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Re: surf1944 post# 2172

Friday, 04/05/2013 11:32:52 AM

Friday, April 05, 2013 11:32:52 AM

Post# of 2237
7:33AM POZEN reports results from a Burden of Cardiovascular Disease Study: presentation demonstrates cost reduction when PPI used in combination with aspirin for both commercial and medicare populations (POZN) 4.69 : Co announces it presented the abstract, The Burden of Secondary Cardiovascular Disease in Commercial and Medicare Patients: A Managed Care Perspective. The secondary prevention of cardiovascular events includes the daily use of aspirin.

Co highlights chronic aspirin therapy is associated with significant gastrointestinal toxicity including dyspepsia, gastric ulcers and GI bleeding, all of which contribute to the disease and cost burden of secondary prevention. The GI toxicity of aspirin can be mitigated by the use of proton pump inhibitors. The Xcenda analysis demonstrated that the prevention of cardiovascular events with aspirin, plus a PPI, compared to aspirin alone is associated with a net per-patient per-year cost decrease of $103 and $145 and a potential overall cost decrease of $1.8 mln and $11.0 mln for a typical one million-member Commercial and Medicare Plan, respectively.