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Re: F6 post# 258993

Thursday, 11/03/2016 7:59:06 PM

Thursday, November 03, 2016 7:59:06 PM

Post# of 495507
Full Show - Expert Exposes Plan For Nuclear War/Election Reaching Tipping Point - 10/24/2016

Published on Oct 24, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

On this Monday, Oct. 24th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we expose the rigged polls showing Hillary in the lead - which Democrats admit are oversampled to give her the lead. On today’s show Joel Skousen analyzes the threat of nuclear war, and what you can do to prepare if the globalists trigger a war with Russia. We also look into Trump’s healthy chances of winning and the cat cafe under attack by neighborhood communist gang. [with comments]


Psychic Bob's Prophetic Message About Nuclear War with Russia

Published on Oct 24, 2016 by spiritchannel [ / , ]

Tubies-Please gather round and listen carefully to my most important message today. Thank you for your support during this challenging time. Please join our Novena (9-Days of Prayer) Starting Tuesday, October 25th. Thank you.

For Private Sessions: Call 571-483-2112 or write to me at:
Visit My Official Website:
Get Psychic Bob's Books:
Buy Cool Witchy Stuff: [with comments]


Full Show - Hillary In Free Fall // Trump Surges - 10/25/2016

Published on Oct 25, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Tuesday, Oct. 25th 2016 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we cover reports of rigged voting machines in Texas during early voting. On today's show trends forecaster Gerald Celente joins Alex to discuss crooked Hillary's plan to steal the election[, and Roger Stone also makes an appearance]. Also, founder of Marc Morano talks global warming and more. [with comments]


Full Show - David Vs. Goliath, Trump Destroys NWO - 10/26/2016

Published on Oct 26, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Wednesday, Oct. 26th 2016 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Donald Trump jumps to the lead in key battleground states as Democrats realize the full weight of their candidate Crooked Hillary's avalanche of scandals. We'll look at the president's giant lie to the American people - exposed by WIKILEAKS - claiming he didn't know about Hillary's private email server, and continue looking at claims of vote rigging and manipulation in Texas early voting. On today's show, author Michael Snyder discusses how various national polls are rigged against Trump. Also, Republican political operative Roger Stone joins the program to break down Trump's election victory and what he sees ahead. [with comments]



Published on Oct 27, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Thursday, October 27th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the elitist racism of Clinton ally David Brock, and the Clinton campaign’s failure to authentically connect to African-Americans in general. Trump insider Roger Stone breaks down the latest election news and the National Enquirer’s Dylan Howard talks about Hillary’s secret lovers - and the Clintons intimidation tactics against reporters to cover it up. Larry Nichols also reveals more about these tactics. [with comments]


Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama FULL SPEECH at North Carolina Rally (10/27/2016)

Streamed live on Oct 27, 2016 by ABC News [ / , ]

Hillary Clinton Holds Campaign Rally With Michelle Obama in Winston-Salem, NC | First Lady Michelle Obama will campaign with Hillary Clinton for the first time at an early vote rally in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, today. The Clinton campaign has described Obama as its "not-so-secret weapon" on the trail as she's crisscrossed the country campaigning for the former secretary of state.

North Carolina Democratic Party Early Vote Rally with Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama
THU, OCT 27, 2016, 2:00PM – 4:00PM EDT
Hearn Plaza at Wake Forest University
1834 Wake Forest Rd Winston Salem, North Carolina 27109
On Thursday, October 27, Hillary Clinton will campaign in Winston-Salem with Michelle Obama. At a North Carolina Democratic Party early vote rally, Clinton and Mrs. Obama will lay out what is at stake in November and urge North Carolinians to early vote to support the Clinton-Kaine ticket.
Doors open at 11:30am


Remarks by the First Lady at Hillary for America Campaign Event - Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
October 27, 2016

2:53 P.M. EDT

MRS. OBAMA:  Well, hey there!  (Applause.)  You guys are pretty fired up, right?  (Applause.)  I like that.  I like that.  (Applause.)  Wow.

Well, let me start, of course, because Hillary’s mini tribute to me was -- it’s taken me off of -- it’s kind of thrown me a little bit.  It was very generous.  But I just want to take this moment publicly to thank Hillary.  I mean, there -- it takes a level of generosity of spirit to do what Hillary has done in her career, in her life for our family, for this nation.  (Applause.)  And if people wonder, yes, Hillary Clinton is my friend.  She has been a friend to me and Barack and Malia and Sasha, and Bill and Chelsea have been embracing and supportive from the very day my husband took the oath of office.  (Applause.)

So I am grateful for Hillary -- for her leadership, for her courage, and for what she is going to do for this country.  So it’s going to be good.  It’s going to be good.  (Applause.)

But I also want to take some time to recognize your former Senator, Kay Hagan, who is here.  Kay, it’s good to see you.  (Applause.)  And again, I just want to lend my voice to your outstanding Senate candidate, Deborah Ross.  (Applause.)  Man, Deborah -- as Hillary said, she’s someone who cares deeply about the people in this state.  And she is always going to put your families first.  So let’s make Deborah your next U.S. senator, all right?  (Applause.)  And let’s make Roy Cooper your next governor, how about that?  (Applause.)

Thanks also to all the members of Congress who are joining us, and your Mayor, Allen Joines.  Thank you, Mayor.  (Applause.)

But more importantly, thank you, to all of you, for taking the time, waiting in lines to be here today to help us support the next President and Vice President of the United States, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine!  (Applause.)  I don’t know about you but I’m fired up.  (Applause.)  We’re going to make this happen.

Now, you may have noticed that I have been doing some campaigning for Hillary.  (Laughter.)  And I know that there are some folks out there who have commented that it’s been unprecedented for a sitting First Lady to be so actively engaged in a presidential campaign.  And that may be true, but what’s also true is that this is truly an unprecedented election.  And that’s why I’m out here.

I’m out here first and foremost because we have never had a more qualified and prepared candidate for President than our friend, Hillary Clinton -- never before in our lifetime.  I say this everywhere I go -- I admire and respect Hillary.  She has been a lawyer, a law professor, First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, a U.S. Senator, Secretary of State.  (Applause.)

AUDIENCE:  Hillary!  Hillary!  Hillary!

MRS. OBAMA:  Yeah, that’s right.  Hillary doesn’t play.  (Laughter.)  She has more experience and exposure to the presidency than any candidate in our lifetime –- yes, more than Barack, more than Bill.  So she is absolutely ready to be Commander-in-Chief on day one.  And, yes, she happens to be a woman.  (Applause.)

This election is also unprecedented because I don’t think we’ve ever had two candidates with such dramatically different visions of who we are and how we move forward as a nation.  One candidate has a vision that’s grounded in hopelessness and despair; a vision of a country that is weak and divided, where our communities are in chaos, our fellow citizens a threat.  This candidate calls on us to turn against each other, to build walls, to be afraid.

And then there’s Hillary’s vision for this country that you just heard -- (applause) -- a vision of a nation that is powerful and vibrant and strong, big enough to have a place for all of us.  A nation where we each have something very special to contribute, and where we are always stronger together.  (Applause.)

That is the choice we face –- between those who divide this country into “us” versus “them,” and those who tell us to embrace our better angels and choose hope over fear.  And as we look into the eyes of our children as we send them off to school each morning and tuck them into bed at night, as Hillary said, the stakes in this election could not be more clear.  And let me tell you, this is not about Republicans versus Democrats.  None of that matters this time around.

No, no, no, this election is about something much bigger.  It’s about who will shape our children and the country we leave for them, not just for the next four or eight years but for the rest of their lives.  (Applause.)  Because as Hillary pointed out, we all know -- we know the influence our President has on our children -- how they turn on the TV and they see the most powerful role model in the world, someone who shows them how to treat others, how to deal with disappointment, whether to tell the truth.  They’re taking it all in.

And as Hillary said, when you’ve raised children in the White House, like Barack and Hillary and I have, you are reminded every day of the impact that you have.  You start seeing the images of every child in this country in the face of your child.  So when people wonder how Hillary keeps her composure through the overwhelming pressure of not just this campaign but of her career, or how Barack and I have dealt with the glare of the national spotlight these last eight years, that’s the answer:  With every action we take, with every word we utter, we think about the millions of children who are watching us who hang onto our every word, looking to us to show them who they can and should be.

And that’s why, every day, we try to be the kind of people, the kind of leaders that your children deserve, whether you agree with our politics or not.  (Applause.)  And when I think about this election, let me tell you, that is what I’m thinking about.  I’m asking myself, what do my girls, what do all our children deserve in their President?  What kind of a President do we want for them?

Well, to start with, I think we want someone who is a unifying force in this country, someone who sees our differences not as a threat, but as a blessing.  (Applause.)  As Hillary said, we want a President who values and honors women, who teachers our daughters and our sons that women are full and equal human beings worthy, deserving of love and respect.  (Applause.)

We want a President who understands that this nation was built by folks who came here from all corners of the globe -- folks who work their fingers to the bone to create this country and give their kids a better life.  We want a President who sees the goodness in all our communities, not just the brokenness.  Someone who understands that communities like the one where I was raised are filled with good, hard-working folks -– folks who take that extra shift, who work that extra job because they want something more for their kids.  (Applause.)

And finally, we want a President who takes this job seriously -- (applause) -- and has the temperament and maturity to do it well.  (Applause.)  Someone who is steady.  Someone who we can trust with the nuclear codes, because we want to go to sleep at night knowing that our kids and our country are safe.

And I am here today because I believe with all of my heart -- and I would not be here lying to you -- I believe with all of my heart that Hillary Clinton will be that President.  (Applause.)

See, over the years, I’ve come to know Hillary.  I know her -- not just her extraordinary professional accomplishments, but I know her personal values and beliefs.  I know that Hillary was raised like Barack and I -- in a working family.  Hillary’s mother was an orphan, abandoned by her parents.  Her father was a small-business owner who stayed up nights poring over the books, working hard to keep their family afloat.

So believe this, Hillary knows what it means to struggle for what you have and to want something better for your kids.  See, and that’s why, since the day she launched her campaign, Hillary has been laying out concrete, detailed policies that will actually make a difference for kids and families in this country.

As she said, she plans to make college tuition-free, to help young people drowning in debt.  (Applause.)  She is going to handle making sure that our climate is protected.  (Applause.)  And let me tell you this about Hillary -- she is involved and engaged in every policy issue that she’s developed.  You go on her website -- she’s going to raise the minimum wage.  She’s going to cut taxes for working folks.  (Applause.)  She’s going to do her best to help women get equal pay for equal work.  (Applause.)

And if you want to know more just go on her website:  Because here’s the thing about Hillary -- thankfully, Hillary is a policy wonk.  And let me tell you, when you are President, that is a good thing.  (Applause.)  Because policies matter.  They really matter.  They determine whether our kids have good schools, whether they can see a doctor when they’re sick, whether they’re safe when they walk out door on their way to school.

Policies matter.  And that’s why Hillary has fought so hard for children’s health insurance as First Lady, for affordable child care in the Senate.  That’s why, as Secretary of State, she has gone toe-to-toe with world leaders to keep our kids safe.  And that is why day after day, debate after debate, she has shown us such strength, such grace, refusing to be knocked down, refusing to be pushed around or counted out.

Hillary does all of this because she is thinking of children like her mother, children like her daughter and her grandkids -– children who deserve every chance to fulfill their God-given potential.  That is why Hillary is in this.  She is in this for us.  She’s in this for our families, for our kids, for our shared future.

So let me tell you, that is why I am inspired by Hillary. That is why I respect Hillary -- because she has lived a life grounded in service and sacrifice that has brought her to this day, that has more than prepared her to take on the hardest job on the planet.  She has run an extraordinary campaign.  She has built an impressive grassroots organization.  She’s raised the money.  She’s won all the debates.  (Applause.)

So Hillary has done her job.  Now we need to do our job and get her elected President of the United States.  (Applause.)  Because here’s where I want to get real:  If Hillary doesn’t win this election, that will be on us.  It will be because we did not stand with her.  It will be because we did not vote for her.  And that is exactly what her opponent is hoping will happen.  That’s the strategy -– to make this election so dirty and ugly that we don’t want any part of it.

So when you hear folks talking about a global conspiracy and saying that this election is “rigged,” understand that they are trying to get you to stay home.  They are trying to convince you that your vote doesn’t matter, that the outcome has already been determined and you shouldn’t even bother to make your voice heard.  They are trying to take away your hope.

And just for the record, in this country, the United States of America, the voters decide our elections.  They’ve always decided.  Voters decide who wins and who loses.  Period.  End of story.  (Applause.)  And right now, thankfully, folks are coming out in droves to vote early.  It’s amazing to see.  We are making our voices heard all across this country.  Because when they go low --

AUDIENCE:  We go high! (Applause.)

MRS. OBAMA:  And we know that every vote matters.  Every single vote.  And if you have any doubt about that, consider this:  Back in 2008 -- I say this everywhere I go -- Barack won North Carolina by about 14,000 votes -- (applause) -- which sounds like a lot.  But when you break that number down, the difference between winning and losing this state was a little over two votes per precinct.  See, I want you all to take that in, because I know that there are people here who didn’t vote.  Two votes.  And people knew people who didn’t vote.  If just two or three folks per precinct had gone the other way, Barack would have lost that state, could have lost the election.

And let’s not forget, back in 2012, Barack actually did lose this state by about 17 votes per precinct.  Seventeen.  That’s how presidential elections go.  They are decided on a razor’s edge.  So each of you could swing, in this stadium -- just think about it -- each of you could swing an entire precinct and win this election for Hillary just by getting yourselves, your friends and your family out to vote, just doing what you’re supposed to do.  You can do this.  (Applause.)  But you could also help swing an entire precinct for Hillary’s opponent with a protest vote or by not voting at all.

So here’s what I’m asking you:  Get out and vote.  Get out and vote for Hillary.  Vote early.  Vote right now.  Leave here, go vote.  (Applause.)  And don’t let anyone take that right away from you.

As Hillary mentioned, you may have seen in previous weeks that folks were trying to cut early voting places, and cut the hours they were open.  But that didn’t stop people in this state.  That’s beautiful.  Now, I understand there are more locations that are opening, and I want you all to crowd those places.  I want you to remember that folks marched and protested for our right to vote.  (Applause.)  They endured beatings and jail time, they sacrificed their lives for this right.  (Applause.)  So I know you can get yourselves to the polls and exercise that right.

Because make no mistake about it, casting our vote is the ultimate way we go high when they go low.  (Applause.)  Voting is our high.  That’s how we go high:  We vote.  How do we go high?

AUDIENCE:  We vote!

MRS. OBAMA:  How do we go high?

AUDIENCE:  We vote!

MRS. OBAMA:  That’s it.  And after you vote, volunteer.  No, no, no, no -- we need you to volunteer.  Roll up your sleeves.  Make calls.  Knock on doors.  Get people to the polls.  It’s turnout that’s going to make the difference.  We have to turn our people out.  (Applause.)

Do not let yourself get tired or frustrated or discouraged by the negativity of this election.  As you are out there working your hearts out for my girl -- (laughter) -- here’s the thing that I just want to tell you all, because this has been a draining election.  But I urge you to please, please be encouraged.  I want our young people to be encouraged.  Because we still live in the greatest country on Earth.  We do.  (Applause.)  And I have never felt more hopeful about the future.  And I want -- our young people deserve that.  Be encouraged.

I feel that way because for the past eight years, I have had the great honor of being this country’s First Lady.  (Applause.)  First Ladies, we rock.  (Applause.)  But I have traveled from one end of to this country to the other, and I have met people from every conceivable background and walk of life, including folks who disagree with just about everything Barack and I have ever said, but who welcome us into their communities.  Remember, our neighbors are decent folks.  These are all good people, who are open-hearted and willing to listen.  And while we might not change each other’s minds, we always walk away reminded that when it comes to what really matters, when it comes to our hopes and dreams for our children, we’re just not all that different.

And I want you to remember that it’s that part of us as Americans, it is that piece of us that is in all of us.  That’s what drives folks like Hillary’s mother, who said to herself, I may not have grown up in a loving family but I will build a loving family of my own, I will give my children what I never had, I will pour my heart into raising a strong, smart, loving daughter.  (Applause.)  That’s what drives people like my father, who kept getting up and putting in those long hours, who said, I may not have gone to college, but I’m going to keep working because maybe my son, maybe my daughter will.  Because in this country, anything is possible.  (Applause.)

As we walk away from this election, remember:  That is what makes us who we are.  Remember that.  It’s a country where a girl like me from the South Side of Chicago, whose great-great grandfather was a slave, can go to the finest universities on Earth.  A country where a bi-racial kid from Hawaii, the son of a single mother can make it to the White House.  (Applause.)  A country where the daughter of an orphan can break that highest and hardest glass ceiling and become President of the United States.  (Applause.)

That is who we are.  That is what’s possible here in America, but only when we come together.  Only when we work for it and fight for it.

So that’s why, for the next 12 days, folks, we need to do everything possible to help Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine win this election.  (Applause.)  Are you with me?  (Applause.)  Are you with me?  I can’t hear you!  Are we going to do this?  (Applause.)  We’re going to vote!  We’re going to vote early!  We’re going to stand in line!  We’re going to make our voices heard!  No one is going to take away our hope!  (Applause.)  Let’s get this done.

Thank you all.  God bless.  (Applause.)

3:18 P.M. EDT

* [at least at the time of this post, the video is there notwithstanding the lack of a cover image, just click on it to start; with comments] [also at e.g. (comments disabled), (with comments), and {additional text adapted from; with comments)]


Donald Trump FULL Speech | Toledo, Ohio Rally (10/27/2016)

Streamed live on Oct 27, 2016 by ABC News

Donald J. Trump campaigns in Toledo, Ohio with just 12 days to go until Election Day.

Donald J. Trump Rally at SeaGate Convention Centre in Toledo, Ohio
SeaGate Convention Centre
401 Jefferson Ave B
Toledo, OH 43604
Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 4:00 PM (EST)
Doors open at 1:00 PM

Trump: 'We should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump'
10/27/16 Updated 10/27/16 [with embedded video, and comments] [at least at the time of this post, the video is there notwithstanding the lack of a cover image, just click on it to start; with comments] [also at e.g. (additional text adapted from; with comments)]


Trump: Hillary shouldn't be allowed to run for president

Published on Oct 27, 2016 by Fox News [ / , ]

GOP candidate joins 'The O'Reilly Factor' to discuss voter fraud, turnout and accusations of a 'rigged' system. [with comments]


Donald Trump on dealing with ObamaCare

Published on Oct 27, 2016 by Fox News

Republican nominee sounds off on healthcare policy on 'The O'Reilly Factor'.

Trump Tells O'Reilly He May Sue NBC for 'Hot Mic' Video
October 27, 2016 [with embedded video] [with comments]


FULL SPEECH: Obama Campaigns for Hillary Clinton in Orlando, Florida (10/28/2016)

Streamed live on Oct 28, 2016 by ABC News

President Barack Obama campaigns for Hillary Clinton in the hotly contested battleground state of Florida.

President Obama Campaigns for Hillary Clinton at Orlando, Florida Rally, Fri. Oct. 28, 2016
The event is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. EDT


Remarks by the President at Hillary for America Rally

Orlando, Florida
October 28, 2016

6:00 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, Orlando! (Applause.)  I said, hello, Orlando!  (Applause.)  Hello, UCF!  (Applause.)  Go Knights!  (Applause.)

I understand you play Houston this weekend.  You guys feeling all right?  (Applause.)  Are you fired up?  (Applause.)  Are you ready to go?  (Applause.)  Oh, I'm fired up -- look at this crowd.  (Applause.)

I think it's being broadcast outside the auditorium, everybody who couldn't get in because we ended up being a little too packed and the fire marshal had to close things off.  I just wanted you to know if you're outside, I love you too!  (Applause.)

Can everybody please give Devi a big round of applause for that great introduction?  (Applause.)  This is the kind of young lady that makes us proud.  A couple other people I want to acknowledge -- your outstanding Mayor, Buddy Dyer, is in the house.  (Applause.)  Your wonderful senior Senator, Bill Nelson, is here.  (Applause.)  Your next members of Congress, former Governor Charlie Crist, Val Demings, Stephanie Murphy, Darren Soto.  (Applause.)  Your next United States Senator, Patrick Murphy.  (Applause.)  And all of you are here.  (Applause.)

And I am here to say thank you.  (Applause.)  I want to say thank you, because it has been --

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  We love you, Obama!

THE PRESIDENT:  I love you back!  I do!  (Applause.)

You know, it has been --

AUDIENCE:  Obama!  Obama!  Obama!

THE PRESIDENT:  -- it has been a privilege of a lifetime to serve as your President.  And Michelle and I could not be more grateful for your support and your prayers over all these years.  (Applause.)  But hold up, hold up, but we're not done yet.  (Applause.)  I've got one campaign left in me.  (Applause.)

Michelle and I have got a little more work to do.  (Applause.)  So I'm here today, Florida, to ask you to work as hard as you did for me to make sure that Hillary Clinton is the next President of the United States of America.  (Applause.)

I didn't see the band back there.  (Applause.)  What's going on, band?  (Applause.)  Sorry, but I just love marching bands so I had to acknowledge the marching band.  (Applause.)  Are you guys from -- you're not from the college -- you're from high school, right?  Where you from?

MARCHING BAND:  (Inaudible.)

THE PRESIDENT:  What did they say?  High school?


THE PRESIDENT:  Ocoee.  All right, Ocoee, we're proud of you.  (Applause.)

Now, where was I?  Listen, hold on, hold on.  You guys are just so excited.  (Applause.)  Now, let me say this.  Florida is always a battleground state.  Florida is just a big, diverse state, which means that the races in Florida are always close.  I remember when I was campaigning here in the closing days of another hard-fought campaign eight years ago -- (applause) -- and some of you were only four.  (Laughter.)

But if you will recall, we were going through two long wars, we were in the early days of the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes.  On everything from health care to climate change to criminal justice issues, we had just been kicking the can down the road for way too long.  And I said at that time -- I said at that time that I wasn't a perfect man, I wouldn't be a perfect President.  I said at the time that if you elected me, we wouldn't solve every problem on day one.  We wouldn't solve it all in one year, or one term, or even in one presidency.

But what I told you was that I would work as hard as I could every single day to do right by you.  (Applause.)  That every day, when I walked into that Oval Office, I'd be thinking about the folks I met on the campaign trail.  I'd be thinking about the students who were trying to get a good education without a ton of debt.  (Applause.)  I'd be thinking about the working families who were trying to figure out how to pay the bills, and maybe they had lost their homes or they had lost their pensions because of the economic crisis.  I told you that I would be thinking about folks who didn't have health care and were worried about how they were going to make sure that somebody in their family that they loved got treated fairly.

And I will tell you this: I’ve made mistakes during these eight years, and there have been times where we’ve had ups and there’s been times where we’ve had lows.  But I kept that promise to work for you as hard as I could.  (Applause.)

And you kept faith with me and, working together, what we’ve seen is that an America that was at the edge of a depression battled back, and we turned job losses into 15 million new jobs.  And last year, incomes went up faster than anytime that they’ve been keeping records.  And poverty went down faster than any time since 1968.  (Applause.)  We just learned this week that the economy grew faster than any time in the last two years.  (Applause.)

We’ve seen an America that went from too many people uninsured to now 20 million people with health care who didn’t have it before.  And the lowest uninsured rate in our history.  (Applause.)

We’ve seen an America that was hopelessly hooked on foreign oil kick that addiction and suddenly we’re producing solar energy and wind energy and fighting to protect our planet by reducing harmful carbon pollution.

We’ve seen our men and women in uniform -- the best that there is -- sign up to serve and meet every mission:  To pursue the terrorist responsible for 9/11; get Osama bin Laden; make sure that justice was served.  (Applause.)

We’ve seen a country where a freedom was limited in so many places to a situation now where, in every state in this Union, you can marry the person you love.  (Applause.)

We’ve increased access to Pell grants.  We’ve seen the highest high school graduation rate in our history.  We’ve seen the biggest jump in college enrollment in our history.  Across the board, by almost every measure, we are significantly better off now than we were eight years ago.

And part of it is because we got policies right, but part of it is because of you.  I travel across all 50 states and I have seen what makes America great.  I’ve seen folks working hard, starting their own businesses; teachers reaching into their own pockets to make sure our kids get an education.  I’ve seen doctors serving the poor.  I’ve seen our brave men and women in uniform, and our brave police officers and first responders running towards danger, working to keep us safe.  I see the patriotism of young activists speaking out to make this country better, even if it sometimes makes us uncomfortable, calling on us to live up to our highest ideals.

I see you -– (applause) -- Americans of every party and every faith knowing we are stronger working together –- whether we are young or old, or men or women, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native Americans, folks with disabilities, gay, straight -- it doesn’t matter -- all pledging allegiance to the red, white, and blue.  That’s the America I know.  (Applause.)  That’s the America I love.

That’s why, through all the ups and downs, I haven’t been worried about this country.  Because I’ve seen the heart and soul of the American people and it is good, and it is decent, and it is strong, and it is resilient.  And there is only one candidate in this race who I believe can continue the progress we’ve made.  And I know that because she has devoted her life to making America better, and that is the next President of the United States, Hillary Clinton.  (Applause.)

So I am going to work my heart out over these next 11 days.  I don't know about you, but I'm not tired.  (Applause.)  I'm feeling good.  (Applause.)  I'm ready to work.  (Applause.)  And I need you to join me.  (Applause.)

Florida, I need you to join me.  (Applause.)  Young people, I need you to join me.  (Applause.)  And you don't need to wait until November 8th to do the work, because here in Florida, you can vote early.  (Applause.)  Here in Florida, you can vote right now.  And if you turn out to vote -- and I want young people to listen here -- hold on a second, I'm going to get quiet for a second.  Hold on, hold on.  I'm going to talk to young people here for a second.

If you vote, if you young people vote, if you vote for somebody who wants to make sure that college is more affordable, if you vote to make sure we're dealing with climate change instead of denying it, if you vote to make sure that we have somebody in the White House who cares about civil rights and cares about making sure everybody has a shot, if you vote, you will send Hillary to the White House -- you.  You.  You will send Patrick Murphy to the United States Senate.  It's up to you.  (Applause.)

And by the way, for those of you who are not young but just young at heart, don't be offended.  See, I've got to speak to the young people because us old-heads, we generally vote.  (Laughter.)  Because we've got -- you know, because we don't have enough energy to have as much fun as the young people do, so we're not as distracted, so we go to remember to vote.  The young people, they've got a lot of stuff going on.

But I need you young people to vote.  And by the way, the nearest early voting location for Orange County is straight down the road at Alafaya Library.  (Applause.)  The nearest Seminole County early vote location is right up the road at the Oviedo  Aquatic Center.  (Applause.)  And you can find other early voting locations just by going to .  (Applause.)

See, but here's the thing -- everybody is -- you guys are just being so sweet to me and I appreciate it, but understand this -- understand this -- all the progress we've made over these last eight years goes out the window if we don't win this election.  (Applause.)  Health care for 20 million people goes away.  The progress we've made on climate change goes away.  All the work that we've been doing to make college more affordable goes away.  I mean, the stakes could not be higher.

And I understand that, right now, the polls show Hillary having a lead.  (Applause.)  No, no, no, no, hold on, hold on.  Hold on a minute.  Hold on.  You know, sometimes when you get a lead, whether it's in sports or in politics, you start feeling good.  You start celebrating too early.  You start getting turnovers.  You start missing some free throws.  Suddenly, it gets a little closer.  You start tightening up.  And next thing you know, you look up, and you let it slip away.

See, I don't want ya'll feeling too good.  I want you hustling all the way until the polls close on November 8th.  (Applause.)  I don't want you taking things for granted.  I want you to run through the tape.  I don't want you to do an Usain Bolt and kind of look back, all smiling.  (Laughter and applause.)  Because politics isn't like track and field -- you're not always as fast as Usain Bolt.  You've got to stay focused and run through the tape.  We cannot kick back and think that we've got this thing won, because this has been a volatile race.  It's been a volatile election.  Folks are in a volatile mood.

And the media stories go up and down, and there's a lot of noise, and sometimes it's hard for folks to sort out what's right and what's wrong, what's true, what's false, which is why the other guy can just say whatever he wants, right?

And so we have to work hard.  And by the way, that's who Hillary is.  Hillary never takes anything for granted.  I have worked with Hillary -- she works hard every single day.  She doesn't take a day off.  She is a grinder, she just keeps on working.  I've seen it.  I have benefitted from it.  I've seen her in the Situation Room, making the argument to go after bin Laden, even when it was risky.

I've seen her travel the globe over and over and over again, earning the respect of world leaders.  It's not always flashy.  People at home don't always see it.  Folks like big speeches.  Folks like sound bites.  She doesn't always get the credit, but she does the work.  (Applause.)  She does the work.  (Applause.)  She understands the challenges we face.  She knows what she's talking about.

And by the way, when things don't go her way, you don't see her whining.  You don't see her complaining.  You don't see her saying things were rigged.  (Applause.)  She just comes back and she gets up and she works harder, and she works harder, and she works harder until she gets done what she's supposed to get done.  (Applause.)

And the reason she works so hard is because she cares.  She knows about hardships -- seeing her mom's history as an orphan.  She knows that the decisions that you make in the presidency are not abstractions.  She knows that this isn't just about the game of politics.  She knows that what we decide -- what I decide and what she would decide as President -- means everything to a soldier or a veteran or a military family, to a family that's trying to make ends meet, to the student who is trying to go to college for the first time, for a young person who was brought to this country as a child and wants to contribute to the only home that she's ever known.  (Applause.)

Hillary knows that ordinary people need a champion.  And she doesn't just talk the talk -- she walks the walk.  She's got plans.  And she's got details.  And she's read them through.  And she's thought them through, which is why, when she's in a debate with the other guy, she's talking about stuff that she actually knows something about and the other guy is just making stuff up.  (Applause.)

And listen, listen.  Can I just say, like, I was a good student when I was in law school and I was a good student my last two years in college.  But when I was in high school, my first two years, I was one of those guys who sometimes just kind of was talking and trying to get in good with the teacher.  And I was kind of charming -- (applause) -- but I wasn't always doing my work.

And that's okay for a while, but just like you want a surgeon who has actually studied surgery -- (applause) -- just like you want a pilot who did their homework when it comes to flying a plane, you don't want the slacker as your President.  You want somebody who is actually going to work hard and do the job.  (Applause.)  You want somebody who knows what they're talking about.

And by the way, you know who is also a hard worker is Patrick Murphy.  (Applause.)  Patrick Murphy.  Unlike his opponent, Marco Rubio, Patrick actually shows up to his job.  (Applause.)  He puts you ahead of politics.  He didn't try to defund Planned Parenthood.  (Applause.)  He fought to make sure women could make their own health care decisions.  (Applause.)  He didn't say that he was supportive of Florida's Latino community but then, when the politics got tough, you walk away from comprehensive immigration reform.  Unlike his opponent, he actually believes in science and that climate change is happening.  (Applause.)

In a recent debate, Marco Rubio didn't accept that sea levels were rising.  Now, he's from Miami.  (Laughter.)  So you can go to Miami and, on a sunny day, you can see a foot of water and if you want, you can put your finger in it -- it's salty.  (Laughter.)  It's in the middle of the road.  It's a problem.  But apparently, what 99 percent of scientists and what your own eyes tell you is not true, from Marco Rubio's perspective.  Meanwhile, Patrick Murphy brought Democrats and Republicans together to fund Everglades restoration.  He cares about the environment.  (Applause.)  And as your next senator, he'll fight alongside Hillary to protect this planet for the next generation.  (Applause.)

AUDIENCE:  Patrick!  Patrick!  Patrick!

THE PRESIDENT:  Patrick!  Patrick!  Patrick!

You know what, there's one other big difference between Patrick and Marco Rubio.  Marco Rubio still supports Donald Trump.

AUDIENCE:  Booo --

THE PRESIDENT:  Don't boo --



You know what, I always have to say this: Trump can’t hear you boo, but he’ll hear your vote.  (Applause.)  Rubio doesn’t care if you boo, but he’ll care if you vote.  (Applause.)

You know what, now, for some voters --

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  President Obama!

THE PRESIDENT:  Hello!  (Applause.)

For some voters, Marco Rubio will say, I think that what Donald Trump said is terrible.  And then, in front of other voters, he’ll say, well, I’m still supporting Donald Trump.  You know what, you can’t have it both ways here.  This is as cynical as politics gets.  You can’t just say anything or just pretend to be anybody in order to get elected or stay elected.

If you run for office on “family values,” then you should have been walking away from a nominee months ago who was calling women “pigs,” or “dogs,” or “slobs,” or graded them not on the content of their character, but on a scale of one to ten.  You can’t, with a straight face, say you respect women and then support somebody who brags about assaulting women.  (Applause.)

You don’t have to be a husband, you don’t have to be a father to stand up for women.  You just have to be a decent person.  (Applause.)

And I will tell you that I know everybody has been noticing Michelle has been pretty passionate lately.  (Applause.)  You know, it’s not only is this something Michelle has experienced herself, but this is something that, as parents, when we think about our daughters and listen to that kind of behavior, we say, that is not the kind of example we set for our children, for our boys, for our girls.  (Applause.)

AUDIENCE:  Obama!  Obama!  Obama!

THE PRESIDENT:  Now, obviously I could go on and on about why I don’t think that the Republican nominee is fit to hold this office because he does it himself every times he talks, or tweets, or gets caught on tape.

But I will say this: in my two campaigns for President, I had very strong disagreements with John McCain.  I had very strong disagreements with Mitt Romney.  I believed I had better ideas than them for how to lead the country.  But I was never concerned about the fate of our democracy if they had won.  (Applause.)

And Michelle feels the same way.  Michelle doesn’t love politics.  She wasn’t thrilled about me going into politics.  But she is working as hard as she can because she understands there’s something more fundamental at stake than this particular election –- and that is who are we as a country; what is our character; what values do we stand for.

We cannot teach our children to treat women as objects.  We want to teach our kids to treat everybody as full and equal citizens capable of doing anything.  (Applause.)  We can’t teach our kids to vilify immigrants, or people with disabilities, or Americans who practice a different faith.  We’ve got to teach them that everybody counts, and everybody matters, and everybody is deserving of respect, and we are stronger together than we could ever be apart.  (Applause.)

We shouldn’t let our kids think that politics is about pitching a new hotel, or a new golf course, or a TV contract.  It’s about working on behalf of the common good and promoting opportunity and justice.

That’s what Hillary believes.  (Applause.)  That's why she has to win this election.  It’s at the heart of the Methodist creed her mom instilled in her:  Do all the good you can, for all the people you can, in all the ways that you can, as long as ever you can.  (Applause.)

That’s why she’s in this.  She believes, like I believe, that we can summon what’s best in each of us; that we can make this country better for all of us.  She believes that, together, we can do big things that we could never do on our own.

And isn’t that what America is all about?  (Applause.)  We’re a country like no other in the world.  We're a country that was founded for the sake of an idea:  “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.”  (Applause.)  “That we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights.”  (Applause.)

That you don’t have to be born into wealth or privilege.  You don't have to look a certain way.  You don't have to have a certain last name; that if you are willing to give of yourself, you can move the wheel of history.  (Applause.)  That’s what drove patriots to choose revolution over tyranny.  That's what led GIs to liberate a continent.  That's what gave women the courage to reach out for that ballot.  That's what led marchers to cross a bridge in Selma.  That's what led workers to organize for better wages.  That is what has made America exceptional.  That is why America is great.  (Applause.)

And all that progress, all that work hasn’t happened because some person from on high did it for us.  It’s because we did it together.  (Applause.)  It’s because ordinary people worked hard.  It’s because immigrant families, like Devi's parents, worked the night shift.  They saved and scrimped.  They sacrificed.  They got involved.  They spoke out.  And even though sometimes that progress is slow in coming, sometimes it’s hard, sometimes it’s frustrating; ultimately, that process of self-government moved us forward.

And that's what Hillary understands.  That's what she understands.  (Applause.)  She knows that in a democracy that's big and diverse like this, you can't be demonizing each other all the time.  You can't just make stuff up about each other.  You can't spend all your time calling each other names.  You've got to compromise sometimes, even when you're right.  She understands nobody is perfect -- not even Presidents.  But we should try our best to conduct ourselves with just some basic homespun values:  honesty, decency, generosity, big-heartedness, fairness -- the things we try to teach our kids, the things most of us should have learned in kindergarten.  That's what we should expect.  (Applause.)

Look, I am here to tell you -- and I’m just going to be honest with you -- I understand that this is a polarized country right now.  I understand that everybody is just rooting for their side.  I understand that so much of the news during this election cycle has been discouraging or cynical.  And these days, because of the nature of the Internet and social media, sometimes it’s hard to sort out what’s true and what’s false.

I know that so many people can feel cynical sometimes about our prospects for progress and change.  And sometimes it feels like Washington is very far away and very distant.  But I’m urging all of you -- and I mean this -- the choice in this election is really clear.  You've got one person who is really, really well-qualified, who really, really cares about doing the right thing, who is committed to sustaining the work that you and I have done together over these last eight years.  I believe Hillary Clinton will be a great President.  (Applause.)

I believe she will move this country forward.  But she’s going to need our help.  It’s not enough just to elect her, and then have a Republican Congress that is already talking about not being willing to cooperate with her on anything.  When they controlled the Senate and the House -- right now they can't even pass their own stuff.  And all we're going to see is more gridlock and more obstruction, and more threats to shut down the government, and more threats to wreck the economy.  They’ve given up on their own nominee, but they’re promising more unprecedented dysfunction in Washington.

They didn’t work with me when I took office, even when we were in the middle of an unprecedented crisis.  They sure will not work with Hillary now.  Some of them are already promising “years” of investigations and hearings and obstruction and repeal votes.  They’re already saying they might not appoint a ninth Supreme Court Justice at all.  They boast about their refusal to compromise as if that, in and of itself, is an accomplishment.  And all it does is prevent what everybody is looking for, which is fixing up our roads, and putting people to work, and cleaning up our environment, and fixing immigration, educating our kids, keeping them safe.  (Applause.)

If you think that the slogan, “Vote for us because we’re going to give you gridlock” -- if you think that’s a good slogan –- then you should Republican.  (Laughter.)  But I’m hoping you’re not that cynical.  I’m hoping you believe America can do better.  (Applause.)  If you care about creating jobs that families can live on; if you care about childcare they can afford; if you care about equal pay for equal work; if you care about raising the minimum wage; then I need you not just to vote for Hillary, but I need you to vote up and down the ticket.  (Applause.)  I need you to vote for Patrick Murphy.  I need you to vote for our members of Congress -- people who are willing to roll up their sleeves and move this country forward.

So, young people, let me say this one more time.  I know you may be cynical sometimes and you may be fed up with politics.  I know there’s a lot of crazy stuff on TV and the even crazier stuff on the Internet.  But you have the chance right now to reject a divisive, mean-spirited politics that would take us backwards.  You have the chance, right now, to elect a woman –- our first female President -– (applause) -- who has spent her entire life moving this country forward.  (Applause.)  You have a chance to shape history, so don’t let that chance slip away.

You’ve got to vote.  If you’ve been marching for criminal justice reform, that’s great –- but you’ve got to vote for a President and a Congress who cares about reducing the pipeline from underfunded schools to overcrowded jails.  (Applause.)

If you’ve been marching for the environment, I hear you, but you’ve got to have a President and a Congress who believe in science and will protect the progress we’ve made because they care about the children.

If you’ve been marching for immigration reform, I’ve heard you, but you’ve got to vote for a President and a Congress who doesn’t consider immigrants rapists and criminals, but as people who love this country and are ready to contribute.  (Applause.)

Whatever issue you care about, you’ve got to vote.  This is where democracy happens.  This not where it ends -- it’s where it happens, with your vote.  Hillary needs your help.  I need your help.  America needs your help.  (Applause.)  Because your involvement is how progress is won.  What you do is what’s ultimately going to matter.

And if you -- if you -- do everything you can, not just to vote yourselves, but to get your friends out there, your family, your cousins, your uncle, your neighbors, your coworkers -- if you tell them, this is the moment where America has to take a stand and decide what it is that we believe in and who we are, and we’ve not going to succumb to cynicism, we’re not going to believe in fear, and instead we’re going to lift up hope.  (Applause.)

If you want hope instead of fear, then you will elect Hillary Clinton as President of the United States and Patrick Murphy as senator.  (Applause.)  And you will continue what we started eight years ago and America will continue on this amazing journey -- this amazing journey in which every single person in this country has a chance to live out their dreams.

God bless you, Florida.  God bless the United States of America.  Let’s get to work!  (Applause.)

6:42 P.M. EDT

* [at least at the time of this post, the video is there notwithstanding the lack of a cover image, just click on it to start; with comments] [also at e.g. (additional text adapted from; with comments)]


Full Show - The Fall Of Hillary Clinton, FBI Closes In - 10/28/2016

Published on Oct 28, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Friday, October 28 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover Trump's latest surge in the polls and the latest election news. Matt Dubiel discusses his work relationship with Scott Foval, the man fired from the DNC over Project Veritas' recently released video. Also on today's show Roger Stone covers the Trump campaign's next move as election day approaches. [with comments]


FULL: Hillary Clinton Press Conference on Email Investigation

Published on Oct 28, 2016 by FOX 10 Phoenix [ , ]

The FBI informed Congress Friday it is investigating whether new emails that have emerged in its probe of Hillary Clinton's private server may contain classified information. The FBI said in July its investigation was finished. [with comments]


Full video: Hillary Clinton rallies in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Published on Oct 28, 2016 by CBS News [ / , ]

Hillary Clinton rallied in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Friday after news broke that the FBI found new emails pertinent to the investigation into her private email server. She discussed the stakes of this election and encouraged Iowans to vote early. Watch Clinton's full remarks. [with comments]


Full Speech: Donald Trump rallies in Iowa

Published on Oct 28, 2016 by CBS News

Donald Trump hit a campaign rally in Iowa, hours after the FBI said it is reviewing new emails related to Hillary Clinton. The Republican nominee slammed Clinton for the latest revelations at a rally in Cedar Rapids. See Trump's full speech.

Donald Trump Rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Donald J. Trump
?McGrath Amphitheatre
7:00 PM [slightly, inconsequential first comments only, clipped at start; with comments] [also at e.g. (additional text adapted from; with comments)]


EXCLUSIVE: FBI Mutiny Reopened Clinton Investigation

Published on Oct 29, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

Upcoming leaks pertaining to Hillary Clinton have forced the hand of the FBI into re-opening their investigation into the crooked candidate.

During a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Friday night, Donald Trump criticized his opponent Hillary Clinton for attempting to politicize the recent news that the FBI reopened its investigationinto her email scandal, which was revealed earlier on Friday. [additional text taken from (a segment included in the complete 10-28-16 show, above; with comments}; with comments]


BREAKING: Feds Leak Details of New Clinton Investigation / Weinergate

Published on Oct 29, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

The FBI has reopened their investigation of Hillary Clinton after discovering new information on the electronic devices of Anthony Weiner. Could this be the end of Hillary's campaign or is it a distraction to draw attention from more serious crimes and corruption within our government? [with comments]


Wayne Allyn Root opens for Donald Trump in Las Vegas on 10/30/16 in front of 10,000+

Published on Oct 30, 2016 by Wayne Allyn Root [ / , ]

Donald J. Trump Rally at The Venetian in Las Vegas, Nevada
The Venetian
Palazzo Ballroom (5th Floor)
3355 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV 89109
Sunday, October 30, 2016 at 11:00 AM (PST)
Doors open at 8 AM
[ (with comments); other/better YouTubes of Trump's performance via e.g. , ]




Trump Speaker Warms Up Crowd With Bizarre Hillary-Huma Death Fantasy
“The ending is like the end of ‘Thelma and Louise.’”
10/31/2016 Updated October 31, 2016 [with embedded video clip, and comments] [with comments]


Full Video: Trump bashes Clinton, says Kaepernick reason for low NFL ratings

Published on Oct 30, 2016 by CBS News

Speaking before supporters in Greeley, Colorado, Sunday, Donald Trump made one of his final efforts to appeal to the state's voters. During the rally, Trump bashed Clinton and veered into talk about the NFL's lower ratings. See his full remarks.

Donald J. Trump rally in the Bank of Colorado Arena, located at the University of Northern Colorado.
Donald J. Trump
University of Northern Colorado
4:00 PM
Doors open at 1pm

Donald Trump Encourages His Supporters To Vote Twice
The GOP nominee told backers in Colorado to vote in person, even if they’d already voted by mail.
10/30/2016 Updated October 31, 2016 [with embedded video clip, and comments] [with comments] [also at e.g. (full event; additional text adapted from; with comments)]


Full Video: Clinton bashes Trump for stiffing AIDS charity

Published on Oct 30, 2016 by CBS News

Rallying supporters in Florida, Hillary Clinton hit Donald Trump for a recent Washington Post report describing how he allegedly crashed a ribbon-cutting ceremony for an AIDS charity he never donated to. Clinton also said her focus is on the voters, not the "noise and distraction." See Clinton's full remarks.

Community in Unity Rally and Concert with Hillary Clinton
SUN, OCT 30, 2016, 2:00PM – 5:00PM EDT
The Manor Complex
2345 Wilton Dr Wilton Manors, Florida 33305
On Sunday, October 30, Hillary Clinton will continue to campaign in Florida. She will participate in the Community in Unity rally in Broward County, where she will lay out her agenda for an America that is stronger together, that would support the LGBT community in South Florida and across the country.
Doors Open: 12:00 PM EDT

Trump boasts about his philanthropy. But his giving falls short of his words.
In October 1996, Donald Trump dances at a ribbon-cutting for a Manhattan charity's new building. Trump appeared even though he had donated no money to the charity.
By David A. Fahrenthold
October 29, 2016 [with embedded video, and comments]

You are probably more charitable than Trump

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Donald Trump constantly boasts about his wealth, but his promises to donate to charities are “in large part, a façade.” David Fahrenthold joins Lawrence to discuss his report in which one person describes Trump as “the most clueless person I’ve ever seen.” Duration: 6:52 [the above YouTube of the segment for the moment at least at (no comments yet), another for the moment at least at (no comments yet)] [with comments] [also at e.g. (additional text adapted from; with comments)]


Election Fraud Smokescreened By New FBI Investigation: Special Report

Published on Oct 30, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones discusses how the new FBI investigation just be a smokescreen to cover the latest bombshell Wikileaks releases. [with comments]


Democrats Desert Hillary Clinton - Crime Family In Crisis: 10/30/16 Full Show

Published on Oct 30, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Sunday, October 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show [with appearances by both Larry Nichols and Roger Stone], we'll cover the reopened FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton that was sparked by the discovery of new information on the electronic devices of Anthony Weiner. We'll then discuss how this investigation is merely a smokescreen to distract from WikiLeaks revelations that show corruption reaching President Obama and how FBI Director James Comey's actions have caused a mutiny among FBI agents. A White House petition calling for the end of George Soros-connected voting machines will likewise be analyzed as it surpasses the required 100k signatures to provoke a response from the president. [with comments]


Hillary Clinton speaks at Kent State University

Published on Oct 31, 2016 by WKBN27 [ / , ]

Clinton's goal during the Portage County campaign stop Monday was to urge Ohioans to vote early.

Hillary Clinton Rally in Kent, Ohio
MON, OCT 31, 2016, 2:45PM – 3:45PM EDT
Kent State Student Recreation Center
1550 Ted Boyd Ave Kent, Ohio 44101
On Monday, October 31, to kick off the final full week of early voting before the election, Hillary Clinton will return to Ohio to campaign, urging Ohioans to vote early.
With more people voting in this election than any in history, Ohioans can learn more about early voting at .
Doors open at 12:15pm [with comments] [also at e.g. (additional text adapted from; with comments)]


Full Video: Trump makes [not-]surprise campaign stop in Albuquerque

Published on Oct 31, 2016 by CBS News

Donald Trump made a [not-]surprise campaign stop in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He said that this nation is on the cusp of political change and that his election as president will be "Brexit times ten." Watch his full remarks.

Donald J. Trump rally at Atlantic Aviation located near the Albuquerque International Airport.
Donald J. Trump
?Atlantic Aviation
7:00 PM
Gates will open at 4pm

Trump: Clinton Would Add ‘650 Million’ Immigrants, ‘Triple The Size Of Our Country In One Week’
The GOP nominee offered no evidence to support his claim.
10/31/2016 [with embedded video, and comments] [with comments] [also at e.g. (additional text adapted from; with comments)]


Full Show - Hillary’s Plans To Rig Election Leaked - 10/31/2016

Published on Oct 31, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this special October 31st 2916 Halloween transmission of the Alex Jones Show, the Hillary camp is in a new pickle after a devastating Friday announcement from the FBI that it would continue its investigation into the Democrat presidential candidate's use of a private email server. Meanwhile, Donald Trump sees blood in the water and uses the latest October surprise to point out Hillary's corruption. On today's show, Republican operative Roger Stone breaks down the new Trump strategy to claim victory on November 8. Also, election expert Bev Harris explains the latest on voter fraud and how the public can help maintain integrity. We're also joined in the third hour by world-renowned Libertarian Lew Rockwell for his take on the election and more. [with comments]


KKK gains new prominence in 2016 election, in more ways than one

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow looks back at the history of the Klan Act, which is currently being used as part of a legal case against some state GOP voter intimidation tactics, and reports on the current KKK's support for Donald Trump. Duration: 15:23

©2016 [the above YouTube of the segment for the moment at least at (no comments yet), others for the moment at least at (no comments yet), (no comments yet), (with comment), and (with comments)]


Full Show - Hillary Clinton: Lifelong Rape Enabler - 11/01/2016

Published on Nov 1, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this LIVE Tuesday, November 1st 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we continue our coverage of the “vote shaving” software used to rig elections. Also, alleged Clinton rape victim Kathy Shelton joins us live in studio. And we look into the establishment's ongoing war against the people, with trends forecaster Gerald Celente giving his expert analysis on what to expect in the next week and beyond. [with comments]


Internal Coup Against Hillary Clinton Has Begun: Red Alert

Published on Nov 1, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

In this breaking video Steve Pieczenik not only discusses the Clinton takeover of the United States, but reveals his face after years of staying off camera. [with comments]


Hillary Clinton campaigns in Dade City, Florida

Streamed live on Nov 1, 2016 by Bloomberg Politics [ , ]

Hillary Clinton Rally in Dade City Florida w/ Alicia Machado
Clinton will outline her plans to create an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, and her vision for an America that is stronger together.
Pasco-Hernando State College East Campus
36727 Blanton Rd Dade City, Florida 33523
TUE, NOV 1, 2016
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
Doors open at 1:00 PM [Machado's remarks begin at c. the 38:40 mark; Clinton's remarks being at c. the 47:15 mark; with comments] [also at e.g. (descriptive text adapted from; with comments)]


FULL SPEECH: Obama Campaigns for Hillary Clinton at Columbus, Ohio Rally

Streamed live on Nov 1, 2016 by ABC News

President Barack Obama campaigns for Hillary Clinton in the battleground state of Ohio.

Ohio Democrats Early Vote Event with President Barack Obama
Capital University Field House
2360 E Mound St Columbus, Ohio 43209
TUE, NOV 1, 2016, 4:30PM – 5:45PM EDT


Remarks by the President at Ohio Democrats Early Vote Event

Capital University
Columbus, Ohio
November 01, 2016

5:34 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, Columbus!  (Applause.)  O-H!




THE PRESIDENT:  Oh, it is good to be back!


THE PRESIDENT:  USA!  USA!  USA!  USA!  USA!  (Applause.)

Now, let me just, first of all -- let me ask a question here.  What did everybody have to drink before you came in here? (Laughter.)  You guys had something caffeinated because you seem pretty fired up!  (Applause.)  You seem like you’re ready to go! (Applause.)  You seem fired up, Ohio!  (Applause.)

Let me begin by, first of all, thanking your outstanding Congresswoman, Joyce Beatty, for that introduction.  (Applause.) You’ve got Mayors Ben Kessler and Andrew Ginther here.  (Applause.)  Your next United States senator, Ted Strickland.  (Applause.)

Let me ask a sensitive question for a Chicagoan:  How many Cleveland Indian fans in the house?  (Applause.)  I just want you to know that you don’t have to worry because we will get you out of this auditorium before the first pitch.  So you’re all good.  (Applause.)  And because I’ve been watching the World Series, I am aware that because Francisco Lindor stole second base in game one, everyone in America gets a free taco at Taco Bell tomorrow. (Applause.)  Yay!  (Laughter.)  I mean, this guy was so fired up about the free taco, look at him.  (Applause.)  I have never seen anybody so excited about a free taco, this guy right here.  (Laughter.)

Now, there is a reason -- the reason I’m bringing this up -- if you can find the time to get a free taco, then you can find the time to go vote.  (Applause.)  If you can find the time to go to Taco Bell, you can find the time to go to, find your nearest early voting location, and cast your ballot.  And although Election Day may be one week away, here in Ohio, you can vote right now.  You can vote right now.  (Applause.)  You can vote, and then go get your taco.  (Applause.)  It’s like a combo meal.  (Laughter.)  It’s like you get something good for your soul, and then you get something good for your appetite.  (Applause.)

So I am working as hard as I can, and I’m asking you to spend the rest of this week working as hard as you can to make sure that the next President of the United States is Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Work as hard for her as you worked for me.  (Applause.)

AUDIENCE:  Hillary!  Hillary!  Hillary!

THE PRESIDENT:  Hillary!  Hillary!  Hillary!  Hillary!

Now, I know you’re already working hard.  First of all, here at -- folks at Capital University -- (applause) -- I know that they are a purposeful group of young people -- (applause) -- that young people at this university understand the stakes and they’re going to make sure to vote.  And all across the state, we’ve got this incredible organizing program.  More than 63,000 volunteers have registered tens of thousands of voters.  (Applause.)  More than 6 million phone calls have been made.  (Applause.)  And thanks in part to your hard work, more than a million Ohioans have already cast their ballot.  (Applause.)

So I know you’re working.  I know some of you are tired.  I know some of you are thinking, maybe I need a break.  (Laughter.) But this is one week that you can’t get a break because this week will decide the future of this country that we love.  (Applause.)

And, look, I don’t have to tell you, Ohio is always a battleground state.  I was here so many days during my final days of both my campaigns that I would have, like, pockets full of buckeyes at the end of the day.  (Applause.)  I mean, I was just parked here.  And you delivered for me.  (Applause.)

But remember, remember what I told you at the time.  I said, look, my slogan is not, “Yes, I can,” my slogan is “Yes, we can.” (Applause.)  I told you back then that I wasn’t -- I told you I wasn’t a perfect man and I wouldn’t be a perfect President, but I told you I would work as hard as I could every single day to make sure that your lives were a little bit better.  (Applause.)  And I’ve kept that promise.

Because I remember the conversations we had -- with autoworkers who had been laid off, with folks who didn’t have health care, with young people who were trying to figure out how to afford college.  And over the course of these eight years, we have battled back from what was almost a Great Depression, so that now incomes are rising again, and poverty is falling again. And businesses have turned job losses into 15 million new jobs.  (Applause.)  And 20 million people have health care that didn’t have it before.  (Applause.)  And autoworkers are back on the job producing the best cars in the world.  (Applause.)  The uninsured rate has gone down.  We're covering more than 90 percent of Americans for the first time in history.  (Applause.)

We've kicked our addiction to foreign oil, sparked a clean energy revolution.  America is the leader in fight against climate change.  We've doubled our production of clean energy.  We brought back our outstanding men and women in uniform from Afghanistan and Iraq.  (Applause.)  And we pursued Osama bin Laden until he met justice.  (Applause.)

We’ve seen a country that reinvigorated the cause of civil rights.  We have become a country where a freedom that was limited to just a few is now a right guaranteed to everybody -- the freedom to marry who you love.  (Applause.)

And all of this happened because of you.  I mean, I was your front man -- (laughter) -- but you were the band.  And all across the country, I've seen what has always made America great is its people.  People working hard.  People starting their own businesses.  Teachers reaching into their own pockets to make sure their kids had school supplies.  (Applause.)  I've seen doctors serve the poor.  I’ve seen our men and women in uniform, our brave police officers and first responders running towards danger to keep us safe.  (Applause.)  I've seen the patriotism of young activists speaking out for what’s right, even when it's uncomfortable -- (applause) -- part of a young generation calling us to live up to our highest ideals.

I have seen Americans of every faith and every party who know that we’re stronger together -- young and old; men and women; black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American; people with disabilities -- all pledging allegiance to the red, white, and blue.  (Applause.)  That's the America I know.  (Applause.)

And there’s only one candidate in this race who has devoted her life to a better America -- and that's the next President of the United States, Hillary Clinton.  (Applause.)

But -- but -- but make no mistake, this is not something you can take for granted.  All the progress we’ve made goes out the window if we don’t do our jobs in these next seven days.  (Applause.)  Our future depends on what you do these next seven days.  And at the end of the campaign, I know there are all sorts of negative ads and there’s noise and there’s distractions.  But I want you to tune all that out.  I want you to focus on the choice that you face in this election.

Donald Trump --

AUDIENCE:  Booo --

THE PRESIDENT:  Don't boo --


THE PRESIDENT:  -- vote!  Don't boo -- vote!  Booing doesn’t help.  Voting helps.  (Applause.)

Donald Trump is uniquely unqualified to be President.  He is temperamentally unfit to be commander-in-chief.  Don't take my word for it.  Take the word of a lot of the Republicans who were saying this before they decided, politically, that it was convenient to support him.  And then some of them decided, politically, it was inconvenient to support him again.  And they keep on doing backflips.  But think about what they said at the outset.

That he was a con man.  That he didn’t have the temperament to do the job.  That he didn’t have the knowledge to do the job. Didn’t have the experience to do the job.  Somebody who claims to be a great businessman, but who repeatedly stiffs small businesses and workers out of what he owed them.

And let me say this -- because I was talking to some folks here on the way over, and I said to them, if you're a working person, if you are out there every day working hard, punching a clock, the notion that this guy is your champion --

AUDIENCE:  Nooo --

THE PRESIDENT:  -- the notion that this guy is going to fight for working people, when his entire life he did not have time for anybody who wasn’t rich or a celebrity; who wouldn't let you into one of his hotels unless you were cleaning the room; wouldn't let you onto one of his golf courses unless you were mowing the fairway -- come on!  This guy is going to be your champion?

AUDIENCE:  Nooo --

THE PRESIDENT:  Come on!  Because there are a lot of working folks in Ohio, proud people who make an honest living.  And I hear them saying, well, I don't know, Trump, maybe he’s not so bad.  Come on!  This guy?

I mean, it would be one thing if you were thinking about voting for somebody who had been in the trenches, who knew what it was like to maybe not have enough money at the end of the month, who maybe had seen their parents working in a coalmine or on an assembly line, and knew what it was like to not be able to afford college, and had done his best -- maybe you’d think about some of the stuff he’s saying.  But this guy?  Don't be bamboozled.  (Applause.)  Don't run for that okidoke.  (Applause.)  Come on!

Come on!  That guy had never warn a baseball hat or a seed hat until he started selling them to make some money.  (Laughter.)  Come on.  Come on, take that off.  (Laughter.)  No, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait wait!  Don't boo.  Don't boo.  Vote!  (Applause.)  Although I would also check to see where that was made, because I bet it's made in China.  (Applause.)

And then this is the only candidate in decades -- the only one -- who refuses to release any tax returns whatsoever.

AUDIENCE:  Nooo --

THE PRESIDENT:  Now, maybe it’s because he’s not as rich as he says he is.  But maybe it’s because -- he admits -- he hasn’t paid his federal income taxes in years -- which he says makes him smart.  But, actually, what it means is, after this country has given everything to you, you're not going to give a single dime back -- to our troops, or our veterans, or building roads, or building bridges -- (applause) -- or to our universities so that young people can get an education.  Come on!

He says he’ll be his own foreign policy advisor, because he says he’s got a “good brain.”  (Laughter.)  Who talks like that? (Laughter.)  We can’t afford a President whose brain has suggested that we should torture people again, or ban entire religions from our country.  (Applause.)  Who insults POWs, or attacks Gold Star mothers, or talks down to our troops and our veterans.  Even a Republican senator said we can’t afford to give the nuclear codes to somebody so erratic.  (Applause.)

I think Hillary made a pretty good point -- a man you can bait with a tweet is not somebody you want to trust with nuclear weapons.  (Applause.)

So I want to, in particular, talk to working people out there who are thinking about -- even thinking about -- voting for this guy.  Somebody who spent 70 years on this Earth showing no regard for working people, open disdain not just for immigrants or Muslims, but Americans with disabilities.  And we know what he said about women.  This is the guy that you want to be representing the entire country all around the world?

AUDIENCE:  Noooo --

THE PRESIDENT:  And by the way, by the way, this is not just one tape where he’s bragging about how being famous allows him to get away with actions that qualify as sexual assault.  This is a lifetime of calling women “pigs,” and “dogs,” and “slobs” and grading women on a 10-point scale.

AUDIENCE:  Nooo --

THE PRESIDENT:  But part of what I'm concerned about is we start acting like this is normal.  And I hear people saying, well, this is just locker room talk.  I’ve been in a lot of locker rooms.  And, look, I’ll admit you wouldn’t want to publish everything said in a locker room, but that wasn’t said.  This is habitual.  And it is a part of who he is.

And when I hear people justifying it or making excuses, or saying, well, I don’t like that part of what he says, but I support his policies, and when I hear Republican officials saying as long as he’s willing to pass our budget and our tax cuts, then we’re supporting him -- let me tell you something about this office.  Who you are, what you are does not change once you occupy the Oval Office.  It doesn’t.  (Applause.)  The only thing this office does is it amplifies who you are.  It magnifies who you are.  It shows who you are.

If you disrespected women before you were elected, you will disrespect women once you’re President.  (Applause.)  If you tolerate supporters who are Klan sympathizers before you’re elected, then you’ll receive their support once you’re in office. If you disrespect the Constitution by threatening to shut down the press when it doesn’t say things you like, or threatening to throw your opponent in jail, or discriminating against people of different faiths -- if you do that before you are elected, then what are you going to do when you have actual power to do those things?  (Applause.)

So don’t act like this is normal.  This is not your typical election.  Look, we all have Republican friends.  This guy with the hat actually looks like a nice guy.  (Laughter.)  He’s got a nice smile on his face.  Look, we all know Republican friends, family members who don’t act or think the way Trump does.  But the problem is, is that things have become so polarized that people start talking themselves into saying, well, maybe it’s not so bad.  But it is.  It really is.  It really is.

This is not somebody you want your kids saying is the President of the United States.  Because our kids will learn from it.  And you don’t want somebody who really doesn’t know what they’re doing or show any curiosity about knowing what they’re doing to hold this job.  (Applause.)

But the good news is, Ohio, all of you are uniquely qualified to make sure he doesn’t get that chance.  All you’ve got to do is vote.  (Applause.)

And these are not equal candidates.  There’s only one who is actually worthy of your vote.  Who is smart.  Who is steady.  Who is tested.  Whose heart is in the right place.  Who is probably the most qualified person ever to run for this office.  And that is Hillary Clinton.  (Applause.)

AUDIENCE:  Hillary!  Hillary!  Hillary!

THE PRESIDENT:  Hillary is somebody who we know has dedicated her life to making this country a stronger, better place.  Works hard every single day.

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  I love you, Obama!

THE PRESIDENT:  I love you back.  But I want to talk about Hillary for a second.  (Laughter.)

I saw her as my Secretary of State.  I saw her in the Situation Room, making the argument to go after bin Laden even though it was risky.  Tirelessly circling the globe as Secretary of State.  Respected around the world.  Her efforts are not always flashy and they’re not always appreciated here at home, but she made me a better President, and she didn’t ask for credit.  And when she was challenged, she doesn’t make things up on the spot.  She doesn’t double down on lies -- that obviously are lies because there’s video.  (Laughter.)

She actually understands the world.  She understands the challenges we face.  And when things don’t go her way, she doesn’t whine or complain or blame others, or say everything is rigged.  (Laughter.)  She doesn’t say the polls are great when the polls are in her favor, and then when they don’t go in her favor the polls stink and nobody knows what they’re talking about.  She just works harder and she comes back better.  (Applause.)

And she knows that the decisions that a President makes mean whether or not somebody gets a job out there.  It means whether a veteran is getting the right care or not.  It means whether a soldier is going to be put in harm’s way or not.  Knows what it means to parents trying to make ends meet; or a worker at the  -- whether that plant stays open; or a student who’s trying to go to a college for the first time; or a young person who’s brought to this country as a baby and now just wants to contribute to the only home she’s ever known.  Hillary knows they need a champion. (Applause.)

And she has concrete plans to do what she promises.  She’s thought it through.  And she values hard work, and she respects working Americans.  And she’ll be a commander-in-chief who finishes the job of defeating ISIL.  And she will be a smart and steady President of the United States.

But, look, I just want to be honest with you, because she’s been out there for so long, sometimes in this culture, we always want to see the new, shiny object.  And if you get beat up enough in this political environment that’s so toxic, after a while people start believing stuff.  Hillary Clinton is consistently treated differently than just about any other candidate I see out there.  (Applause.)  And as I said, some of it is she’s just been around a long time and so people kind of -- they just believe whatever is said by the other side in their systematic attacks. And it wear on people’s attitudes.  And over time they go, well, maybe.  No, no, no, do not believe that stuff.

Has she made mistakes?  Of course.  So have I.  There’s nobody in the public arena over the course of 30 years that doesn’t make some.  But she is a fundamentally good and decent person who knows what she’s doing and will be an outstanding President.  (Applause.)

And, by the way, I just want to say to the guys out there -- I want to be honest.  You know, there’s a reason why we haven’t had a woman President before.  And I think that sometimes we’re kind of trying to get over the hump.  And we have to ask ourselves, as men -- because I hope my daughters are going to be able to achieve anything they want to achieve -- (applause) -- and I know that my wife is not just my equal but my superior.  (Applause.)  I want every man out there who’s voting to kind of look inside yourself and ask yourself, if you’re having problems with this stuff, how much of it is that we’re just not used to it.  So that, like, when a guy is ambitious and out in the public arena and working hard, well, that’s okay; but when a woman suddenly does it suddenly you’re all like, well, why is she doing that?  (Applause.)

I’m just being honest.  I want you to think about it, because she is so much better qualified than the other guy.  (Applause.)  She has conducted herself so much better in public life than the other guy.  That this notion that somehow, oh, you know, this is hard to choose -- it shouldn’t be.

And, by the way, not only do we need to elect Hillary Clinton, but she’s going to need allies like Ted Strickland in the United States Senate.  (Applause.)  Because here’s a guy who we know believes in protecting overtime pay so people get paid what they’ve earned.  Believes that workers should have the right to bargain for better pay and benefits.  (Applause.)  He’s running against a guy who helped strip overtime from 6 million workers, backed a bill that would make it harder for workers to organize.

Ted has always stood for working people.  In 2016, he believes that women should get equal pay for equal work.  (Applause.)  His opponent has voted against it five times.  Ted supports, yes, common-sense gun safety measures like background checks and keeping assault weapons out of the hands of terrorists.  (Applause.)  His opponent blocked background checks and opposed a bill to just stop people on the terror watch list from buying a gun.

And, by the way, if you see these ads out there saying Hillary is trying to take your guns away, it is not true.  It is a lie.  (Applause.)  Let’s just call it what it is.  It’s a lie. It’s a lie.  I’m not saying it’s mischaracterization -- it is a lie.

And, by the way, there’s one more big difference between Ted Strickland and Rob Portman, and that is Ted never supported Donald Trump.  (Applause.)  Ted’s opponent was for him.  Then he kind of looked at the polls and said he was against him.  (Laughter.)  You don’t know what he’s going to do this week.  But you know what, you don’t get credit for that.  Being a leader is about doing the right thing when it’s hard, not when it’s easy.  (Applause.)  It’s about doing what’s right even when it costs you votes.

That’s one of the reasons I’m so proud of Michelle right now.  She doesn’t love politics.  It wasn’t her first choice for our family.  But she’s been working her heart out for Hillary. And it’s because not only does she believe in Hillary, but she also knows our kids are watching this election.  (Applause.)  And when she sees the way Trump behaves, she knows that should not be an example we set for our kids.  She knows there’s something fundamental at stake that goes beyond plans or policies, and that’s the character of our country.

Will we teach our kids to treat women as objects -- or as full and equal citizens capable of doing anything a man does, and then some?  (Applause.)  Will we teach our kids to vilify immigrants or people with disabilities, or Americans who practice different faiths -- or will we say that out of many we are one, that we’re stronger together than we could ever be apart?  (Applause.)  Will we teach our kids that politics is just a way to pitch a new hotel or a golf course or a TV contract -- or show them that public service in this democracy is a noble calling, that it gives us a chance to promote opportunity and justice and the common good?

That’s what Hillary believes in.  Her Methodist creed taught her “Do all the good you can, for all the people you can, in all the ways you can, as long as ever you can.”  She believes that we can summon what’s best in each of us and make the country a little bit better for all of us.

And that’s what this election is about.  (Applause.)  When I think back about these eight years of service, I can tell you honestly that as hard as this job is sometimes, as frustrating as it sometimes is, you do this job for a while and your love for this country just grows and grows.  And it becomes so profound because you -- this is a place like no other.  It is founded on an ideal that all of us are created equal.  That you don’t have to be born into wealth or privilege.  (Applause.)  That you don’t have to look a certain way or have a certain last name to have a chance to make a difference.

That’s what drove patriots to choose revolution over tyranny.  That what led GIs like my grandfather to help liberate a continent.  That’s what allowed women to reach for the ballot, and marchers to cross a bridge in Selma, and organizers here in Ohio to organize for better wages and better working conditions. That’s what makes America exceptional.  (Applause.)

We’ve always had the opportunity to make this country great by working hard, each and every one of us.  (Applause.)  And it’s not about what somebody else will do for us, it’s about what we can achieve together.  And sometimes it’s slow and sometimes it’s frustrating, but this idea of self-government -- that’s what makes us different.  But it means we’ve got responsibilities.  It means we don’t treat elections like a reality show.  It means that we pay attention.  It means that we try to lift up folks who actually know what they’re talking about, and have shown throughout their careers that they care.

And that’s who Hillary is.  She knows that in this democracy, in a big, diverse country like this, we don’t demonize each other constantly.  She knows that progress sometimes requires compromise, even when you’re right -- even when you're 100 percent right.  She knows that none of us are perfect, not even Presidents, but we should try to conduct ourselves with the same honesty and decency and generosity that we try to do with our friends and our neighbors and our coworkers and our family.  (Applause.)  She knows that.  And she will continue the progress that we’ve made these last eight years.

But she needs our help.  (Applause.)  And she needs you not just to vote for her, but she’s got to have a Republican Congress that behaves a little bit better than the Congress we’ve got right now.  (Applause.)  I mean, these folks don’t just block my stuff.  They don’t just block a raise in the minimum wage.  They don’t just block an infrastructure bill that would put people back to work.  They don’t just block immigration reform.  They don’t just vote 60 times to take health insurance away from 60 million Americans.  They can’t even pass their own stuff.  (Applause.)

All they offer is gridlock and obstruction and no.  That’s all we see out of them.  They threaten to shut down the government when they don’t get their way.  They threaten to wreck the economy when they don’t get their way.  They’ve given up on their own nominee, but they start promising even more unprecedented gridlock in Washington before we’ve even had the election.

They didn’t work with me even though we were in the midst of a possible Great Depression when I came into office.  They’re sure as heck not going to work with Hillary now.  Some are already talking about “years” of investigations, “years” of hearings.  More shutdowns.  More obstruction.  More repeal votes. Some are already saying they won’t appoint a ninth Supreme Court justice, boasting of their refusal to compromise, as if that’s an accomplishment in itself.

How does that help you?  (Applause.)  If you’re a working man or woman out there, how does that help you?  If you’re a single mom out there trying to figure out how to pay the bills, how does that help you?  (Applause.)  If you’re a student trying to finance your college education, how does that help you?  (Applause.)

All this does is prevent what most Americans would consider actual accomplishments -- fixing roads, putting people back to work, cleaning our environment, reforming immigration, educating our kids, keeping them safe.  It would prevent us from getting that stuff done.  That’s all they’re standing for right now.

So if you think a vote for gridlock is a good vote, then you should vote Republican.  But if you think America can do better, if you care about creating jobs that families can live on, child care they can afford, equal pay for equal work -- you’ve got to vote Democrat up and down the ticket.  (Applause.)  You’ve got to vote for Hillary.  Vote for Ted Strickland.  (Applause.)  Because they’re ready to move this country forward.

If you’ve been marching for criminal justice reform, that’s great.  But you’ve got to vote for a President and a Congress who actually care about disrupting the pipeline from underfunded schools to overcrowded jails.  (Applause.)  And, by the way, you need to vote for a prosecutor right here in this county that makes sure we’re doing the right thing.  Up and down the ballot. (Applause.)

If you’ve been marching about the environment and climate change, well, you’ve got to vote for a President and a Congress who actually believe in science -- (applause) -- and will continue the progress we’ve made to lead the world.  (Applause.)

You’ve been working to raise wages -- well, that’s great.  You’ve got to vote for a President and a Congress that believes in a higher minimum wage, believes in giving families help to finance a college education, believes in immigration reform.  You’ve got to vote for a President and a Congress who sees immigrants as more than criminals and rapists, but as people who love this country just like we do.  (Applause.)

Most of all -- I’m wrapping up right now -- if you believe in this country, then you cannot be cynical about it.  You can’t -- as frustrating as these campaigns can sometimes feel -- and I know they’re long, they’re too long -- but you can’t be cynical. You have a chance to reject divisiveness.  You have a chance to reject mean-spiritedness in our politics.  You have a chance to reject those who would take us backwards, and instead choose the progress that we can keep on making over the next four years, the next eight years, the next 12 years.  (Applause.)

You can elect a leader who has spent her entire life trying to move this country forward.  You can elect America’s first female President to be an example for our daughters and our sons.  (Applause.)

So don't let this chance slip away.  You have the chance to make history.  Don't let it slip away.  Don't give away your power.  I have said this before -- the most important office in a democracy is not the Office of President.  It’s not the office of senator or mayor of congressman or county commissioner.  It is the office of citizen.  (Applause.)  You -- you've got the most important office.  (Applause.)  And how you treat that precious responsibility, how you treat that duty to this country, that's the measure of your patriotism.

So I’m asking you today, don't be cynical.  I’m asking you just what I asked you eight years ago.  I’m not asking you to believe in my ability to bring about change, not just in Hillary’s ability to bring about change, or Ted Strickland’s.  I’m asking you to believe in you -- your ability to bring about change.  (Applause.)

And if these last eight years have taught you anything, it’s that change is possible.  It’s because of you, autoworkers right here in Ohio, went from dark factories to double shifts; that thousands of our families have health care today that didn't have it before.  It’s the reason that a Marine can proudly serve his country and he doesn't have to hide the husband he loves.  (Applause.)

It’s the reason that the young people have gotten Pell grants who didn't get them before.  It’s the reason that young immigrants have been able to come out of the shadows and serve in our armed forces, or go back to school and contribute to this country they love.

I’m not on the ballot this time, Ohio.  But progress is on the ballot.  But fairness is on the ballot.  (Applause.)  But decency is on the ballot.  (Applause.)  Justice is on the ballot. Our democracy is on the ballot.  (Applause.)  America is on the ballot.  Hillary Clinton is on the ballot!  (Applause.)

You've got to do everything you can this week not just to vote, but to get your friends, family, cousins, uncles, neighbors, co-workers -- you've got to tell them this is the moment where we decide who America is, what we stand for.  You have to stand up, reject cynicism, reject fear, reject meanness. Choose hope!  (Applause.)  Choose hope!  Choose hope!  Choose hope!  Choose hope!  Choose hope!  (Applause.)  Choose hope! Vote!  Vote!  Vote!  (Applause.)

If you do, we will elect Hillary Clinton President.  We’ll elect Ted Strickland senator.  And we will continue this amazing journey, and we will finish what we started, and show the rest of the world why this is the greatest country on the Earth.

God bless you, Ohio.  I love you!  (Applause.)  God bless the United States of America!  Let’s get to work!  (Applause.)

6:28 P.M. EDT

* [at least at the time of this post, the video is there notwithstanding the lack of a cover image, just click on it to start; Obama's remarks begin at c. the 53:40 mark; with comments] [also at e.g. (additional text adapted from; with comments)]


Roger Stone and Trump Are Being Sued By a DNC in Five States

Published on Nov 1, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones speaks with Roger Stone on the DNC lawsuit to prevent exit polling. [with comments]


Soft Coup By Patriot Americans Is Happening

Published on Nov 1, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones details a video from Steve Pieczenik on a soft coup that is taking place against The Clinton crime family. [with comments]


Watch: Donald Trump rallies supporters in Wisconsin

Published on Nov 1, 2016 by CBS News

Speaking at the W.L. Zorn Arena in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Donald Trump detailed his plans to boost the economy and enforce his ideas on immigration at a rally Tuesday night. Watch his full speech here.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016: Donald J. Trump and Governor Mike Pence hold a rally at the W.L. Zorn Arena beginning at 7:00 PM Central. [with comments] [also at e.g. (full event; additional text adapted from; with comments)]


Full Video: Hillary Clinton campaigns in Fort Lauderdale

Published on Nov 2, 2016 by CBS News

Hillary Clinton took the stage at Delevoe Memorial Park in Ft. Lauderdale late Tuesday night to a crowd of 4,000 people, saying: "I'm sick and tired of the negative, dark, dvisive, dangerous vision and behavior of people who support Donald Trump." Watch her full remarks here. [with comments] [also at e.g. (full event; additional text adapted from; with comments), and (full event; with comments)]


my notes/tally of sources from which the foregoing (and a few other posts) were drawn; much more good/significant/relevant beyond the foregoing included/linked:

Hillary Clinton Made Trump’s Iconic Hats Great Again - blurbed at
If the tin-foil cap fits...

Trump Denounced His Campaign Rhetoric Almost Two Decades Before Running For President
A 1999 interview shows just how much he’s flip-flopped on key issues.

Trump’s Donors Paid For His Jetliner, His Hotels And Now, His Books
Nearly $300,000 of small donations went to “Art of the Deal” publisher.

Donald Trump Serves Up Piping Hot Nonsense On Obamacare
It’s possible he doesn’t know what the Affordable Care Act actually is.

Trump explains why the First Amendment has ‘too much protection’ for free speech
“Our press is allowed to say whatever they want.”

No, Donald Trump Did Not Win A Medal From The NAACP
The real story is much, much weirder.

Anderson Cooper Just Burned Trump Diehard Scottie Nell Hughes
You mean you can’t believe everything you read on social media?

Colin Powell Announces He Will Vote For Hillary Clinton
The former secretary of state is the latest George W. Bush administration veteran to back the Democrat.

Trump Warns Clinton Policy On Syria Would Lead To World War Three
“You’re not fighting Syria any more, you’re fighting Syria, Russia and Iran.” - obvious YUGE Alex Jones tie

Making America Hate Again: Trump’s War On Civil Society

Let These Jewish Women Explain ‘How Trump Is Like Hitler’ ( ) - this and following at
“I don’t want to say Donald Trump lies all the time, but he lies all the time.”

Sarah Silverman Tackles Trump | The New Yorker Festival
Oct 11, 2016

Gollum J. Trump Wants To Make America Precious Again - at
Nasty Hillbo, stealing his electionses.
Gollum J. Trump
Gollum J. Trump: A Campaign Built on a Precious
more via

These Shows Are Perfect For Trump TV
But “Dancing with the Tsar” most likely won’t be on the GOP nominee’s rumored network.

Melania Trump, Before She Was Famous

Donald Trump Never Paid For Ryan White’s HIV Treatment, His Mom Says
“How can we expect our kids not to bully when a person who is running for president bullies?”

Donald Trump Has Irrevocably Changed How We Will Grade Our Presidential Candidates
Just try to imagine Mitt Romney with Trump’s baggage. You can’t!

Half Of Americans Want To Take The Country Back To The 1950s
Donald Trump’s supporters are far more likely to be nostalgic.

Trump’s Got A New Hotel Venture, But You Didn’t Hear About It From Him - branded 'Scion'
At last we’ve found a subject Trump WON’T tweet about.

Hillary Clinton Attacks Donald Trump Over Accusation His Golf Course Didn’t Stop Harassment Of Gay Employee
The former employee claims supervisors did nothing to stop harassment from coworkers.

Donald Trump Claims Military Has ‘Conceptually’ Endorsed Him
“We’ve had tremendous veteran endorsements because the veterans have been treated so unfairly.”

Social Security Continues To Lift An Enormous Number Of People Out Of Poverty
The social insurance program spares more than 22 million Americans from deprivation, according to a new report.

Watch Donald Trump Prod His Employees To Say Good Things About Him On TV
At one of his golf clubs, Trump urged workers to get onstage and vouch for him. “You wanna come up? Come up. No, come on up.”

Rudy Giuliani Can Only Picture Hillary Clinton In A ‘Striped Jumpsuit’
He’s going all in to attack the Democratic presidential nominee.

Rudy Giuliani Stoops To New Low, Accuses Hillary Clinton Camp Of ‘Cooking’ FBI Report ( )
The fact that she was found not guilty of using a private email server is another one of her “dirty tricks,” he said.

Donald Trump Says He’d ‘Love’ To Duke It Out With Joe Biden
The GOP nominee mocked the vice president as “Mr. Tough Guy.”

Sean Hannity Offers To Send Obamas To Canada, Kenya Or Indonesia — If They Don’t Come Back
Right-wing radio host made a similar gesture to Hollywood liberals.

Mike Huckabee Hilariously Screws Up Another Analogy

‘Dilbert’ Cartoonist Says ISIS May Want Hillary Clinton For President - Scott Adams - has gone totally off the rails
“If there are no sponsored terror attacks before Election Day, it means ISIS prefers Clinton.”

Panicking GOP makes major last-minute Senate investment - $25M of dark money
‘We’re going to go out guns blazing,' Mitch McConnell ally says.

Donald Trump’s Get-Out-The-Vote Problem Could Cost Republicans Bigly
The Trump bind is real.

Pussy Riot’s ‘Straight Outta Vagina’ Wants Trump To Remember Where He Came From ( ) - at
Nasty women, we hope you’re singing this all the way to the ballot box.

Pussy Riot Tackles Putin And Police Brutality With New Song ‘Organs’ ( )
The racy music video is exclusively premiering on The Huffington Post.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Officially Charged With Criminal Contempt
“America’s toughest sheriff” is accused of disobeying orders to cease detentions influenced by racial profiling.

Getting North Korea To Denuclearize ‘Probably A Lost Cause’: U.S.
Clapper: “They are under siege and they are very paranoid.”

New Video Shows How Terrifying The Election Stakes Are For Some Residents (Can we stay? )
It’s a bleak possibility for the not-too-distant future.

House Republicans are already preparing for ‘years’ of investigations of Clinton

Disturbing Photos Sum Up The Horror That Has Been Trump’s Campaign
Let photographer Jean Malek show you.

The Other Donald Trump Is Voting For Hillary
The GOP nominee’s “theatrical persona” is distasteful to his name twin.

Donald Trump Has Nickel And Dimed Local Governments On Taxes, Too
He once fought to get a $306.99 tax refund from a public library.

A Long List Of All The People And Things Donald Trump Has Threatened To Sue Since Running For President - at
You’re sued! Or not.

How Barbara Corcoran beat Trump
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell 10/25/16
In an exclusive interview with Lawrence, real estate mogul Barbara Corcoran details the time Donald Trump sued her and how she beat him in court. You won’t believe what she did after her court victory. Duration: 7:17

Barbara Corcoran: Hillary Clinton Is Better Than Donald Trump for Small Business
Barbara Corcoran, who stars on the hit ABC television program "Shark Tank," thinks Hillary Clinton is better than Donald Trump for small business owners

Donald Trump Campaigns In Crucial Battleground Of Washington, D.C.
If you can call plugging his new hotel “campaigning.”

Florida Reporter Loses Donald Trump Interview After Refusing To Provide Questions In Advance
Yet other local journalists weren’t bound by this troubling restriction.

Hillary Clinton Is Spending Election Night In A Room With A Literal Glass Ceiling
Talk about symbolism.

The Presidential Debates Reinforced Democrats’ Support For Clinton
Few Americans say the debates changed their minds.

Adele Endorses Hillary Clinton During Miami Concert - which Hillary attended
“Hello... it’s Hillary.”

This Has Been The Craziest Election Ever And These Photos Prove It
No, it wasn’t a dream — or a nightmare.

Donald Trump Is Opening The Dumbest Cocktail Bar In America
Go home, Trump hotel bar, you’re drunk.

Donald Trump Lies Again About The Iraq War
He refused to apologize to Khizr and Ghazala Khan, saying their son would still be alive if he had been president.

One Senator’s ‘Burr-B-Q-Showdown’ Fundraiser Was More Important Than A Hearing On Military Suicides
Richard Burr’s Armed Services stint shows how raising money became more important than doing the work he was elected to do.

Ultra-Conservative Pat Toomey Tries To Reach Out To Democrats — While Still Bashing Hillary Clinton
Two ads highlight the senator’s attempt to appeal to split-ticket voters.

Thanks To Trump, RNC Is In A Bad Financial Position Heading Into The General Election
This is the worst shape the party’s been in at this point in an election since the turn of the millennium.

Trump Loyalists Planned Voter Intimidation Using Fake ID Badges, Fake Exit Polling — Until HuffPost Asked Them About It
The “Vote Protectors” are affiliated with Trump adviser Roger Stone. - excerpted at

Democrats Ask Judge To Sanction Republicans Over Trump - consent decree re no voter intimidation at voting places - MADDOW OPEN (AND BRIEF CLOSE) 10-26 - ALSO SEGMENT 10-24 (MON) (both just below) - AND AJ/STONE SEGMENTS FROM 10-26 (BELOW) - AND TIE
The RNC said the filing was completely meritless.

Why Trump's call for poll watching terrifies the RNC
The Rachel Maddow Show 10/24/16
Rachel Maddow looks back at the trouble the Republican National Committee got into for racially targeted "poll watching" in New Jersey, and explains why Donald Trump's call to supporters to watch "certain communities" is something the RNC hopes members ignore. Duration: 16:21

RNC in legal trouble over Trump call for poll-watchers
The Rachel Maddow Show 10/26/16
Rachel Maddow reports on how the RNC has been restricted by a legal consent decree over past racially charged poll watching activities, and a new legal case against the RNC over Donald Trump's calls for poll watching vigilantism. Duration: 18:44

Trump-Linked Voter Intimidation Group Releases New Script For ‘Citizen Journalists’
Vote Protectors wants volunteers to approach voters on Election Day to ask about “election fraud.”

Inside the Trump Bunker, With 12 Days to Go
Win or lose, the Republican candidate and his inner circle have built a direct marketing operation that could power a TV network—or finish off the GOP.
“We have three major voter suppression operations under way”

Trump campaign boasts of ‘major voter suppression’ effort targeting women and black people
Senior campaign officials say the goal is to depress African American voters.

Here's who Trump is targeting for his 'voter suppression operations'

Trump campaign organizing voter suppression operations

Trump campaign: 'We have three major voter suppression operations under way.'

Trump Campaign Brags About Its Ongoing “Voter Suppression Operations”

Donald Trump’s campaign is powering a massive negative-campaigning voter suppression effort
Inside Project Aalmo, designed to keep the vote away

REVEALED: Shady pro-Trump PAC targeting blacks and ‘suburban moms’ with ‘voter suppression’ campaign

RNC tries to wall off Trump on poll watching
The Rachel Maddow Show 10/27/16
Ben Ginsberg, former RNC general counsel, talks with Rachel Maddow about the consent decree that prevents the RNC from engaging in racially charged poll watching and why that means keeping distance from the Trump campaign. Duration: 11:54

MADDOW OPEN 10-31 - DEM SUITS FILED AGAINST VOTER INTIMIDATION/SUPPRESSION - Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 - in their paper 'The Crusader', KKK today endorsed Trump
KKK gains new prominence in 2016 election, in more ways than one
The Rachel Maddow Show 10/31/16
Rachel Maddow looks back at the history of the Klan Act, which is currently being used as part of a legal case against some state GOP voter intimidation tactics, and reports on the current KKK's support for Donald Trump. Duration: 15:23

No, ‘Emailgate’ Is Not Worse Than Watergate
Comey double standard seen in new FBI leaks - tie and
The Rachel Maddow Show 10/31/16
Rachel Maddow reports on a new set of stories about the FBI investigating aspects of the Donald Trump campaign and ties to Russia, and FBI director James Comey's reported reluctance to reveal Russia's role in hacking for fear of influencing the election. Duration: 5:50
Poor judgment leaves Comey with difficult mess to clean up
The Rachel Maddow Show 10/31/16
Matthew Miller, former spokesperson for the Department of Justice, talks with Rachel Maddow about why FBI Director James Comey's letter to Congress about Hillary Clinton, just days before the election, was improper. Duration: 4:02

F.B.I.’s Email Disclosure Broke a Pattern Followed Even This Summer

In Case You Missed It: ‘Dump All Those Emails’ Means Disclose Them - blurbed at
John Podesta’s leaked message tells Clinton campaign colleagues it’s “better to do so sooner than later.”

Oath Keepers Founder Says ‘Undercover’ Poll Watching Effort Won’t Intimidate Voters
The right-wing group will be looking out for “busloads” of voters to make sure the election isn’t “stolen.”

Today’s ‘Voter Fraud’ Efforts Recall Infamous 1990 Attempt To Deter Black Vote - North Carolina
The late Sen. Jesse Helms would likely approve.

White nationalists plot Election Day show of force
KKK, neo-Nazis and militias plan to monitor urban polling places and suppress the black vote.

Trump’s Populist Campaign Has Energized U.S. Militia Groups
“How many people are voting for Trump? Ooh-rah!”

Voter Complaints Up as Election Day Nears, Advocates Say

Voting Officials Are Fed Up With Donald Trump’s Talk Of A ‘Rigged’ Election
They say it’s virtually impossible — and that the GOP nominee is wasting their time.

Donald Trump’s Campaign Knows He’s Losing
The campaign’s internal models show him trailing Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s Campaign Might Not be Winning, But His Hotels Sure Are
New campaign filings show big payments to Trump properties in New York, Las Vegas and Washington.

People Are Telling Their Travel Agents Not To Book Trump Hotels
This isn’t good for business.

Donald Trump Adviser Isn’t Even Quite Sure What His Boss Is Doing
“I’m not gonna get into that.”

DeRay On Voting For Hillary: I Agree With Clinton More Than I Disagree With Her - ON LAST WORD WITH LAWRENCE O'DONNELL 10-26
The prominent Black Lives Matter activist explained why he’s with her this election season.
the endorsement:
DeRay Mckesson: Why I’m voting for Hillary Clinton
There is much work that lies ahead, and she is ready and prepared to do it.

White Students Allegedly Pulled Noose Around Black High School Football Player - Wiggins, Mississippi
The NAACP is demanding a federal hate crime probe.

‘Affirmative Action Bake Sale’ Prompts Outrage At The University Of Texas
The sale charged white people more for baked goods than black and Latino people.

This Girl Was Bullied For Her Skin Color. Now She’s A Badass Model - Senegal.
“I’ve had to learn to love myself more every day.”

Tim Kaine Gets Candid With Pusha T On Police Brutality And Racism
The two discussed the most pressing issues at stake in this year’s election.

Why Police Reform Needs To Be An Inside Job
We’ll only see change if they overhaul the culture of law enforcement.

Black DC Cop Says He Was Unfairly Detained, Tackled and Struck During Stop
Prince George’s County, Md., police are defending the actions of their officers, saying that Washington, D.C., Police Officer Robert Parker Jr. fit the description of a suspect who had shot someone in a mall parking lot.

D.C. police officer says he was unfairly tackled, struck in face during stop in Pr. George’s

Cops Fatally Shoot Pregnant Native American Woman During ‘Wellness Check’
Renee Davis was expecting her fourth child.

Former Trump rental agent describes racist policy
The Rachel Maddow Show 10/25/16
Rachel Maddow shares an exclusive NBC News interview with Stanley Leibowitz, Fred Trump's rental agent, describing the instructions he received from Fred Trump, with his son Donald by his side, about keeping black people out of the residential properties he owned. Duration: 12:55

Victim of Trump housing discrimination speaks
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell 10/25/16
Trump's toxic rhetoric is hurting his businesses, so he's trying to do damage control ahead of the election. Plus, the Clinton campaign is ramping up attacks on his past housing discrimination practices. Lawrence discusses with Joy Reid and Ana Marie Cox Duration: 15:17

The ‘Blacks for Trump’ Guy Is a Former Member of a Murderous Cult Who Thinks Obama Is the Devil - this and following at

‘Blacks For Trump’ Supporter A Former Member Of Violent Cult

Angela Rye ridicules Trump backer defending white woman holding ‘Blacks for Trump’ sign at rallies ( )

Here Are Photos of White People Holding ‘Blacks for Trump’ Signs (Photos)
Donald Trump thanked a white woman for brandishing a “Blacks for Trump” sign at a rally on Tuesday, but she’s not alone

Trump Brags About “Blacks for Trump” Supporters, Some of Whom Appear to Be White

About those 'Blacks for Trump' signs...
All In with Chris Hayes 10/26/16
A man who goes by the name 'Michael the Black Man' distributes the signs at Trump rallies...and there's a lot more to his story. Duration: 2:10

Trump has a vested interest in seeing controversial Dakota Access pipeline completed - this and following on this: AND SEGMENTS ON THE LAST WORD WITH LAWRENCE O'DONNELL 10-26 (next below)
This isn’t the first time Trump’s business interests have been linked to the Dakota Access pipeline.

Trump’s financial ties to Dakota Pipeline
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell 10/26/16
The Obama administration suspended construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline as protests continue but the next President will have to make a final decision. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Chairman Dave Archambault, Mark Thompson and Deray Mckesson discuss. Duration: 8:02

Dakota Access pipeline company and Donald Trump have close financial ties
Trump’s financial disclosure forms show he invested in Energy Transfer Partners, operators of the controversial pipeline, and its CEO donated to his campaign

Trump has taken over $100K from company behind Dakota Access pipeline, has $1M connection

Trump congratulates Gingrich on 'amazing interview' with Megyn Kelly - ties to

Donald Trump Praises Newt Gingrich for His Exchange With Megyn Kelly

Trump congratulates Gingrich on Megyn Kelly interview: ‘We don’t play games, Newt, right?’

Republican women increasingly fear party is alienating female voters - ties to

Conservative Christian Women Turn Away From Donald Trump
Shannon Dingle, a Christian blogger, is among the evangelical women who have publicly declared they wouldn’t vote for Donald Trump. Above center, Ms. Dingle receives communion at the Church on Morgan in Raleigh, N.C.
Oct. 26, 2016 [with comments]

Hacked Memo Reinforces Worst Perception of the Clintons - blurbed at

Harry Reid Warns Of ‘Constitutional Crisis’ If Democrats Don’t Win Back The Senate
Senate Republicans have suggested that they will continue to leave a Supreme Court seat vacant if Hillary Clinton is elected president.

This Could Be The Beginning Of The End Of The Supreme Court As We Know It
Conservatives lay the groundwork for blocking all of Hillary Clinton’s nominees.

House Republicans Already Have a Plan to Make Hillary Clinton’s Presidency a Living Hell - Jason Chaffetz, grand inquisitor
By Jonathan Chait

Donald Trump Still Won’t Say If He’ll Accept Election Results
“Don’t worry about it.”

Lou Dobbs’ Rant About ‘Mormon Mafia’ Becomes Twitter’s Best New Hashtag
Don’t mess with Mormons.

Samantha Bee Just Broke Another Glass Ceiling - interview of Obama
Tune in on Oct. 31 to see her make history.
Full Frontal Presidential Interviews: Barack Obama | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Beyoncé-Bashing Trump Surrogate Calls Sexual Assault Allegations ‘Man-Shaming’
Middle fingers up.

Anderson Cooper Smacks Down Newt Gingrich Over Megyn Kelly Sex Claims ( )
“This is a guy who is, what, on his third marriage, cheated on his first two wives, and was having an affair while he was impeaching Bill Clinton.”

First Congressman To Unendorse Donald Trump After Sexual Assault Comments Re-Endorses - Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah)
This is political courage. This is bravery.

The spy who couldn’t spell: how the biggest heist in the history of US espionage was foiled
Ever since childhood, Brian Regan had been made to feel stupid because of his severe dyslexia. So he thought no one would suspect him of stealing secrets

U.S. And U.K. Will Send Troops, Planes To Deter Russia In The East
This represents NATO’s biggest military build-up since the Cold War.

Trumpism 101: The Outsider, Ignored For Years. No Longer.

James Franco Endorses Hillary Clinton, The Most Interesting Woman In The World
“Vote wisely my friends.’

Iceland’s Radical Pirate Party Is In The Lead Days Before The Election - brief Maddow segment 10-26
The tiny island nation might vote for a big change this Saturday.

Japanese-American Women Try On Geisha Costumes, Conclude It’s A ‘Motherf**king Disgrace’ ( )
Best not to treat an entire ethnicity as a costume.

Clinton and Michelle Obama Winston-Salem NC 10-27 -
ABC News ( ) livestream

Justice Clarence Thomas: Nation's capital is 'broken'

Justice Thomas: 'We're destroying our institutions'

Lawyer Accuses Justice Thomas of Groping Her at Party in 1999

Alaska lawyer says Justice Clarence Thomas groped her at a party in 1999, according to report

Woman accuses Clarence Thomas of groping her at a dinner party in 1999

Sexual harassment claims continue to follow Justice Clarence Thomas

Fearing Election Day trouble, some US schools cancel classes

Donald Trump: Greatest baseball player in NY, just ask him
The Rachel Maddow Show 10/27/16
Rachel Maddow shares an audio clip from biographer Michael D’Antonio 2014 interview with Donald Trump in which Trump speaks at length about his innate gifts, particularly as a baseball player. Duration: 8:41

Audio: Donald Trump on women in the military
The Rachel Maddow Show 10/27/16
Donald Trump is heard on a 2014 audio clip from biographer Michael D’Antonio, talking about his disagreement with the decision to allow women in the military. Duration: 0:46

Trump: Women in the military is bedlam
The Rachel Maddow Show 10/27/16
Rachel Maddow shows Mike Pence calling women in the military a "bad idea," and shares previously unreleased audio of Donald Trump criticizing the decision to allow women into the U.S. military, calling it "bedlam." Duration: 5:02

Donald Trump Thought Bringing Women Into The Military Created ‘Bedlam’
He has also said that allowing women to serve with men has increased the number of sexual assaults.

Email leak shows Kremlin instigated Ukraine break-up

Kremlin puppet master's leaked emails are price of return to political frontline
Russia’s Vladislav Surkov fell out of favour with Putin but new role in Ukraine talks has made him target for unknown hackers

Trump takes issue with Clinton’s criticism of Putin

Russia’s Not Playing Favorites but Trump Does Speak for the People, Putin Says
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday said Donald Trump ‘represents the interests of simple people who criticize those who have been in power for decades.’
Russian leader denies any role in influencing U.S. elections
Updated Oct. 27, 2016 [with comments]

Clinton eyes Biden for secretary of state
'They are spending a lot of time figuring out the best way to try to persuade him to do it if she wins,' a source tells POLITICO.

Trump: 'We should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump' - 10-27 Toledo Ohio

Donald Trump: 'We Should Just Cancel the Election and Just Give It to Trump'

Donald Trump: Let’s Cancel The Election ‘And Just Give It To Trump’

TRUMP: 'We should just cancel the election and give it to Trump'

trump toledo ohio 10-27
speech - ABC News

Sen. Mark Kirk questions opponent’s American heritage in Illinois debate

Republican Mark Kirk singles out Asian heritage of Iraq veteran rival Tammy Duckworth
Illinois senator seems to suggest in a debate that Democrat opponent’s Thai and Chinese heritage lessened her family’s centuries of US military service

Illinois Senator Draws Fire for Racially Charged Attack on Opponent's Family
Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk is again under fire for making racially-charged comments, this time for questioning the military service of his Democratic opponent's family.
During Thursday night's debate between Kirk and challenger Rep. Tammy Duckworth, Duckworth spoke about her desire to be in the Senate as a voice of reason and referenced her family's history of service, saying, "My family has served this nation in uniform, going back to the Revolution. I'm a daughter of the American Revolution. I've bled for this nation. But I still want to be there in the Senate when the drums of war sound. Because people are quick to sound the drums of war, and I want to be there to say this is what it costs, this is what you're asking us to do. … Families like mine are the ones that bleed first."
Kirk responded: "I had forgotten that your parents came all the way from Thailand to serve George Washington."

Dems demand apology for Kirk comments on Duckworth's heritage
U S Senate Duckworth Kirk Debate PART 1
U S Senate Duckworth Kirk Debate PART 2
U S Senate Debate Duckworth Kirk PART 3

The FCC just passed sweeping new rules to protect your online privacy

Broadband Providers Will Need Permission to Collect Private Data

One Last Growl for F.C.C.’s Sharp-Toothed Watchdog

AT&T Calls FCC Broadband Privacy Rules 'Illogical' as ITTA Preps Legal Challenge

U.S. Indicts Dozens in $300 Million Indian Call Center Scheme

South Korean Adopted At Age 3 Is To Be Deported Nearly 40 Years Later

Adam Crapser Came Here Legally as an Infant and Is Now Being Deported. That Is Maddening.

Video Shows Man Punching 7-Year-Old At School, Then Walking Away
“I’ll feel much better when he is locked up,” the child’s mother said.

No scattering of ashes or keeping them home, Vatican says
also re relics and preserved saints, e.g.:
AND in particular


The Kids Are All Right: Children With 3-Way DNA Are Healthy, Study Finds
"The outcomes looked uniformly good ... suggesting that no harm was done," said a doctor who reviewed the results
Three-Parent Kids Grew Up OK
original of above:

Supposed ‘Burial Slab’ Of Jesus Christ Uncovered For First Time In Centuries
The slab had been encased in marble since at least 1555.

Creationist Ken Ham Says There Are No Intelligent Aliens... Because Aliens Can’t Possibly Exist
Poor E.T.

Evangelicals Aren’t Who You Think They Are (. . .)
The truth is that most U.S. evangelicals do not support Trump.
by Jim Wallis

A Troubling Number Of White Christians Actually Favor Trump’s Muslim Ban
So much for welcoming the stranger. - from 10-24 forward
Full Show - Expert Exposes Plan For Nuclear War/Election Reaching Tipping Point - 10/24/2016
Full Show - Hillary In Free Fall // Trump Surges - 10/25/2016
Full Show - David Vs. Goliath, Trump Destroys NWO - 10/26/2016
two included segments;
Democrats Attack Poll Watchers: Roger Stone
Grassroot Voter Fraud Investigation Hacked
On this Thursday, October 27th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the elitist racism of Clinton ally David Brock, and the Clinton campaign’s failure to authentically connect to African-Americans in general. Trump insider Roger Stone breaks down the latest election news and the National Enquirer’s Dylan Howard talks about Hillary’s secret lovers - and the Clintons intimidation tactics against reporters to cover it up. Larry Nichols also reveals more about these tactics.
Full Show - The Fall Of Hillary Clinton, FBI Closes In - 10/28/2016 - gets into breaking Comey Clinton emails thing in last part - additional later segments re that; check for
On this Friday, October 28 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover Trump's latest surge in the polls and the latest election news. Matt Dubiel discusses his work relationship with Scott Foval, the man fired from the DNC over Project Veritas' recently released video. Also on today's show Roger Stone covers the Trump campaign's next move as election day approaches.
Democrats Desert Hillary Clinton - Crime Family In Crisis: 10/30/16 Full Show
On this Sunday, October 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we'll cover the reopened FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton that was sparked by the discovery of new information on the electronic devices of Anthony Weiner. We'll then discuss how this investigation is merely a smokescreen to distract from WikiLeaks revelations that show corruption reaching President Obama and how FBI Director James Comey's actions have caused a mutiny among FBI agents. A White House petition calling for the end of George Soros-connected voting machines will likewise be analyzed as it surpasses the required 100k signatures to provoke a response from the president.
Full Show - Hillary’s Plans To Rig Election Leaked - 10/31/2016
On this special October 31st 2916 Halloween transmission of the Alex Jones Show, the Hillary camp is in a new pickle after a devastating Friday announcement from the FBI that it would continue its investigation into the Democrat presidential candidate's use of a private email server. Meanwhile, Donald Trump sees blood in the water and uses the latest October surprise to point out Hillary's corruption. On today's show, Republican operative Roger Stone breaks down the new Trump strategy to claim victory on November 8. Also, election expert Bev Harris explains the latest on voter fraud and how the public can help maintain integrity. We're also joined in the third hour by world-renowned Libertarian Lew Rockwell for his take on the election and more.

Donald Trump Suggests He May Sue NBC Over ‘Illegal’ ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape - AND LAST WORD OPEN 10-27

Donald Trump Suggests He’ll Sue NBC Over ‘Access Hollywood’ Video Leak
“Well, you’ll see, you’ll see.”

NBC waited for green light from lawyers before airing Trump video
October 8, 2016

Trump Tells O'Reilly He May Sue NBC for 'Hot Mic' Video

Trump: Hillary shouldn't be allowed to run for president
Donald Trump on dealing with ObamaCare
Watters' World: School children election opinion edition
Should we all be dancing?
How the Clinton Charitable Foundation is being run

Bill O’Reilly Turns On Trump, Says Talk Of ‘Rigged’ Election ‘Is Not A Patriotic Thing’ - 10-25 ( )
“The vote cannot possibly be rigged two weeks from tonight.”
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC

Obama to fight back on redistricting for Democrats
The Rachel Maddow Show 10/24/16
Rachel Maddow reminds viewers of how Republicans focused on small state office elections to turn states red and gain control of state houses for re-drawing congressional districts in GOP favor, and reports on President Obama's goal of doing something similar for Democrats when he leaves office. Duration: 8:19

Are Democrats missing opportunity to eject Marco Rubio?
The Rachel Maddow Show 10/24/16
Steve Schale, Florida-based political strategist, talks with Rachel Maddow about whether the Democratic Party is making a mistake by not investing more in Rep. Patrick Murphy's close Senate race against Marco Rubio in Florida. Duration: 7:05

Lawyers offer Trump accusers free legal help - further to , tie
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell 10/24/16
Lawrence talks to Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe, one of the nation's leading constitutional scholars and lawyers, about his offer to provide free legal help to any of Donald Trump's accusers. Tribe also explains why Trump’s threats could actuall... Duration: 6:44

Ghostwriter Tony Schwartz plays psychoanalyst with Donald Trump, and he nails him. - includes botched reference to item below

Inside the mind of Donald Trump
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell 8/18/15
Lawrence is joined by Joe Burgo, a clinical psychologist, and Jeffrey Kluger, editor-at-large for TIME, to discuss the behavior and impact of Donald Trump and the idea that much of his behavior is fueled by narcissism. Duration: 8:42
Psychologist on TRUMP’s Extreme NARCISSISM | Lawrence O’Donnell inside Donald Trump's mind [non-MSNBC]

Inside The Mind Of Donald Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Published on May 17, 2016
Prof. Dan McAdams shares a psychologist's guide to Donald Trump's behavior. He also discusses whether Trump's temperament can still change.

All In Hayes with Catherine Rapell (author of next below) bottom of hour 10-25:
The right-wing echo chamber engulfs Trump
All In with Chris Hayes 10/25/16
The GOP presidential candidate feels more at home amid those who push far-right conspiracy theories -- and don't much worry about facts.

Want to save the Republican Party? Drain the right-wing media swamp.

Donald Trump Supporters Are Using a Nazi Word to Attack Journalists
'Lugenpresse' means 'lying press'

Partisan Crowds at Trump Rallies Menace and Frighten News Media
Press Tensions at Trump Rallies - video

Donald Trump vs. a Free Press
OCT. 13, 2016

The press always got booed at Trump rallies. But now the aggression is menacing.

Trump Phones Into Rush Limbaugh To Whine About The "Very Evil" Press
Donald Trump: "They Are Bad People And Nobody, Nobody Lies Like They Do"

On freedom of the press, Donald Trump wants to make America like England again

Trump Gives Rambling Answer About Press Freedoms In Miami TV Interview ( )

'Don't believe the polls': Donald Trump's supporters back him against the odds
At a rally in Ohio, the cries of ‘lock her up!’ are loud and every negative opinion poll or media report only entrenches the support of Trump fans

Trump Supporters Threaten To Assassinate Hillary Clinton, Overthrow Government

Some Donald Trump Voters Warn of Revolution if Hillary Clinton Wins

Donald Trump supporters warn of 'another Revolutionary War' if Hillary Clinton wins: Friday US election briefing

Trump supporter 'ready for a revolution' if Clinton wins

Trump's supporters and their bloody words of war - e.g. Joe Walsh ( )

Pence halts Trump supporter who called for 'revolution' if Clinton wins
Oct. 11, 2016

Final Days
Trump’s advisers are working hard to plan their own futures while riding out the roller-coaster end of the campaign.
“Paul Manafort didn’t understand him,” a longtime Trump confidant told me. “Trump is going to do whatever the fuck he wants. You have to trick him into doing what you want.”
No one understands this better than Manafort’s successors. To hear Kellyanne Conway talk about managing her boss is to listen to a mother of four who has had ample experience with unruly toddlers. Instead of criticizing Trump’s angry tweets, for instance, she suggested that he also include a few positive ones. “You had these people saying, ‘Delete the app! Stop tweeting!’ ” she recalled. “I would say, ‘Here are a couple of cool things we should tweet today.’ It’s like saying to someone, ‘How about having two brownies and not six?’ ”
Conway had grown close to the Trumps, especially Ivanka, through a connection to the Mercer family. During the primaries, Conway had run a pro–Ted Cruz super-pac, which the Mercers had funded; after Cruz dropped out, she started advising Trump. The key to managing Trump, she told me, is to let him feel like he is in control — always. “It all has to be his decision in the end,” she said. A Trump donor explained it this way: “Trump has the following personality: NIH-NFW, meaning ‘If it’s not invented here, not invented behind these eyes, then it’s no fucking way.’ ”

Trump Attacks Clinton As Supporter Chants ‘Jew S. A.’
A man near the press area at Trump’s Phoenix rally shouted “Jew S.A.” instead of USA.

Man staring down press removed from Trump rally
PHOENIX, ARIZ. — Security guards removed a man staring menacingly at the press from a Donald Trump campaign rally on Saturday.
A television reporter notified a security guard that the rally attendee was holding an object in his hand and described him as a “very dangerous man” after noticing the man facing away from Trump and staring at length directly at members of the press. Minutes later, security guards removed the man from the Phoenix Convention Center.
The incident comes as Trump’s attacks on the press have grown more extreme in recent weeks, with the Republican nominee accusing journalists and bankers of colluding with Hillary Clinton’s campaign to destroy him as part of a vast globalist conspiracy.
Earlier this month, in response to that rhetoric, Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the Anti-Defamation League, warned, "Whether Intentionally or not, Donald Trump is evoking classic anti-Semitic themes that have historically been used against Jews and still reverberate today."
It was not the only press-related incident at Saturday's rally. Minutes before the man was removed, two other men began shouting at the press pen. One of them, wearing a hat with a mushroom cloud and the words “” as well as a shirt with former President Bill Clinton’s face and the word “rape” began shouting, “Bill Clinton’s a rapist.” His companion, wearing a “Hillary for Prison” shirt, shouted at the press, “You are rapists” and “you need to pay for Bill Clinton’s rape,” adding, “You are responsible.”
That same man, when the crowd broke into a chant of “U-S-A” stood at the metal barrier separating the press from the crowd and shouted at members of the press, “Jew-S-A.”

Analysis: The Vengeful World of Donald Trump, and Why it Matters

Someone Was Actually Arrested For In-Person Voter Fraud. She’s A Trump Supporter. - blurbed at
Oh, sweet irony.

Surprise, Surprise, Donald Trump’s Supporters Are Trying To ‘Rig’ The Election
Supporters have been violent, admitted to voter fraud and racial profiling, just as Trump foresaw.

Truckload of manure dumped on Ohio county's Democratic headquarters
Manure was also dumped there during 2012 election

Donald Trump Encourages His Supporters To Vote Twice - Greeley, CO 10-30 - linked at
The GOP nominee told backers in Colorado to vote in person, even if they’d already voted by mail.

The Incredibly Sexist Book Once Mysteriously Billed As Trump’s ‘Debut Novel’
HuffPost found ad copy for the novel, which ended up being released by Jeffrey Robinson.

Trump Speaker Warms Up Crowd With Bizarre Hillary-Huma Death Fantasy - Las Vegas 10-30 - Wayne Root YT
“The ending is like the end of ‘Thelma and Louise.’”
During a speech at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas on Sunday, Wayne Allyn Root envisioned Hillary Clinton and her top aide, Huma Abedin, dying in a fiery car crash.
“I heard a rumor, I don’t know if you’ve heard this rumor, but while we’re all gathered here, all the networks have wall-to-wall coverage of a live police chase,” the 2008 Libertarian vice-presidential candidate and author of “Angry White Male” said. “And it’s Hillary in a white Ford Bronco! She’s got Huma driving, and they’re headed for the Mexican border.” 
Root added: 
“I have a name. I have a name. I have a name for the future TV movie, it’s called ‘Driving Miss Hilary,’ and the ending, if we all get our wish, the ending is like the end of ‘Thelma and Louise.’”

The Girl From The Haunting ‘Daisy’ Ad Is Back, This Time To Warn Against Donald Trump ( )
It’s not the first Clinton ad to warn about Trump’s nonchalance toward nuclear weapons.

Trump: Clinton Would Add ‘650 Million’ Immigrants, ‘Triple The Size Of Our Country In One Week’ (full speech ) - Albuquerque, New Mexico 10-30
The GOP nominee offered no evidence to support his claim.

Trump boasts about his philanthropy. But his giving falls short of his words.
By David A. Fahrenthold
You are probably more charitable than Trump
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell 10/31/16
Donald Trump constantly boasts about his wealth, but his promises to donate to charities are “in large part, a façade.” David Fahrenthold joins Lawrence to discuss his report in which one person describes Trump as “the most clueless person I’ve ever seen." Duration: 6:52

Trump, Putin, and the Alt-Right International - and further linked there - blurbed at
In boosting Trump and funding fringe parties in Europe, Russia has helped construct a new kind of "comintern"—and it's even more effective than the Cold War version.

Saudi college student in Wisconsin dies after assault

University of Wisconsin-Stout Student From Saudi Arabia Killed

Muslim Student Murdered At UW-Stout

A cop’s wife tried to pin a burglary on ‘BLM,’ police say - Millbury, Mass.

Why Does Education Translate to Less Support for Donald Trump? (Santorum: Obama "A Snob" For Wanting Everyone To Go To College )

Trump Raises Specter Of [constitutional] Crisis If Clinton Wins The White House
“Nothing’s going to get done.”

Here’s The Latest Big News On Russia And The U.S. Election
Eight days to go.

Guy In Trump Hat and ‘Deplorables’ T-Shirt Arrested At Texas Polling Place
“He wanted to take a stand. Unfortunately, he was arrested and taken to jail.”

What The World Finds Scariest About Donald Trump
So, so many things.

Donald Trump Used Legally Dubious Method to Avoid Paying Taxes

Hugh Hewitt: James Comey Shouldn’t Clear Up Email Case If It Clears Hillary Clinton
It’s rigged just the way he likes it.

Black Mississippi Church Burned And Vandalized With ‘Vote Trump’
There were no reported injuries.

A Black Church Burned in the Name of Trump - at
Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi, was reportedly set on fire and spray painted with the words “Vote Trump” on Tuesday night.

Ron Johnson Says Hillary Clinton Should Be Impeached
Of course Republicans gotta get a jump on this before she wins the election.

Top Trump Supporter In Texas Calls Hillary Clinton A ‘C**t’ On Twitter
Sid Miller’s office tried to claim his Twitter account was hacked. But it wasn’t.

Secret Recordings Fueled FBI Feud in Clinton Probe

Details of an FBI battle over whether to pursue a Clinton Foundation probe are emerging amid the continuing furor after FBI Director James Comey, shown testifying before the House Oversight Committee in July, disclosed to Congress that new emails had emerged that could be relevant to a separate FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email.
Agents thought they had enough material to merit aggressively pursuing investigation into Clinton Foundation
Updated Nov. 2, 2016
Secret recordings of a suspect talking about the Clinton Foundation fueled an internal battle between FBI agents who wanted to pursue the case and corruption prosecutors who viewed the statements as worthless hearsay, people familiar with the matter said.
Agents, using informants and recordings from unrelated corruption investigations, thought they had found enough material to merit aggressively pursuing the investigation into the foundation that started in summer 2015 based on claims made in a book by a conservative author called “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” these people said.
[...] [with comments]

FBI Reportedly Basing Clinton Foundation Investigation On ‘Clinton Cash’ Book
Is that such a hot idea, though?

Woman accusing Trump of child rape remains silent after threats
School Segregation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Chelsea Handler Shares Her Ivanka Trump Fantasy | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - at
New Rule: The Danger of False Equivalency | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - at
Donald Trump's Closing Argument: A Closer Look
trump Gettysburg 10-22
Lawrence O'Donnell On Donald Trump’s Gettysburg Speech | AM Joy | MSNBC
Newt Gingrich: Trump’s Gettysburg Address Was ‘Maybe the Best Reform Speech Since Reagan’
Full Show 10/24/16: Trump’s "Gettysburg Address"
The Big Picture RT - Hartmann
Ana Gasteyer Performs "Trump Kind of Christmas"
Late Night Presidential Debate (. . .)
Donald Trump's Obamacare Fail: A Closer Look
Trump and the GOP Crack-Up: A Closer Look - references Alex Jones - and Joe Walsh ( )
Obama on Kimmel: Trump Isn't Funny Anymore - further to
The president’s final appearance on the whimsical late-night show indulged in some humor, but for the most part it made a case for seriousness.
the segment:
Does President Obama Wish He Were Running Against Trump?
more Obama on Kimmel 10-24 at
Trump TV's First Scripted Series
Trump Supporters Say Something Nice for Hillary Clinton's Birthday (. . .)
Donald Trump's Hollywood Star Vandalized
Drunk Donald Trump - Take 'Em Off? - Fallon
This Week in Memes - Colbert
Lincoln’s Ghost Has Surprising Response To Donald Trump’s Gettysburg Speech - Colbert ( )
“It reminded me of my address.”
Don't Let Your American Flag Near Donald Trump
Jon Glaser Had A Chance To Stop Donald Trump's Candidacy
Joe Biden Unloads On The Potential Groper-In-Chief
Donald Trump's Star Attacked On Hollywood Walk Of Fame - Daily Show Noah
The Daily Show - Donald Trump Hints at a Not-So-Peaceful Transfer of Power
The Daily Show - Donald Trump: Libel Bully
Trevor Noah: If Trump Is Elected, He’ll Wage ‘Warsuits’
The comedian says a President Trump would be “droning people with subpoenas all over the globe.”
The Daily Show - Polarized Media: Consuming News from Inside Your Bubble - including re Bill's supposed black son
Trevor Noah Eviscerates Rumors Of Bill Clinton’s Illegitimate Son - 10-26
If the Clintons had a black son, they’d be parading him around for votes, “The Daily Show” host joked. - Full Frontal Bee
Debate 3: The Good, The Bad, The Nasty (Act 1, Part 1) | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Debate 3: The Good, The Bad, The Nasty (Act 1, Part 2) | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Samantha Bee Shreds Donald Trump Over His Debate Abortion Comments ( , )
He must have confused them with “bear attacks,” she said.
OK Ladies Now Let's Get Information | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
First: Do No Harm. Second: Do No Pussy Stuff. | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS - including re nun McBride ( , , )
Extended Interview: Mindy Swank | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Extended Interview: Melanie Jones | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Extended Interview: Jennafer Norris | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS
Extended Interview: Dr. Rupa Natarajan | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

a carryover from :
Acknowledging Obamacare's Shortcomings, President Offers Fixes
get at:
at "What Natoma's Letter Means to President Obama", :
related statement:
Access to Quality, Affordable Health Care: Progress and Promise of the Affordable Care Act and Other Administration Efforts

Anheuser-Busch Delivers A Bunch Of Beer In A Self-Driving Truck ( )

GOP Senator On Climate Change: ‘Mankind Has Actually Flourished In Warmer Temperatures’
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) would like to remind you that lots of people move to Florida.

Exxon Mobil Could Be On The Brink Of ‘Irreversible Decline’
The oil giant may not be able to save itself.

Exxon, Auditor Must Comply With New York Climate Fraud Subpoena, Court Says
“I hope that today’s order serves as a wake up call to Exxon,” the New York attorney general said.

The Planet Just Crossed Another Major Carbon Milestone - 400 ppm CO2
We are barreling toward the planet’s boiling point.

Glaciers’ Rapid Retreat Should Be ‘Alarm Bell To Everyone’s Ears’
New studies show Antarctic glaciers are retreating at record pace.

The Great Barrier Reef Has Become A Coral Graveyard
If you thought the reef would come out unscathed, you were wrong.

Stopping Louisiana’s Turtle Apocalypse
Millions of the reptiles are shipped to Asia every year to be harvested for food or sold as pets. Conservation groups now hope to rein in the turtle trade.

Humans Are Close To Killing Off Two-Thirds Of All Wildlife In Just 50 Years
“At some point the earth is going to say ‘enough.’”

This Bird Can Remain Airborne For 10 Months Straight
source YT

This Amazing Little Bird Can Fly for Nearly a Year Straight

Ancient humans may have killed off cave lions to turn them into carpets

Prehistoric People Decorated With Cave Lion Pelts

Humans May Have Hunted Cave Lions to Extinction—For Throw Rugs
Dear cave lions: We're so, so sorry.

World's biggest lion species may have been hunted to extinction by Stone Age humans to make rugs
Fossilized cave lion toes showed signs of being worked by stone tools in way that suggests the animals were important to early human rituals

How global warming could actually make winters colder for some people
Arctic warming could be shifting the jet stream, leading to more frigid winters in the United States and Britain.

Arctic warming effect on jet stream may be causing intensely cold winters

How Warm Winters in the Arctic Make Colder Ones for You
A shifting polar vortex contributes to cold winters in North America and Europe

The World’s Scariest Bridges

These Vertigo-Inducing Photographs Will Take Your Breath Away
Simply stunning.


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Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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