As I've previously posted, please provide the Monitor's Certificate that KERP was discharged. There is no Certificate, as KERP was not paid out. BioAmber was liquidated. Good luck to all! Reminder: Mistui (Bioamber secured creditor) owed $4,416,203 CAD - PWC Reminder: 'All amounts owing to the KERP charge have been paid' - PWC Why would Mitsui import/spend/buy (6,922,080 KGs / $13,844,160 - $17,305,200) of bio-succinic acid @ $2.00-$2.50/kg, last shipment being 8-9 months ago from LCY biosciences, when Mitsui was owed money? Good business decision, Bad business or Maybe an arrangement was made? Example; succinic acid to pay off debt..... CCAA = Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act A month later Mitsui released/assigned the following patent over to LCY Biosciences; 'Processes For Producing Succinic Acid From Fermentation Broths Containing Diammonium Succinate' 1-2 days after the patent assignment from Mitsui, LCY biosciences switching from bio-succinic acid to carotenoids articles are published. Feb 1, 2024 - 5 years KKR/LCY acquisition deal closed