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12/22/20 9:00 AM

#4284 RE: Byurwherevergirl #4283

“Watching closely for a break of .005 then some serious volume going into 2021”

that 0,005 is still coming back in day after day , like you say when that wall is crushed , uptrend is coming IMO . $WTI is holding well . vaccination has started ,...

I am 46 years in Belgium that means I get my vaccine end 2021 .
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spec machine

12/22/20 10:16 AM

#4287 RE: Byurwherevergirl #4283

"different drilling techniques to help keep the pressure managed" "There’s a word for that I just can’t remember it right now."

Yes, that's "Managed Pressure Drilling" or MPD

It's using the right equipment and carefully monitoring the exact pressure in the bore while drilling deeper

Too much pressure or too little are both bad, so it's a Goldilocks target of "just right"

In GSPE's case, they had a "loss of control" event that resulted in significant loss of drilling fluid and a halt to drilling to regain control

You're right about experience, it matters. Drilling this type of well isn't for sissies, we're betting on an experienced operator. The incident may have just been pressure variations much greater than expected.

The Tau 1 loss of control was unfortunate and disappointing, especially because it came at a bad time. It resulted in the ending of the first drilling program before the target was reached.

I'm betting on success in 2021!
