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01/31/03 5:06 AM

#3785 RE: sarai #3755

>>What if Messianics are right in their belief that the text of the NT has been corrupted by history and conflict within Christianity?<<

I would say that it would have been the biggest scam in the entire human history and Evangelic Christians are to be pitied more than all men. imo

>>I'm not saying that they're right, but they were first.<<

I won't say they are right either and I'll say that most likely they weren't 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th. It wouldn't supprise me at all if these people that Rav Mikha'el speaks about didn't appeared in history books until well after Islam
did 622 A.D.(C.E.)or even into the 20 century. But, I'm not into western history very much SWDIK.

>>Their religious view is based on the continuity of the Bible as a whole -
Old & New.

So do my religious views. I don't see any (dis)continuity. Jesus Christ was the long awaited Messiah. He fulfilled completely all that was prophesied about the Messiah in Old Testament times. It's all one continuous history.

>>They believe that their belief in Jesus as Messiah requires Jewish tradition to be maintained.<<

That is unfortunate in my view since all of God's requirements of the law were fulfilled completely in Jesus Christs.

>>They believe is the message of the NT, as it is consistent with the OT, but they believe the NT text has been "corrupted".<<

They must believe that the "New International Version" translation of the Holy Bible is very extremely corrupted. Makes me wonder just how many pages would be left once they took all the corruption out.

>>What if they are right, and the Christian Rights interpretation of Scripture is flawed? What does that do to the literalists movement?<<

I won't go into that hypothetical question now or maybe not ever, time is too short for that. But I will state that what I find in the NIV, KJV, NASB, and so many other Bible translations is that same feeling that Peter says ...
"Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God." John 6:66--69(niv)
WHAT ELSE IS THERE? All the other religions that I know of REQUIRE, REQUIRE, REQUIRE. Nothing is required in being a Christian everything is provided for--divine providence. The best things in life are FREE--Salvation is a gift, that means it's FREE. I truely believe it's the Truth that has converted me.
