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Re: Mark954 post# 46596

Friday, 11/15/2024 12:15:58 PM

Friday, November 15, 2024 12:15:58 PM

Post# of 46675
Phoenix's Nasdaq intentions......

I still believe that Phoenix will be coming to NASDAQ at some point.

Phoenix does fully intend on getting a Nasdaq listing at some point. This was confirmed by Sheharyar Haider Malhi (Phoenix CFO, TCRI director) during the Phoenix Q3 2024 conference call. I did not take notes while listening to a replay of the call so I am just going by what I can remember. When responding to a question regarding whether Phoenix has any plans to obtain a listing on Nasdaq, Malhi said "absolutely". He said it wasn't a top priority or the primary focus of the company at the moment. So the timeline of when they might apply is unknown.

Exactly what Phoenix intends to do with the TCRI shell is indeed the big question. It would have been pretty wild and fun for us TCRI shareholders if Phoenix would have proceeded with its original plan of going public via TCRI rather than pursuing an overseas listing. But I remain optimistic and bullish on the prospects of TCRI as long as Phoenix continues to have involvement with this shell.

The three most probable scenarios, IMO: 1) Phoenix hired Charlie Faulkner and Simon Wajcenberg with the intention of having them basically implement their original Edgemode plan (cryptocurrency mining, high performance computing data centers) in the TCRI shell, with the assistance of Phoenix. One of the sites would likely be located in Carolina. 2) Phoenix has intentions of transfering one or more of its US-based hosting sites to the TCRI shell. One of its Carolina sites would probably be the most likely. 3) Phoenix wants Charlie and Simon to basically turn TCRI into a technology holding or venture investment type of vehicle, which is something they both have experience with.

The reason I mention the possibility of TCRI becoming involved with some type of crypto mining or data center in either North or South Carolina: If you do a right-click "view page source" on the Techcom website (, you will find language referencing "Carolina site #1". It is known that Edgemode had plans for a site in North Carolina. Phoenix has at least one site in South Carolina (possibly another 3 under development there, but I am not entirely sure about that). As far as I am aware, this language has been on the TCRi website for quite awhile......

Summary of owned and operated Overview of Carolina site #1 with performance data.

I think it is a given that most retail TCRI shareholders (myself included) probably would feel much more comfortable if Carl Agren and Sheharyar Haider Malhi were in the roles of CEO/CFO here at TCRI instead of just directors. But as noted in previous posts, Phoenix has the final say in any debt obligations that TCRI enters into. That certainly does not guarantee that any catastrophic decisions might not be made here but it does provide at least one level of potential safeguard. I think it is reasonable to assume that Munaf Ali or other Phoenix executives know Charlie and Simon well and are aware of any successes/failures they have had in their business dealings. So I am willing to defer to Phoenix's judgement call on TCRI's management, until proven otherwise.

TCRI has the potential to become a very valuable asset for Phoenix if everything is handled correctly here. I have my fingers crossed that the next TCRI catalyst will be reasonably good.