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Alias Born 05/21/2004

Re: None

Monday, 08/22/2016 7:51:13 PM

Monday, August 22, 2016 7:51:13 PM

Post# of 53980
Hold your hats. It's old Waitedg--at age 90--still alive but about as much so as is FASC. And, you wont believe this, but this past April 2nd I got married again to a young lady of 89!. We share a room in a nursing home.

Have been on hospice three times now--but the good Lord is still giving me a little more time. Still amazed that there is still a faint flicker of hope here..........

Wont post often as quite limited--but my wife, Eileen, and I send our best wishes and continud hopes. - Dave
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