It is unreasonable, due to the fact that it is ILLEGAL right now and there are decades of laws in place that would have to be reviewed and overturned to allow such "public companies" to legally exist. The idea that the market is forward looking and is often 6 months ahead is meaningless in the OTC, that would be like saying Fundamentals and Technical analysis are 100%
Give me a break here, this has nothing to do with my stance on "For or Against", I am just straight up telling you why there are no legitimate public companies currently out there and especially on the OTC, it is a fact that it is Federally illegal, that is not "made up".
As far as what the future holds, my personal thought is it will never come about in the perceived way many think of legalization. They just made a massive mandatory health care act that is already changing business plans as we speak. Tobacco which was the largest lobby out there has yet again lost another battle because of Health care. We can debate all day long the difference between studies and this and that, but the bottom line is still the same, there are in fact health issues associated with smoking the nasty weed as you say. You would also have to ignore the enormous budgets out there from multiple government agencies like the DOD, CIA, DEA, DHS and the FBI who all get "drug war" money, a lot of that funding is to eliminate pot.
My own personal viewpoint is the only people in the future that will be "allowed" to do so are stage 4 cancer patients and other qualifying diseases. The medical industry already hands them whatever they want to improve their "quality of life" in that 6 month to one year window of survival. Further if the Government wants to legalize enough of it, you can bet your ass they will be the only "seller" out there.
In the end what I stated last night are the facts currently as they stand, and I do understand your point that the "trailblazers" are all gambling on a "soon" approach, but that doesn't make them legitimate. We are still a long way from getting a clear picture of the future of the marijuana business. I didn't write the Interstate, Distribution and AML laws that also impede such business, they are in place and haven't changed. What "ifs" are great but that is all they are right now..
The private venture capitalists are on the firing line right now as we speak, it will be interesting to see how a few years goes by and their take on the business in the legalized States. I think that is where this all sits, acquiring "trend" data of the actual business process and practices.