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Re: boston745 post# 1

Tuesday, 10/22/2024 2:06:50 PM

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 2:06:50 PM

Post# of 120
I believe Musk and Thiel to be private fronts for the military. Now the military is openly recruiting Silicon Valley elite; i actually think Musk was recruited at Stanford but he had to be recruited before Mars convention when he supposedly first met Michael Griffin.

Wanted: Weekend Warriors in Tech
New Defense Department initiative would recruit Silicon Valley’s top technical minds to join the reserves as officers

It is another indication of the tech industry’s deepening relationship with the Pentagon and Silicon Valley’s about-face on the U.S. military. Once disdainful of defense work, tech startups and their financiers now often embrace national-security opportunities.

Parmeter has been canvassing Silicon Valley and other tech hot spots for possible recruits with help from Shyam Sankar, chief technology officer of data-analytics firm Palantir Technologies, which sells artificial-intelligence software to militaries.

Thiel has even been offering people 100k to not goto college which i suspect is another form of recruitment for private individuals to work for national security interests but outside the accountability of government so if these individuals fall it doesnt directly impact the government. This Parmeter character has been canvasing recruits with Thiels CTO at Palanir...who'd have thought?

On top of this, it seems there is now a laser that is effective at striking ballistic missiles.

A new anti-missile laser downed 100% of its targets while fighting multiple threats at once, UK defense officials say

The UK says a new anti-missile laser for its aircraft defeated 100% of its targets in a live test.
Officials said it faced off against multiple heat-seeking missiles launched simultaneously.
They said the new laser is meant for aircraft like the Shadow R2 and A400M Atlas.

The UK Defense Ministry said on Sunday that it successfully tested a new air-defense system that tracks missiles midflight and jams them with a precision laser.

In a statement, officials said the laser downed 100% of its targets at the Vidsel Test Range in Sweden while facing "a range of infrared heat-seeking missiles being fired simultaneously."

"100% of threats were quickly defeated using a laser with pinpoint accuracy," the statement said.

A joint venture with aerospace firms Leonardo and Thales, it's designed for Royal Air Force planes such as the Shadow R2 surveillance craft and the A400M Atlas transport.

While not a spaced based laser system that will be needed to turn SpaceX Starshield into Brilliant Pebbles, this is a sign they are getting closer! So funny that ive been talking about these very subjects and suddenly theres news articles about them to help support my hypothesis. This is one of a series of posts that were censored on the Tsla board as off-topic when the subject matter all ties to Tsla, SpaceX, & Musk.Meaning these posts should not have been removed.

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Strawman Sockpuppet bot posting disinfo in relation to info in my posts.
Could it be that there is a strategy to distract people away from looking at basic data?
Is it an exercise to create forum verbiage to drown out any serious discussion of evidence?

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