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Re: boston745 post# 77859

Wednesday, 05/31/2023 11:07:58 PM

Wednesday, May 31, 2023 11:07:58 PM

Post# of 91716

As the magnetic field weakens over a 500-600 year period that started 300 years ago, more solar maximum, galactic-cosmic radiation flux (GCRF) reaches the planet and produces global warming, on top of anthropocentric global warming contributions, creating a greenhouse earth without ice at the poles, Greenland, or glaciers. • The warming exponentially increases atmospheric moisture and decreases polar and glacier ice; sea level rises and climate change is magnified. • Earth’s magnetic field becomes chaotic when weakened past 30%, and in places, it randomly disappears (NASA model of earth geomagnetic field reversal). • At the same time that the amount of solar and space energy becomes more intense, the coldness of space enters our atmosphere at multiple places, including the equator. Note that solar thermal emission variations between 0.05% and 0.17% are normal. 

According to my last post the earths magnetic field is already at 30% weakened and accorsing to Dr Solis, the magnetic field will randomly disappear. Is this why we are seeing an increase in cracks in the magnetic field?
Another phenomenon Dr Solis talks about is coldness of space entering our atmosphere and I wonder if hes talking about Space Hurricanes mentioned in the previous study I posted?

Formed by the interaction of magnetic field lines and the solar wind, the hurricane was invisible to the naked eye, but four weather satellites that passed over the North Pole detected a formation analogous to a terrestrial hurricane. The space hurricane was shaped like a funnel with a quiet “eye” at the center, surrounded by several counterclockwise-spinning spiral arms of plasma. The space hurricane rained electrons directly into Earth’s upper atmosphere.

During normal conditions there exist permanent polar vortices at the north and south poles, but when the earth’s geomagnetic field becomes chaotic, and magnetic lines go out of earth like coronal mass ejection (CME), when the plasma comes back, it creates much colder sunspots and the chaotic field creates areas of extreme low-pressure vortices all over the earth. 

So on Aug 20th 2014 something akin to ehat Dr Solis was witnessed. Which means the coldness of space is brought in through this vortex into the stratosphere. Which coincidentally is seeing rapid cooling but we are to believe CO2 is the real cause according to mainstream science. Why isnt there more talk about this space hurricane and magnetic field vanishing in places for periods of time? Seen this several times today actually.

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Could it be that there is a strategy to distract people away from looking at the basic data?
Is all this an exercise to create more and more forum verbiage to drown out any serious discussion of evidence?

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