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Alias Born 01/20/2009

Re: A deleted message

Friday, 07/05/2024 2:03:32 PM

Friday, July 05, 2024 2:03:32 PM

Post# of 51664
Your riddle is getting kind of boring. You can be sure I did my DD. Don't need to post my opinion about GRST every day 5 times a day, like you do.

I have better things to do. I understand the risk about GRST but am willing to take the risk vs reward bc I read the fillings... and no I don't read your bs opinions or better: LIES.

The fact that you hold ZER0 shares and post here several times a day, posts of 1000 words tells the story... you are an IDIOT.

The fact that you have pumped $OMID here and told us you bought 30,000 shares at 0.05 but never post on the OMID board tells the rest. You are an IDIOT, have NO MONEY, and probably lost all your money on GRST.

The fact that in the past 3 years of posting you told several lies and made multiple assumptions that did not happen, makes you a LIAR.

GRST is just a gamble to me and for many here. But it starts to look better and better. This is nit the company it was 4years ago like you like to say.

Holding the bag??? Yes 116,000,000 shares at 0.0009. Still better than your 30,000 $OMID shares at 0.05 😂. You are a FOOL man.

And you know what that makes you...

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