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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Enjoy it while it lasts. Even with the ~75% gain this year, most Common shareholders are still down ~50%.
I'm being dead serious. What's coming for Common shareholders will be a real eye-opener for the Lemmings that blindly followed those that shouted about SEC Letters, Super Secret Escrow Accounts, Up-listings, Mergers, Non-existent Capital, and other various information that can't be shared with anyone besides a few select individuals.
If you thought that brief dip below $1 in December was bad, the Average Joe's might want to stock up on tissue paper and anti-depressants.
Good news though! $FNMA shareholders can still rotate into one of the many Preferred Series and still be able to capitalize on significant upside from current prices.
Sell the Pops, because $FNMA always drops. Such a great slogan, proven true time and time again.
Considering today's volume, it's safe to speculate Ackman has reduced or entirely unwound his Common stock position.
Massive Reversal on Extraordinary Volume. Doesn't look good for us Average Joe's.
I guess those that bought in the Low-$1's are smartly taking their profits.
But what about those of us that bought in the $2+? Will we ever see green again?
$FNMA back to $1.20?
Even from Jail, Commons_Cancelled got it right --
Indeed, way over-bought. -30% in next two weeks is what I would anticipate for $FNMA from here.
Not to mention, the Modified Moelis Plan announcement is sure to shock the Average Joe's
Let's just hope Mnuchin, Otting, & Calabria keep their mouths shut about what's coming, as that might spell T.R.O.U.B.L.E. for certain shareholders.
My Common buys from 2018 are almost Green! I just need another ~40% from here and then it's time to let the good times roll.
Excellent call. Let's get down to business now
Watch this post mark the high of the day. I'm already in the Green on these $1.46 shorts.
Without any concrete Admin Action, I would expect the slow drip back towards $1 to continue.
Quite possible new multi-year lows are on deck if the Admin doesn't give shareholders something definitive in the next few weeks.
Depends on how deep in the red you are. If you bought at $4+, you might not ever see green.
I'm in red, but I'll be out soon
It's only his first day on the job. Give him some time! Once he gets settled in, I would expect the Modified Moelis talks and/or Receivership talks to commence.
That's when the Lemmings will panic.
This seems like a good place to sell and go Short. Irrational exuberance always overtakes the Lemmings.
Sell the Pops, because $FNMA always Drops!
$FNMA back to levels not seen since October. Hooray!
The Traders that recently bought are up, while 95% of the AJ's are still down ~45% from this time last year. Let's celebrate!!
That just means JPS don't have the "Right" to Convert to Commons. That does not mean the FHFA/Companies can't request the JPS to Convert by means of a 2/3rds majority vote.
I'm not sure what Contract Commons/JPS entered into. That sounds fishy.
Steven, Mark, and I are putting together an updated "Plan" which we are anticipating putting out towards the end of February. This recap plan will focus on getting the GSEs the necessary capital, likely 3.5%, via several capital raises -- a few Common Share offerings (3-5) and one Preferred Share offering.
We're calling this the Everyday Joe Plan (not to be confused with the Average Joe Plan). More details to come later.
I look forward to answering your questions and addressing your concerns.
We all should be celebrating this weekend. Considering $FNMA is now only down ~52% from where we were this time last year, it really is an accomplishment and we should be grateful.
Let's just hope neither Otting or Calabria ever mention the word Receivership again, or it could be Curtains for Commons
Odd, I don't recall Lamberth stating this. Can you provide a link that shows Common shareholders have Contract Rights? Please also include a snippet of what Rights they supposedly have.
Because the only Right I see Commons having is the right to be diluted into oblivion, and I would expect that to start to occur in the near-term.
Good start towards recovering last year's significant losses. The issue I see is this trade is flooded with Traders that will be flipping for 10-20% gains.
The Average Joe's are going to need to bring their A-Game to overcome the Traders that $FNMA has now attracted.
I think the irrational exuberance might even allow $FNMA to test $1.40 before the break-down to new multi-year Lows continues.
Check out FMCCT and FNMFN. The $50 Preferreds is where the action is.
The lemmings are distracted by the bellwether $25s (FNMAS and FMCKJ) when they should be looking at the $50s
Commons are worth a Gamble, but that's all they are. At least until clarity into the Recap Plan Steven, Mark, and I are working on is provided.
Until then, it's like pulling the lever on a slot machine -- a low-probability Gamble.
The Lower Highs and Lower Lows are telling, aren't they? Yay, we're back to where we were a month ago.
I don't see $FNMA trading above $1.40 any time soon. It probably sees $1 before it sees $1.50 again.
It's coming amigo! $1 Test again next week. And you can take that to the Bank!
Just wait for the new FHFA Director to release his recap plan (aka Modified Moelis). It might be Curtains for Commons.
$FNMA is at the 50-day MA now and still below the heavy $1.30 resistance. If $FNMA churns for a few days under this resistance, we're likely seeing large-scale share distribution and Shorts loading up in anticipation of negative news from the new FHFA Director.
We should have more clarity into things by the middle of next week, but I'm anticipating another drop towards $1
I expect most longs are reducing their position before the new FHFA Director joins. Seeing as how the Modified Moelis rumors are starting to pop-up, and knowing the Good Ol' Boys Club is going to take care of their own, I wouldn't expect Commons to perform well from here.
But what do I know!?
I'd like to see $FNMA re-test the multi-year Lows from December to confirm the worst is over.
If we have a few days with several million in share volume and just churn below $1.30, then that's a very ominous sign $FNMA will be heading much lower.
The Modified Moelis Plan might equal Curtains for Commons. Big day on Monday!
Sell the Pops, because $FNMA always drops
The Modified Moelis Plan Steven, Mark, and I are working on will likely roil the Average Joe shareholders. But that's okay, they don't have Contract Rights.
Tomorrow will be Mel's last day in the office. However, he's officially the FHFA Director through Saturday. He's mostly packed up already though.
Only a few more days remaining. Hope everyone took my advice.
Mel was a good person, but seeing as how the FHFA needs a leader and a doer, Watt was not able to deliver on what the GSEs needed.
This all changes come Sunday. Although, I'm still unclear on how the Government Shutdown may affect my responsibilities as FHFA Director.
We'll find out soon enough
Structured Receivership seems the most likely path forward. After numerous discussions with Steven, Mark, POTUS, and even Mel, Receivership makes the most sense to prevent Private Gains and Public Losses.
Recapitalizing the GSEs is the plan, but it must be structured so the Common and Preferred shareholders see minimal gains or it would be a bad image for Steven and I.
We can't have post-Conservatorship investors calling the shots and demanding we go about recapitalizing the GSEs in whichever way benefits them the most.
Expect more details in the 2nd week of January. Follow me and @FHFA on Twitter for the latest information.
I would recommend buying GSE Preferred Shares before January 5th
Actually, a structured Receivership is what Steven, Mark, and I have been discussing. Expect more details once Mel's term is up.