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Zion Oil & Gas Inc (ZNOG) RSS Feed

Posts (Today)
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Moderators Porgie Tirebiter



Zion Oil & Gas is a U.S.-based corporation formed under Delaware law, exploring for oil and gas in Israel on licensed and permitted areas of approximately 99,000 acres located onshore between Tel Aviv and Haifa. Click on below link to find out more about Zion Oil & Gas.

In 1985, during a visit to Israel, John M. Brown (our founder and CEO) became inspired and dedicated to finding oil and gas in Israel, and he started the process that led to the Joseph Project. During the next fourteen years he made several trips each year to Israel, hired oil and gas consultants in Israel and Texas, met with Israeli government officials, made direct investments with local exploration companies, and assisted Israeli exploration companies in raising money for oil and gas exploration in Israel. This activity led Mr. Brown, together with others who had assisted him during those years, to form Zion Oil and Gas, Inc. in April 2000 in order to receive the award of a small onshore petroleum license from the Israeli government. Upon its formation, Mr. Brown and the others contributed to Zion all of the technical, economic, legal and financial data they had accumulated over the years relating to oil and gas exploration in Israel. We were reincorporated in Delaware on July 9, 2003. Though we have  been around a long time, support for Israel, it is similar to the recent phenomena of social and ethical investing,where in crowd fundraising and otherwise people can choose investments which match their social & political, etc., outlook. To our knowledge those groups are not discriminatorily targeted because of their beliefs.

Below link to ZN®ion's home page & corporate Public Relations banner, more info, inspiration of  and ZN's SEC filing archive.


Share Structure

Ownership Summary as reported in the most recent 13-F filings

ZNOG Statistical Resources  Level  2

  Penny Stock Exempt
 Transfer Agent Verified
  Independent Directors

 Authorized shares:   800,000,000 11/01/2021
                    400,000,000 11/30/2020 
 200,000,000 09/30/2018 
 Outstanding shares:   
323,653,837 11/01/2021            
                        241,121,879 03/31/2021  
 238,488,738 03/05/2021 
                      237,512,743 01/28/2021 
                      237,167,067 01/04/2021 
                      236,693,125 12/02/2020 
                      236,524,194 11/30/2020 
                      231,762,828 09/30/2020 
                      173,367,104 05/07/2020  
                      164,691,068 03/31/2020  
                      123,973,084 12/31/2019 
                       64,415,398 09/30/2018  
                       55,888,399 12/31/2017
       Held at DTC:   
262,060,470 11/01/2021
                      179,968,498 03/31/2021 
179,660,518 03/05/2021  
                      179,487,173 01/04/2021  
                      179,371,295 12/02/2020 
                      179,413,084 11/30/2020
 Restricted shares:    *6,985,000 
262,060,470 11/01/2021 
223.78M 09/30/2020  
124,191,166 01/17/2020  
                            95.63M  12/02/2019  
                       57,430,000 09/30/2018

 Beneficial Shareholder:    45,700 08/10/2021
* estimate 

Shorting Activity
 Notorious clearing house for unlocked GTC shares, log in to see ZNOG availability, up dated hourly.

Links to see recent short interest activity bi-monthly + daily intraday bi-monthly daily squeeze & friction

Netback as of 04/10/2020

Posted by JRyan 10/11/2021
NOTE: I am using 300 million shares, todays share price, & todays Oil Price

Jake Maruschok's ZNOG Netback spreadsheet   updated  daily...sometimes



Zion Oil & Gas
  Completion of the drilling phase of MJ-02 well November 23, 2021
Zion Oil & Gas Operations Update from Israel as of November 11, 2021
Zion Oil contracted for directional drilling services, Operational Update 09/21/2020
What is Directional Drilling?
VIDEO: Casing the first section of the Megiddo-Jezreel #2 Well in Israel 2/8/2021


 Nature of Operations as of November 2018

Zion Oil & Gas, Inc., a Delaware corporation is an oil and gas exploration company with a history of 18 years of oil & gas exploration in Israel. As of September 30, 2018, the Company has no revenues from its oil and gas operations.
Zion maintains its corporate headquarters in Dallas, Texas. We also have branch offices in Caesarea, Israel and Geneva, Switzerland. The purpose of the Israel branch is to support the Company’s operations in Israel, and the purpose of the Switzerland branch is to operate a foreign treasury center for the Company.

Exploration Rights/Exploration Activities

The Company currently holds one active petroleum exploration license onshore Israel, the Megiddo-Jezreel License, comprising approximately 99,000 acres. The Megiddo Jezreel #1 (“MJ #1”) site was completed in early March 2017, after which the drilling rig and associated equipment were mobilized to the site. Performance and endurance tests were completed, and the MJ #1 exploratory well was spud on June 5, 2017, ahead of the June 30, 2017 deadline under the then-existing license terms. The MJ #1 well has been drilled to a total depth (“TD”) of 5,060 meters (approximately 16,600 feet). Thereafter, the Company obtained three open-hole wireline log suites (including a formation image log) and the well was successfully cased and cemented. The Ministry of Energy approved the well testing protocol on April 29, 2018. Testing of the well is ongoing and the Company expects that testing will be concluded in the fourth quarter of 2018.
Depending on the final outcome and results of the current MJ #1 well and having adequate cash resources, multiple wells could be drilled from this pad site as several subsurface geologic targets are reachable using directional well trajectories. 

Megiddo-Jezreel Petroleum License, No. 401 (“MJL”)
The MJL was awarded on December 3, 2013 for a three-year primary term through December 2, 2016, with the possibility of additional one-year extensions up to a maximum of seven years. The MJL lies onshore, south and west of the Sea of Galilee, and the Company continues its exploration focus here as it appears to possess the key geologic ingredients of an active petroleum system with significant exploration potential. In late November 2016, The State of Israel’s Petroleum Commissioner officially approved Zion’s drilling date and license extension request.
On October 30, 2017, the Company sought a multi-year extension to its existing license. After receiving feedback from Israel’s Petroleum Commissioner, the Company submitted a revised extension request on November 9, 2017. On November 20, 2017, Israel’s Petroleum Commissioner officially approved the Company’s multi-year extension request on its Megiddo-Jezreel License No. 401, extending its validity to December 2, 2019. Until recently, the Company remained subject to the following updated key license terms:

No.   Activity Description   Execution by:
1   Submit final report on the results of drilling   31 May 2018
2   Submit program for continuation of work under license   30 June 2018

On June 1, 2018, Zion submitted its Megiddo-Jezreel #1 End of Well Report (EOWR) for the MJL, thus fulfilling our item No. 1 Final Report license work plan obligation, shown above. 
On June 14, 2018 Zion submitted its Application for Extension of Continued Work Program Due Date on the Megiddo-Jezreel License No. 401 . The additional time was necessary because the Company had still not completed testing and evaluating all planned testing zones. On July 1, 2018, Israel’s Petroleum Commissioner granted Zion’s work program report extension to November 1, 2018, as shown below.


No.   Activity Description   Execution by:
1   Submit program for continuation of work under license   1 November 2018

On October 23, 2018 Zion submitted its Application for Extension of Continued Work Program Due Date on the Megiddo-Jezreel License No. 401 . The additional time was necessary because the Company had still not completed testing and evaluating all planned testing zones. On October 28, 2018, Israel’s Petroleum Commissioner granted Zion’s work program report extension to January 31, 2019.

The above notes excerpted from page 5 of 3rd quarter 10-Q November 8, 2018

from November 20, 2018 Operational Update:
Given the thermal gradient, flow rates, surface pressure and low salinity, certain ministries within the Israeli government have made requests of Zion concerning the use of the well as a water monitoring well. Zion will review the economic impact and obligations as a result of this request to determine a prudent plugging plan.
•Zone 4;
?1,784-1,775 meters flowed naturally and continuously to surface. The fluid characteristics obtained from monitoring samples taken while the well was flowing indicated low chloride water.
•Zone 5:
?1,232.5-1,228 meters flowed naturally and continuously to surface. The fluid characteristics obtained from monitoring samples taken while the well was flowing indicated low chloride water.
made to August 16, 2018 Operational Update re. future plans



                                                                                                 November 2017 installing blowout protector (BOP) 


Zion Oil & Gas Spuds the Megiddo-Jezreel #2 Well in Israel January 6, 2021

3D Grid Map upon completion October 2019


3D Assessent Report completed April 2020 is exclusive and proprietary to the State of Israel  and ZION 
3D & Rig podcasts
Robert Dunn, speaks about Zion’s recent rig purchase and other details of operations during this time of the COVID-19 spread worldwide.
Dr Lee Russel, Zion Oil & Gas Senior Geoscience Advisor, speaks about his background, his coming to work with Zion, his work on the Megiddo-Jezreel #1 well, and his 3-D seismic interpretation work
Zion President, Bill Avery, and Zion CFO, Mike Croswell. Discussion includes the recent filing of the 10-Q, understanding financial aspects, how the rig is a game-changer for Zion..
 Jeffrey Moskowitz, Zion's VP, and Israeli Branch Managing Director. The interview discusses Jeff's role at Zion, his history , background, work at the Israeli office, 3-D Seismic work, the purchase of the rig. 
  Zion Founder and CEO,John Brown. Discussion includes his heart for Israel, his single-minded focus on obeying God in all things, and his reliance on God's timing.

Zion Oil & Gas Purchases Drilling Rig for Israel Operations


Zion Closes the Purchase of rig, drill pipe, and related equipment   

DALLAS, Texas, and CAESAREA, Israel, March 18, 2020

Zion Oil & Gas, Inc. (Nasdaq: ZN) announces they (i) entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement on March 12, 2020, for a drilling rig, drill pipe, and related equipment for $5.6 million in cash, and (ii) closed that purchase on March 12, 2020, the same day, by Bill of Sale from the seller to Zion.

On March 13, 2020, Zion paid the seller $4.6 million in cash and remitted the remaining $1.0 million in cash to an escrow agent to be held pending completion of acceptance testing of the rig upon its arrival in Israel.

“This is a new era for Zion and a positive step forward for our 2020 exploration plans,” Zion’s COO, Robert Dunn said. “With our asset based in the State of Israel, our planning and flexibility will become more robust.”

“We believe this is the right time for this to happen,” stated Zion’s President, Bill Avery. “Having cash budgeted and available for the purchase of this rig shows the strong support of our shareholders and evidence of God’s faithfulness.”


The rig is a 1600 horsepower AC Top Drive equipped rig with a twin 1600 horsepower mud pump system with a depth capability of 20,000 ft. The rig will be equipped with almost 15,000 ft of heavy 5” drill pipe along with associated well control equipment and inventory.


Actual rig pictured above. Currently stacked awaiting shipment to Israel. 1600 horsepower AC Top Drive equipped rig capable of 20,000ft depth.

The rig underwent a full CAT III & IV certification in late 2017, reassuring the quality of the rig and ancillary equipment, and it has drilled two wells since certification.

The rig and equipment will be imported into Israel from Romania, where the Drilling Rig is currently stored.

The State of Israel has currently imposed travel restrictions relating to the Coronavirus outbreak, including a requirement that any person arriving in Israel, including the operating crew for the rig, will currently need to undergo a two-week quarantine.

In addition, the ports of entry into Israel through which the rig will need to enter, may be undergoing work disruptions on account of the virus outbreak. Accordingly, it is not possible at the present time to accurately estimate the time or resources that may be necessary to import the Drilling Rig onto the well site or any delay arising as a consequence of the outbreak.

Zion Oil & Gas, a public company traded on NASDAQ (ZN), explores for oil and gas onshore in Israel on their 99,000-acre Megiddo-Jezreel license area.


WATCH THIS SHOW ON CNBC/EUROPE,18%20Aug%202006,Zion%20Oil%20and%20Gas,CEO%20Gene%20Soltero

USGS  Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Levant Basin Province, Eastern Mediterranean 

Zion Oil & Gas Encounters Oil,  February 13, 2018

Current Exploration and Operation Efforts

Megiddo-Jezreel Petroleum License 
Zion currently holds one active petroleum exploration license onshore Israel, the Megiddo-Jezreel License (covering an area of approximately 99,000 acres – See Map 1). Under Israeli law, Zion has an exclusive right to oil and gas exploration in our license area in that no other company may drill there. In the event we are successful in the discovery of oil or gas in our license area, current Israeli law entitles us to convert the relevant portions of our license to a 30-year production lease, extendable to 50 years, subject to compliance with a field development work program and production.

                                                        If you notice, the yellow Asher part is a leg with a foot that touches the back of a head with a crown on his head. It looks like Benjamin is the nose and Dan is the mouth with Jordan being the crown.



                                                                                                                                                                      Map of four previous ZN 


                                                                                                                                             This makes it easy to see why MJ#1 is not like the other 4 previous wells

Asher Menashe License (Top West of Map)
1. Ma'annit Rehoboth #1 (not pictured, assumed closed to Ma'annit Rehoboth #2)
2. Elijah #3

Joseph License (Middle West of Map)
1. Ma'annit Rehoboth #2
2. Ma'annit Joseph #3

Then, way over to the East of Israel, along the border of Jordan, on the other side of the Country, is the MJ#1.
Megiddo-Jezreel License (Beit She'an)
1. Megiddo-Jezreel #1

The first four wells were first dictated by Mr. Brown as the place to drill because it was at the foot of Asher. After that was decided based on faith, then the geologist was to find the most likely place within that license where oil would be found.
MJ#1 was decided upon geologically based on the geology team's scientific findings, and dictated by the geology. After geologically designating the MJ#1 site as the most promising, then Mr. Brown was brought on board to get the purchase rights to drill within the Megiddo-Jezreel license area. The part that sold Mr. Brown on the Megiddo-Jezreel license was that the site where MJ#1 was designated by the geology was also on the Head of Joseph, on the crown.
The MJ#1 is based on Geology and the geology mapped to the prophecy.

Video describing how decision was made.

The geology forced Mr. Brown and Zion to re-evaluate their previous licenses and move to the other side of Israel to prospect for oil. This is what took so long between the last well and MJ#1. This is also why MJ#1 is referred to as a Wildcat well. There was no prior geology to base their drilling decisions upon.
This is a totally different prospect compared to the previous four wells, which is why the previous 4 wells cannot be used as an indicator of this wells performance.
This is a totally different approach to deciding on where to drill. A totally new management team. This is why the previous 4 wells cannot be used as an indicator of this wells performance.         


                             ~~~~ RESEARCH  LINKS & POSTS ~~~~

**** Compiled Zion Information, The SEC, Share Pricing, Field Size!****

* How oil and gas are resources estimated with MJ#1 detail & drilling timeline 7/17/2017 through 3/12/2018
* Testing Zones update November 2018
* ZN Formation pressure encountered in 2018 & clarification of
* ZN Wellbore Pressure versus Formation Pressure
* ZN Heavy gas encountered Oct 12, 2017: what it means
Drilling and Testing Hot, High-Pressure Wells
HPHT wells
Drilling & Construction HPHT wells
Directional Drilling
Logistics & equipment
Wellhole analysis, what we know
Reservoir Fractures & Pressure
Small Acid Job & Completion Fluids
Formation Testing
MJ#1 zone trap area and size.
Discounted rig costs for ZN

Onshore Gas

MJ#1 Reservoir Announcement Size
MJ#1 Geology After Testing Triassic

Genie, MJ#1 and the Rift (see 14min)
Genie took ~2 years to spud exploratory well
Genie took 10 months to drill 1000meters
Map of four previous ZN wells
Levant Basin  report via USGS circa 2010
Fracking and how it relates to ZN
MJ#1 zone trap area and size
Well Test Step 1 - Open Hole
Well Test #2 - Pressure Transient Test
Well Test #3- Production Flow Test
Well Test Summary

2D vs 3D Seismic
Risk Factor #1 - Can the well be drilled?
Risk Factor #2 - Finances Available to Drill And Test The Well?
Risk Factor #3 - Regulatory Approval
Risk Factor #4 - SEC Compliance & Final Risk Factor Score Card
Risk Factor of Exploratory Well vs. Production Well
* Calculating PPS based on Israel's Energy Independence
* Oil Company that owns 3D Technology
* How do seismic surveys work
* How 3D Seismic Imaging changed the Drilling Industry
* 3D Underground structures in clearer focus
* 3D In the Med & Middle East
* Basic 3D
* 3D Evaluation, sweep example
* MJ#1: " a focused 3D seisimaging shoot of approximately 50 square kilometers surrounding the MJ#1 well."
~sq. kilometers to sq. miles
~If the area of the circle is 50 kilometer2
* MJ#1 Low Chloride Well monitoring:
~Salinity of fresh, brackish and sea water
~Mineral content of drinking water, 100 USA cities
~WHO Guidelines 


                                   ~~~~ LAWSUITS  LINKS & POSTS ~~~~

Lawsuits and SEC investigation impact

All Lawsuits Against Zion Oil & Gas Have Now Been Dismissed
SEC investigation filing, timing
Shareholder Suits re ZN notice of Sec Investigation
Yolanda Holtzee is Whistleblower by her own admission.
Opinion by IRisky
Possible Reason for ZION SEC Investigation
A quick brief over where things stand
Possible Outcome for ZION SEC Investigation
JRyan's Lawsuit Compilation List up to Oct 9
Lead plaintiff
Malicious Prosecution against a named plaintiff.
PacerMonitor, Texas Northern District Court
Litigation accrued estimated loss  $500,000  a/o Nov 8, see 10-q , page 33

                                                             Assessment Report of November 6, 2015

                                                            ~~~~~Image & Research Sources~~~~~
Assessment Report issued November 6, 2015
8-K exhibit from Nov 6, 2015
The entire exhibit list

Upper Jurassic Original Oil-in-Place (OOIP) and Recoverable Oil
as of September 1, 2015
             Gross Prospective Resources 
            Target Horizon                                               MBbl                                                                         
                            Low Estimate    Best Estimate  High Estimate
                                (P90)           (P50)               (P10)    
              OOIP           32,198          86,061           241,544        
 Recoverable              5,786          17,893             54,776       


Triassic Original Oil-in-Place (OOIP) and Recoverable Oil
as of September 1, 2015

                 Gross Prospective Resources
    Target Horizon                                                 MBbl                                                          
                          Low Estimate         Best Estimate   High Estimate
                                         (P90)                    (P50)                  (P10)        
           OOIP                   9,322                 26,901                85,250
               Recoverable                 1,749                   5,699                 19,694            

Example of an Fault Line Structural Trap

MJ#1 zone trap area and size.~~~ We are talking thousands of acres size and feet deep for the reservoir.

~~~ Note: See Seismic Locater (figure 11) before attempting to read AR-2118 & ZI-5128 seismic maps.








~~~~~~Seismic Grid Axis~~~~~~




Chart Source:




ZN MJ#1 well finds active petroleum system that is not commercially productive. 3-D seismic testing in progress.

Zion Oil and Gas, Inc., a Delaware corporation, which has an active petroleum exploration license onshore Israel, the Megiddo-Jezreel License (“MJL”), comprising approximately 99,000 acres, announces that it has completed the testing program of its primary zones located within the Jurassic and Cretaceous-age Formations of the Megiddo-Jezreel #1 (MJ #1) well. As a result of the testing, Zion has determined that the well is not commercially productive.
Given the thermal gradient, flow rates, surface pressure and low salinity, certain ministries within the Israeli government have made requests of Zion concerning the use of the well as a water monitoring well. Zion will review the economic impact and obligations as a result of this request to determine a prudent plugging plan.

•Zone 4;
1,784-1,775 meters flowed naturally and continuously to surface. The fluid characteristics obtained from monitoring samples taken while the well was flowing indicated low chloride water.
•Zone 5:
1,232.5-1,228 meters flowed naturally and continuously to surface. The fluid characteristics obtained from monitoring samples taken while the well was flowing indicated low chloride water. 

8-k November 20, 2018


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