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Tuesday, 10/22/2024 1:49:52 PM

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 1:49:52 PM

Post# of 118
Dr Michael Griffin, with his seven degrees and longtime work as a DoD contractor, is the real genius behind the carefully cultivated Musk curtain. The real goal of SpaceX is to help pave the way for Brilliant Eyes/Pebbles to come to reality.
Dr. Griffin was head of In-Q-Tel, the Intelligent Community's investment fund, when he and Musk tried to secure ICBMs from Russia. Dr Griffin was then head of NASA at the time it bailed SpaceX out when it nearly went bankrupt in 2008 and provided key contracts before that. Griffin also served as Secretary of Defense in R&D under Trump administration where he saw the funding of space based lasers to use for missile interceptors; a key component to achieving his longterm goal of seeing Brilliant Pebbles become reality. Dr Griffin's goal has been to see the formation of a grid of satellites that could be used for anti-ballistic missile purposes. Something for which SpaceX grid of satellites known as Starshield seems to provide the foundation for. This could not have occurred as long as the 1972 ABM Treaty was active. It just so happens that the events of September 11th paved the way for the birth of SpaceX. Let me reiterate, SpaceX could not have existed, in its current form, as long as that treaty was active because the things it would eventually work on violated the treaties conditions. This would be why SpaceX began June 2002 the same month the US officially left the ABM treaty 6 months after President Bush used the events of September 11th as grounds to leave the treaty.

These are all verifiable facts. I do not see any other conclusion other than September 11th was an inside job to leave the 1972 ABM treaty and Musk is a DoD puppet recruited sometime before August 2001 when Musk/Dr. Griffin supposedly first met. I suspect Musk was recruited at Stanford which then led him to dropout. This would be the most logical way for Musk to be groomed and setup with the financials needed/establish business acumen to found and run SpaceX. This is the sort of thing the CIA is known for doing like what they did with TWA pilot Barry Seal...just on whole other level.

Griffin soon rose to deputy for technology, where he conceived and directed the first space-to-space interception of a ballistic missile in powered flight, and the first space-borne reconnaissance of ballistic missile targets in boost phase and mid-course flight.[4]

In 1995, Griffin authored a report published by the Heritage Foundation entitled "Ending America’s Vulnerability to Ballistic Missiles" offering recommendations for advancing the recently cancelled Brilliant Pebbles program.[7] There he advocated for a new proliferated low Earth orbit constellation of sensors and space-based interceptor weapons to defend against ballistic missiles.

From its origins in 2002, SpaceX has always been extremely close to the national security state, particularly the CIA. Perhaps the most crucial link is Mike Griffin, who, at the time, was the president and COO of In-Q-Tel, a CIA-funded venture capital firm that seeks to nurture and sponsor new companies that will work with the CIA and other security services, equipping them with cutting edge technology. The “Q” in its name is a reference to “Q” from the James Bond series – a creative inventor who supplies the spy with the latest in futuristic tech.

Griffin was with Musk virtually from day one, accompanying him to Russia in February 2002, where they attempted to purchase cut-price intercontinental ballistic missiles to start Musk’s business. Musk felt that he could substantially undercut opponents by using second-hand material and off-the-shelf components for launches. The attempt failed, but the trip cemented a lasting partnership between the pair, with Griffin going to war for Musk, consistently backing him as a potential “Henry Ford” of the rocket industry. Three years later, Griffin would become head of NASA and later would hold a senior post at the Department of Defense.
While at NASA, Griffin brought Musk in for meetings and secured SpaceX’s big break. In 2006, NASA awarded the company a $396 million rocket development contract – a remarkable “gamble” in Griffin’s words, especially as it had never launched a rocket before. As National Geographic put it, SpaceX, “never would have gotten to where it is today without NASA.” And Griffin was essential to this development. Still, by 2008, SpaceX was again in dire straits, with Musk unable to make payroll. The company was saved by an unexpected $1.6 billion NASA contract for commercial cargo services. Thus, from its earliest days, SpaceX was nurtured by government agencies that saw the company as a potentially important source of technology.

One important thing that really stands out to me here, i highlighted. Griffin called Elon Musk the Henry Ford of rockets. If you were unaware, Musk did not have much knowledge of rockets, he was a computer programmer with a Physics degree, so how could he possibly be the Henry Ford of rockets? Were Dr. Griffin's statements part of crafting a false or exaggerated public image of Musk? To answer this lets first establish Musk's lack of knowledge!

Musk "didn't know a lot about rockets initially, but he learned a lot over time," Koenigsmann said. Musk picked knowledge up quickly, which was "amazing to watch," he added.

So there you have it, one of Musk's earliest employees at SpaceX acknowledged Musks lack of knowledge about Rockets initially and indicates that Musk was trained on the job. To quote Ozzy Osbourne for a minute, "One person conditioned to rule and control". Thats exactly what it sounds like to me, that Elon Musk was being conditioned to be the public figurehead of SpaceX and eventually Tesla, something Dr Griffin would know all about from his days working with the DoD & In-Q-Tel. Dr Griffins overstatement about Musk being the Henry Ford of rockets further supports this idea. Lets look at another quote from this midweternmax article:

has deliberately cultivated this image of himself: a real life Tony Stark figure who thinks for himself and is not part of the established order. But behind this carefully constructed facade, Musk is intimately connected to the U.S. national security state, serving as one of its most important business partners. Elon, in short, is no threat to the powerful, entrenched elite: he is one of them.

I left out Musk from the beginning of that quote because I do not believe Musk deliberately cultivated this image. The remainder of the quote supports that this image was cultivated for Musk because he was so intimately "connected to the U.S. national security state". Griffin's statements about Musk being the Ford of rockets, while being ignorant of them, only supports the fact this image was crafted for Musk by that same national security state Musk was so intertwined with. Seriously, how did Musk even become intertwined with it in the first place? He was a complete outsider...unless of course he was recruited by one of the intelligent community agencies (DoD/CIA?) at Stanford as ive long suspected?

Proof the US used the events of September 11th to leave the 1972 ABM treaty:

U.S. Withdrawal From the ABM Treaty: President Bush’s Remarks and U.S. Diplomatic Notes

Today, I have given formal notice to Russia, in accordance with the treaty, that the United States of America is withdrawing from this almost 30-year-old treaty. I have concluded the ABM Treaty hinders our government’s ability to develop ways to protect our people from future terrorist or rogue-state missile attacks.

The 1972 ABM Treaty was signed by the United States and the Soviet Union at a much different time, in a vastly different world. One of the signatories, the Soviet Union, no longer exists. And neither does the hostility that once led both our countries to keep thousands of nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert, pointed at each other. The grim theory was that neither side would launch a nuclear attack because it knew the other would respond, thereby destroying both.

Today, as the events of September the 11th made all too clear, the greatest threats to both our countries come not from each other, or other big powers in the world, but from terrorists who strike without warning, or rogue states who seek weapons of mass destruction.

Isnt it ironic that the US leaving the ABM treaty, due to the events of September 11th, allowed Russia & China to pursue Hypersonic weapons or that Putin is now threatening to use these same weapons against the US?
So President Bush officially told Putin that the US would withdraw from said treaty Dec 13th, 2001. The US could not officially exit the treaty for 6 months. Meaning the US did not officially leave the treaty until June 13th, 2002. It just so happens that SpaceX began June 2002!

In June 2002 he founded Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX. He was on his way to Mars.

Quote Sources:


Strawman Sockpuppet bot posting disinfo in relation to info in my posts.
Could it be that there is a strategy to distract people away from looking at basic data?
Is it an exercise to create forum verbiage to drown out any serious discussion of evidence?

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