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Alias Born 07/10/2018

Re: Adamph85 post# 24021

Thursday, 11/21/2024 2:59:37 PM

Thursday, November 21, 2024 2:59:37 PM

Post# of 24026
I've requested speaking with Knudson without success. No opinion on future pricing other than its worth more than where its trading currently. Good to hear that you added. Smart IMO. I like the fact that Paul Knudson is NOT a dilute scam artist. We'll probably do well here is what I'll commit to.

The $64,000 question is will the Protocall Technologies shareholders benefit from the success in real estate? This is a rare opportunity in a pink current, OTC micro -cap stock, that should be profitable with 15,000,000 million shares outstanding and a capable CEO.

This might get exciting quick.