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10/21/15 11:45 AM

#52663 RE: sambeaux #52662

Hi Sam.......that's not exactly true. Remember we recently got this put up on the Investors Relation portion of the website.....

Sales updates (2016 fiscal year to date):

•KDS S6 sold into Quebec to process sawmill wastes to wood pellets
•KDS S4 sold into France for the purpose of processing biomass as a feedstock to synthetic gas production
•KDS S6 sold into Poland to process sawmill wastes to wood pellets
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10/21/15 12:51 PM

#52664 RE: sambeaux #52662

Hi Sam - Yes - still hanging on. I have more or less written off FASC as worthless now. Don't think we will ever hear from Brian again.I am trying to get into a skilled nursing facility now to be better taken care of in my final days. If so, may no longer be able to use a computer. Dave