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You are wildly mistaken if you think AUPH management can move the share price up at will.
"Time will tell" is just a proactive way of saying "Hindsight is 20/20". :)
Personally, based on those I've known with those names, I pronounce "Kerry" with a long A and "Carrie" with a short A sound.
Wish we had something better to talk about...:(
I have very little hope for bitgift or moonpay or whatever, so I am glad to see SOMETHING coming into the shell (and hopefully new management). MONI wasn't going anywhere.
Rights - there is no business fit here at all. This looks like a reverse merger with MONI being treated simply as a public shell with no operations.
True, but a big volume trade way off the preceding last trade price is almost certainly a T trade.
That had to be a T trade - there is no after hours trading on the otc.
Gotta laugh or you would cry...
I could see doing an NFT for a commemorative ticket of some kind for a concert or sporting event, but why bother with an NFT for a simple airline ticket?
I don't see the value proposition.
Why would I want or need this as a consumer?
It is doubtful that LWLG would be forcing Silorix to work under an NDA, or vice versa.
What is more likely is that BOTH parties are subject to an NDA coming from an end buyer.
Not everyone is limited. I can post as much as I want.
iHub sometimes imposes posting restrictions if posters are spamming.
In other words, you want the CEO to subsidize the company by offering a below-market rent.
That's not a strong business model.
That said, I would prefer the company not be renting space from the CEO.
>>4. Basically pee or get of the pot….
Personally, I was hoping they had something more substantial in mind...
A better question is "do they care?"
It is the "Breakout Boards List", not the "Post volume broke out last week" list.
I think the "breakout boards" formula has something to do with the CHANGE in post volume, not the level of post volume. That makes more sense, and would explain why, after jumping to a higher level of daily posts and then holding at or near that level, VDRM hit the breakout boards list but is no longer on it.
"Non-accelerated" certainly describes VDRM in many ways...
The table stakes for shells is now the $100MM it takes to IPO a new SPAC.
One more thing on these forced sales - it appears to me that when the margin department forces a sale to meet a margin call, the DO NOT have to go out through level 2 (to get the best bid) to do so.
I have had several stink bids filled at Schwab where my bid price was actually lower than the price published on level 2 at the time. From this I can only surmise that the margin department can (and does) go to open buy orders within their own customer base when doing a "sell at market" on these dumps without having to market the order through level 2.
Perhaps someone who has worked in the margin department at a brokerage could provide more color on this, but that has been my actual experience.
Or, even simpler, he does not create a separate account and just mentally keeps separate portfolios. If he then goes under his margin requirement and does not provide new funds or sell securities to meet it, his broker will do that for him, starting "from the bottom of the portfolio". This means pink sheets first, then the rest of otc, etc.
When a broker does these forced sales, they don't wait for a good price, they just hit the bid, even if it is ridiculously low and there is a big spread. This is why you often see pink/otc stocks trade at a ridiculously low price right at the open, particularly on Mondays (especially the Mondays after monthly options expiration) and on the first trading day of the month. Many brokers will let the margin call slide until the end of the week or month, but then enforce it first thing in the new week or new month.
A consequence of this is that you can sometimes get a fill on a really stinky GTC stink bid right at the open on those days.
Perhaps your weekly updates, and final congratulatory note, should mention who's in second place (behind KnowledgeIsKing).
You are preaching to the choir. I already own some shares.
I doubt it. AGSI is an otc stock that not many people know about and fewer people care about.
There is good potential imho but, like most little otcs, the vast majority of people will wait to see the promise come out in the financials (which is a pretty smart tactic in most cases).
If you are going to be "early" on an otc company, ya gotta be patient.
Sure doesn't provide any urgency to cover, if someone actually was short. I doubt there are a lot of AGSI shorts who read this board.
Because APSI is an otc stock with little interest and only 4500 shares (about $1200 worth) volume today. In other words, because no one really cares.
Well, we all hope something is indeed imminent. Yet we still are waiting, so it is legit for a poster to say they are losing patience.
Well, goodie for you. I am glad you think you are so special.
Anybody. Not just on the GSPI board here, but on any stock board on iHub, ST, etc.
People who take on a name with the symbol in it don't offer balanced commentary - in effect they are single-issue voters (always dangerous). You can't check other boards to see what they post there and whether they are consistent, as people with those handles always post only on that company's board.
There is also often a pretension of authority regarding the company that simply has not been earned and is not warranted.
Other things equal, I am generally very wary of any poster that puts a company symbol in their handle.
Is that better or worse than an exciting otc ticker run by clowns?
Perhaps you can help me with the lingo here. I don't know much about the transport and logistics industry.
What is a "freight bid"? To me, as a layman, a "bid" sounds squishier than a contract or a sale. Does the term mean something more concrete within the industry?
Share lock up not Sherlock up! Stupid voice to text
Yeah, but I am not holding my breath.
I’m interested to see what they have to say as to what the reasons for the lock up would be. It may have something to do with the fact that they are building a small conglomerate and a lock up. Might make it easier to acquire new companies for shares as the principles of those companies would have some assurance that previous IL US insiders would not be dumping and reducing the value of the shares given out for the new company.
The prospective benefit of a Sherlock up is that if all the insiders and major holders agreed to it, that would give some assurance to retail that there wasn’t going to be a big dump
I am concerned about lack of liquidity during the share lock up.
I currently own both ILUS and QIND, but I am wondering whether I should revisit that.
In particular, it seems like QIND will be more visible and more liquid, and I have concerns about having my funds trapped in ILUS if there is a share lockup like they are suggesting.
I am considering adding to either or both, or maybe selling ILUS to focus on QIND.
That's a good update.
In that case, why not take a dump onto an XCPL stock certificate?
CBOE will open up May options the Monday after March options expire - that would be Monday 3/20/23. Generally, for stocks with monthly options like LWLG, there will be options for the next two expiry dates plus the next couple quarterly dates (June and September) plus the next two January expiry date for LEAPs.
I would agree that the open interest hasn't changed much since late last year, which makes sense since LWLG has not generated any significant news since then that would motivate someone to buy or sell an option.