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Of course they can't.
That "valuation" was determined unilaterally by HNRC. There was no external appraisal of the assets involved and, most importantly, the market has not yet voted on what it thinks the value of those assets is.
If Mr. Market thought those assets were worth $1.75 per HNRC share, HNRC would have traded much closer to 1.75 instead of around .30 before the spinoff.
My guess is that it is substantially less than !.75 per HNRC share. If I am wrong, more power to you.
Oh look! A puppy!
The flip side of this is that the last couple trading days of the year are great for putting in REALLY low ball otc orders. The combination of very low volume and people doing last-minute tax selling or just cleaning out their portfolio losers to start the new year means that often shares will fall to you at ridiculous prices. Some of my mot profitable trades (on a percentage basis) have come out of such lowball buys on 12/30 and 12/31 over the years.
Thanks. I am not sure OTC Markets gets an automated feed on SoS changes like they do from FINRA and SEC...<ight take a while for the change to show up - if it ever does.
OTC Markets might not do any manual updates to expert market tickers. I know I would not pay anyone to do that if I were running OTC Markets.
Of what year? :)
For Canadians. US taxpayers can sell through tomorrow and claim the loss on the 2022 taxes.
How long ago were they filed? There is usually some delay expected before OTC Markets would pick them up.
It actually doesn't matter what eTrade or FIdelity or Schwab or any other broker does. All that impacts is their reporting to you.
The only thing that really matters is what the IRS says, and that is for US taxpayers TRADE DATE is what governs the tax year a transaction falls in.
I think that is true if you are Canadian and paying taxes in Canada.
For US taxpayers, TRADE date is what matters - you can claim losses on shares sold through 12/31/22 on your 2022 taxes.
I am not a CPA, but that is what I understand and is consistent with my experience.
Any post starting with "Insiders should..." is probably a waste of time, both for the author and any potential reads...
I agree - this is a stock picking contest, not a portfolio risk management exercise. The rules as they stand are fine - they demand there be enough liquidity that you could say with some confidence "I/you could have made that trade in real life" (regardless of the level of portfolio risk entailed. I think that is a good enough sniff test.
Merry Christmas! Still Christmas here on the left coast...
Each mod gets to pin a post, I think. They are not “up voted”.
Neither a merger nor a symbol change would force anyone to cover.
That almost certainly WOULD be a violation of the NDA terms. Every single time I was under NDA related to a technology (generally either a preview or a partnership) I was constrained from discussing the particulars of that technology as it applied to the relationship under NDA as well as financial terms.
I already said I am not selling, but that I can see the math that supports those who do sell to capture losses.
You could quadruple dare me and I would not care :)
By definition it is a loser if one holds it at a loss. It may have good prospects, but there is that unrealized loss nonetheless.
You say a week or two. Maybe. We've both been around the otc enough to know from experience that things often take longer than we think the will, and if a couple weeks becomes a month, then you are looking at long enough to sell, take the loss, wait out the 30 day wash sale rule, and rebuy.
No, it's not laughable. There are lots of other stocks out there. YOU may feel that AGSS is better than others, but not everyone agrees (for the record I am holding on to my AGSS shares).
For someone who does not feel more strongly about AGSS than other stocks, selling to capture the tax loss makes perfect sense. For them, the decision is "do I want $1000 worth of stock A" or do I want $1000 worth of stock B and a tax loss" . If you think the stocks have equal potential than obviously it makes sense to sell A at a loss and move to B.
While I am not selling AGSS now, I do this every December - sell some losers and buy something else that now looks to have better prospects.
Dear Loyal Shareholders -
Merry Christmas.
That's all we got.
While very positive long term, the shareholder letter made it crystal clear that we should not be expecting a miracle announcement indicating revenue in 2022. It was also lacking in hard numbers for prospective future revenues.
At some level, it basically said "tune in again in 2023". Same bat time, same bat channel.
Anyone looking for a quick flip had all the excuse they needed to bail out.
I fully understand the math. Somehow a CAGR of 6+% does not fully jibe with "ubiquitous".
The overall CAGR for photonics probably does not matter that much for LWLG anyway. In a sense, it is a rising tide that will lift all (photonics) boats. What will really matter is how much demand there is in LWLG's niche markets and how much of that demand LWLG captures - a much narrower focus.
Big market, but I am surprised the projected growth rate is that low.
There is no reason to buy this stock right now. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of little OTC stocks that have better stories and or a better setup right now.
Tax selling can be expected to continue through the end of the year. Sell MONI, buy some other POS (anything at all - literally just throw a dart at a list of all the stocks on the otc!). At WORST, you will have swapped one POS for another POS and a tax loss. A better and higher probability case is that you would end up in a stock with better prospects and still have that tax loss.
Stocks get shorted all the time, especially otc stocks that have had a big run up.
Saying that you have shorted a stock is not an admission, it is just a statement.
No, they could not. MMTLP is no more. There is nothing to trade.
The World Cup has come and substantially gone, with not a word from Dryworld and with Dryworld not getting any World Cup buzz whatsoever. Maybe in 2026?
When days to cover is low, the hole is not that deep and each short can reach the rim and pull themselves out. When days to cover gets real high, the hole is deep enough so that the only fast way out is to climb over others who are stuck in the hole with you.
Simply put, more days to cover means, other things equal, that the short positions are collectively larger relative to daily liquidity.
Think of a sponge that can hold only so much water. That is daily volume. If you have a small bowl of water (the short interest), two or three sponge-fuls can sop it up. However, a bucket of water would take a lot more sponge-fuls.
Shorts will need to pay up to buy a bigger sponge.
If BRLL is already public then it doesn’t need ASKH. The only asset ASKH has is the public listing.
All right! Now we have another countdown clock, counting down to the next countdown clock.
Not any more.
Groundhog Day
A short announcement will be announced shortly.
I think the guys selling shells have more to lose if deals don't get done.
Two reasons. First - they are looking to bring in money, while the private firm would have to spend it. Second -the shell sellers would see their asset diminish in value (tangible cost), while not being able to buy a shell would be an opportunity cost for the private company.
One factor that may be in play that has not been discussed is that, if there truly is a March deadline regarding shell companies, this creates a "buyer's market" for those private companies looking to go public. The longer they wait, the better deal they are likely to be able to get when they buy a shell to r/m into.
You could argue the flip side, that private companies looking to reverse merge will feel urgency and bid up shells, but I don't think so.
The owners of shells have more to lose if they don't get a deal done by March, and there are LOTS of shells out there. The value of that public listing diminishes significantly after March, while a private company can continue to operate privately as long as need be.
One more thought - if a private company wanted to r/m by the end of December, so as to operate and report all of 2023 as a public company, we would have already seen those announcements. I doubt we see anything here (or with other shells, for that matter) in 2022.
There is no deadline. Many of us have been waiting for years. While I am hopeful, I remind myself every day that there is no deadline.
I'd love to see something happen but I'm not holding my breath.