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Alias Born 07/22/2010

Re: first mike post# 27

Thursday, 01/24/2013 8:55:56 PM

Thursday, January 24, 2013 8:55:56 PM

Post# of 32
After extensive DD, with far more reliable people than IHUB, I know people like yourself are bottom feeders, and it is confirmed, when you brag of making a measly $12,000 by selling about 150,000 shares, and that means your total share count is only a measly 1 million.

Thus, you are as much of a bottom feeder as your profile picture suggests.

you are such a joke. You spent 2 years waiting to make a measly $12,000 and now you got to pay 20% taxes on that. Its just comical. simply hilarious. LOSER

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