewed as an endorsement of Clinton. Chomsky has been a vocal Clinton critic, saying her presidency would resemble that of President Barack Obama, who Chomsky has condemned [ ] for using drone strikes to kill individuals the president deems worthy of execution [ ].

In an ideal world, Chomsky might vote for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who Chomsky has called an "honest and committed New Dealer [ ]" who has “the best policies [ ],” despite some criticisms.

Regardless of who wins the Democratic nomination, Chomsky told Al Jazeera he'd cast his general election vote "against the Republican candidate” because there may be dire consequences to a GOP victory.

“The likely candidates are, in my opinion, extremely dangerous, at least if they mean anything like what they are saying,” Chomsky said. “I think it makes good sense to keep them far away from levers of power.”

Copyright © 2016, Inc. [with comments]


Noam Chomsky on Clinton vs Sanders

The US academic tells Mehdi Hasan who he would vote for in the upcoming election.

30 Jan 2016 11:12 GMT

Renowned political theorist Noam Chomsky is often cited for his criticism of the US political system.

In the second of a special two-part interview, Chomsky sits down with Mehdi Hasan to discuss the US presidential election and the rise of Islamophobia.

The US academic says Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has the "best policies", but little chance of winning in a "mainly bought" election.

When asked if he would vote for presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton if he lived in a swing state, Chomsky says: "Oh absolutely... my vote would be against the Republican candidate."

Also watch part one of the interview, in which Chomsky discusses ISIL, Turkey and Ukraine [ ].


Chomsky: I'd vote for Clinton over Republicans
The renowned US academic says he would vote for the former US secretary of state if he lived in a swing state.

© 2016 Al Jazeera Media Network [with non-YouTube version of the included YouTube embedded; with comments], [with comments]


Obama Insiders Say Clinton, Not Sanders, Is His Natural Heir

President Barack Obama is seen in an armored vehicle while arriving at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Jan. 25, 2016, in Bethesda, Maryland.
Photographer: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images

Former staffers to the president weigh in on which candidate's campaign better resembles Obama's in 2008.

by Sahil Kapur
January 25, 2016 — 7:05 PM CST

When President Barack Obama was asked by Politico [ ] this week whether Bernie Sanders' populist campaign reminded him of his own 2008 run, the president quickly rejected the notion. “No,” Obama responded. “I don't think that's true.”

While Obama didn't elaborate, former top aides weren't reticent to say they view Hillary Clinton—not the insurgent Vermont senator whose rhetoric has drawn comparisons to Obama—as the natural heir to the president.

“Then-Senator Obama ran for President to tackle longstanding challenges that our country had debated for decades but was unable to resolve. A ‘politics as the art of the possible’ candidate,” Ben LaBolt, a national spokesman for Obama's 2012 campaign, said in an e-mail. “Senator Sanders has been in Congress for decades but hasn't tackled any major longstanding challenges—he's been too busy shouting his point of view across the aisle with few results.”

Jon Favreau, who worked on the Obama 2008 campaign before becoming a speechwriter for the president, said Sanders' campaign “resembles Howard Dean's a lot more than it resembles Barack Obama's.” In key respects, he said, “Hillary is much closer to Obama than Bernie is.”

Obama “campaigned as an idealist in terms of the goals he articulated but a pragmatist when it came to the policies needed to reach those goals. And he had very, very detailed policies that were grounded in pragmatism,” said Favreau, who nevertheless praised Sanders as genuine. “Obama has always believed it's more important to take action that actually makes a difference now and improves people's lives instead of settling for the satisfying purity of moral indignation.”

Obama and Sanders used transcendent rhetoric to inspire millions of progressives, particularly younger voters. But unlike Sanders' ambitious proposals, which rely on a “political revolution,” Obama's policies were center-left and rooted in political reality, the former staffers said. Where Obama proposed to help the uninsured and those with preexisting conditions, Sanders proposes to replace private insurance with a single-payer system. Where Obama vowed to protect consumers from predatory banking practices, Sanders says he would break up the largest financial institutions.

Obama “certainly championed progressive policies, first and foremost his opposition to the Iraq war, but I think part of his appeal stemmed from the fact that he is pragmatic and had a history of working across the aisle in the Illinois state senate,” said Tommy Vietor, a former Obama 2008 campaign aide and spokesman for the National Security Council. “I think the tone of the Sanders campaign and Obama’s 08 race are different.”

Idealism vs. Pragmatism

Where Clinton excels at pragmatism and Sanders excels at idealistic rhetoric, Obama's unique talent was to meld both.

Jared Bernstein, a former economist in the Obama White House, said Clinton “seems like more of an incrementalist based on her platform versus Bernie's platform. But I don't know how Bernie Sanders would govern. ... When I hear Bernie Sanders say the things he says I think that's tremendously inspirational, I see where that's coming from, but I'd also like to hear Plan B.”

By contrast, former Obama aides see a pragmatism to Clinton's approach, borne by her mix of executive and legislative experience, that reflects the president's own vision. While Obama veterans have praise for Sanders, some believe the pragmatic streak makes Clinton a better fit to govern in a political reality that would require grinding out incremental victories though legislation that will be constrained by a likely Republican-run House, and executive actions.

“In terms of approach to governing, clearly Secretary Clinton is closer to the president,” said Anita Dunn, a top policy and communications aide to Obama's 2008 campaign who went on to serve as White House communications director. “The president aims big, pushes as much as he can to get as much as he can, but at the end of the day he's willing to accept that he may need to compromise.”

The campaign arcs also have some differences. By this point, Obama picked up endorsements from powerful party actors—the so-called invisible primary that political scientists say is historically critical in nominating contests—such as Ted Kennedy, then-Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, and Senator Claire McCaskill. Now, Clinton is thoroughly dominating [ ] that contest with hundreds of endorsements from lawmakers and governors, while Sanders has a mere two congressional endorsements, both in the House. Labor unions, which split [ ] between Obama and Clinton in 2008, are overwhelmingly behind Clinton.

Dunn called that a “huge difference” between 2008 Obama and 2016 Sanders.

David Plouffe, Obama's former campaign manager, “used to talk about building a permission structure so people felt they could support Barack Obama,” she said. “Senator Obama having the support of prominent party elders and politicians—established people—was a way of telling voters it was OK to be with him.”

©2016 Bloomberg L.P.


Bernie Sanders’s fiction-filled campaign

The senator from Vermont has become Hillary Clinton’s chief rival in the contest for the Democratic nomination.

By Editorial Board
January 27, 2016

SEN. BERNIE Sanders (I-Vt.) is leading in New Hampshire and within striking distance in Iowa, in large part because he is playing the role of uncorrupted anti-establishment crusader. But Mr. Sanders is not a brave truth-teller. He is a politician selling his own brand of fiction to a slice of the country that eagerly wants to buy it.

Mr. Sanders’s tale starts with the bad guys: Wall Street and corporate money. The existence of large banks and lax campaign finance laws explains why working Americans are not thriving, he says, and why the progressive agenda has not advanced. Here is a reality check: Wall Street has already undergone a round of reform, significantly reducing the risks big banks pose to the financial system. The evolution and structure of the world economy, not mere corporate deck-stacking, explained many of the big economic challenges the country still faces. And even with radical campaign finance reform, many Americans and their representatives would still oppose the Sanders agenda.

Mr. Sanders’s story continues with fantastical claims about how he would make the European social model work in the United States. He admits that he would have to raise taxes on the middle class in order to pay for his universal, Medicare-for-all health-care plan, and he promises massive savings on health-care costs that would translate into generous benefits for ordinary people, putting them well ahead, on net. But he does not adequately explain where those massive savings would come from. Getting rid of corporate advertising and overhead would only yield so much. Savings would also have to come from slashing payments to doctors and hospitals and denying benefits that people want.

He would be a braver truth-teller if he explained how he would go about rationing health care like European countries do. His program would be more grounded in reality if he addressed the fact of chronic slow growth in Europe and explained how he would update the 20th-century model of social democracy to accomplish its goals more efficiently. Instead, he promises large benefits and few drawbacks.

Meanwhile, when asked how Mr. Sanders would tackle future deficits, as he would already be raising taxes for health-care expansion and the rest of his program, his advisers claimed that more government spending “will result in higher growth, which will improve our fiscal situation.” This resembles Republican arguments that tax cuts will juice the economy and pay for themselves — and is equally fanciful.

Mr. Sanders tops off his narrative with a deus ex machina: He assures Democrats concerned about the political obstacles in the way of his agenda that he will lead a “political revolution” that will help him clear the capital of corruption and influence-peddling. This self-regarding analysis implies a national consensus favoring his agenda when there is none and ignores the many legitimate checks and balances in the political system that he cannot wish away.

Mr. Sanders is a lot like many other politicians. Strong ideological preferences guide his thinking, except when politics does, as it has on gun control. When reality is ideologically or politically inconvenient, he and his campaign talk around it. Mr. Sanders’s success so far does not show that the country is ready for a political revolution. It merely proves that many progressives like being told everything they want to hear.

© 2016 The Washington Post [with embedded video report, and (over 4,000) comments]


What Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Understand About American Politics

Bernie Sanders.
Photo: Congressional Quarterly/Getty Images

By Jonathan Chait
January 27, 2016 11:31 a.m.

At the recent Democratic town hall [ (next below; with comments), ],
moderator Chris Cuomo presented Bernie Sanders with what has been a common complaint about his presidential campaign: Sanders’s relentless focus on income inequality, in this campaign and through his career, raises the question of whether he is prepared to address the full spectrum of issues faced by a president. But there is a deeper problem with Sanders’s vision of American politics. It is not just that he has trouble talking about issues other than the redistribution of income; it’s that he has trouble conceptualizing those issues in any other terms. His rigidly economistic frame of mind prevents Sanders from seeing the world as it is.

The phrase Sanders invokes constantly, and which distinguishes him from Hillary Clinton and other Democrats not merely in degree but also in kind, is “political revolution.” The political revolution is the secret sauce. When presented with any concrete obstacles that would stand between him and his desired policy outcomes, Sanders brings up the revolution, which will transform the world he inhabits into the one he desires. One questioner at the town hall asked how Sanders proposes to pass his left-wing economic program, given “the likelihood that Republicans will win control over at least one house of Congress.” This poses a massive obstacle, given the twin facts of a map [ ] that requires Democrats to win Republican-leaning districts in order to gain a majority and polarization so deep that almost all voters [ ] now choose the same party up and down the ballot. How to get around these obstacles? Sanders again brought up (this time, without using the term) the revolution:

In my view, you have a Congress today that is much more worried about protecting the interest of the wealthy and the powerful and making sure they get campaign contributions from the wealthy and the powerful.

If we are serious about rebuilding the American middle class, if we are serious about providing paid family and medical leave to all of our people, if we are serious about ending the disgrace of having so many of our children live in poverty, the real way to do it is to have millions of Americans finally stand up and say, enough is enough, for people to get engaged in the political process, to finally demand that Washington represent all of us, not just a handful of very wealthy people.

Note that Sanders, asked about Republican opposition to his proposals, defined that opposition as “protecting the interest of the wealthy and the powerful.” It is certainly true that fealty to the interests of the rich heavily colors Republican policy. But Sanders is not merely presenting corruption as one factor. It is the entirety of it. Likewise, Sanders has difficulty imagining any reason other than corruption to explain disagreements by fellow Democrats, which he relentlessly attributes to the nefarious influence of corporate wealth. One does not have to dismiss the political power of massed wealth to acknowledge that other things influence the conclusions drawn by Americans who don’t share Sanders’s full diagnosis.

In reality, people have organic reasons to vote Republican. Some of them care more about social issues or foreign policy than economics. Sanders would embrace many concepts — “socialism,” big government in the abstract, and middle-class tax increases — that register badly with the public. People are very reluctant to give up their health insurance, even if it is true that Sanders could give them something better.

What’s more, the interests of the wealthy do not cut as cleanly as Sanders indicates. It’s true that business and the rich tend to oppose parts of his program like higher taxes on the rich, more generous social insurance, and tougher regulation of finance. But the Obama administration’s stimulus encountered intense Republican opposition even though it did not pose a threat to any business interests. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce even endorsed [ ] the stimulus, which profited business both directly (by pumping billions into contracts for projects like infrastructure) and indirectly (by goosing public demand for its members’ products). That did not stop 100 percent of House Republicans from opposing it. Nor did the unified opposition of the business lobby dissuade Republicans from holding the debt ceiling hostage in 2011, or persuade them to pass immigration reform in 2013. Sanders currently proposes a massive infrastructure program, which would make lots of money for the construction industry. Clearly, subservience to big business only goes so far in explaining Republican behavior.

The depiction of conservatism as a mere cover for greed is a habit Sanders indulges over and over. Donald Trump’s appeal, in Sanders’s telling [ ], has nothing to do with xenophobia or nationalism: “They're angry because they're working longer hours for lower wages, they're angry because their jobs have left this country and gone to China or other low-wage countries, they're angry because they can't afford to send their kids to college so they can't retire with dignity.” Sanders does not explain why this economic security has manifested itself almost entirely among white voters when minorities are suffering the same conditions. He simply assumes Trump has converted economic frustration into a series of pseudo-concerns, and rather than deal with those beliefs, Sanders proposes instead to convert them back into their original form: “I think for his working-class and middle-class supporters, I think we can make the case that if we really want to address the issues that people are concerned about ... we need policies that bring us together that take on the greed of Wall Street, the greed of corporate America, and create a middle class that works for all of us rather than an economy that works just for a few.”

It is not only Republican voters whose ideas Sanders refuses to grapple with. Here he is in the previous debate [ (along with a YouTube of that debate, at/see {linked in} the post to which this is a reply and preceding and {other} following)] explaining Republican climate-science denial: “It is amazing to me, and I think we'll have agreement on this up here, that we have a major party, called the Republican Party, that is so owned by the fossil-fuel industry and their campaign contributions that they don't even have the courage, the decency to listen to the scientists.” It is surely true that fossil-fuel contributions have encouraged the spread of climate-science denial. But the doctrine also appeals philosophically to conservatives. It expresses their disdain for liberal elites, and, more important, it justifies opposition to government action. Psychologists and social scientists have poured years of study into identifying the causes [ ] of climate-science denial. One does not need to harbor even the slightest whiff of sympathy for climate-science denial to grasp that its causes run deeper than a cash transaction with Big Oil. Figures like George Will and Charles Krauthammer [ ] dismiss climate science because it is a way to maintain order within their mental world. Many other conservatives have social or professional reasons to believe, or at least to say, that Will and Krauthammer are serious intellectuals rather than loons spouting transparently preposterous conspiracy theories. There are deep tribal influences at work that cannot be reduced to economic self-interest.

Sanders’s story provides a comforting fable for his party. Not only are Democrats not hemmed in by the Republican hold on Congress, but they don’t even need to do the laborious work of persuading the political center to come to their side. They need only to rise up and break the grip of moneyed interests on the political system.

There are many reasons to doubt Sanders’s promise that he can transform American politics. Perhaps the most fundamental is that he does not actually understand how it works.

Copyright © 2016, New York Media LLC [with comments]


CNN Democratic Presidential Town Hall Derry New Hampshire (February 3, 2016)

Published on Feb 4, 2016 by Liquified Solid [ / , ]

CNN Democratic Presidential Town Hall with Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in Derry, New Hampshire. Wednesday, February 3, 2016.

Democratic town hall: Transcript, video [clips]
February 4, 2016 [with embedded audios] [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


the February 4, 2016 Sanders-Clinton Democratic debate in New Hanpshire (YouTube with transcripts linked) at/see (linked in) and preceding and following


Why Bernie Sanders Can't Govern

David Goldman / AP

Hillary Clinton’s realistic attitude is the only thing that can effect change in today’s political climate.

By Norm Ornstein [ ]
Feb 5, 2016

Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz have something in common. Both have an electoral strategy predicated on the ability of a purist candidate to revolutionize the electorate—bringing droves of chronic non-voters to the polls because at last they have a choice, not an echo—and along the way transforming the political system. Sanders can point to his large crowds and impressive, even astonishing, success at tapping into a small-donor base that exceeds, in breadth and depth, the remarkable one built in 2008 by Barack Obama. Cruz points to his extraordinarily sophisticated voter-identification operation, one that certainly seemed to do the trick in Iowa.

But is there any real evidence that there is a hidden “sleeper cell” of potential voters who are waiting for the signal to emerge and transform the electorate? No. Small-donor contributions are meaningful and a sign of underlying enthusiasm among a slice of the electorate, but they represent a tiny sliver even of that slice; Ron Paul’s success at fundraising (and his big crowds at rallies) misled many analysts into believing that he would make a strong showing in Republican primaries when he ran for president. He flopped.

Is there a huge core of committed ideological conservatives who have not voted before because they had only “moderates” on the ballot? Other than the fact that no objective person could look at the policy positions of John McCain and Mitt Romney as moderate, there is no evidence; the only real parallel to draw on for the theory is Barry Goldwater in 1964. Important as voter identification and get-out-the-vote efforts are, they do not convince chronic non-voters to vote. And, of course, a truly purist ideological campaign would stir a clear counter-reaction on the other side, diluting its impact.

The more important question, in many ways, that flows from this theory is about governing. It is here that the Bernie Sanders approach needs more dissection. Let’s say Sanders is accurate enough that his nomination would lead to his election via a bump in turnout from young voters and other populists disgusted by inequality, the billionaire class privilege and the distorted campaign-money system. Let’s say that he survives the billion dollars [ ] that might be spent by the Koch brothers’ alliance, the business community, the Republican candidate, and the Republican Party to destroy him as an unreconstructed socialist who will raise everybody’s taxes.

What then? The odds that a Sanders victory would lead to a Democratic House or a majority of more than one in the Senate are very slim. House districts have grown in partisan tilt; there is no room at all for a Democratic landslide, and not much for significant gains. Democrats have a real chance, if they win the White House, to pick up the four seats needed to recapture a majority, but it would be a very heavy lift to shift that number to seven, eight, or 10. So Sanders, like Obama, would face a divided government. It would be a very different situation than Obama encountered when he first entered the White House, and more like what he faced after the first, disastrous midterm election in 2010. Sanders has made it clear that he would have an extraordinarily ambitious agenda, including Medicare for all, reinstatement of Glass-Steagall, free college for all, and sweeping campaign-finance reform just to start with, along with stiff tax increases to pay for it.

Republicans, no doubt, would have the same approach they had when Obama first got elected in a sweeping party victory, voting as a united parliamentary minority against every presidential initiative. They would offer the same rationale as they did when Obama won reelection while the GOP retained the majority in the House: If he won a mandate, they also won a mandate—and theirs was to block his.

So all of Sanders’s initiatives would start as non-starters. Here, his theory of election and governance comes into play. He would go to the public, a public disgusted with Washington and its corrupt ties to the billionaire class and to business, and force members of Congress to their knees, shifting the debate and the agenda his way.

One of the enduring themes of our democracy is that inscribed in the Capitol, a quote from Alexander Hamilton: “Here, sir, the people govern.” But the notion that public opinion governs the agenda or the actions of Congress is, at best, a stretch. Going over the heads of Congress has long been a staple of frustrated presidents, and it has almost never worked; see Bill Clinton on health care and George W. Bush on Social Security among other recent examples. And these days, with most congressional districts resembling homogeneous echo chambers, created by a combination of people sorting themselves geographically and the distortions of redistricting, national public opinion has limited bearing on congressional leaders. Talk radio, cable news, social media, and blogs mean more. And none of those outlets would be swayed or intimidated to create some huge populist uprising that would force Congress to bring up, much less pass, a sweeping populist agenda. The more Sanders pushed, the more there would be a sharp and vicious counter-reaction that would further tribalize the country.

Sanders as president would be left with two main options: reduce his goals to aim for more incremental progress, or adopt a defensive approach to keep Obama’s policies from being rolled back—exactly what he has condemned in Hillary Clinton’s approach to governance. And while Sanders has been a more effective lawmaker than Cruz (or Rubio, for that matter, as demonstrated by Rick Santorum’s embarrassing failure on Morning Joe to find one accomplishment for his endorsee) there is little evidence that he has or could build the kinds of relationships with other members of Congress, or find ways to move the now humongous boulder up the hill (or Hill) of a thoroughly dysfunctional governing process. And, of course, he would face the deep disappointment of the activists he has inspired.

Could Clinton do better? Yes. First, she has an entirely realistic understanding of where American politics are, something she would carry into the White House on the first day. Progress can be made, on health delivery, financial regulation, the tax system, energy and infrastructure, but it will be a series of incremental steps, a tenth or a quarter of a loaf at a time. Second, in her time in the Senate she showed an impressive ability to build relationships with her Republican colleagues; many of them privately praise her even as they will do their duty and condemn her through the campaign. And she knows enough about the executive branch to use its tools effectively early on to protect the Obama legacy and extend it a bit further. Some progressives, like Bill Press, have expressed disappointment with Obama’s failure to further their agenda; to one who has watched the lawmaking process up close and personal for more than four decades, his ability to move the ball in the face of challenges from his own party and Republicans, and in the face of huge headwinds from the conservative wind machine, has been extraordinarily impressive.

For better or worse—actually, very much for worse—America has a sharply divided and tribalized political system. There will be no sweeping landslide party victories for many years to come; most states, not to mention the overwhelming majority of congressional and state legislative districts, are distinctly red or blue. I would love to get all Americans voting, but there is no reason to believe that moving turnout from 50 or 60 percent to 95 or 98 percent would bring any profound change in policy direction because of a silent supermajority either on the left or the right, or across the populist divide. Presidents almost always face serious constraints on their agendas, with a handful of exceptions built around landslides driven by crises or events. No candidate now running will transform the system in 2016. But some candidates would have an easier time governing through the dysfunction. Ron Brownstein and others have noted [ ] that facing that reality could seriously hamper Hillary Clinton in her outreach to voters demanding inspiration, not perspiration. That could well be true. But it also reflects her realistic understanding of the limits of American politics in this unfortunate day and age.

Copyright © 2016 by The Atlantic Monthly Group [with comments]


Bernie Sanders: Prolific Democratic Party fundraiser

Bernie Sanders rails against big money in politics, but has consistently helped and benefited from the Democratic Party fundraising apparatus

Sanders was listed as a co-host at a major Democratic fundraiser in each year between 2011 and 2015

By Eric Bradner
Updated 1:15 PM ET, Mon February 8, 2016

Manchester, New Hampshire (CNN)—Bernie Sanders complained on the campaign trail Friday that dialing for dollars "affects your entire being."

What he didn't mention: The Vermont senator and presidential candidate is a prolific fundraiser himself and has regularly benefited from the Democratic Party apparatus.

In recent years, Sanders has been billed as one of the hosts for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee's retreats for the "Majority Trust" -- an elite group of top donors who give more than $30,000 per year -- at Martha's Vineyard in the summer and Palm Beach, Florida, in the winter. CNN has obtained invitations that listed Sanders as a host for at least one Majority Trust event in each year since 2011.

The retreats are typically attended by 100 or more donors who have either contributed the annual legal maximum of $33,400 to the DSCC, raised more than $100,000 for the party or both.

Sanders has based his presidential campaign on a fire-and-brimstone critique of a broken campaign finance system -- and of Hillary Clinton for her reliance on big-dollar Wall Street donors [ ]. But Sanders is part of that system, and has helped Democrats court many of the same donors.

A Democratic lobbyist and donor who has attended the retreats told CNN that about 25% of the attendees there represent the financial sector -- and that Sanders and his wife, Jane, are always present.

"At each of the events all the senators speak. And I don't recall him ever giving a speech attacking us," the donor said. "While progressive, his remarks were always in the mainstream of what you hear from senators."

Sanders' political leanings were well known by the donors who attended the retreats. "Nobody was more surprised that Bernie was there than the donors were," said another Democrat who attended the retreats.

But Sanders maintains that members of Congress now spend far too much time making calls seeking campaign contributions -- or "dialing for dollars," he said during a speech at the New England Council's "Politics and Eggs" event Friday morning.

"That's what they do. And not only should members who are elected be working for the people, not raising money -- if you think you could simply divide your brain in half, if you're working on unemployment or health care and think, now I've gotta go out and raise money, it affects your entire being," he said.

Benefits from Democratic establishment

Sanders has been an Independent while in Congress, but has caucused with the Democrats since he was elected to the Senate in 2006, helping them maintain their majority for eight years.

Michael Briggs, a Sanders spokesman, said Sanders has "raised more money for the Senate Democrats than almost any other member of the Senate Democratic caucus" because he sees helping the party regain the majority as critical.

"He has in the past written letters and helped Senate Democrats elect Democrats. He thinks that's very important to the country," Briggs said.

He got a hand from the party in 1996, when Rob Engel, then the political director for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, pushed a Democratic contender out of the race for the House seat Sanders held as an independent.

In 2006, when Sanders ran for the Senate, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee pumped $37,300 into his race and included him in fundraising efforts for the party's Senate candidates.

The party also spent $60,000 on ads for Sanders, and contributed $100,000 to the Vermont Democratic Party -- which was behind Sanders even as he ran as an independent.

Among the DSCC's top contributors that year: Goldman Sachs at $685,000, Citigroup at $326,000, Morgan Stanley at $260,000 and JPMorgan Chase & Co. at $207,000.

During that 2006 campaign, Sanders attended a fundraiser at the Cambridge, Massachusetts home of Abby Rockefeller -- a member of the same family whose wealth he had one proposed confiscating.

Two years later, when then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama was being nominated at the Democratic National Convention in 2008, Sanders was among the senators who met with Sen. Chuck Schumer's "Legacy Circle" donors who had given the legal maximum to the DSCC five years in a row or $500,000 over their lifetimes.

He paid dues to the DSCC, too, with his Progressive Voters of America political action committee cutting checks for $30,000 to the group during the 2014 election cycle.

Broken system?

Sanders told the "Politics and Eggs" crowd that he favors a public financing system for elections, eliminating campaign contributions entirely. But his presidential campaign, just as Clinton's and Barack Obama's in 2008 and 2012, has chosen to bypass that system, allowing Sanders to raise millions of dollars more.

He has repeatedly touted his campaign's vast online fundraising apparatus, which has pulled in 3.5 million individual contributions, averaging $27 apiece, Sanders said Friday.

Pressed by MSNBC moderator Chuck Todd on why he hasn't accepted public financing in Thursday night's debate, Sanders said the system as it exists now is "a disaster" and "very antiquated" because it limits spending in early-voting primary states.

"The way it is structured right now, if you make it all the way to California, you could do pretty well. But in terms of the early states -- Iowa, New Hampshire, the other states -- it just doesn't work," Sanders said.

© 2016 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. [with embedded video report]


Bill Clinton Accuses Bernie Sanders Of Living In A 'Hermetically Sealed Box'

Former President Bill Clinton let loose on Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Sunday.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

The former president stepped up his criticism of his wife's rival on Sunday.

By Amanda Terkel
02/07/2016 07:49 pm ET | Updated Feb 07, 2016

MILFORD, N.H. -- Former President Bill Clinton took the gloves off and laid into Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Sunday, launching some of his most pointed attacks on his wife's Democratic presidential rival thus far.

"Hillary's opponent has a different view," Clinton said, declining to mention Sanders by name. "It's a hermetically sealed box. It's very effective. The system is rigged against you by the big banks, and both parties are in the thrall of the big banks. Anybody who takes money from Goldman Sachs couldn't possibly be president."

Clinton was particularly animated when referencing a CNN report [ (the item just above)] about how Sanders has been a prolific fundraiser for the Democratic Party -- meaning he has hobnobbed with the millionaires and billionaires, including some in the financial sector, he regularly rails against.

Clinton said he "fell out of [his] chair" after reading the story, joking that Sanders "may have to tweak that answer a little bit, or we may have to get a write-in candidate."

Hillary Clinton has also stepped up her criticism of Sanders, accusing him and his campaign during the last debate of engaging in "artful smears" against her [ ].

But no one on her campaign had engaged in such an extensive takedown until Sunday. Bill Clinton himself was significantly more restrained [ ] while campaigning last week in Iowa, according to Politico.

Clinton on Sunday also accused Sanders' supporters of being sexist and attacking his wife's backers online.

"[Those] who have gone online to defend Hillary and explain why they're supporting her have been subject to vicious trolling and attacks," Clinton said, calling the comments "profane" and "sexist."

Sanders denounced these so-called "Bernie bros [ ]" earlier Sunday in an interview with CNN.

"Look, we don't want that crap," he said. "Anybody who is supporting me that is doing the sexist things is -- we don't want them. I don't want them. That is not what this campaign is about."

The Clintons and their daughter, Chelsea, are traversing New Hampshire in the final days before Tuesday's primary. Although Sanders currently leads in the polls, the state has traditionally been good to the Clintons, delivering a win for Hillary in 2008 and a second-place finish for Bill in 1992 -- an outcome that reenergized his campaign.

"I was headed for single digits. And through the strength of my personal friends and the incredible effort we made, and because I had a message that was based on you -- not the Republicans, not the press not the pundits but you -- I picked up like, I don't know, 12 or 14 points in three days. The rest is history," Clinton said. "Now, this is 1992 on steroids."

Copyright © 2016, Inc. [with comments]


Bill Clinton rips Sanders backers' 'sexist,' 'profane' attacks

Bill Clinton is campaigning for his wife's presidential bid in New Hampshire

On Sunday, he spotlighted supporters of her opponent for what he called "sexist" attacks and harassment

By David Wright and Jeff Zeleny
Updated 2:27 PM ET, Mon February 8, 2016

(CNN)—Bill Clinton lashed out at "sexist" and "profane" attacks on Hillary Clinton and her supporters by proponents of Bernie Sanders, and accused them of harassing those who don't back the Vermont senator's campaign or disagree with his policies.

Speaking in New Hampshire on Sunday, Clinton delivered an extended rebuke of the Sanders supporters, whom he said subject people who back his wife to "vicious trolling."

He described a progressive blogger who wrote a favorable column about the former secretary of state but was compelled to post it under a pseudonym out of fear of blowback from Sanders proponents.

"She and other people who have gone online to defend Hillary and explain -- just explain -- why they supported her have been subject to vicious trolling and attacks that are literally too profane often -- not to mention sexist -- to repeat," Clinton said.

With just hours to go before voting starts in New Hampshire, Clinton is solidly trailing Sanders in the state, with the latest CNN poll of polls average [ ] showing the Vermont senator up 14 percentage points.

And Clinton slammed Sanders and his backers for derisively labeling opponents as part of the "establishment" when they disagree.

"The online campaign is, 'anybody who doesn't agree with me is a tool of the establishment,'" Clinton argued.

The former president went on, "When you're making a revolution, you can't be too careful about the facts," drawing laughs. "You're just for me or against me."

Mike Briggs, spokesman for Sanders campaign, called Bill Clinton's comments "disappointing," in this statement to CNN.

"Obviously the race has changed in New Hampshire and elsewhere in recent days," Briggs said. "Bernie will continue to focus on his message -- that America has a rigged economy that sends most new wealth to the top and is held in place by corrupt system of campaign-finance. The voters in New Hampshire and in America deserve a campaign that focuses on the real issues."

Clinton also accused the Sanders campaign of shirking responsibility for improperly accessing Clinton campaign voter data in a high-profile incident in December [ ].

"In public (they apologized). In private they sent an email out complaining, blaming the Democratic Party for leaving the keys in the car. 'All I did was drive it off,'" he joked. "And they raised a million dollars! That's pretty good. You got to give it to them."

"I tried to loot information from the other guy's computer and I raised a million dollars out of it," Clinton laughed.

And Clinton advised the audience to reject Sanders's broad attacks on Clinton and his simple outsider-versus-establishment argument.

"(My mother) told me Bill, any time someone tries to get you to stop thinking, they are not your true friend," he warned. "I just want you to think."

© 2016 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. [with embedded video report]


Dirty Tricks

Published on Feb 18, 2016 by Correct The Record [ , ] [with comment]


Clinton critical of 'worked up' Sanders supporters

The Rachel Maddow Show

Hillary Clinton, Democratic candidate for president, talks with Rachel Maddow about the state of her campaign, whether rumors of a coming staffing shake-up are true, and the latest flare-up between her supporters and the Sanders campaign over issues of sexism and civility. Duration: 9:51

©2016 [with comments] [transcipt at ]


Clinton on Republican attacks: 'They are afraid of me'

The Rachel Maddow Show

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton talks with Rachel Maddow about how the residual effect of years of Republican attacks is that many voters have a general feeling of distrust, and how she plans to address that in her campaign. Duration: 7:18

©2016 [with comments] [transcipt at ]


Clinton pursues plan of action for Flint, Michigan water crisis

The Rachel Maddow Show

Hillary Clinton, Democratic candidate for president, talks with Rachel Maddow about what she learned on her recent trip to Flint, Michigan and the plan she is helping to put together to try to get the needs of the people of Flint taken care of. Duration: 6:45

©2016 [with comments] [transcipt at ]


PBS NewsHour Democratic Debate

Streamed live on Feb 11, 2016 by PBS NewsHour [ / , ]

WASHINGTON, D.C. – PBS NewsHour hosted the sixth Democratic Presidential Primary Debate sanctioned by the Democratic National Committee on Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016, at 9 p.m. EST, at the Helen Bader Concert Hall in the Helene Zelazo Center for the Performing Arts on the main campus of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. PBS NewsHour co-anchors and managing editors Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff moderated.

PBS NewsHour Democratic Debate: Full Rush Transcript
February 11, 2016 , via

Transcript: The Democratic debate in Milwaukee, annotated
February 11, 2016 [with embedded video clip, and comments] [comments disabled]


Hillary Clinton - Bernie Sanders Town Hall | MSNBC

Published on Feb 19, 2016 by MSNBC

Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton answer voters at Las Vegas town hall on February 18, 2016.

Transcript: MSNBC and Telemundo's Clinton-Sanders Town Hall
Feb 18 2016 [with comments] [with comments], [with comments]


Meet The Biggest Bernie Sanders Booster On The Internet

H.A. Goodman has little presence in traditional media, but appears on progressive shows like Free Speech TV's "Ring of Fire."
Free Speech TV

As the national media largely dismissed Sanders' candidacy, bloggers like H. A. Goodman have found fans online by assuring supporters that the pundits are wrong.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

Fantasy novelist-turned-political writer H.A. Goodman has gone viral with his complete certainty Sanders will win.

By Michael Calderone and Sam Stein
02/22/2016 07:33 am ET | Updated Feb 22, 2016

Over the past year, a series of blog posts boasting about the forthcoming presidency of one Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) have ricocheted across the Internet, achieving virality that would make most journalists blush.

The posts all rely on the same formula: self-assured headlines with predictive prose, usually placed on websites with a large liberal readership.

"It's Official," read one Huffington Post blog item on June 25, 2015. "Bernie Sanders Has Overtaken Hillary Clinton in the Hearts and Minds of Democrats [ ]." The piece has been shared 731,000 times on Facebook.

"Bernie Sanders Will Win the Democratic Nomination and Presidency in a Landslide [ ]," read another HuffPost blog on Jan. 13, 2016, which racked up over 200,000 shares on Facebook in under a week.

"Hillary Clinton just can’t win: Democrats need to accept that only Bernie Sanders can defeat the GOP," reads a blog post on Salon [ ] that has racked up more than 4,000 shares on Facebook since being posted Friday.

They're all the product of an upstart political writer whose work prior to the current election cycle included authoring two existential fantasy novels.

H.A. Goodman is the Bernie whisperer of the Internet.

His output is prolific. Goodman, 39, writes for multiple sites and does progressive radio and web shows [ ]. Legions of Facebook users share and “like” his work while the Reddit community has launched passionate debates [ ] over whether he’s too pro-Sanders [ ] to be featured on the site.

Goodman has never met Sanders or attended one his rallies, but is unwavering in his support.

“I think that my outlook is refreshing for many readers, especially since I’m one of the few people out there telling voters that it’s alright to think critically without the blessings of MSNBC, Fox, or CNN,” Goodman said in an email. “The entire narrative this election cycle has been Hillary’s inevitability, and I provide an outlet for people to see that it’s Bernie, not Clinton or Trump, who’s positioned to win in 2016.”

But for all the attention he's grabbed in certain corners online, Goodman’s presence is barely felt in the traditional media. He doesn’t appear on network Sunday shows or cable news election panels and he isn’t widely known among mainstream political reporters and columnists. Some journalists closely covering the Democratic race said Goodman’s name rang a bell, but were otherwise unfamiliar with his work.

Goodman is better known among progressive writers, though not always in the most flattering way.

“I refer to him as the Baghdad Bob of the Bernie camp,” said Nation contributor Joshua Holland, in reference to the comical propagandist for the late Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein during the U.S. invasion.

Goodman, Holland said, doesn’t let “objective reality sway his vision of Bernie being the commanding frontrunner in this race for many, many months."

The quirky nature of Goodman's work makes it almost impossible to assess just how big an impact he actually has. An official with Hillary Clinton's campaign said he knew his byline but not much more. "Not a big HRC fan I believe," the official wrote. The Sanders campaign, for its part, doesn’t blast out Goodman’s laudatory columns, as it might if they came from The Washington Post or The New York Times. But an aide there confirmed that they are, at least, aware of and teased by his existence.

"I can't tell you how many times I've gone to click on a link with a great headline and seen his byline," said the Sanders aide.

That Goodman even got to this point is a testament to just how democratized the media universe has become.

A Los Angeles native, Goodman declined to say what, if anything, he does beyond writing or how he derives an income. His personal digital footprint is scant, with few details listed on Facebook (he's not nearly as big on Twitter [ ], with about 3,300 followers ). An online biography [ ] notes he studied international relations at the University of Southern California and briefly worked at the U.S. Department of State's Foreign Service Institute.

From what could be gleaned online, Goodman's interest in politics seems to be relatively recent. He wrote two novels: Logic of Demons: The Quest for Nadine's Soul

[ ] (2010) and Breaking The Devil's Heart: A Logic of Demons Novel

[ ] (2012). In an email, he described them as a series about "Hell being an underground corporation selling a nefarious ‘formula’ to human beings, with demons as salespeople and rogue angels as cosmic vigilantes." There was, he added, a screenplay "in the works at the moment."

Goodman wrote an op-ed [ ] in The Jerusalem Post in 2010 replying to critics of building a mosque near Ground Zero. But he really started pitching political publications in early 2014, writing first for The Hill and the Roanoke Times and Salon. He started writing for HuffPost in May 2014. Like other HuffPost blog contributors, Goodman is not paid for his work. He benefits from the large digital platform and can repurpose his writing elsewhere.

For instance, his Feb. 8 HuffPost piece, “Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren Have Defeated Hillary Clinton's Political Machine [ ],” ran the following day on Salon as “Hillary Clinton’s political machine has been busted — thanks to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren [ ].”

Salon editor-in-chief David Daley said his site has passed on some of Goodman’s pieces that felt too one-sided or over-the-top, but described others as “provocative” and said they “move the conversation.”

“I do think a lot of the debate around where Sanders voters will go if he doesn't get the nomination, and about how stridently some Sanders backers see the policy differences with Clinton, has, in some part, been driven by his pieces and the audience they achieve on social media,” Daley said.

"They certainly generate a lot of engagement and argument," he added.

Goodman chalks up his success to his ability to find angles missing in the mainstream media. He finds poll numbers [ ] that support the case that Sanders is better positioned to win and trumpets them for readers. "It's such a stark contrast from the mainstream, and the argument is backed up with so much information, that it goes viral," he explained.

From there, it's wash, rinse and repeat.

Though Goodman is now known as one of the biggest Bernie boosters on the Internet, he wasn't always gushing over the Vermonter. Rather, he took a circuitous route, pushing other candidates who either fizzled out or declined on a run before settling on Sanders.

On Dec. 23, 2014, Goodman wrote for The Hill [ ] that Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) should be the next president. On Jan. 17, 2015, he wrote for The Huffington Post [ ] that he would be "voting for Rand Paul in 2016." On April 1, 2015, he made the case in The Hill [ ] for the country to consider former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley. And on May 7, 2015, he said that "America needs a Vietnam veteran like Jim Webb for president [ ]."

In an email, Goodman chalked up the Paul column as a "mistake." And he made clear that his dalliance with other Democratic candidates was more about a disgust with Clinton than a love for them. "I’m never voting for a person who accepts money from prison lobbyists, runs a racist 3 a.m. ad against our nation’s first African American president, advocates a ‘neocon’ foreign policy, or was silent on Keystone XL, so I’m never voting for Clinton," he said over email.

Goodman’s first pro-Sanders article appeared in June 2015 after he came to view the senator, in his words, as a "once in a lifetime opportunity." With that inaugural post -- the one liked 730,000 times on Facebook -- Goodman struck gold. And then he kept digging.

"Why Bernie Sanders Will Become the Democratic Nominee and Defeat Any Republican in 2016," he wrote on June 29, 2015 [ ] (158,000 shares). "'Bernie Sanders Can Become President' Has Replaced 'I Like Him, But He Can't Win,'" he wrote on July 6, 2015 [ ] (192,000 shares). "Almost Every Major Poll Shows Bernie Sanders Challenging or Defeating Clinton and Republicans. Here's Why," he wrote on Aug. 5, 2015 [ ] (272,000 shares).

His stamina for Sanders has persisted through the actual voting -- even after predictions Sanders would win Iowa and Nevada didn't pan out [ ]. And though his audience has thinned a bit, it remains fairly strong. “Bernie Sanders Is Now the ‘Inevitable’ Democratic Nominee and Presidential Winner,” Goodman wrote [ ] on Jan. 15. The piece has 56,000 shares on Facebook.

In his writing, Goodman has suggested a correlation between popularity on Facebook and support at the polls -- the virality of his posts serving as validation of his personal political wishes. He also discounts or ignores evidence that runs counter to the idea that Sanders is destined for the nomination and oversells that which confirms it (such as general election poll numbers).

There is, in short, not much nuance and quite a bit for polling experts to quibble with.

But given the national media’s dismissal of Sanders’ chances last summer, Goodman can’t be faulted for taking a victory lap.

“It’s funny how people worship at the altar of poll numbers, even though Clinton had the same poll numbers in 2008 and her leads are slipping faster today than eight years ago,” Goodman said. “I think people who enjoy my viewpoint understand that polls today serve a purpose, and that purpose isn’t only to try and reflect public sentiment.”

“Several months ago, people thought I was crazy for being so vocal about Bernie winning the presidency,” he added. “Now, since media pundits have noticed a repeat of 2008, many observers have shifted to my vantage point, but only after media changed the narrative.”

Still, Goodman said he’d “only feel vindicated” when Sanders is sworn in as president.

And then?

"I'll make certain that his political revolution continues,” he said, “especially by making sure that President Sanders fulfills the promises he's made to the black and Latino communities, in addition to helping elect progressives to Congress."

Copyright © 2016, Inc. [with comments], [embedded; with comments]


How Bernie Sanders hopes to get his groove back

Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Bernie Sanders is silhouetted as he speaks at a campaign rally at UMass Amherst in Amherst, Mass., Feb. 22, 2016.
Photo by Brian Snyder/Reuters

By Alex Seitz-Wald
02/22/16 11:58 PM—Updated 02/23/16 08:19 AM

Bernie Sanders’ path to the Democratic presidential nomination, always a longshot, counted on wins to beget more wins, so Saturday’s loss in Nevada is a major setback. But facing critics saying the race is essentially over, the candidate and his top aides insist they can get their groove back.

“What this is about is a slog, if I may use that word, state by state by state,” Sanders told reporters at a press conference in Boston Monday, insisting that “Y-E-S” he can still win. “So for the media, please do not come to me state by state and ask, ‘Is this the end of the world?’”

Still, Sanders wanted a win so badly in Nevada that he never wrote a concession speech, according to aides, and the night before the caucuses he said that historians would mark Nevada as the beginning of his promised political revolution. That revolution has been delayed indefinitely after Saturday’s contest, which offered perhaps his best chance to shatter the theory that he can’t win minority voters.

Right now, a lot would have to go right for Sanders and wrong for Clinton for him to win the nomination. But Sanders’ candidacy, as he reminded reporters Monday, “is about more than electing a president, this is about a political revolution.”


©2016 [with comments]


CNN Democratic Presidential Town Hall Columbia South Carolina (February 23, 2016)

Published on Feb 24, 2016 by Liquified Solid

CNN Democratic Presidential Town Hall with Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in Columbia, South Carolina. Tuesday, February 23, 2016.

Transcript: Democratic Town Hall Event with Voters in South Carolina
February 23, 2016 [with comments]


Hillary Clinton easily defeats Bernie Sanders in South Carolina primary
February 27, 2016
Sanders was in the air when the race was called for Clinton, flying from one campaign stop in Texas to another in Minnesota.
“In politics, on a given night, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Tonight we lost,” Sanders told reporters after getting off his chartered jet in Rochester, Minn., where he was staging an evening rally. “I congratulate Secretary Clinton on her very strong victory. Tuesday, over 800 delegates are at stake, and we intend to win many, many of them.”
[...] [with embedded videos, and comments]


South Carolina Democratic primary: Clinton wins by nearly 50 points; Sanders vows to go on
Hillary Clinton wins the South Carolina Democratic primary, giving her a boost going into Super Tuesday.
• Hillary Clinton shores up [ ] her front-runner status with a victory in South Carolina's Democratic primary
• And she eyes Donald Trump in her victory speech [ ]
• Clinton has a fight for the nomination on her hands first: "This campaign is just beginning," rival Bernie Sanders promises [ ]
• Here's how [ ] and where [ ] Clinton won so decisively
• Clinton aced her test of minority support and other takeaways from South Carolina [ ]
February 27, 2016 [with embedded videos, and comments]


Hillary Clinton’s Winning Numbers in South Carolina Suggest Sweep in South
FEB. 27, 2016
After winning South Carolina’s Democratic primary eight years ago, Senator Barack Obama declared that “after four great contests, we have the most votes, the most delegates, and have the broadest coalition for change.” Tonight it is his former opponent, Hillary Clinton [ ], who can now make the same claim.
She has won South Carolina in a rout, 73.5 percent to 26 percent, exceeding Mr. Obama’s own 29-point victory in 2008 [ ]. She did it the same way that Mr. Obama did: with overwhelming support from black voters, who favored Mrs. Clinton over Bernie Sanders [ ] by a stunning margin of 87 to 13, according to updated exit polls — a tally that would be larger than Mr. Obama’s victory among black voters eight years earlier. Black voters represented 62 percent of the electorate, according to exit polls, even higher than in 2008.
The result positions Mrs. Clinton for a sweep of the South in a few days on Super Tuesday and puts the burden on Mr. Sanders to post decisive victories elsewhere. If he does not — and the polls, at least so far, are not encouraging — Mrs. Clinton seems likely to amass a significant and possibly irreversible lead.
[...] [with comments]


Hillary Clinton Delivers Rousing Speech Following South Carolina Primary Victory

Published on Feb 27, 2016 by ABC News [ / , ]

The Democratic presidential candidate builds momentum, says "there is no barrier too big to break." [with comments] [also at e.g. (no comments yet)]


Bernie-mentum’s Next Stop

Sam Hodgson for The New York Times

By Emma Roller
FEB. 28, 2016

Columbia, S.C. — As the great poet Shawn Carter (aka Jay-Z) once said, “On to the next one.”

That’s the message supporters of Bernie Sanders were left with Saturday night after the senator from Vermont suffered a widely expected but decisive loss to Hillary Clinton in South Carolina’s Democratic primary.

At a hastily organized watch party at Pearlz Oyster Bar in Columbia, roughly 100 of Mr. Sanders’s fans watched the election results roll in — or simply opted to ignore them. You might have expected the mood in the room to be downtrodden, but it was quite the opposite. The word that comes to mind is “defiant.”

Shortly before the polls closed, the upstairs room at Pearlz was sparsely populated by supporters, campaign staff and TV crews. But the crowd grew as the night wore on, even as Mrs. Clinton’s victory looked more and more certain. As the crowd grew in size, the mood at the bar grew more and more buoyant.

The mood was an apt metaphor for Mr. Sanders’s performance in the Democratic primary writ large; the more that cable news talking heads proclaimed the race to be Mrs. Clinton’s to lose, the more this crowd felt the Bern.

As The Associated Press projected Mrs. Clinton the winner shortly after the polls closed, three campaign volunteers who had not previously met sat together in a booth. Tara George, the associate registrar at the University of South Carolina, was there with her teenage daughter. Megan Taylor, who showed up at the bar despite a sinus infection, is a sophomore at the university and leads the school’s Bernie Sanders student group. And Zach Friedell, an English teacher living in Germany, had come back to his home state to visit his parents, but stayed an extra two weeks to work on the primary campaign.

“I’m not fazed,” Mr. Friedell said. He noted that superdelegates are allowed to switch their commitment, and that as more people learn about Mr. Sanders, momentum will continue to build.

But he may have some work to do with African-American voters, who backed Mrs. Clinton over Mr. Sanders by roughly 6-to-1, according to exit polling.

Juanita Moore, 62, said that she wished fellow black voters had done more research into Mr. Sanders’s campaign platform before making up their minds and voting for a familiar name.

“Especially the rural areas, it was just a name that was in their heads, and that was what they were familiar with, and that’s what they went with,” she said. “If anybody really did their homework on Bernie Sanders, they would have automatically went his way.”

Earlier in the evening, multiple attendees complained about media outlets calling the race for Mrs. Clinton before all of the precincts reported their results. “I don’t know why people in South Carolina give up so fast,” a campaign volunteer who had traveled from California said. The volunteer, a white man, noted that only the “old black vote” from rural counties had come in at that point, adding, “Who cares?” (He quickly appended, “I don’t want to sound racist or anything...”)

Women at the watch party were the most openly angry about the results. As Mrs. Clinton delivered her victory speech, a middle-aged woman jokingly plugged her ears and said “La la la!” Another sarcastically sang “All You Need Is Love” — a dig at Mrs. Clinton’s repetition of the phrase “love and kindness” — and added, “She’s playing to the hippie crowd!” A younger woman took a more direct route and emphatically gestured at the screen with a symbol meant to indicate the opposite of love and kindness.

After Mrs. Clinton finished her speech, Symone Sanders, a spokeswoman for the Sanders campaign, stood up in front of the screen at Pearlz.

“Today is not the end. Today is the beginning,” she said, to cheers.

As 9 p.m. came and went, the Sanders’s crowd’s insistence on having a good time took on an air of civil disobedience. Justin Bamberg, a state representative — who notably switched his support from Mrs. Clinton to Mr. Sanders — took the stage to thank the attendees.

“Keep your head up, because we are not done yet,” Mr. Bamberg said. “Crank the music up!”

Over the past week, as Mrs. Clinton and an army of surrogates barnstormed South Carolina, Mr. Sanders made sporadic visits to the state. He has already turned his attention toward Super Tuesday contests, holding rallies in Missouri, Oklahoma, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Texas and Minnesota, along with South Carolina. A rally at a raceway in Austin on Saturday drew more than 10,000 people, according to his campaign.

As the South Carolina primary neared, Mr. Sanders started openly managing expectations for this contest. At Claflin University in Orangeburg, S.C., on Friday, Mr. Sanders admitted that he and his campaign didn’t know many people from South Carolina before he started running for president, but said he was proud of the ground he had gained.

At the same event, the rapper Killer Mike sharply criticized Mrs. Clinton for how she dealt with a protester at a fund-raiser on Thursday night. He compared Mrs. Clinton’s behavior to Mr. Sanders’s reaction when two young women representing the Black Lives Matter movement interrupted one of his campaign events last year.

“When you have an opportunity to tell two black girls to shut up and get offstage, and you don’t, and you shake their hand and you smile and you step to the side and you listen, that is a firm difference from turning around and staring at a little black girl and saying, ‘Shut up. I’ll talk to you later. You are being rude,’ ” he said.

Mrs. Clinton did not tell the protester [ ], a woman named Ashley Williams, to “shut up.” But her response didn’t look good to some observers. “Can I talk? And maybe you can listen to what I say,” Mrs. Clinton said, before security escorted Ms. Williams out of the event.

Supporters at the Sanders watch party agreed with the contrast Killer Mike drew and implied that Mrs. Clinton’s concern for black voters was not genuine.

“It was condescending and impersonal,” said L.L. Gaddy, who graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2015.

After Saturday’s results, a Clinton campaign victory may again seem to some as inevitable. But Mr. Sanders doesn’t place much value on the idea of inevitability. Neither do his fans. In Columbia, that much was apparent.

The results were in. The TV screen was muted. But everyone at the party — old and young, white and black, rural and urban, locals and carpetbaggers — was still mingling. They could have gone home much earlier. But they wanted to stick around to celebrate. What can you say to that?

© 2016 The New York Times Company [with comments]



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the one, single Sanders ad repeated continuously, once every single commercial break, on MSNBC all day long on Super Tuesday, March 1, 2016, here in Texas:

A Rigged Economy: This Is How it Works | Bernie Sanders

Published on Nov 20, 2015 by Bernie 2016 [ , ]

Bernie Sanders is taking on a rigged economy held in place by corrupt politics.

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About Bernie:
Bernie Sanders is a Democratic candidate for President of the United States. He is serving his second term in the U.S. Senate after winning re-election in 2012 with 71 percent of the vote. Sanders previously served as mayor of Vermont’s largest city for eight years before defeating an incumbent Republican to be the sole congressperson for the state in the U.S. House of Representatives. He lives in Burlington, Vermont with his wife Jane and has four children and seven grandchildren.

Bernard “Bernie” Sanders was born in Brooklyn, New York, to immigrant parents and grew up in a small, rent-controlled apartment. His father came to the United States from Poland at the age of 17 without much money or a formal education. While attending the University of Chicago, a 20-year-old Sanders led students in a multi-week sit-in to oppose segregation in off-campus housing owned by the university as a Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) officer. In August of 1963, Sanders took an overnight bus as an organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee to hear Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech firsthand at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

After graduation, Bernie moved to Vermont where he worked as a carpenter and documentary filmmaker. In 1981, he was elected as mayor of Burlington as an Independent by a mere 10 votes, shocking the city’s political establishment by defeating a six-term, local machine mayor. In 1983, Bernie was re-elected by a 21 point margin with a record amount of voter turnout. Under his administration, the city made major strides in affordable housing, progressive taxation, environmental protection, child care, women’s rights, youth programs and the arts. In 1990, Sanders was elected to the House of Representatives as the first Independent in 40 years and joined the Democratic caucus. He was re-elected for eight terms, during which he voted against the deregulation of Wall Street, the Patriot Act, and the invasion of Iraq.

In 2006, Sanders defeated the richest man in Vermont to win a seat in the U.S. Senate as an Independent. Known as a “practical and successful legislator,” Sanders served as chairman of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs where he authored and passed the most significant veteran health care reform bill in recent history. While in the Senate, Sanders has fought tirelessly for working class Americans against the influence of big money in politics. In 2010, he gave an eight-and-a-half hour filibuster-like speech on the Senate floor in opposition to extending Bush-era tax breaks for the wealthy. In 2015, the Democratic leadership tapped Bernie to serve as the caucus’ ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee.

Known for his consistency on the issues, Senator Sanders has supported the working class, women, communities of color, and the LGBT community throughout his career. He is an advocate for the environment, unions, and immigrants. He voted against Keystone XL, opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, wants to expand the Voting Rights Act, and pass the Equal Rights Amendment.
To learn more about Bernie on the issues, click here: [with comments]


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