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Alias Born 06/27/2018

Re: None

Tuesday, 10/15/2024 9:41:24 AM

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 9:41:24 AM

Post# of 1164
Another thing, the value in Naya is not fertility. It’s BioXcell which is now 100% wholly owned subsidiary of the new Naya company, BioXCell has had hundreds of millions invested in its business and it is a very well run entity with a solid group of team players making it the top of its game. Do not be lost in this brick and mortar business strategy that they want you to believe is possible. It’s not possible and Astra Zeneca has no desire to own brick locations. You can also read in the sec filings that the founders of these facilities are covered through share ownership in Naya. They have all been comfortably compensated and should not care on a decisive separation in the future. It will be divested in a timely fashion. All just my opinion. I will not believe for one second that they will keep that component. They will do all this when they decide to terminate and delist. Or when they simply delist and deregister their shares in order to roll up into Cytovia who controls Naya Bioscience. That’s right folk. Cytovia controls Naya. I own 9 percent of Naya thanks to my ownership in Immune Pharmaceuticals that controls Cytovia Therapeutics.
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