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Alias Born 01/19/2010

Re: None

Monday, 09/13/2010 10:44:41 AM

Monday, September 13, 2010 10:44:41 AM

Post# of 76214
Good morning everybody. Thanks for posting the updates, confirmations, congratulations (you are very welcome). Sorry to keep you waiting. At first I thought to post 1 update per month, but I actually noticed that it attracts posts, and as I’m still convinced that we need to get in the spotlights as much as possible, I plan to provide updates, when the boards slow down.
If you are new to the board and/or holding long & strong and you are willing to share you’re totals, please let us know.
I’m continuing the list started by ferris68, to keep track of all the shares in strong hands.
Since the latest update last week, some big numbers are confirmed which made our confirmed total pop to 682,912,796.

Total recorded is now 832,685,148

Thanks again!
