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Re: joev2 post# 41023

Tuesday, 05/14/2024 2:33:29 PM

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 2:33:29 PM

Post# of 42398
I wasnt aware of Forbidden History episode that essentially confirms what was claimed inside the biography of Viktor Schaurberger. You can see more evidence in the episode that Nazi's were developing Schaubergers flying saucers and as indicated by Apple's description of the episode, US and Russia took the tech as ive been saying via Operation Paperclip. Further validating my claims that Flying Saucers are in fact manmade and Schaubergers implosion designs were key to their flight.

Jamie investigates the theory that the Nazis were engaged in research into spacecraft before the outbreak of WWII. He also travels to Poland to visit a mysterious site that may have been used a test base for Nazi flying saucers.

The following quotes and image are from the biography 'Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy' by Olaf Alexandersson (Digital Copy). Not only does it show that the Nazi's developed flying saucers with the reluctant aid of Schauberger, a letter Schauberger wrote in '56 talks about how the Americans seized his technology while putting Schauberger under guard for 6 months. So yes, the US military have had flying saucer tech since before the first sightings in the US in 1946 or 47. Flying Saucers are man-made and alien propaganda is a cover story to hide that humans invented and have the tech.

'We have considered your scientific research and think there is something in it. You can now either choose to take charge of a scientific team of technicians and physicians from among the prisoners, to develop machines utilizing the energy you have discovered, or you will be hanged.'

Schauberger understandably chose the first (insisting that his helpers must no longer be regarded as prisoners) and so an intensive period of study began. After the S.S. college, where the research was taking place, was bombed, Schauberger and his team were transferred to Leonstein, near Linz. The project they initiated there was a 'flying saucer' powered by a 'trout turbine'. Schauberger was clear about the principle of construction.

If water or air is rotated into a twisting form of oscillation known as 'colloidal', a build up of energy results, which, with immense power, can cause levitation. This form of movement is able to carry with it its own means of power generation. This principle leads logically to its application in the design of the ideal airplane or submarine... requiring almost no motive power.

pg. 93 Chapter Wartime Experience

I preferred the first alternative, and about a year later, the first 'flying saucer' rose unexpectedly, at the first attempt, to the ceiling, and then was wrecked. A few days later an American group appeared, who seemed to understand what was happening, and seized everything. Then, after a very thorough investigation by a high-ranking officer, I was taken in protective custody, and guarded by no less than six policemen for about six months.

pg. 94 Chapter: Wartime Experience

Could it be that there is a strategy to distract people away from looking at the basic data?
Is all this an exercise to create more and more forum verbiage to drown out any serious discussion of evidence?

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