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Looking for Naved Jafrry we have a lawsuit for him, please PM his whereabouts so we can serve him.
It would be more fun watching paint dry
I'll probably watch this for a year.......
So how did that work out for you?
More dead than ever? Last month was the highest trading volume I've ever seen in ZEON...what do you mean by "dead?"
Try purchasing tens of thousands shares of ZEON for less than 2.00 and let me know how it goes. Maybe I'm wrong but I've seen no evidence to suggest otherwise.
What are you taking man? I want some of that!
You sound like we became millionaires and that thing is more dead than ever...
Day after day of tens of thousands of dollars coming into ZEON after all these years of very low volume...what is going on? LOL!
Season after season of shares below $1.00, then just over a dollar, then a range of $1.00 - $2.00.
Lately shares trading $3.00 - $4.00 with flickers up to $7.50 and $10.00 (obviously a sign as to where ZEON is headed in the future)...
This is going to be so much fun to watch when the BIG MONEY shows up!!
The BIG HIPPOS are coming.............
It looks like people are situating themselves for the rise of ZEON!
Did you see there were over 10,000 X 3.50 on the bid and nobody sold!
Shares appear to be at a premium but we know from The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase that "everyone's got a price."
And as of right now, that price is 7.50/share!! LOL
1000 x 3.40 on bid - LOL!
Do you remember when someone on this board said the days of getting ZEON for 2.00 a share would be ending soon.
This is soooooooo delicious!
I saw your reply yesterday before it was removed.
There is a very simple solution for you...
You said the reason you had all these questions NOW after all these years was because of your broker giving you some trouble with clearing. (that was the only trigger you mentioned)
Simple solution: Get a new broker!
There are several brokers being used to trade ZEON.
If you followed this stock for anytime at all you know there has always been elements of mystery and a lack of full understanding.
If you want to "tell time" ZEON is great, if you "want to know how a watch works" you are better off investing in a more traditional or safe stock.
You see red flags because of unanswered questions,
I see green flags because of tens of thousands of dollars pouring in lately and the SP going up, up and up.
"The same sun that melts the wax hardens the clay." :)
spending all their money and laughing at stupid shareholders
You haven't answered my question...
Why are you showing interest NOW after all these years...what has inspired or triggered your activity?
Tens of thousands of dollars coming into Zeon lately in the 2.00-3.00 range...we already had one rocket launch this week in the US, will Zeon be the next?
Welcome Ryan8!
I think the site has been like that for a while.
What inspired you to post today after all these years?
Anyone know the website, I keep getting a password protected site.
“Our favorite holding period is forever.”
-Warren Buffett
Another delicious day of feasting at the table of ZEON!
Num num num num num :)
Today's volume is delicious!
Num num num num num ... :)
Am I the only one seeing all this recent volume?
Either the Zack Report seriously influenced some buyer(s) or... ?
Stay classy ZEON faithful ~
Isn't this interesting! ZEON volume is up again today and the SP hit a 12 month high! ($3.95)
Who is buying and what do they know? I hope they have they shares they want as this looks very thin going up! Shares will be at a premium!
I also see that K.O. is quiet (maybe he is out looking for TP?)
See you all in the promise land!
More volume today (1430 so far all at ~ $2.00)
The entire market is bleeding red and ZEON appears to be the only safe haven for people now.
If you are reading this post do you realize how blessed you are to even know about this stock?!
Wait until the chipping away and nibbling ends and the real volume shows up!
These $2's can't last much longer once mama and papa hippo come to feed!
Somebody knows something that not everybody knows!
Good luck buying in large quantities at low prices...
Be blessed ZEON faithful!
It did get slow down after that quick 700, didn't it!
LOL is right!
Another ZEON the ONLY stock in the world besides toilet paper and hand sanitizer companies that's up in the last couple days?
Isn't it interesting that ZEON is going deep into the GREEN on St Patrick's Day!
It may be the last day to get a large amount of cheap shares!
Something appears to be happening as I look at a sudden 800 x 2.05 on the bid! (and alreay 700 shares what??)
Good Luck!!
LOL. right, just wait another 25 years and maybe something will happen.
I realize many people are discouraged, but if you can follow the bread crumb trail and see the clues left for us, there's good reason for the optimism!
Train your eyes to see the SSTP footprint :)
Baby hippo it sure is entertaining to read your endless optimism. I don’t have time to bother with contacting you privately for the couple of cents I would make for selling this worthless stock.
SSTP is only de-listed. It it was BK the shares would be gone. SSTP is only taking a nap...and one day this sleeping giant will be awakened!
I'm not going to make a public offer at this time. If you're interested in selling them, contact me privately.
Thank you kind sir!
Sstp shares are still there because it’s not worth anybodies time or money to do anything with them. I see you agree with me baby hippo since you don’t have an offer for my shares.
Yes, I just checked my trading account and all my SSTP shares are still there...
Can someone explain to me how all the shares are still there after all these years if the "nameless owners" sold out and "retired" with the money?
From what I can see SSTP is only delisted (not BK) and waiting for its time to come back to the big stage!
As Hannibal on my old favorite TV show, the A-Team, would say, "I love it when a plan comes together!"
I see this company in the future and it looks much better than it does right now!!! Just think if they have a four reactor plant done and it is working right now. SOMEONE IS GOING TO LOOK REAL FOOLISH!!!!!
Some people will never be able to "see" that due to their own selective vision!
Just like all the people who can't "see" that we have the best president in American history in office right now MAGA!
Our day is coming :)
You ONLY have 100,000 shares?
C'mon now!
yeah, real funny. Keep waiting for a new home page. LOL
I guess that is why they spent all the money to put it back together because it didn't work.Is that what you think King Oil? Funny how your shares of SSTP are still in your account isn't it. I wonder why we can't get on Zeon's home page maybe they are putting something new on!! Keep watching!!!!!
it's been a scam since day 1
Have you seen this? Notice who is the licensee might change your mind. Have you noticed Borneo paid 14000000rm to license the process.
Have you seen this? Notice who is the licensee might change your mind. Have you noticed Borneo paid 14000000rm to license the process.
Have you seen this? Notice who is the licensee might change your mind. Have you noticed Borneo paid 14000000rm to license the process.
Have you seen this? Notice who is the licensee might change your mind. Have you noticed Borneo paid 14000000rm to license the process.
Baby hippo, I still have 100,000 shares of sstp. Any offers?
I am not saying it’s bad they took the money. But wouldn’t it be time to retire when you’re in your 70’s and you and your buddies have 14,000,000 to split up. Congrats to vertrolysis owners. Better luck next time sstp and zeon owners. Your only hope to profit from this “process” is to buy Borneo. Good luck
Why do I need to list specific names. They sold vertrolysis and all its equipment and then there website disappeared. Game over.
Can you provide a list of names of the vertrolysis owners for us please to support your claim...
Yes Borneo has the gold, not zeon or sstp share holders. The Vertrolysis owners took the money and ran.
Better luck "next time" ??
There is only "this time!"
This is all old news... are you aware that Borneo paid millions of dollars to "someone" for the licensing rights in their operations of what we affectionately call the "SSTP process?"
Who do you think that someone is?
Borneo has the gold and "he who has the gold makes the rules" - Borneo has elected to further develop things on their own turf.