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Alias Born 04/25/2006

Re: USSilverBug post# 8125

Tuesday, 05/17/2011 10:34:13 AM

Tuesday, May 17, 2011 10:34:13 AM

Post# of 17231
I did my homework on this one about 18 mo ago-when I decided the long term dollar must inevitably be devalued beyond comprehension to satisfy the national debt of 14 TRILLION dollars,I did two things. First,I have transferred most of my stock holdings to India and Brazilian companies,that were NOT dollar denominated. Secondly,in addition to physical holdings ,I looked for AMERICAN gold and silver producers-I don't want some Bolivian despot confiscating my (partially owned)mines. USSIF has tremendous holdings,good infrastructure,and I've been buying slow but sure ever since. 20 k at .22,5000 shares at .75,6000 in the .50's.... etc -simple dollar cost averaging.I don't mind this dip,as I am in for the next 10 to 40 years,after which I will be dead and my heirs can marvel over my forsight in stashing this one deep in the mattress.
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