Jitz, did David actually say that Westlin had nothing to do with the bunker? Here’s something interesting. Westlandbunker.com was created November 28th 2007, a month after David Herr supposedly stopped working at Westlin. Westlin Corporation was listed as the registrant, administrative and technical contact. Both Westlandbunker.com and Westlin.com were updated about a week ago with Westlin Corporation still listed as the registrant, administrative and technical contact. I'm pretty sure that if the registrant cannot be contacted (I posted contact info below) they could loose the domains, let me know and I will inform ICANN. With that being said, let's also see if they update the contact information. Maybe we will see David Herr as the new contact :)
Westlin Corporation
550 Club Drive
Suite 410
Montgomery, Texas 77316
(936) 582-5950
(936) 582-5997