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Alias Born 07/25/2001

Re: Uncle_Frank post# 149

Sunday, 10/07/2001 9:12:50 PM

Sunday, October 07, 2001 9:12:50 PM

Post# of 232
I just teased you.

I try to learn as much as I can. If I am financially successful, it is very good. Whatever result, I try to teach my children how to manage money, balance checkbook, and accumulate wealth. We live in the capital society. I don't think school teach how to do it. Sometimes, it is so complexed that we (I) depend on specialists too much. Then we can lose basic common sense. I hope I learned those things when I was young. I learn many things in G&K and other boards. I don't know if I were young, I could like to learn like techreport. I don't know.

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