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Alias Born 01/23/2006

Re: Zilla post# 311

Friday, 12/06/2024 2:45:47 PM

Friday, December 06, 2024 2:45:47 PM

Post# of 342
My finding on Dividend options is you only get the dividend if you actually own the stock before the record date. If you STO you do not own the stock and you normally see a pps adjustment take place before the record date to equal the dividend that they pay. So many times I have a STO PUT order in before the record date to catch the max premium / oversold area and go out to the next expected Dividend record date and use a option expiration or strike date before that next record date. I use this site to calculate when next record date should be =

It is more work or research needed when you STO a PUT on a dividend stock but can be worth it$$
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