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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
You just reminded me to look at my Fidelity account. Lo & behold my stink bid of $8.65 I placed several days ago also filled. Way above my basis but happy to get them.
I’ve been away for a few days. Could you post a link to that news? Thanks.
How did your latest prediction turn out today?
For we much for the verbiage of the PR.....2.6 mil shares sold - 2.6 mil shares bought
“Expect AVXL to close green today!”
I'm colorblind but did you guess wrong once again?
Well after all, they're a dynamic company according to this website info,lol:
“Business Description
We are a dynamic e-commerce and digital consultancy company that helps businesses navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape. With a team of experts in various fields such as web design, digital marketing, and e-commerce strategy, we provide a holistic approach to help businesses increase their online presence and revenue. Our goal is to empower businesses to take full advantage of the opportunities that the digital world has to offer. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, we're here to help. Let's work together to achieve your goals and drive success for your business”
New news release.
Do you mean the one that is about 10 years old?
Ditto that. My basis is in the mid $2’s and last buy was $3.67 if I remember correctly.
Merry Christmas Dale from America , the land of the free (if you aren’t a crook),lol. Hope you enjoy your jailbird Christmas dinner 😝.
Uh, yeah, that’s the ticket. You always post that the entire volume are shares bought. So is that the reason for decline today?
Is this company still in BK court or is it in the graveyard?
Ok, do you mean just like this daily fabrication where you attempted to sucker in more of your dupes? God bless those who fell for it,lol.
“ Re: None
Tuesday, December 03, 2024 3:22:44 PM
Post# of 475982
We are going to hear ABSOLUTELY GREAT NEWS tomorrow afternoon regarding AVXL.
Good luck and GOD bless”
Nope. I’ve held steady all of these past years so I will stay on the AVXL ship.
The same IMMINENT news you posted 2-3 years ago. Please update us re which of those will occur between now and end of 2024. Thanks.
Why? Needs attention.
Huh? Didn’t you see it? Georgejj said that was being published in 2023.
Forward scamming trust bots to the SEC for making a stock appear to be a scam to newbies.
Waite, hold on, George says J&J, Lilly, Merck, Bayer, and many others are trying to partner with us. And you do know he is always correct with his predictions, do you not?
[/The last point on your list is pure fantasy: there will be no partnership until there is an approved drug and that is 1.5-3 years out“
Is it possible that he has more scientific knowledge than someone who posts “Big News Next Week” for weeks, months, years and never happens?
The author of the recent SeekingAlpha article does not appear to have and scientific much less bioltech background
Expect your BS to be wrong once again. If I may suggest, perhaps a Finance 101 Trading online course would enhance your “prediction” score a bit.
If you think this is “misleading” then you should follow the historical “misleads” such as “this will be a $15 billion stock” on a different one , which is now a one penny stock,lol.
Wow! What happened yesterday to our pps? Did the great prognosticators “ GREAT NEWS” finally arrive after 10 years of predictions?
Post a link to all those companies interested in Anavex. Put up,or shut up.
The bot moron is back.
Wow! Great! Now thrown in “this is a $15 BILLION drug” like you did those others you ‘promoted’ (pps now under a penny) and make this once great site ridiculed more than it unfortunately is now.
He is a spam scammer on all boards. Has been tos’d many times but IH allows it because it increases their daily post count.
You are wasting your breath here. It’s like talking to a tree. Narcissists are always correct, right? If you don’t believe it just ask them,😝.
Expect more BS lies by next Thursday which will scare potential investors away thinking this board/stock looks like a scam.
How many dupes fell for this one,lol?
I’ve been out of the loop all day so could someone bring me up to date re georgejj’s “big news prediction” for today? TIA.
How many dupes do you expect out of this worn out lie? The same as your history making largest “This is a $15 BILLION stock” that is now a ONE CENT stock 😝?
“I remember Blue Finch got some at $3.55 sometime ago“
Must have been back in May when I couldn’t resist some of those $3.67’s after several years of not adding to my stash of mid $2’s. Shortly before that georgejj was yelling for everyone to buy those $5’s, lol.
Wow, congrats for finally getting one correct prediction one minute before closing. Now go for two successive predictions by waiting for one minute past closing 😝.
Are you buying or selling?
This is funny from another board. AVXL presented positive news this weekend and this poster is commenting on everyone’s favorite joke of a “biotech expert” AH Adam who has a degree in social studies or another useless one,lol.
Re: None
Monday, July 29, 2024 11:22:48 AM
Post# of 465446
Fartstain hasn’t posted a hit piece.
He usually does immediately upon good news to kneecap any upward movement giving his shorts an opportunity to cover.
Looks like he can’t fabricate any negatives or he’s now gone long“.
Someone who is knowledgeable of those lies should compile them & send to SEC as an illegal stick manipulation scheme.
All honest longs here know the answer is NO. We have attempted to warn posters about P&D schemes by certain players. I am a long term AVXL holder & know the game some play.
Is this the great news coming this month like it was a year ago, the year before, year before that? As you are a Godly man I’m sure all your dupes will believe it.
“ georgejjl
Re: None
Saturday, June 24, 2023 1:22:13 AM
Post# of 463052
I am absolutely certain that Roche is interested in partnering with or buying Anavex Life Sciences or licensing Blarcamesine from Anavex.
I have heard and believe that JNJ, Pfizer, Merck and Abbvie among other big Pharma are also interested in Anavex Life Sciences.
Good luck and GOD bless
The low float, today’s news and myeloid leukemia news should at least stabilize the stock if nothing else. Leukemia PR should have moved it more IMO.