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Alias Born 04/24/2000

Re: ktcougar post# 482

Tuesday, 12/31/2024 3:53:04 PM

Tuesday, December 31, 2024 3:53:04 PM

Post# of 509
Yeah, it had to consolidate as the cartel ran it way too fast lol! The huge short
buying the past 2 weeks shoulda been a huge red flag as it ran up. It's a
no-brainer for them. IF, I was a "shorter", Ida taken a position once we hit $10, $11 $12
on nothing (no news). I don't have the stones (nor the capital) to risk such a move lol.

I'm convinced there's been some legitimate accumulation and maybe even
Franky taking advantage of the run and tapping the ATM. The rest, to me, is
simply a lesson in trading 101. The playbook has NOT changed in the last
30 years I've been trading 😏

I'm actually looking forward to some long-dated Calls coming back within reason lol!

Happy New Year to you as well!

Theo ;-)

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