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Alias Born 06/11/2020

Re: declaes post# 51237

Friday, 09/13/2024 9:58:18 AM

Friday, September 13, 2024 9:58:18 AM

Post# of 51669
You have never been correct talking about this stock. You have never presented any real due diligence. This is why you hold hold more than $100K of this trash. I have honestly never seen anyone admit to having so much tied up in one OTC stinky pink. Then you average down to 9, Shawn Leon pays for this expensive walk-up and you still can't unload. 😆

Shawn Leon burned his promotional material getting the price up on relatively low volume. If he can muster another crazy property purchase, sale, leaseback deal to wrap up the new debt he will likely use that promotion to move some offering shares. He needs to split this thing like he has been talking about before wasting another round of promotion. And that is what the expensive promotion since June was, wasted in terms of attracting new capital, converting debt, or converting that offering. Only fools are buying this stock right now and as you can see with the low volume, there aren't many of them.

Re: A deleted message
Friday, July 05, 2024 2:03:32 PM
Post# 50390of 51239

Holding the bag??? Yes 116,000,000 shares at 0.0009. Still better than your 30,000 $OMID shares at 0.05 😂. You are a FOOL man.


Everything that I post is just my informed opinion and is simply an invitation to debate. Trade on your own due diligence please..

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