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Alias Born 07/14/2023

Re: Lime Time post# 172829

Monday, 10/07/2024 1:19:30 PM

Monday, October 07, 2024 1:19:30 PM

Post# of 173539
The only reasonable conclusion one can make from GS's failure to find a deal for any of his shells is that there is NO interest from any remotely legitimate company in being a part of a RM/acquisition with GS. Time to be realistic - GS badly messed up GVSI and there is never going to be interest here. Maybe if he can ever finish the litigation on WNFT he can find some company to work with. The real puzzle is SRNW; there have been no real issues there and it's been ready for quite awhile - yet no RM/Acquisition. At this point, how can you not question GS's business acumen and simply view HMBL as his "lucky break" (to quote Paul; McCartney).