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06/10/23 5:51 PM

#179081 RE: falon #179079

No one can argue that there’s a mountain of potential here. Nearly 3 years in, it’s time for them to put up or shut up.
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06/10/23 5:53 PM

#179082 RE: falon #179079

Great post, as many great points referenced in ENZCs PR/s! Thank you!
I keep thinkin of the old adage, "Inch by Inch, it's a Cinch!"
And the story of the Tortoise & the Hare!
As Dr. Chandra also said, "Our Science Will Win"!
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06/11/23 8:04 AM

#179087 RE: falon #179079

Wow Falon! That is about the most incredible due diligence summary that I have seen! Thank you for putting that together. Any current or potential new investors that want to know what ENZC is all about can spend some time going over your post. I cannot imagine how high share price could potentially go when the news and these revolutionary monoclonal antibodies that can potentially eradicate all viruses, regardless if they mutate, becomes widely known. I agree with you that it will be sooner rather than later, with the flow of information already starting. Thank You!
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06/12/23 7:04 AM

#179100 RE: falon #179079

WAY INTENSE DD .. thank you and to everyone who invests time, energy and passion into the research and unselfishly shares it.
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09/22/23 9:13 PM

#186924 RE: falon #179079

So the big news is coming "soon" - that is pretty funny - where will the clinical trials be conducted, Africa, Bulgaria or will it be on Mars.

Why won't ENZC apply for FDA approved clinical trials - the big drug market is the US.

Many pharmaceutical companies are donating HIV drugs in Africa.

Plus, ITV-1 has been pumped since 1996 and it still isn't an approved in any Country.

Any big Blockbuster news will be more pumping nonsense.