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Re: lrice post# 37939

Tuesday, 04/10/2007 2:52:57 PM

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:52:57 PM

Post# of 63795
Vee-Go Energy update & response to posts:

Posted by: mike6491
In reply to: None
Date:4/10/2007 2:25:19 AM
Post #of 37939

Vee-Go Energy update & response to posts

I am Michael Garjian, CEO of Vegetable Energy Group, LLC d/b/a Vee-Go Energy and Founder of I own only 10,000 shares or so of USSEC stock, held long. As a signatory on an MOU dated 12/15/06 to form a Massachusetts Green Power consortium with USSEC and STP, I am an insider and must be careful with my disclosures. I am an inventor who spent 12 years developing a unique flat, plasma based, light source, then another 13 years establishing two factories, securing nine worldwide patents, hiring hundreds of employees, and creating a joint venture with the largest company in the world as we manufactured and distributed the technology around the world. I know the path from conception of an idea to final execution on an international basis. In fact, I've done it twice.

Unless you have walked it, you absolutely cannot imagine how extremely difficult a multi-decade path to innovation can be for the individual inventor. Because it will take over your life, take all your money, challenge your marriage and family, push you to the edge of human mental and physical endurance with no sure guarantee of success, you must be totally committed to your belief in yourself and your invention. No one but a fool would spend a decade or two on such a path to perpetuate a scam. I assure you, John Rivera is not a scam artist or a fool. To those of us who know him, John Rivera is a down to earth, caring, humorous, tough, well-intentioned, and honest man with a dream he will not let die.

The past week of posts since the conference call have been both inspiring and disappointing. I am inspired by those of you who are long and believe that the path to success requires faith and courage. You are part of the family. I am disappointed by those posts by individuals who attack John because he coughs, is not well polished, or is overweight. They revert to childhood, schoolyard, cruelty and I apologize to John for these because I know that no matter how strong one is, these things hurt. These posters may have hidden agendas, whether they are shorting or are associated with established interests who will suffer greatly when USSEC succeeds.

There are others who have genuine concerns based on the fact that things are taking longer than anyone, even John, would like. This is the reality of business innovation and I have lived it personally. So I will tell you, in only 5 words, why I, at 60 years of age with decades of industrial manufacturing and community development experience behind me, am a believer. I witnessed the Rivera process. That is it. Period.

Because I have seen it, I know the Rivera fuel is the one most viable for the long term. It will revolutionize the industry. Please let me take some time to be specific. This planet is so desparate for alternatives to petroleum that even low BTU ethanol, (which requires more energy to create than it produces, has terrible hydroscopic qualities, wreaks havoc in marine applications, cannot be piped, etc.), can achieve great support and success. Then there is biodiesel that uses deadly poisons to convert perfectly good vegetable oil fuel to a biofuel solvent substance that dissolves rubber and plastic, causes rust to fall off fuel lines and tanks, is very expensive, must be mixed with petro-diesel, cannot be used in powerplants and increases the output of the smog causing NOx pollutants. In this environment, Rivera’s fuel can become an enormous success if not a godsend.

My recent experiences are with alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles. I am closely associated with a Canadian family farmer owned corporation whose 1,200 members collectively farm 2.4 million acres of canola (an area half the size of Massachusetts). I partner with Central Connecticut Cooperative Farmer’s Association (CCC Feeds), an American family farmer owned feed and fertilizer manufacturing coop producing close to 20 million of dollars of products a year. CCC and Vee-Go Energy work together to produce and distribute biomass energy pellets and other products. My experiences and relationships cause me to believe that compared to all other currently well established biofuels, USSEC’s is the fuel of the future.

OK friends, all the above is fine as a basis for introductions and beliefs regarding potential success, but where is the really important stuff -the contracts and the revenues? As an insider, I cannot tell you too much. My attorneys would further advise that until USSEC and I have something more formal than the current Massachusetts Memorandum of Understanding and until I am more aware of other potentially competitive activities in my area I must hold my cards close to my chest.

So I will only say this. Yes, I believe in John and in the Rivera process, and most importantly, I believe in myself. Because the process is real, because I have enough faith in the Mass MOU as written, and because I know my own capabilities and what I am experiencing with potential customers and elected officials at all levels, I am confident in succeeding in Massachusetts. To be very candid, I couldn’t give a damn if John is not polished, coughs, or has human weaknesses. Why? Because I believe that Massachusetts can become a pilot region that will prove the viability of the Rivera Process, the integrity of the path upon which John walks, and the financial viability of USSEC as a investment. John, others, and I are all joined on this path as a team and the sum is greater than the parts.

With the caveat that these are forward looking statements, yada, yada, yada, Vee-Go’s short to term goals (2 weeks to 18 months) are to:

1. Formalize the Mass MOU and appoint the USSEC/SPC/Vee-Go/E2M entity formed per the MOU as the exclusive source of USSEC/SPC products in Massachusetts.

2. Determine the viability of the catalyst activated carbon in USSEC soyash as a potential detoxifying agent for several mycotoxins including vomatoxin, aflatoxin, deoxynivalenol (DON), T-2 and others. Tests are now being conducted by a Virginia agricultural laboratory associated with CCC Feeds.

3. Test the viability of USSEC soyash as a coal replacement by determining combustion characteristics and the effect of phosphates on the catalyst now used in powerplant SCR scrubbers to mitigate sulfur and NOx emissions. Tests are now being conducted by a privately owned power plant in the northeast USA.

4. Establish the viability of USSEC soyash as a fertilizer for northeastern regional crops, including, but not limited to corn and tobacco. Tests soon to be conducted by local farmers and CCC Feeds.

5. Sign long term “pay or take” agreements with utility customers and attain a cash flow from the Massachusetts sale of Rivera green electricity, fertilizer, biofuel REC’s, and fertilizer REC’s in 2007.

6. Establish a biofuel plant in either Holyoke, Springfield or Westfield, MA producing at least 800 tons a day of fertilizer for sale at $.125 to $.150 per pound including REC’s and 400,000 to 550,000 gallons a day of Rivera biofuel at 10% below a mutually acceptable fossil fuel benchmark price such as the current NY diesel #2 barge price as listed on, plus associated REC income of $50 per megawatt hour.

7. Utilize the entire output of the above biofuel facility to supply several potential customers with whom I am in various stages of discussion and due diligence.

8. To import Rivera biofuel by RR tanker or preferably by barge to New Haven, CT to be delivered by existing jet fuel pipelines to Western Mass until our biofuel plant is up and running.

9. To continue in collaboration with Central Connecticut Cooperative Farmer’s Association, other farmer coops in the eastern US, a farmer owned corporation in Canada, and hopefully state and federal agricultural authorities to establish a family farmer initiative to grow biofuel feedstocks in the Northeast and eastern seaboard states. Initial feedstocks could include soybeans, corn, and canola. Purchase to be direct from farmer’s silos, price to be cost plus guaranteed profits for 20 years to purchase 80% of harvest, 20% of harvest to be retained by farmers for market rate sales if they desire, fuel to be supplied to them at $.99 per gallon adjustable for inflation over 20 years, electricity if under our control to be deep discounted, and discounted fertilizer to be provided by us.

10. To continue to work closely with Massachusetts elected state officials at all levels to create an alternative energy initiative that will shine as a beacon for other regions as it utilizes resources to be made available by the proposed and hopefully soon to be enacted Massachusetts Green Communities Act of 2007 at

11. To inject $1,000 to $10,000 a day into the E2M Regional Economic Council to introduce E2M’s community conscious capitalism and create the community wealth that will establish, as a pilot region, the sustainable E2M economic model in Western Mass, This will result in the formation of inner city youth entrepreneurial programs, low interest loan programs, entrepreneur friendly venture capital investment funds, the launch of 500 or more new small businesses, the funding of social initiatives to create affordable housing, provide jobs and social support to returning veterans, break the cycle of poverty, address violence in the family, reduce hopelessness among the young, and help to revitalize American democracy as our Founder’s originally created it here in Massachusetts, the birthplace of American democracy.

Vee-Go’s medium term goal (two to five years) is to:

1. See the above duplicated in at least five regions in the Northeast US and Saskatchewan, Canada.

2. Fund programs enabling the University of Massachusetts-Amherst an agricultural land grant institution to conduct R&D on additional biofuel feedstocks such as crambe, flax, algae, chicken and horse manure, organic wastes, and other experimental organic materials.

3. Establish a small municipal electric utility next to a municipal wastewater treatment plant to research the cultivation of algae based organisms in municipal wastewater streams energized by CO2 emissions from electrical generation.

4. Fund current embryonic initiatives to augment traditional agrarian style crop production techniques with new technical agricultural growing techniques whereby life sustaining foodcrops are grown much more efficiently, organically, and year round in greenhouses with rigidly controlled atmospheres devoid of harmful insects and pathogens. By using USSEC biofuels to generate electricity for efficient, crop enhancing, full spectrum, lighting; greenhouse heating; crop fertilization; and by redirecting the CO2 from heater exhausts into greenhouses to increase plant growth rates, important foodcrop yields may exceed, by multiples, traditional techniques as crops flourish year round, 24/7, under glass while outside lands produce additional food crops as well as biofuel feedstocks.

I believe each of these goals is not only possible, but probable and I hope to exceed the indicated timelines.

Some final thoughts:

John Rivera, USSEC, SPC, and the folks involved are creating new beginnings in a world that requires a leap to a new reality. If one is to truly create new beginnings, if one demands to be part of the solution rather then part of the problem, then one must take the untraveled, harder path rather than be tempted by the expediency of the well traveled path. The well traveled path is worn by the steps of those who create the current reality on this planet, and the current reality is no longer acceptable if all species are to survive, including ours, as is well documented by Friday’s unedited (as opposed to compromised) report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change representing 115 countries and scores of scientists.

John understands this means fighting exponentially harder to do it his way, starting in the pinks in order to reach all people as investors and to maintain control of his company so it is not compromised to traditional venture capitalists then flipped by forming “strategic partnerships” with big oil as the typical VC “exit strategy” demands. As a founder of the former Western Mass Venture Capital Forum, I assure you the VC route would be a disaster.

I have absolute faith in John Rivera and USSEC. But it is no longer just about them. It is about many of us who have met him, been inspired by his vision, and seen the process. John’s baby is now growing up. It is doing what its future success demands; it is becoming bigger than he is. It is taking on a life of its own that now includes others of us. Because we all have our own strengths to empower each other, the USSEC goal of changing the world energy paradigm by creating an alternative grassroots energy infrastructure is increasingly and entirely possible. It does, however, require courage, passion, and absolute dedication by those involved.

There are those who would like to see us fail, but failure is not an option. For those of you who hope for our failure, please stop your bashing, sell your stock, and get the hell out. The same goes for non-believers; there are plenty of opportuniities for you that do not require any faith. Go take the easy way out rather than clutter this board with never-ending, boring, same old, same old, repeating doubts and personal insults. If you have nothing better to do than remain to just piss and moan, then at least have the guts to identify yourselves. Whatever you do, you will not intefer with our success; you are too insignificant and the process is moving too fast now. Success just might be inevitable.

As we succeed, the light will grow brighter as sure as the sun will rise. Those of you who are in, please stay in and enjoy the ride. Yes it is ambiguous at times, ocassionally frustrating, and can get turbulent. That’s part of the process. But that is the part that raises an investor to a new standard of commitment when one cannot personally work on the front lines. That is the part that separates the speculators and opportunists from the smaller army of more committed and courageous investors who usher in world change. That is the arena one must play in to truly save us from what will come if we act out of fear and pessimism rather than hope and determination.

Sure, on journeys like this it may be a little turbulent at times, but knowing what I know, I’m very much in and I honestly feel that clear air is coming in the not too distant future.

Best regards for a bright, clean and sustainable future.

Michael Garjian
CEO, Vee-Go Energy

Set your desire to Eternal Riches, the true riches.