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Re: F6 post# 240985

Wednesday, 11/25/2015 9:48:01 AM

Wednesday, November 25, 2015 9:48:01 AM

Post# of 495295
Jesus Was a Refugee

Etienne De Malglaive via Getty Images

By Ryan Gear [ ]
Founding and lead pastor, One Church [ ]; founder, [ ]
Posted: 11/19/2015 5:39 pm EST Updated: 11/19/2015 5:59 pm EST

Just two months ago, the photo of little Aylan Kurdi's body washed up on a beach in Turkey shocked the world. Following the discovery of the 3-year-old Syrian refugees' body lying face down in the position in which toddlers often sleep, the American public compassionately offered a home to a few thousand more children just like Aylan. How quickly things have changed.

Following last week's terrorist attack in Paris, 31 U.S. governors [ (30 Republicans, 1 Democrat] (at last count) have issued statements that they will not welcome Syrian refugees to settle in their states. Nevermind that governors are powerless to close state borders to anyone living in the country, their statements have come under fire from many, including evangelicals [ ] who usually support conservative political leaders.

Why? Perhaps it's because the Syrian refugee crisis parallels the details of Jesus' life a little too closely. Jesus and his parents were Middle Eastern refugees. The nativity scene, after all, depicts a Middle Eastern family who were looking for a place to stay, only to be told there was no room for them. Then, Matthew tells us that after his birth, Mary and Joseph fled with the baby Jesus to Egypt... as refugees fleeing from violence. The irony of Christians rejecting refugees right before we put up the Christmas decorations is hard to miss, even for those who often do miss the irony of their faith and political positions.

Second, Jesus offers a sobering description of the Last Judgment in Matthew 25 that directly speaks to the issue of welcoming the refugee. In Matthew 25:40 [ ], Jesus declares, "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'"

In His depiction of the Last Judgment, Jesus, as the King, clearly states that how we treat who He calls "the least of these brothers and sisters of mine" is how we treat Him. Who are "the least of these?" While one could argue over the definition of "brothers and sisters," Jesus is known for having universalized the love of neighbor.

In verse 28, we learn that one category of "the least of these" is the "stranger." Matthew was originally written in Greek, and the Greek word that we translate as stranger is xenos, which can be translated into English as "foreigner, immigrant or stranger." In other words, when we don't welcome the foreigner, Jesus takes it personally.

We are wise, of course, to ask questions about public safety and the possibility of terrorists embedding themselves within refugee groups. The apprehension some feel is understandable, but there is another view for us to consider.

In addition to Jesus' warning about the Last Judgment, there are likely earthly consequences to not welcoming the stranger. Perhaps not welcoming refugees will create actually more terrorists who would seek to harm the United States, as turning away families in their time of need could prove to be a powerful recruiting tool for ISIS.

In their fear of terrorism, most of the governors in Middle America, with their purely political statements, have likely already reinforced an anti-Muslim perception of the United States. One could easily make an argument that these statements of rejection have already handed the terrorists a win.

If these governors are acting according to the wishes of their people, then it only took one terrorist attack in Western Europe to apparently change American opinion against welcoming Syrian refugees, many of whom are small children. The terrorists' most powerful weapon is, well, terror, and if these governors and their supporters fear an attack so intensely that they are willing to deny hospitality to refugee children, who could argue that the terrorists haven't already won? Not only have they taken human lives, they have now succeeded in taking away our humanity.

For Christians, including many conservative evangelicals, the fact that Jesus himself was a refugee and that we will be judged partially on our hospitality to the stranger, rejecting refugees should be troubling. No matter how many governors claim there is no room in the inn, both the life experience and the teaching of Jesus are simply too relevant to the current refugee crisis for Christians to ignore.

Copyright ©2015 Ryan Gear [with comments] [from (no comments yet), from (with comments)]


A Running List Of Shameful Islamophobic Acts Since The Paris Attacks
This is not OK.
11/20/2015 [18 incidents detailed (including the one next below but not the ones following that), including shootings, arson, assaults, vandalisms, and threats; with embedded YouTube and non-YouTube videos, photos, and comments]


Man calls all Muslims terrorists during Va. meeting

Hate-speech closes public meeting
(Photo: Screen shot of cell phone video sent from Munira Salim Abdalla)

[this YouTube of the video embedded here at (with comment "Go Get Em Buddy!")]
There was a bigoted rant at a Spotsylvania mosque meeting. WUSA

Virginia Mosque Meeting Gets Ugly: ‘Every One of You Are Terrorists!’ (FULL VIDEO)

[ (with comments) (note: leaving this one here even though it's gone private, on the remote chance it might come back at some point; an apparent earlier version of the video report just above, included an additional white guy's threatening yelling)]

Man Bullies Muslim At Town Hall

Published on Nov 19, 2015
A town hall meeting over the construction of a new mosque erupted into chaos. The man yelled that all muslims are terrorists and to “shut your mouth!” Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola (Think Tank), hosts of the The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.
"A routine meeting about plans to build a mosque turned into an ugly racist display when at least two men stood up and started screaming insults at Muslims attending the meeting...
Video of the meeting shows a burly man yelling and pointing his finger at Shalaby.
“Every one of you are terrorists, I don’t care what you say,” he yells. “Every Muslim is a terrorist.”
He also tells Shalaby, “Shut your mouth. I don’t want to hear your mouth. I will do everything that I can do to keep you from doing what you’re doing. It will happen. That will happen.””*
*Read more here:
The Young Turks November 19, 2015 Hour 1
Trump Wants Mandatory Badges On Muslim Americans
Polls: Most Americans Would Turn Away Syrian Refugees
ISIS Terror Cell "Mastermind" Killed In Paris Police Raid
Chris Christie Still Claiming Terrorists Were Syrian Refugees Despite Evidence [with (over 4,000) comments]

Peggy Fox, WUSA
6:01 p.m. EST November 19, 2015

UPDATED STORY: Apologies pour in for Va. Muslims after bigoted outburst ,

SPOTSYLVANIA, Va. (WUSA9) -- Fear and hatred of Muslims was on public display in Spotsylvania County at a meeting concerning the building of a new mosque.

At least two men went on bigoted rants, shouting down the speaker and calling all Muslims terrorists.

The local Islamic community has outgrown the building and is proposing to build a mosque nearby on property they own. But at Tuesday night's presentations, things turned ugly fast.

It was level of hostility that Samer Shalaby did not expect at the community meeting.

"It just kept getting worse and worse. People were pointing fingers and waiving arms," said Shalaby.

Shalaby is a civil engineer and business owner. He was making the presentation about a new mosque on behalf of his religious organization when he was shouted down and called a terrorist.

WARNING: This video contains offensive content. You can watch the video by clicking here [ ].

[this YouTube of the video embedded here at (with comments), others at (with comments), and (with comments)]
A man's hate-speech closed a public meeting in Spotsylvania over the building of a new mosque.

The woman taking the video, Munira Salim Abdalla, was on the front page of the Free-Lance Star.

Some of the people in the meeting were concerned the Mosque would take in refugees from Syria.

The main instigator at the meeting continued to shout at Shalaby.

A Sheriffs deputy broke up the meeting, after it was clear, the insults were not going to stop.

Shalaby is a trustee of the Islamic Center of Fredericksburg, an organization which has been there for nearly 30 years. He said parents are now afraid to send their children to Sunday school at the center because of the threats made at Tuesday night's meeting.

© 2015 WUSA9-TV


‘Terrorist, go back to your country,’ attacker yelled in assault of Sikh man

By Sarah Kaplan
September 10, 2015

“Terrorist!” “Bin Laden!” “Go back to your country!” came the shouts from the other car.

Inderjit Singh Mukker, a father of two on his way to the grocery store in his Chicago suburb, pulled over when the vehicle behind kept tailgating him, according to the Sikh Coalition. The 53-year-old Sikh man, who wears a beard and turban, expected that the person in the other car would just drive past.

Instead, the Coalition says, the other driver got out and stormed toward him, reaching into Mukker’s car and repeatedly punching him in the face. Mukker lost consciousness and had to be taken to the hospital, where he received treatment for a fractured cheekbone, bruising and blood loss and six stitches for the lacerations on his face.

Police in Darien, Ill., 30 miles southwest of downtown Chicago, said that the incident Tuesday night is being investigated as a hate crime, according to NBC [ ]. The alleged assailant is in police custody.

Mukker, who was released from the hospital Wednesday, gave a statement to the Sikh Coalition [ ], the nonprofit advocacy group providing his legal representation.

“No American should be afraid to practice their faith in our country,” he said. “I’m thankful for the swift response of authorities to apprehend the individual, but without this being fully investigated as a hate crime, we risk ignoring the horrific pattern of intolerance, abuse and violence that Sikhs and other minority communities in this country continue to face.”

According to Simran Jeet Singh, a senior religion fellow at the Coalition working on Mukker’s case, Sikh Americans have been increasingly victimized in hate crimes in the years since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.

“For Sikh Americans, the unique markers of religious identity — the turban, the beard — these markers are associated with the markers of terrorism,” he said.

In other words, “People see a Sikh and construe them as the enemy.”

On Sept. 15, 2001, four days after 9/11, Balbir Singh Sodhi was shot and killed [ ] outside his gas station in Arizona. The gunman mistook the 49-year-old Sikh, an immigrant from India, for an Arab, and said he killed him in retaliation for the attacks. The attacker was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death.

In the following month, the Sikh Coalition recorded [ ] at least 300 cases of violence and discrimination against Sikhs in the U.S. The next 14 years have seen hundreds more. In 2009, the Coalition found [ ] that 9 percent of Sikh adults in New York have been physically assaulted for their religion — usually by people, who in addition to their violent vigilantism, apparently remain unaware of the distinction between Sikhism and Islam. “Osama bin Laden” and “terrorist” are common slurs.

This summer, the Sikh temple in Wisconsin where six people were fatally shot [ ] by a white supremacist in 2012 decided to lock its doors. The community was shaken by the deadly shooting at a historic black church in Charleston in June, and felt it was no longer safe to stay open to anyone. Now, those who arrive for daily services have to ring a buzzer to be allowed inside.

“It used to be in the Sikh religion, all doors stayed open,” Balhair S. Dulai, vice president of the temple, told the Washington Post [ ]. “But what happened here, and what happened in South Carolina — these things could happen anywhere. No one is immune.”

© 2015 The Washington Post [with embedded video report, and comments]


Minnesota woman smashes Muslim woman in face with beer mug for speaking Swahili at Applebee’s

Jodie Marie Burchard-Risch

Asma Jama was sitting at a Coon Rapids Applebee's last Friday when a fellow diner confronted her for not speaking English. When Jama, who speaks three languages, responded, the woman smashed a glass beer mug across her face. Jama sustained cuts across her face and a deep gash on her lip that required 17 stitches.
[ (with embedded audio "Asma Jama discusses the incident")]

06 Nov 2015 [with embedded video, and comments]


Flag-waving Texas man arrested at mosque after wiping boots on prayer rugs and cursing worshipers

Mariano Talavera

Travis Gettys
20 Nov 2015 at 10:12 ET

A Texas man was arrested earlier this week after walking into a mosque and wiping his feet on the carpet while screaming obscenities at worshipers.

Witnesses said Mariano Talavera wore military-style clothes and carried an American flag and a large backpack Tuesday afternoon into the Islamic Center of San Antonio, where he then started rubbing his boots on prayer mats, reported KENS-TV [ ].

Worshipers asked Talavera to remove his boots out of respect, but he instead walked into the nearby women’s prayer room — dragging his feet with every step and screaming obscenities about the Islamic religion.

Muslims typically remove their shoes before praying to avoid tracking dirt from outside into the sanctuary’s symbolically clean space, and visitors are also asked to do so before entering mosques.

Witnesses called police, who arrived and asked Talavera what business he had at the mosque.

Talavera claimed he was there to worship, but officers were skeptical and arrested him on criminal trespassing charges.

Police seized his backpack, but they haven’t said what he was carrying inside it.

The president of San Antonio’s Council on American-Islamic Relations said vandalism and other crimes against Muslims have spiked recently in Texas.

Vandals hurled feces and a befouled Koran at the entryway to a mosque near Austin following last week’s Islamic State terrorist attacks in Paris.

Mosques elsewhere in the U.S. have also been targeted for threats or vandalism.

Solomon Hamide, president of the Islamic Center of San Antonio, said he and other mosque members did not wish to press charges against Talavera because they fear additional backlash [ ].

He also thanked community members who called to offer their support, especially a woman who invited the mosque’s members to celebrate Thanksgiving next week at her home.

Watch this news report posted online by KENS-TV [ ]:

[video embedded]

Copyright © 2015 Raw Story Media, Inc. [with comments]


Gun-Toting Islamophobic Group Protests Outside Texas Mosque

"We do want to show force. … It would be ridiculous to protest Islam without defending ourselves."

By Lydia O'Connor
Posted: 11/22/2015 02:02 PM EST

In the latest anti-Islamic incident to take place following the Paris attacks, demonstrators in Irving, Texas, protested on the sidewalk outside a mosque with guns, Islamophobic signs and American flags.

The dozen or so demonstrators referring to themselves as the Bureau of American Islamic Relations, or BAIR, gathered outside the Islamic Center of Irving on Saturday. One sign read "Stop the Islamization of America" and another, with arrows pointing at armed protesters dressed in military clothes and face masks, said "The solution to Islamic terrorism," local outlets reported.

"We are here protesting Syrian refugees coming to America [ ], protesting the Islamization of America," BAIR spokesman David Wright told Fox 4 News. "I think the popular belief is people are scared. They're scared to say anything about it. They're scared to come out to a place like this and stand in front of a mosque and protest Islam."

Wright, who was carrying a 12-gauge shotgun, told The Dallas Morning News that his weapon was mainly for self-defense but added, "We do want to show force [ ]. … It would be ridiculous to protest Islam without defending ourselves."

Local police were on the scene and warned the mosque about the rally in advance, urging them to stay away from the group, The Dallas Morning News noted. The worshippers and students at the Islamic school rarely came within 100 feet of the rally.

The Islamic Center of Irving did not immediately return requests for comment on the protest but posted a statement on its website in the wake of the Paris attacks.

"Our condolences go out to the families and loved ones of the victims," the mosque wrote. "We also strongly condemn and denounce the attacks, as they have absolutely no basis in the religion on Islam [ ]."

The Islamic Center of Irving is only the latest mosque to face bigotry by people who believe the Paris attackers represent the world's 1.6 billion Muslims. Last week, a mosque in Pflugerville, Texas, was vandalized with feces and torn pages of the Quran [ ], and police say a mosque in Ontario, Canada, was deliberately set on fire [ ].

Copyright © 2015, Inc. [with embedded video report, and comments]


Dallas Mayor ‘More Fearful’ Of White Terrorists Than Syrian Refugees

The Huffington Post

He kind of has a point.

By Julia Craven
Posted: 11/23/2015 06:51 PM EST

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings (D) isn’t afraid of the Syrian refugees fleeing a civil war in the Middle East. He's more concerned about the white men who grab military-grade firearms and shoot up public venues.

“I am more fearful of large gatherings of white men that come into schools, theaters and shoot people up, but we don’t isolate young white men on this issue,” Rawlings told MSNBC [ ] on Saturday, addressing the recent claims by a number of public figures that the U.S. needs to turn away refugees from war-torn Syria because some of them could be terrorists planning an attack.

Many members of Congress, along with a number of governors and Republican presidential [ ] candidates [ ], have said they don’t think it’s a good idea for the U.S. to accept Syrian refugees in light of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris [ ]. Last Thursday, a bill that would likely halt the admission of Syrian refugees into the country passed in the House with overwhelming support [ ].

But as Rawlings pointed out to MSNBC, refugees seeking to enter the U.S. actually go through a rigorous screening process [ ] that can take between 18 and 24 months. The process includes in-person interviews and in-depth background checks performed by the FBI, the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security. And there have been barely any cases [ ] of refugees conspiring to aid a foreign terrorist organization since the Sept. 11 attacks. Twelve of the 785,000 refugees accepted into the U.S. since 9/11 have since been arrested or removed because of terrorism concerns -- accounting for about one thousandth of 1 percent [ ] of the total.

Since the attacks in Paris, many Arabs and Muslims have been openly discriminated against [ ] in the U.S. Rawlings noted that Western hostility toward Middle Eastern refugees will only help the self-styled Islamic State, the militant organization that has claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks and that seeks to radicalize moderate Muslims and drive a wedge between societies.

“ISIS is no more Islamic than the Nazi senior staff was Christian, and we have got to differentiate between those,” he said.

In the U.S., the term "terrorist" has become practically synonymous with "foreign Islamic extremist" since Sept. 11, even though self-identified Muslims have hardly had a monopoly [ ] on acts of terror in the U.S. and Europe in the past several decades. Historically and in recent years, white terrorists have always been more dangerous [ ] to U.S. citizens than foreign terrorists of other races or ethnicities.

The first federal anti-terrorism law was devised in 1871 in response to the Ku Klux Klan [ ]. And according to a study released in June [ ] by the New America Foundation, at least 48 people have been killed in the U.S. by radical anti-government groups or white supremacists [ ] since the Sept. 11 attacks -- almost twice as many as were killed by self-identified jihadists in that time.

Last month, in response to growing threats, the Department of Justice created a new unit [ ] to combat domestic terrorism. Local law enforcement agencies have also reported [ ] being more concerned with the activities of right-wing extremist groups than Islamic extremists in their jurisdictions.

Rawlings is one of many mayors [ ] who are welcoming Syrian refugees into their cities despite the governors of their states opposing the gesture (something the governors don't actually have the authority to enforce [ ]). Rawlings said Monday that he believes both he and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), who has said the state should refuse Syrian refugees [ ], care deeply about the safety of Dallas.

"We want to get rid of ISIS. We all agree with that," Rawlings said. "ISIS wants us to be divided on this issue. ISIS wants us to demonize these refugees, wants us to alienate these children."

Copyright © 2015, Inc. [with embedded video report ( ), and comments]


Conservatives' yearning for Islam is the love that dare not speak its name

We often forget that, in his classic text Orientalism, Edward Said writes as much about western desire for the Islamic world as disdain for it.’
Photograph: Nasser Nasser/AP

Jeff Sparrow
Wednesday 18 November 2015 21.54 EST
Last modified on Friday 20 November 2015 14.49 EST

This week, Sydney’s Daily Telegraph published a cover portraying the African-born Grand Mufti Ibrahim Abu Mohammed as a monkey: a predictable manifestation of the Islamophobia unleashed since the atrocities in Paris.

But there’s a complementary phenomenon that’s less obvious – a wave of conservative Islamophilia. Yes, Islamophilia.

We often forget that, in his classic text Orientalism, Edward Said writes as much about western desire for the Islamic world as disdain for it. The two responses depend on each other, he says, with the category “Orient” generated as a projection of Orientalist hopes and fears.

If the Islamophobe essentialises Muslims into a set of racialised characteristics – violence, fanaticism, asceticism, etc – the Islamophiliac performs the same operation, and then expresses a strange yearning for these supposed “Islamic” traits. There’s an obvious analogy with antisemitism, where “philosemitism” often accompanies out-and-out anti-Jewish bigotry [ ].

Islam, argued Grayson Clary [ ] in a fascinating March 2015 essay in the New Inquiry, “often figures in conservative dreamscapes as an object of esteem, envy, even sexual longing”. But the form of that esteem changes over time, according to the vagaries of international politics.

In an earlier phase of the “war on terror”, some American social conservatives openly expressed their admiration of the sexual mores they identified with Islam. In 2004, Pat Buchanan, Reagan’s former communication adviser and now a widely published paleoconservative commentator, explained that on questions of sexual morality [ ] “conservative Americans have more in common with devout Muslims than with liberal Democrats”.

This, Buchanan suggested, was the basis of an alliance against common foes.

“If conservatives reject the ‘equality’ preached by Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, NARAL and the National Organization for Women, why seek to impose it on the Islamic world?” He wrote. “Why not stand beside Islam, and against Hollywood and Hillary?”

In 2007, conservative provocateur Dinesh D’Souza wrote an entire book extending that argument. In The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11 [ ], he contended that liberalism had provoked Osama bin Laden by offending his moral and cultural sensibilities.

“[T]he cultural left,” he argued, “has fostered a decadent American culture that angers and repulses traditional societies, especially those in the Islamic world that are being overwhelmed with this culture … This campaign has provoked a violent reaction from Muslims who believe that their most cherished beliefs and institutions are under assault.”

Like Buchanan, D’Souza pushed for a rapprochement with “Islam”, on the basis of a joint struggle against the left on issues such as homosexuality, promiscuity, pornography, atheism and the like.

“Conservatives,” he wrote, “must strive to convince traditional Muslims that there are two Americas, and that one of these has a lot in common with them.”

Not surprisingly, the D’Souza thesis did not catch on. Aside from anything else, the American right’s attitude to Islam [ ] isn’t merely a matter of culture. It’s also (and more importantly) a mediated expression of the geopolitics of the Middle East, in which the label “Islam” identifies those forces opposed to America’s strategic interests.

When, in the late seventies, the US backed the resistance to the Soviet regime in Afghanistan, Carter’s National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski told the mujahedin [ ], “your fight will prevail and you’ll have your homes and your mosques back again, because your cause is right and God is on your side”.

But, in the context of Iraq and Afghanistan, D’Souza’s form of Islamophilia is probably untenable as a significant political current.

Nonetheless, there are other versions on offer. In his article, Clary discusses the French novelist and provocateur Michel Houellebecq. Houllebecq’s often denounced, with good reason, as an Islamophobe – famously, he called Islam “the most stupid religion”.

But he’s also an Islamophile, as his most recent novel Submission (Soumission) [ ] reveals. The novel depicts the Muslim Brotherhood, under the leadership of a certain Mohammed Ben Abbes, taking control of France and imposing sharia law.

On the surface, the narrative might sound like something Pauline Hanson might dream up – a boilerplate Islamophobic fantasy. Yet, as Adam Gopnik points out in his review for the New Yorker [ ], Houllebecq presents Brotherhood rule in an unexpectedly rosy light:

The portrait of the Islamic regime is quite fond; [Houllebecq] likes the fundamentalists’ suavity and sureness. Ben Abbes’s reform of the educational system is wholesome, and his ambitions to rebuild France are almost a form of neo-Gaullism. (He succeeds in integrating Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Turkey into the European Union, creating a power bloc greater than the American one.) The reform of education, the reinforcement of the family, even the re-domestication of women are all held up for admiration.

The book’s real scorn is not for Islam but for liberal modernity, which gratefully submits to Islam (hence the novel’s title).

“Houellebecq despises contemporary consumer society,” Gopnik says, “and though he is not an enthusiast, merely a fatalist, about its possible Islamic replacement, he thinks that this is the apocalypse we’ve been asking for. What he truly hates is Enlightenment ideas and practices, and here his satire intersects with a fast-moving current of French reactionary thought ...”

In an earlier decade, the reactionary anti-liberalism of a French intellectual would generally be expressed through Catholicism. Today, however, the Catholic church – an institution in palpable decline – simply doesn’t present a sufficiently viable platform from which to rail against the culture of the modern age.

For a French reactionary, Islam represents on the one hand a symptom of contemporary decline – a religion associated with immigration, globalisation, the breakdown of national culture and so on. But it also possesses an anti-modern dynamism and confidence that the traditional church lacks – and because of that, it exerts a strange fascination for the right, simultaneously an object of loathing and envy.

You can see the same tension playing out in less articulate forms in the English-speaking world, particularly in the wake of the Paris atrocities. After those murders, Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz issued a press release [ ]. “America must stand with our allies against the scourge of radical Islamic terrorism,” he thundered.

And then came this:

We must immediately recognize that our enemy is not ‘violent extremism’. It is the radical Islamism that has declared jihad against the west. It will not be appeased by outreach or declarations of tolerance. It will not be deterred by targeted airstrikes with zero tolerance for civilian casualties, when the terrorists have such utter disregard for innocent life.

The kicker comes in that final line, which might be paraphrased like this: America should be more like Isis.

Cruz is not D’Souza, or even Houellebecq. He’s not going to argue, as D’Souza did, that conservatives should support conservative Muslims against the blasphemies of Dutch cartoonists. On the contrary, Cruz takes every opportunity to ridicule and insult Muslims. But his Islamophilia is the love that dare not speak its name and he cannot help a sneaking envy for Isis’s willingness, unlike the “pussified” US, to massacre civilians.

“It’s said,” writes Grayson Clary, “that ‘Africa’ is Europe’s name for its own worst impulses; ‘Islam’ might be the name traditionalists give their own unfinished ambitions.”

You can feel the same unspoken desire in so many of the conservative think-pieces that have appeared after the Paris murders. It’s not that the writers approve of Isis. Obviously, they don’t. They see it as a threat – but they’re also fascinated by its apparent success in overcoming the decadence of modernity.

Thus, they begin by asserting the Islamists’ hatred for liberalism and its manifestations, but quickly move on to bemoaning the developed world’s multiculturalism and political correctness and moral relativism and general spinelessness:

Why don’t westerners believe in anything any more?

Why won’t they stand up for their values and their traditions?

Why do they spurn traditional mores and sexual standards and religion?

Why aren’t they prepared to fight, to sacrifice themselves for their nation and their cause?

The conclusion generally hovers unasked in the air: why aren’t they less modern and more, well … Islamic?

Oceans of ink have flowed into articles pondering why young people sign up for murderous Islamist groups. Actually, the attraction the jihadis exert over radicalised youths probably isn’t that different from the sentiment oozing from the conservative press: a profound disaffection with liberal modernity.

The hideous cycle of terror and war will not be ended by western nations retreating into anti-modern authoritarianism, something that seems increasingly on the cards. That’s why we need less pontificating about freedom as an abstraction and much more discussion of the specific freedoms under assault in the here and now.

In particular, progressives cannot content themselves with propping up a liberalism that lacks a base of its own. We need rather to radicalise liberty, filling the seemingly lifeless shells of democracy, justice and freedom with a deeper, more meaningful content.

To put it another way, to defeat the craving for reaction, we must hold modernity to the promises it makes but so often fails to deliver.


We accept that Russian bombs can provoke a terror backlash. Ours can too
Vladimir Putin’s intervention in Syria would fuel radicalisation, David Cameron warned. The Paris attacks show western military action has the same effects
17 November 2015

Christian refugees are fine, Muslims aren't. In a post-racist world, of course that's not racist
Of course Australia is a compassionate country, and that entitles us to a return on our generosity: the right to decide who is suitable to receive our compassion
15 September 2015

© 2015 Guardian News and Media Limited (emphasis in original) [with comments]


Christian VS Muslim

Published on Sep 26, 2014 by DarkMatter2525 [ / , ]

What could possibly go wrong?

This bird has two right wings. Basically, it ain't gonna fly.

This video is mainly addressed to people I would define as ultra right wing radical Christians in America. Some people tell me that Islam is worse, because at least the Christians aren't beheading people who don't respect their religion. The whole point of this video is "beware what you wish for". The reason certain Christians don't do such things is simply because they live in a secular society that won't allow such things, but they want that to change. They want the theocracy. They want people like me to be punished. They are the Taliban that is not allowed to act like the Taliban. This video is a cautionary comparison, and it is absolutely valid. Furthermore, far more Muslims have been killed by Christians, than the other way around, today and throughout history. It's just that we tend to label it differently.

I've often been told by Christians, "Hey, if you were in a Muslim country, making fun of religion, you'd be dead by now," (John Lennox has said stuff like this). Basically, that means "At least we Christians let you live." Um...thanks. Those are some mighty low standards you have there. I don't trust radicals on either side. I'm alive because the secular government won't allow you to kill me - not because there's a shortage of Christians who would be ready, willing, and able to do it. Of that, I have no doubt. [with (over 10,000) comments]


Have You Read ISIS's Statement of Responsibility for the Paris Terror Attacks? If Not, Then You Should

by Chauncey DeVega
Monday, November 16, 2015

In order to defeat an enemy, one must first understand the enemy.

I wonder, how many people have actually read ISIS's statement of responsibility for last Friday's Paris terror attacks [ ]? I would wager that the number of Americans (and Westerners, more generally) who have done so is rather low.

Emotions blind our reason. Fear sabotages critical thinking. We also live a politically polarized environment that is awash--even in these troubling times that should expose the lie--in American Exceptionalism. Of course, any corporate media personality or analyst who would dare to treat ISIS's statement in a serious way would be condemned as giving aid and comfort to terrorists.

One of the most important documents of the second half of the 20th century is Osama bin Laden's letter explaining the September 11, 2001 attacks [ ] and how they relate to Al Qaeda's broader struggle against America and the West. History will decide if ISIS's statement of purpose on the Paris attacks will be as equally significant. And like the latter, Osama bin Laden's letter has also not been read by most of the American people.

I have no use for religion. I believe that it damages the mind and imperils critical thinking. Religion as too often practiced by too many people is mumbo jumbo foolishness. Religion, is however, one of the most powerful forms of human livestock management ever invented.

We have some smart folks with a range of expertise who frequent the site. Some questions for them/us.

How would you analyze ISIS's statement of purpose? What are their long, medium, and short term tactical and strategic goals? This type of writing is part of a specific genre. As such, it will use certain conventions of style and writing to communicate its connotative and denotative meaning(s). I wonder how those who are "plugged into" violent political Islam will read the statement as opposed to those who are not part of that cult? Are there any directives in this statement that ISIS operatives could perhaps be looking for?

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

Allah (ta'ala) said, They thought that their fortresses would protect them from Allah but Allah came upon them from where they had not expected, and He cast terror into their hearts so they destroyed their houses by their own hands and the hands of the believers. So take warning, O people of vision [Al-Hashr:2].

In a blessed battle whose causes of success were enabled by Allah, a group of believers from the soldiers of the Caliphate (may Allah strengthen and support it) set out targeting the capital of prostitution and vice, the lead carrier of the cross in Europe — Paris. This group of believers were youth who divorced the worldly life and advanced towards their enemy hoping to be killed for Allah's sake, doing so in support of His religion, His Prophet (blessing and peace be upon him), and His allies. They did so in spite of His enemies. Thus, they were truthful with Allah — we consider them so — and Allah granted victory upon their hands and cast terror into the hearts of the crusaders in their very own homeland.

And so eight brothers equipped with explosive belts and assault rifles attacked precisely chosen targets in the center of the capital of France. These targets included the Stade de France stadium during a soccer match — between the teams of Germany and France, both of which are crusader nations — attended by the imbecile of France (Francois Hollande). The targets included the Bataclan theatre for exhibitions, where hundreds of pagans gathered for a concert of prostitution and vice. There were also simultaneous attacks on other targets in the tenth, eleventh, and eighteenth districts, and elsewhere. Paris was thereby shaken beneath the crusaders' feet, who were constricted by its streets. The result of the attacks was the deaths of no less than two hundred crusaders and the wounding of even more. All praise, grace, and favor belong to Allah.

Allah blessed our brothers and granted them what they desired. They detonated their explosive belts in the masses of the disbelievers after finishing all their ammunition. We ask Allah to accept them amongst the martyrs and to allow us to follow them.

Let France and all nations following its path know that they will continue to be at the top of the target list for the Islamic State and that the scent of death will not leave their nostrils as long as they partake in the crusader campaign, as long as they dare to curse our Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him), and as long as they boast about their war against Islam in France and their strikes against Muslims in the lands of the Caliphate with their jets, which were of no avail to them in the filthy streets and alleys of Paris. Indeed, this is just the beginning. It is also a warning for any who wish to take heed.

Allah is the greatest.

(And to Allah belongs all honor, and to His Messenger, and to the believers, but the hypocrites do not know) [Al-Munafiqun: 8].

Copyright 2015 Chauncey DeVega [with comments]


The ‘Splainer: What does the apocalyptic jihad of ISIS mean for the rest of us?

An image distributed by Islamic State militants on social media on Aug. 25, 2015, purports to show the destruction of a Roman-era temple in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra.
November 19, 2015 [with embedded videos, and comments [also at (with embedded videos, and comments)]


10 Stories You Must Read If You Want To Understand ISIS

Attacks in Paris claimed by the Islamic State group killed at least 129 people on Friday, bringing more attention to how the militant organization operates.
A selection of some of the best work from years of coverage on the Islamic State group.
11/19/2015 Edited: 11/22/2015 [with embedded video report, and comments]


And so the hate speech begins: Let Paris be the end of the right’s violent language toward activists
Real terror unfolds in Paris. Perhaps this will convince the right to tone down their incessant violent rhetoric
Nov 13, 2015 [with embedded video, and comments] [also at (with comments)]


The Paris Terror Attacks and the Right-wing Media's War on Reality
When I dared ask conservatives to tone down violent rhetoric after Paris, they responded with death threats
November 17, 2015 [with comments]


We Are All Muslims Now

Muslim women light candles in Mumbai, India, to express solidarity with France on Nov. 16, 2015.

After the Paris attacks, we can shrink in fear or we can look to connect.

By Howard Fineman
Posted: 11/19/2015 07:59 PM EST | Edited: 11/19/2015 08:31 PM EST

WASHINGTON -- A few hours after the Paris terror attacks, I wrote a piece for HuffPost with the headline, "We Are All Parisians, Again [ ]." It elicited a lot of comment.

A week later I'm back with another post-Paris piece. You can see the headline above: "We Are All Muslims Now."

The world's first reaction to the Paris shootings was horror, sorrow and defiance. In the days after, attention shifted to the military and police response.

I'd like to suggest something else: understanding and connection. If there is to be peace on the planet, we all must try to understand what Islam means and what it doesn't, what it is and isn't, what is holy in its name and what is evil.

I don't mean that all people, of whatever faith, must become experts in one of the world's most practiced religions. And I'm certainly not the person to give instruction in any faith.

But ignorance allows fear to grow. In the absence of knowledge of the Quran's message of peace, acceptance, community and charity, fear fills the void in politics and elsewhere. If self-described Islamic State militants kill time and again in the name of Islam -- if they declare a "caliphate" in the ancient tradition -- it takes a sense of history and proportion to know that they're lying.

We can't abdicate the responsibility for this education to the politicians.

President Barack Obama, unfortunately, is not the perfect messenger for this project. Too many yahoos in the American electorate think that he is a "secret Muslim."

Advocacy groups based in Washington and elsewhere aren't necessarily the right vehicle, either. They can't be faulted for spending so much time cataloging the growing list of discrimination against and attacks on American Muslims. But the broader, more positive mission gets lost sometimes, as does the need and the patience to keep fiercely and repeatedly denouncing those perpetrating the violence.

A smart and gregarious politician such as Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota can do his part, but as energetic as he is, he is nearly alone in official Washington as part of the conversation.

In the absence of countervailing arguments, presidential candidates such as Jeb Bush and Donald Trump can plumb the depths of religious fright, suggesting, in Bush's case, that only Syrian refugees who are Christians should be admitted to the U.S.

Journalists at HuffPost and the rest of the media, of course, must do our part.

But ultimately it lies with all thinking people to look past their fears and learn about the Muslim community -- both at home and abroad. To recognize and join with the vast majority of Muslims who reject the blood-curdling actions of the extremist group also known as Daesh. And to tell their fellow Americans that the values we hold dear not only require but will reward the embrace of our common humanity.

I'll leave you with a story from long ago, when I was a young man just out of college traveling the world on a fellowship.

In Jerusalem I met a burly man in his 50s, with a square jaw, a knit cap on his head and a carpeted wooden frame on his back -- a contraption that made it easier to carry chests and other heavy items.

As late as the 1970s in Jerusalem, or so I was told, there were other men like him: Turkish "furniture movers," descendants of the Ottoman Empire that once ruled Palestine, who made a living transporting items from place to place in the narrow streets of the Old City.

It was a sunny spring day in 1971 when I met him. I was leaning against one of the old Ottoman walls of the city. I was alone and must have looked hungry.

He approached without saying a word. He reached into his pocket and brought out a small paper bag. Inside was a hard-boiled egg and a piece of newsprint folded over many times. Inside the latter was a small pile of salt.

He handed the small package to me. I nodded in thanks. He nodded and moved away.

Then he took a small carpet from his backpack, unfurled it on the grass, kneeled on it and prayed in the direction of Mecca.

I could think of the gunmen in Paris, or I could think of him. I now choose the latter.

Copyright © 2015, Inc. [with comments]


CNN Guest: We Should Bomb Even Hospitals, Universities To Fight ISIS
Americans, he added, shouldn't care about seeing non-American civilians killed.
It seems CNN will let just about anyone air their warmongering views on the network.
On Saturday, former CIA intelligence officer turned blogger Michael Scheuer said the U.S. should bomb even hospitals and universities in Islamic State territory to combat the extremist group, saying this would constitute going "all in" in the fight against terrorism.
"'All in' to me, I wrote this week, would be to take out every piece of infrastructure -- hospitals, universities, irrigation systems -- that make it impossible for the Islamic State to raise money, to provide electricity, sanitation and potable water," Scheuer responded. "Do exactly what we did to the Germans."
When CNN host Michael Smerconish asked Scheuer if the American people would tolerate seeing footage of the "so-called civilian death count" that would result, Scheuer doubled down.
“They should,” the blogger responded. “What’s the difference? They aren’t Americans.”
[...] [with embedded videos, and comments]


note: this is part 4 of a 5-part post; part 3 is the post to which this is a reply, and part 5 follows as a reply to this post -- the following listing of "see also" links is the same in all 5 parts


in addition to (linked in) the post to which this is a reply and preceding (my last prior big one in this string at ) and (any future other) following, see also (linked in): and preceding and following; and preceding and following and preceding and following; and preceding (and any future following); and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following, and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and preceding and following; 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Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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