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08/02/23 10:11 AM

#134795 RE: bioaq_sh #134794

Another good point!
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08/02/23 10:19 AM

#134796 RE: bioaq_sh #134794

Tsk tsk tsk, #Reminder : Read the documents - Delaware 4612067.
Mitsui has no connection to the company formerly known as "BioAmber".
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08/02/23 2:50 PM

#134810 RE: bioaq_sh #134794

As I've previously posted, please provide the Monitor's Certificate that KERP was discharged.

There is no Certificate, as KERP was not paid out. BioAmber was liquidated.

Good luck to all!

Reminder: Mistui (Bioamber secured creditor) owed $4,416,203 CAD - PWC

Reminder: 'All amounts owing to the KERP charge have been paid' - PWC

Why would Mitsui import/spend/buy (6,922,080 KGs / $13,844,160 - $17,305,200) of bio-succinic acid @ $2.00-$2.50/kg, last shipment being 8-9 months ago from LCY biosciences, when Mitsui was owed money? Good business decision, Bad business or Maybe an arrangement was made? Example; succinic acid to pay off debt..... CCAA = Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act

A month later Mitsui released/assigned the following patent over to LCY Biosciences; 'Processes For Producing Succinic Acid From Fermentation Broths Containing Diammonium Succinate'

1-2 days after the patent assignment from Mitsui, LCY biosciences switching from bio-succinic acid to carotenoids articles are published.

Feb 1, 2024 - 5 years KKR/LCY acquisition deal closed