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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
A: It's Braille for "suck here".
A: It's the same as a French kiss, but "down under."
A:< Melt them down, make a tire, and call it a Goodyear.
A: Because when they come, they're wild and wet. But when they go, they take your house and car with them.
A: Because they don't have any balls to scratch...
What is a man's Ultimate embarrassment?
Running into a wall with an erection and breaking his nose
so are the other members of the family.
NewMarket Technology, Inc.'s Brazilian Subsidiary, UniOne, Reports 30 New Contracts Totaling Approximately $5.5 Million
DALLAS, TX – December 6, 2007 -- NewMarket Technology, Inc. (OTCBB: NMKT) announced today that their Brazilian subsidiary, UniOne (, has signed 30 new contracts in Brazil totaling approximately $5.5 million from August 1, 2007 to November 30, 2007. These contracts only represent new contracts and do not include revenue being realized from existing contracts. The contracts consist of consulting contracts totaling an estimated $2.7 million, outsourcing contracts totaling an estimated $2.4 million and software licenses, maintenance and factory contracts totaling an estimated $418,000.
A woman and a man are involved in a car accident on a snowy, cold
Monday morning; it's a bad one.
Both of their cars are totally demolished but amazingly neither of them are hurt. God works in mysterious ways.
After they crawl out of their cars, the man is yelling about women drivers; the woman says, "So you're a man That's interesting. I'm a woman. Wow, just look at our cars! There's nothing left, but we're unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and live together in peace for the rest of our days".
Flattered, the man replies, "Oh yes, I agree with you completely,
this must be a sign from God! But your still at fault...women
shouldn't be allowed to drive."
The woman continues, "And look at this, here's another miracle. My car is completely demolished but this bottle of wine didn't break. Surely God wants us to drink this wine and celebrate our good fortune."
Then she hands the bottle to the man. The man nods his head in
agreement, opens it and drinks half the bottle and then hands it back to the woman. The woman takes the bottle and immediately puts the cork back on, and hands it back to the man.
The man asks, "Aren't you having any?"
The woman replies, "No. I think I'll just wait for the police...."
Women are clever, evil bitches. Don't mess with us.
Dear Fellow Shareholders -
We have received an increased number of telephone calls and emails to our investor relations desk this week. When share price performance is lower than we would all like, it is not unusual to receive an increased number of calls and emails. The calls and emails consist of questions regarding possible explanations as to the share price performance. Statistically, the calls and emails that we receive only represent a small percentage of the total shareholder population. The purpose of this letter is to share the key questions and answers openly with other shareholders. This letter is going out to all shareholders who have asked to receive company updates.
Share Price Performance - Near Term and Long Term
Before addressing the specific questions, let me first comment here on the share price in general. The share price today, in my opinion, does not begin to represent the fundamental financial value of the Company, let alone the potential future value of the Company. Even if the share price were to double, I would still not consider the share price a fair representation of the fundamental financial value of the Company.
I am frustrated and disappointed by the share price, but I am not concerned. I am not concerned because I am confident in the fundamental financial value, the stability and the future of the Company. Just because the share price today does not reflect that value does not mean that the value does not exist. The issue is the alignment of share price and fundamental financial value.
You must evaluate your own confidence in me and the rest ofNewMarket management to ultimately deliver on an alignment. I earn a living as the CEO of NewMarket. My personal goal at NewMarket is to earn a life changing financial reward as a shareholder by doing an effective job as the CEO. I am more confident than ever that the fundamental financial value and the potential future value of NewMarket will be aligned with the share price.
Benefiting today from the fundamental value of NewMarket is challenging at the current share price. Between now and June, based on the seasonal history of NewMarket's share price performance, many shareholders may likely have an opportunity to enjoy a reasonable return on investment as we release our 2007 and First Quarter 2008 financials reflecting our initiatives in China and Latin America, amongst others. Between now and June, shareholders should also have an opportunity to see measurable steps being taken by the Company to realize a better alignment of share price and fundamental financial value beyond June. Each shareholder will have to independently evaluate their timing, tolerance and confidence in management and ultimately make their own investment decisions.
Questions Arising From Share Price Concern
The Company is reporting strong revenue growth, which it has done consistently over the past few years, and sound bottom line performance, yet the share price does not respond with a sustained increase following a contract announcement or a quarterly financial report. The disconnect between share price performance and good fundamental financial news causes speculation as to what might be going on behind the scenes that could account for this continued under-evaluation. Shareholders may wonder if "somebody knows something I don't." We have received a number of questions that amount to shareholders trying to find out what that "something is that somebody knows" that could be accounting for the share price performance.
Below are the primary questions we have received and the answers we have provided. We share them here because we believe more of you may have the same questions. There may be other questions as well, and we encourage you to email or call the Company with your questions at or 214-722-3065.
In short, we are not aware of any internal corporate issue that could account for the current share price performance. We want to be open with shareholders and candidly answer any questions they might have.
Share price is not just a reflection of fundamental financial performance. As I have alluded to previously in this letter, share price is also a reflection of future potential value as well. Share price can be impacted by many factors. Some of those factors may include: a company's posture in regard to competitors; the currency of the economy in which they are operating; the economic conditions in general of the geographic region of operation; the percentage of shares that trade in a public float; the number and quality of institutional investors; the overall liquidity of a stock and the market dynamics that may be specific to a given exchange.
Sometimes one share price impact or another may have more influence on share price than other events. It is my belief that NewMarket's current share price is affected by the size of the current operation and the lack of institutional investment. The lack of institutional investment is in part due to market dynamics specific to our current listing exchange, the OTCBB. In general, institutional investors due not participate in OTCBB listed companies. The lack of institutional investment in conjunction with the growth of the number of issued and outstanding shares has had, in my opinion, an effect on the market's perception of NewMarket's progress. NewMarket has very few shareholders that hold positions of the size that would typically be held by an institutional investor. Instead, the Company's shares are held by a large number of shareholders holding smaller positions. A larger number of smaller positions can generate a high volume of trading and liquidity, but it is also likely to cause share price volatility.
To effect an alignment of fundamental financial value and share price, NewMarket faces the chicken and the egg issue. What comes first, an upgraded listing, institutional investment, or a reduction in the number of issued and outstanding shares?
You may have noticed how few shares were issued between the second and the third quarter. We are working to stabilize the issued and outstanding as a first step toward a reduction. However, this reduction does not mean the Company is planning on doing a reverse split. We are also meeting with institutional investors in an effort to attract shareholders that increase the size of the average shareholder position. As I mentioned earlier, shareholders will see between now and June more steps taken by the Company to move toward an upgraded listing with increased institutional investment and a reduced number of issued and outstanding shares. We believe this course of action will be noticed by the market and a revaluation will begin to take place.
Questions and Answers
1. The CFO, Phil Rauch, was not on the recent earnings call. Is he still with the Company?
Yes, Mr. Rauch is still with the Company. We announced on the call the Mr. Rauch was not able to participate due to a family emergency. In fact, Mr. Rauch was attending a funeral for a close family friend during the call. Mr. Rauch's absence during the call was for no other reason. Thank you to all the shareholders that sent in their condolences and concerns. He and his family are doing well.
2. The recent $1.2 million contract announcement did not mention any customers' names. Are the contracts real?
Yes, the contracts are real. NewMarket has many contracts with clients of all sizes. Most of them are never announced. As much as we would like to announce every contract or at least the larger contracts, our customers often do not authorize the announcement. Please consider the potential press from our customers' perspective whereby they would be announcing how much capital they committed on a product or service. Such an announcement may not encourage their shareholders' enthusiasm for forward progress and such an announcement can also disclose competitive information as to what technology they are using and how much they paid for it. We have to carefully manage the challenge of demonstrating the nature and value of our services by announcing example contracts in a manner that does not create issue for our clients.
3. With the share price at its current level, why doesn't the company announce a stock buy back?
A stock buy back program is not a trivial initiative. Besides the compliance aspects of implementing a stock buy back, a company must carefully consider its use of cash produced by operations. NewMarket is an aggressive growth company, and we concentrate the use of cash on funding organic growth. A buy back program could impact our ability to fund ongoing organic growth. A buy back program could also reduce our net income. As I have stated previously in this letter, management believes that an alignment of share price and underlying fundamental financial performance is achievable, and this alignment does not necessarily require the implementation of a buy back program. Management believes the first priority should be building fundamental financial value. Accordingly, the first priority of available cash should be to invest in the growth of the Company's operations and, in turn, the growth of the Company's fundamental financial value. However, we will continue to monitor the share price situation and look for an opportunity to support and accelerate our ongoing steps to manage the "chicken and the egg" issue of moving to an upgraded exchange, increasing institutional investment and reducing issued and outstanding. In other words, if a share buyback opportunity arises that would facilitate an accelerated avenue to aligning share price and fundamental value, we would not hesitate to execute. Currently, given the cash that NewMarket could dedicate to a share buyback program and the current share price, we do not believe that a share buy back program would have a substantial impact on aligning share price and fundamental financial value. We otherwise believe that cash generated by operations is best utilized to invest in the continued organic growth of NewMarket's operations.
4. In layman's terms, how does NewMarket make money?
NewMarket is a systems integrator and an emerging technology provider. What does that mean?
Systems Integration:
NewMarket sells technology products, like computers, servers and telephones, and the software applications that make computers, servers and telephones work. The software and equipment we sell and "integrate" can improve, for example, a corporation's network security, financial forecasting, supply chain or operational performance.
We become an authorized reseller of those technology products and software manufactured by brand name companies such as Microsoft, Oracle and Cisco. Often times those companies do not directly sell or install their products and software and use resellers like NewMarket to provide that service. We then buy products from those brand name companies and sell them at a mark up to our customers. We also sell the service to implement and maintain those brand name products. Sometimes we sell the service to customize the brand name technology to the unique specifications of our customers. Some well-known companies that do this kind of business just like us include IBM and EDS. We do what they do.
Emerging Technology:
In addition to reselling brand name technology products we also sell our own proprietary technology products and provide emerging technology implementations and services. Examples of our own proprietary products include software that enables voice over the internet protocol (VoIP) and software that manages the messages sent via a radio signal from the radio signal tag on a retail store product (RFID).
A good example of a VoIP solution is "internet" phones in an office – they are plugged into a network line, not a traditional phone line. The cost of calls is reduced over the internet, and the phone becomes a computer and can have enhanced functionality for calls and messages. We provide primarily commercial solutions, but a primarily residential provider you may know that does this is Vonage. Every time you call our office, you are talking to someone on a VoIP phone.
Combining Systems Integration and Emerging Technolgy:
We often times sell brand name products, our own proprietary technology products and emerging technology solutions to the same customers, leveraging already established customer relationships. Additionally, the combination of selling brand name technology and innovative emerging technology makes us more operationally efficient than most innovative emerging technology companies.
The efficiency improves our shareholder opportunity to realize the equity appreciation that can result from the market adoption of an innovative technology. We are less likely to run out of investment capital in our effort to introduce a new technology to market than your typical innovative emerging technology company that has a focus just on their emerging technology product. We also give shareholders that opportunity to benefit from multiple emerging technologies instead of just one new technology like most innovative emerging technology companies.
Where do we operate and why?
As the market becomes more global we concentrate our sales efforts in geographic regions where the economy is growing fastest so that we can benefit from that rapid economic growth. Our largest sales growth today comes from China and Brazil, two of the fastest growing economies in the world. Because we have established, growing operations in China and Latin America, we have consolidated our Chinese operations into NewMarket China and are in the process of consolidating our Latin American operations into NewMarket Latin America. Both subsidiaries are majority owned by the parent company NewMarket Technology.
We continue to diversify into other geographic regions and additional innovative emerging technologies.
Shareholder Town Hall
I remain committed to building a world class, emerging technology company. I believe the underlying fundamental financial value and future potential value of NewMarket will be ultimately reflected in the share price. I appreciate the concern created for shareholders by the misalignment, and I am committed to continually addressing any specific concerns shareholders may have. Please send your questions and suggestions into or 214-722-3065. Our IR team is dedicated to answering questions and concerns and passing them onto upper management including myself when necessary. Even more so, I encourage you all to come to our shareholder town hall January 17th in Dallas. I cannot think of a better way for you to evaluate your confidence in management's ability to succeed, than to come and meet management first hand.
Best Regards,
Philip Verges
Cetuximab for the treatment of colorectal cancer.Jonker DJ, O'Callaghan CJ, Karapetis CS, Zalcberg JR, Tu D, Au HJ, Berry SR, Krahn M, Price T, Simes RJ, Tebbutt NC, van Hazel G, Wierzbicki R, Langer C, Moore MJ.
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
BACKGROUND: Cetuximab, an IgG1 chimeric monoclonal antibody against epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), has activity against colorectal cancers that express EGFR. METHODS: From December 2003 to August 2005, 572 patients who had colorectal cancer expressing immunohistochemically detectable EGFR and who had been previously treated with a fluoropyrimidine, irinotecan, and oxaliplatin or had contraindications to treatment with these drugs underwent randomization to an initial dose of 400 mg of cetuximab per square meter of body-surface area followed by a weekly infusion of 250 mg per square meter plus best supportive care (287 patients) or best supportive care alone (285 patients). The primary end point was overall survival. RESULTS: In comparison with best supportive care alone, cetuximab treatment was associated with a significant improvement in overall survival (hazard ratio for death, 0.77; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.64 to 0.92; P=0.005) and in progression-free survival (hazard ratio for disease progression or death, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.57 to 0.80; P<0.001). These benefits were robust after adjustment in a multivariable Cox proportional-hazards model. The median overall survival was 6.1 months in the cetuximab group and 4.6 months in the group assigned to supportive care alone. Partial responses occurred in 23 patients (8.0%) in the cetuximab group but in none in the group assigned to supportive care alone (P<0.001); the disease was stable in an additional 31.4% of patients assigned to cetuximab and in 10.9% of patients assigned to supportive care alone (P<0.001). Quality of life was better preserved in the cetuximab group, with less deterioration in physical function and global health status scores (both P<0.05). Cetuximab treatment was associated with a characteristic rash; a rash of grade 2 or higher was strongly associated with improved survival (hazard ratio for death, 0.33; 95% CI, 0.22 to 0.50; P<0.001). The incidence of any adverse event of grade 3 or higher was 78.5% in the cetuximab group and 59.1% in the group assigned to supportive care alone (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Cetuximab improves overall survival and progression-free survival and preserves quality-of-life measures in patients with colorectal cancer in whom other treatments have failed. ( number, NCT00079066 [].). Copyright 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.
PMID: 18003960 [PubMed - in process]
Related LinksSystematic review and economic evaluation of bevacizumab and cetuximab for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. [Health Technol Assess. 2007]Radiotherapy plus cetuximab for squamous-cell carcinoma of the head and neck. [N Engl J Med. 2006]Cetuximab: an epidermal growth factor receptor chemeric human-murine monoclonal antibody. [Drugs Today (Barc). 2005]Cetuximab: an epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody for the treatment of colorectal cancer. [Clin Ther. 2005]Cetuximab monotherapy and cetuximab plus irinotecan in irinotecan-refractory metastatic colorectal cancer. [N Engl J Med. 2004]See all Related Articles...Display
12/26/07 2:15 PM
NewMarket Technology, Inc. to Review Third Quarter and Year to Date Financial Performance in Webcast Scheduled for Monday, November 19, 2007 at 4:30 EST
DALLAS, TX – November 9, 2007 - NewMarket Technology, Inc. (OTCBB: NMKT) today announced a webcast scheduled for 4:30 EST Monday, November 19, 2007, to review third quarter results and year to date financial performance. The webcast review will be conducted by CEO Philip M. Verges and CFO Philip J. Rauch. The review will include third quarter performance for NewMarket’s independently listed subsidiary, NewMarket China, Inc. (OTCBB: NMCH) and an update on NewMarket’s subsidiary operations in Latin America. NewMarket’s Latin American subsidiary operations are being consolidated into the company’s independently listed subsidiary NewMarket Latin America, Inc. (OTC: NLAI). NewMarket China and NewMarket Technology are scheduled to publish third quarter financial reports by November 14, 2007.
Log on details for the webcast will be available on the company’s web site on the home page under “Current Events” by Wednesday, November 14, 2007.
To be added to NewMarket's corporate e-mail list for shareholders and interested investors, please send an e-mail to
About NewMarket Technology, Inc. (
NewMarket helps clients maintain the delicate balance between maintaining legacy systems and gaining a competitive edge from the latest technology innovations. NewMarket provides certified integration and maintenance services to support the prevailing industry standard solutions such as Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Siebel and Sun Microsystems. Concurrently, NewMarket continuously seeks to acquire emerging technology assets to incorporate into an overall product portfolio carefully packaged to complement the prevailing industry standard solutions. Some emerging technology solutions NewMarket provides include VoIP, Broadband Wireless and Security.
NewMarket delivers its portfolio of products and services through its network of Solution Integration subsidiaries in North America and the leading emerging markets around the world to include, Latin America, China and Singapore.
NewMarket ranked Number One in Texas, Number Three in the United States and Number Five in North America on Deloitte's 2006 Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications and life sciences companies in North America. Rankings are based on percentage revenue growth over five years, from 2001-2005. The Company grew from less than $1 million in revenue in 2001 to over $50 million in profitable revenue in 2005. In 2006, the company continued its rapid growth, reporting $77.6 million in revenue with a net income of $5.8 million.
e-mail from NewMarket
NewMarket Technology, Inc. CEO Interviewed by The Wall Street Transcript On Management Additions, An Upgraded Listing and Emerging Market Leadership
After Expanding Sales Across Three Continents with Annual Revenue Approaching $100 Million, Wall Street Transcript Asks NewMarket, "What's Next?"
DALLAS-November 6, 2007 --NewMarket Technology, Inc. (OTCBB: NMKT) announced today availability of CEO Philip Verges' recent interview with The Wall Street Transcript. The interview is accessible in its entirety on the Company's corporate website at . The Wall Street Transcript interview covers NewMarket's technology focus in rapidly growing global markets like China, Brazil and Africa that have generated the company's rapid growth, now approaching $100 million in annual revenue, resulting in NewMarket's repeated recognition by Deloitte and Touche as one of the fastest growing technology companies in North America for four consecutive years.
The Wall Street Transcript asks NewMarket's CEO, "What's next for the Company?" The interview highlights some of the company's goals, including an upgraded listing, continued subsidiary independent listings, including micro-cap exchanges outside the United States, plans to issue dividends in subsidiary stock to shareholders and internal, as well as external efforts to improve transparency in the public micro-cap market. The interview also discusses the successes and challenges surrounding the company's recent independent listing of two regional subsidiaries, NewMarket Latin America, Inc. (OTC: NLAI) and NewMarket China, Inc. (OTCBB: NMCH). Additionally, the interview addresses the company's key personnel, recent additions and plans to bring in new senior management as the company drives toward a goal of $500 million in revenue.
Access to the NewMarket Technology interview is available for free on the Company's corporate website on the Home Page under Current Events at, or, for a subscription fee, at The Wall Street Transcript's website,
CELSION Provides Update on Status of Special Protocol Assessment (SPA) Submission
Columbia, MD - November 5, 2007: CELSION CORPORATION (AMEX: CLN) today is providing an update to its SPA application for Primary Liver Cancer.
Celsion Corporation has received comments this morning from the FDA regarding its September request for a special clinical protocol assessment for its study, "A Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blinded, Dummy-Controlled Study of the Efficacy and Safety of ThermoDox in Combination with Radiofrequency Ablation Compared to RFA-Alone in the Treatment of Non-Resectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma." The comments from the FDA requested clarifications and recommendations to the study protocol and monitoring. On initial review, Celsion expects to satisfactorily address all of FDA comments and re-submit the protocol for formal special protocol assessment promptly.
"While we are disappointed that another review will be required", commented Michael H. Tardugno, president and chief executive officer of Celsion, "We recognize that the approval mechanism is iterative in nature. We believe the response made by FDA to our submission should not require any significant revisions to the study design. We will continue to work collaboratively with FDA with the intent of starting our study early next year."
The Company expects to discuss FDA's comments and its plans going forward during its third quarter conference call. The Company expects to announce the date and time of its conference call later today.
About Thermodox
ThermoDox is Celsion's proprietary heat-sensitive liposomal encapsulation of an approved and frequently used anti-cancer drug, doxorubicin which is used in the treatment of various cancers including breast cancer. Localized mild hyperthermia (39-42 degrees C) releases the entrapped doxorubicin from the liposome. This delivery technology enables high concentrations of doxorubicin to be deposited preferentially in a targeted tumor.
About Celsion:
Celsion is dedicated to the development and commercialization of oncology drugs including tumor-targeting treatments using focused heat energy in combination with heat activated drug delivery systems. Celsion has research, license or commercialization agreements with leading institutions such as the National Institutes of Health, Duke University Medical Center, University of Hong Kong, Cleveland Clinic, North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System. Additional information about Celsion Corporation can be found on the Celsion web site at
Celsion wishes to inform readers that forward-looking statements in this release are made pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties including, without limitation, unforeseen changes in the course of research and development activities and in clinical trials by others; possible acquisitions of other technologies, assets or businesses; possible actions by customers, suppliers, competitors, regulatory authorities; and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
To get a handle on the concept of naked short selling, one has to
know a little about the steps and players involved in the processing
of a buy order on the OTCBB and Pink Sheets.
Step 1: The purchaser either calls his broker on the phone or reaches
his brokerage firm on the Internet. Let's assume he decides to buy a
1% interest in a penny stock that has 100 million shares issued and
outstanding. The buy order is thus for 1 million shares. Let's assume
the buy order is "at market".
Step 2: The broker on the receiving end of the order then writes up
the buy order and places the order on his firm's "Trading desk".
Step 3: Assuming that the firm does not make a market in this
security, they will hand the order on to a market maker that does.
Step 4: This buying market maker will then either go to the selling
market maker showing the lowest offer or to a favorite market maker
of his and ask him to match the lowest offer. The trade is executed
between the buying and selling market makers at the agreed upon
lowest offering price.
Step 5: Assuming the buying and selling brokerage firms are small and
do not have the facilities to "clear" the trade, they then send the
details of the trade to their respective clearing firms.
Step 6: Since both clearing firms have both "cash" and "shares"
accounts at the DTCC, the buying clearing firm wires the purchase
price from their "cash" account to that of the selling clearing firm
in exchange for the selling clearing firm wiring the 1 million share
block from their "shares" account to the buying clearing firm's
"shares" account. This is called "Delivery versus payment". The
buying brokerage firm then sends out both a trade confirmation and a
monthly statement to their client, the buyer of the 1 million shares,
indicating that he does indeed "own" the 1 million shares, what he
thinks to be 1%, of that company. Thus the transaction is complete. A
"real" buyer paid "real" cash to a "real" seller for "real" shares.
An intermediary known as a market maker provided a mechanism to bring
the buyer and seller together. This basically is an over-simplified
explanation of the system used on these trading venues, the OTCBB and
the Pink Sheets. Selling market makers do not really have to have a
sell order in hand to sell securities. Their job is to provide
liquidity and to buffer the market from sharp peaks and deep troughs
when an imbalance of buy or sell orders appears.
The phenomenon of illegal naked short selling (INSS) is a form of
market manipulation/securities fraud that can be perpetrated at any
step in the process. A legitimate short sale involves the seller
following the letter and spirit of Rule 10(a)1, "The short sale
rule". It involves the selling firm making "affirmative determination
in writing" that the shares being sold are indeed "borrowable". It
also prohibits short sales on a downtick. The borrowed shares are
later returned. In illegal naked short selling, the shares were not
only not borrowed, but they never did exist in the first place. They
were created out of thin air. The legal term that describes this
fraud is that the perpetrators created an "Artifice to defraud" the
purchasers of the shares. Rule 10(b)-5 of the 1934 "Exchange Act"
addresses this behavior.
In order for this fraud to be perpetrated on unsuspecting investors,
two main prerequisites exist. The first is the fact that purchasers
of shares on these trading venues do not request the registration and
home delivery of their shares. They see an entry on their monthly
brokerage statement and have no reason to question its validity.
The second prerequisite is the fact that brokerage firms do not
monitor for the "good delivery" of shares purchased by their clients
as mandated by "The Customer Protection Rule" or Rule 15 (c) 3-3.
With the presence of these two prerequisites as being the "norm" on
these trading venues, clever opportunists have realized that they can
sell nonexistent shares through Canadian margin accounts, in an
undetected fashion, and thereby assume a "naked" short position.
This followed by the subsequent selling of yet more nonexistent
shares tends to result in a precipitous drop in the share price, a
share rollback of the victim corporation and its disastrous loss of
market cap, or the outright bankruptcy of the victim corporation
which circumvents the need for the naked short position to be closed,
as it no longer trades. This lack of closure of the "sell then buy"
circuit allows the massive proceeds of this fraud to bypass the
The typical naked short selling campaign or "bear raid" results in
the death of the victim company within a 6 to 9 month period. The
management teams and investors are often left scratching their heads
wondering what hit them.
A variety of other preexisting conditions are present on these
trading venues that allow this fraud to be perpetrated with little
chance of detection. One of these is the inherent inability of a
public corporation to communicate with its shareholders holding
shares in "Street Form".
The advent of the Internet has helped somewhat though. Statistics
show that 8 of 10 companies trading on these 2 trading venues, the
OTCBB and Pink Sheets, will die within their first three years of
existence. These thinly traded and under-capitalized companies are
often no more than "shell" companies whose existence was designed to
line the pockets of their creators. The level of chicanery on these
trading venues is distinct and the investment community knows about
it. When the Vancouver Stock Exchange drastically buckled down on
fraudulent behavior several years ago, the scamsters headed south of
the border to the OTCBB and Pink Sheets.
The above statistic of 8 of 10 failures combined with the knowledge
of the massive amounts of "pump and dump" programs in effect has
caused the investment community to collectively look upon these
companies as "future bankruptcies". This mindset leads to certain
behaviors among those opportunists that have visibility of buy orders
for these "future bankruptcies".
When a buy order for one of these presupposed "scams" lands then the
entire investment community has their antennae up and a certain
"feeding frenzy" occurs wherein the investment "professionals" fight
amongst themselves to be the one to naked short sell into this buy
order. Also these trading venues have very little supervision by the
regulators who are strapped for cash as well as manpower. There
really are no "cops on the beat".
The Pink Sheets, for example, are a privately run trading venue,
owned and operated by the National Quotation Bureau. Who needs
regulators though when you have naked short sellers determining which
corporations are "scams" and systematically annihilating them? The
markets themselves have no visibility whatsoever to investors, even
those with "Level 2" machines, and market makers pretty much can do
what they please. If a market-making firm is selling 50 million
shares per month of a certain victim company and buying only 2
million shares per month and has been doing this for several years,
then this would surely be nice to know.
The tremendous amount of money involved here attracts these
opportunists by the boatload. Investor naiveté is also a cornerstone.
Very few people, with the exception of the perpetrators of this
fraud, know how this game is played. The inherent confusion involved
with millions of trades settling at any given time creates a certain
cloud of dust that can obscure the perpetration of this fraud. There
is no "Day of reckoning" for these trades. The IOUs just fly around
in Cyberspace and never seem to land. It becomes incumbent on the
victim corporations to call a "Legal time out" to get a peak at these
IOUs. There is a certain psychology involved also that is inherent to
some naked short sellers. They think of themselves as self-appointed
sheriffs trying to rid the wild west of companies they diagnose as
If their diagnosis is incorrect then it usually doesn't make much of
a difference anyway because they will bankrupt both legitimate and
scam corporations. Bankrupting legitimate corporations is seen as
"collateral damage" which occurs in any war. Brokerage firms hosting
the accounts of "Offshore Corporations", especially those located in
the tax havens, do not follow the "Know Your Customer" rules. A
commission is a commission.
The "Patriot Act" is buckling down in this regard and brokerage firms
are to be on high alert for suspicious money flow activity. For those
in need of laundering the proceeds of illicit activity, naked short
selling provides a handy way to launder that 200% margin maintenance
requirement attached to naked short sale orders for especially penny
Actually the crimes of naked short selling, wire fraud, money
laundering, and tax evasion go hand in hand on these venues. Another
key preexisting condition is that market makers are not forced to
make public their naked short positions on a monthly basis as they
must on the more senior exchanges. This is yet another example of the
lack of transparency on these trading venues. As far as the Pink
Sheets go, there are basically no demanding standards to match or
surpass in order to be granted membership.
Another contributing factor has to do with the fact that input into
the DTCC comes solely from the broker/dealers. Any picture that the
brokerage firms want to paint regarding the disposition of a
corporation's shares can be painted at will. The fox is guarding the
All of these factors combined form an environment within which this
fraud can be perpetrated with very little risk of detection. If the
laws were to drastically change tomorrow then these same fraudsters
would just tweak their modus operandi accordingly and not even miss a
Referring back to the 6 steps involved in a "model buy order", one
can see the myriad of ways available to naked short sell into this
purchase order. The first individual with a shot at this opportunity
is the broker who gets the phone call from his client, the purchaser.
There are two main modalities used to naked short sell at this level.
We've seen where the broker himself can naked short sell into the buy
order by picking up the phone and placing a matching sell order,
usually through his own non-U.S. margin account, into the market at
an opportune time.
The more common technique used at this level is the broker picking up
the phone and telling an associate of his about the "opportunity"
that has just landed on his desktop. The broker is used as a "scout"
and is usually paid back for these favors by the brokerage business
coming his way from those he is scouting for. Manipulations at this
"Step 1" level are relatively rare but do occur especially when the
broker receiving the call works in a Canadian Brokerage Firm where
the naked short selling rules are more lax.
Step 2 level manipulations are fairly common and they involve the
broker receiving the phone call writing up this buy order and setting
it on his firm's "trading desk". The trader processing this buy order
has 3 main mechanisms to utilize in order to avail either himself or
a colleague of his to this wonderful opportunity to naked short sell
into this buy order for shares of this "future bankruptcy".
The first modality involves the trader picking up the phone to his
personal broker at a Canadian firm and having him feed in a naked
short sell order for a matching amount of shares at an opportune
time. He can also naked short sell into the order right at his
trading desk, a process called "desking", which places the naked
short position into a "proprietary account" of his own firm. This
practice is almost universally done to all international buy orders.
"Desking" is very commonplace. A third option would be to act as a
"scout" for colleagues that would like to avail themselves of this
wonderful opportunity and give them a "heads up" to the fact that a
buy order is about to enter the system.
Step 3 involves a heretofore unmanipulated buy order being sent to a
buying market maker from the trading desk of the firm receiving the
buy order. There is an intrinsic reality in this relationship between
the market maker and its client, the buying brokerage firm, that is
critical to understand. The buying market makers need the order flow
from the buying brokerage firms. It is their lifeblood.
When presented with a buy order, the buying market maker often has to
naked short sell into the order just to keep his client brokerage
firm happy with his services. The buying brokerage firm wants rapid
execution of the buy order in order to get their hands on the
commission. Since the stock of these companies is usually very thinly
traded, oftentimes there are no sellers around to satisfy the demand
for shares. The market maker is expected by his client to "perform",
which means to continuously naked short sell into buy orders
presented by that client.
It is incredibly common for even the most ethical of market makers,
due to this pressure to keep their clients happy, to run up immense
naked short positions just in the course of their business. Their job
is to provide liquidity to these illiquid markets. Where the crimes
are often committed at this Step 3 level is in how the market maker
handles this predicament he has gotten himself into. On the other
hand, there are certain market makers that blindly naked short sell
into each buy order on these trading venues that crosses their desk.
Market makers have literally dozens of ways to cause harm to these
corporations that they "accidentally" ran up an immense naked short
position against. These vary from continuing to naked short sell into
every buy order that appears, effectively neutralizing these buy
orders, to contacting naked short selling consortia to lend them a
hand in killing the company. There is an endless list of market
manipulative techniques to employ.
These Step 3 manipulations are the single biggest component of the
overall naked short selling campaigns. Market makers are incredibly
powerful in these campaigns in that they are legally allowed to naked
short sell "while acting in the capacity of a bona fide market
maker". Not only this but they don't have to reveal the size of their
naked short positions to anybody. The "Short Sale Rule", Rule 10 (a)-
1, does not apply to the OTCBB and Pink Sheets. Step 3 manipulations
involving these buying market makers are collectively known as "The
Wall". Very few buy orders make it over this wall and find a "real"
Step 4 manipulations presuppose that the buying market maker behaved
himself and went into the market and filled that buy order by
approaching the market maker with the lowest offer price or a
different market maker that was willing to match that lowest offer.
The "Semi-ethical" buying market makers are in need of a quick
"print". They want to run the order and grab a quick "markup". They
know only too well which brokerage firms and other market makers to
approach in order to get the buy order quickly naked shorted to them.
Many of these public corporations' shares are "Piggy-back Qualified",
this allows any firm to put on a "Market maker hat" and legally naked
short sell without having to file a Form 15(c)2-11.
The same games are played with these selling market makers, but the
height of the wall is a little less. Ethical selling market makers
may or may not have a "real" sell order in hand. Oftentimes they will
naked short sell into a buy order and then go on the bid to attempt
to level out this now naked short position. If they accidentally dug
themselves into a hole while servicing clients then they may sit on
the offer all day and naked short sell into every buy order that
appears. The lack of visibility that these markets provide to
investors allows extremely manipulative techniques to go undetected.
Step 5 presupposes that both the buying and selling broker/dealers
are not self-clearing. The clearing firms are in a unique position to
orchestrate these manipulations behind the backs of
their client brokerage firms.
Step 6 manipulations occur in and around the DTCC. The back office
policies at the DTCC have long been ascribed the role as the problem
here. Activities at the "Lending Pool", both of the Canadian
Depositary Service and the DTCC also provide opportunities to both
add yet another layer of manipulations as well as cover up earlier
manipulations. All of the input into the DTCC is, of course, from the
brokerage community. When attempting to drain this "lending pool" of
its contents, careful attention must be paid to those shares held in
Canadian Brokerage Firms because the level of chicanery here is
alleged to be extremely high.
One can now get an appreciation for the nearly limitless
opportunities available to attack one of these corporations during a
"bear raid". A very small percentage of buy orders actually meet up
with a "real" seller selling "real" shares. There is just too much
money to be made taking on naked short positions and then killing
companies. From a risk/reward point of view the chance of detection
is infinitesimally low and the rewards are abundant.
The ability to sell nonexistent shares in an undetected manner
provides for a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. The victim
companies find it necessary to finance their "burn rate" at
artificially low levels, which leads to massive dilution. If the
company were fortunate enough to actually have earnings at some
point, they would be diluted so badly that it wouldn't even matter.
Of all of the varieties of securities fraud in existence, and there
are many, naked short selling campaigns are usually thought of as the
"manipulation of choice" providing the most favorable risk/reward
Since the "model buy order" that executed all 6 steps results in an
exchange at the DTCC of cash for shares between the buying and
selling firms, any "short circuiting" at any step would prevent this
exchange from happening. In order to exchange cash for shares you
need shares! There aren't any when it comes to naked short selling.
There never were any. The purchaser paid hard-earned cash for "air".
That monthly statement is a lie. His brokerage firm never did receive
"good delivery" of a share certificate, there never was one. In fact,
in the case of a Step 1 or 2 manipulation, the broker/dealer first
damaged the company by artificially diluting it, and then he sold
this damaged bill of goods to his client.
One might ask, "Well then where is the buyer's money?" The buyer's
money is in the hands of his own brokerage firm. The same people he
just paid a commission to and that have a fiduciary responsibility to
him. Since there was no "good delivery" of shares made to the buying
brokerage firm in exchange for payment, ("Delivery versus payment"),
the check never left the coffers of the buying brokerage firm. There
never was a "real" seller into whose pocket the cash should have
gone. In Wall Street parlance, the buying brokerage firm has a
"Failure to receive" on their books. All of the intermediate
brokerage firms have both a "failure to deliver" and a "failure to
receive" on their books except for the manipulating party itself, he
would just have a "Failure to Deliver" on his books. The IOUs just
travel through cyberspace and never get addressed.
Everybody owes everybody else and as long as nobody puts their foot
down and demands delivery then this will be the status quo. So why
don't all of those firms with all of these "Failures" on their books
rectify matters and level up their positions. "The Customer
Protection Rule" (Rule 15 © 3-3), clearly states that the buying
brokerage firm is mandated by law to go into the open market and buy-
in that "Failure to deliver" within 10 business days of settlement.
But in the case of a Step 1 or 2 manipulation, it is the buying
brokerage firm itself that is the crook. How can you buy yourself in?
The sobering reality is that all of the brokerage firms in their
various roles in this buy transaction will make a ton of money if
NOBODY forces anybody to deliver. That would wreck this whole
wonderful low risk/high reward game, and nobody wants to do that.
The question now becomes, "What is that entry in my monthly statement
all about if there never were any shares purchased?" We refer to
these entries as "BEEs" or "Bogus Electronic Entries". Their purpose
is to give the buyer a certain comfort level so that he never
suspects any fraud. It also serves to cover up the fact that the
buyer's money is actually in the coffers of his own brokerage firm,
and being lent out or invested by them. The investor who bought
nonexistent shares from his brokerage firm or whomever, was the
victim of a "Double Whammy". Not only did he not get the 1% ownership
that he thought he was buying, he actually got a much lesser
percentage of a company that he might not even recognize, one that
perhaps he would have never bought the shares of if he had known the
This company might have 100 million "real" shares issued and
outstanding according to its Transfer Agent, but it may also have 500
million bogus electronic entries in existence. The bad news here is
that all 600 million "shares" of this company can be sold tomorrow.
An interesting phenomenon occurs when this investor holding the bogus
electronic entry decides to sell his shares. After all his broker
can't hardly tell him that he can't sell his "Bogus Electronic Entry"
because we failed to get "Good Delivery" as mandated by law. When you
want to sell, your broker is going to sell this "Bogus Electronic
Entry" or "air" to some unsuspecting investor, who in no way shape or
form can ever get "Good Delivery".
The seller had no idea that he bought and sold nonexistent shares,
and this process will go on and on and on. As long as nobody suspects
anything and those monthly statements keep coming, then this little
secret will never be revealed. The stock itself will trade like a big
overweight whale, and buy orders of a significant size will not nudge
the price one iota because of all of those "extra" shares that can be
sold at any time. Should bad news be released a market massacre might
Typically the financiers of the company will fatigue and stop cutting
checks, deeming that any more checks cut may be good money after bad.
They will assume that all of that selling must be coming from
somewhere and the only people that own that much stock is management,
so this whole thing must have been some kind of a "Pump and dump"
from the get go. Then it will be time to turn out the lights and
nobody will ever know the reality of what was going on.
The transaction that this investor took part in actually created out
of thin air a new million shares of stock. These shares can be bought
and sold at will. They will never be detected by anybody as being
fake, because of the lack of a "Day of reckoning". The company in
question will show 100 million shares being owned at the DTCC by
various firms if everybody leaves them in "Street Form".
If you, however, stack up all of the monthly statements of all of the
shareholders for a given date, and add them up, you will come to the
total of 600 million "shares" being "owned", not 100 million. The
absolute size of naked short positions actually have a tendency to
increase in an almost geometric fashion because the larger the naked
short position, the larger the potential losses to the naked short
sellers should something go awry. This increases the incentive level
to kill this corporation. Long-lived "Bear raids" are very scary to
naked short sellers and demand special "weapons and tactics".
The brokerage firms that perpetrate this fraud cover it up by
breaking yet more laws. By law the purchase confirmation mailed to
the buyer of the "shares" was to indicate to the buyer the capacity
within which his broker acted. Typically the brokerage firm will act
as an "agent/broker" and charge a commission.
In Step 1 and 2 naked short selling, however, the brokerage firm
actually acted as a "principal/dealer" and actually charged what is
known as a "markup". If the brokerage firm were to indicate this
capacity under which it actually acted, then the investor might
question what this "principal/dealer" business is all about. Since
the brokerage firm does not want the investor to know that they naked
short sold him this "air" and that they were sitting on his money,
they will just lie on the confirmation slip as to the capacity in
which they acted.
The question is often asked as to when the "day of reckoning" occurs
wherein these bogus entries must be made good upon. The law lists
three different "days of reckoning". The "Customer Protection Rule",
Rule 15(c)3-3, mandates that the "Failure to receive" certificated
shares that were purchased in a transaction, are to be "bought in" by
the purchasing brokerage firm on the 10th business day past the
settlement date (T plus 3). The law also states that the selling firm
in this transaction is to buy-in their client doing the selling if he
hasn't produced the certificate within 30 days of settlement.
The law further mandates that brokerage firms buy-in failures to
receive and deliver within 45 days of filing quarterly reports that
noted these "Fails". With the absence of Rule 10 (a)-1, "The Short
Sale Rule", having any application to the OTCBB and Pink Sheets, the
Customer Protection Rule is the only line of defense left against
this fraud but it is ignored almost 100% of the time. There is just
too much money to be made while ignoring it to turn down.
Investors becoming educated as to the nature of naked short selling
and demanding the registration and home delivery of their shares has
to be the cornerstone of the effort to end the perpetration of this
Since all 6 steps need to be completed in the "Model buy order" in
order to match up a "real" buyer with a "real" seller, all of these
manipulations at the various steps along the way result in the
creation of new shares which exist in the form of a "bogus electronic
entry". These cause massive dilution of a corporation's share
capital, which has a depressant effect on the share price.
Since all financings of these corporations are tied to these
artificially depressed prices, the dilution problem is further
exacerbated. All corporations have to cover their monthly "burn rate"
just to keep the lights on. This accelerated dilution rate is a
constant source of discontent with shareholders. They not only see
the price per share evaporating, but their percentage ownership of
the corporation is also dwindling due to the artificially high
dilution levels.
The resultant loss in shareholder morale throws yet more fuel on the
fire of this company's problems. Again there is a bit of a geometric
progression in the company's problems as opposed to a more linear
arithmetic progression. Due to the inherent nature of this animal
called naked short selling, the playing field becomes so tipped in
favor of the racketeers that one wonders how any corporation could
The same games can be played in the absence of a buy order from the
sell side of the equation. Sophisticated naked short sellers
typically work out of offshore corporations located in tax havens
around the world. Banking secrecy laws in these havens help to
prevent detection of the identity of the actual perpetrator of the
fraud. If one is going to break 20 or 30 securities laws then one
might as well do it in an anonymous fashion.
The modus operandi usually has an offshore corporation "A" setting up
a margin account in a non-U.S.brokerage firm. This corporation "A"
will have one shareholder and one director namely Corporation "B"
from a different tax haven with different banking secrecy laws.
Corporation "B" in turn will have one director and one shareholder
being Corporation "C" in yet another tax haven.
For the victim company to attempt to identify Corporation "C"'s owner
would now cost a fortune and take a great deal of time. These victim
companies have neither. During this past February, non-U.S.regulators
discovered the existence of 13,00 of these offshore corporate
accounts amongst Corporation "A" will now
start selling massive amounts of the victim company's stock.
Corporation "A" will often be set up as a "Hedge Fund".
The non-U.S.Brokerage Firm taking the sell order knows darn well that
this offshore corporation doesn't own any shares, but they can always
play dumb later on should something go awry. Besides there's some big
commission money to be made. The non-U.S.Brokerage Firm will
typically insist on a 150% to 200% margin maintenance requirement.
The naked short selling of penny stocks is inherently dangerous and
the broker/dealer needs to be protected. It is extremely easy to
"Scuttle" an offshore corporation should the plan backfire and the
non-U.S.firm knows this.
As far as the role of the non-U.S.Broker/dealer utilizing the lax non-
U.S. laws regarding naked short selling, they have three main
incentives to break the law and take the order. The first is the
commissions generated. The second is the use of all of that money
placed for margin maintenance requirements, and the third is the
visibility of large sell orders providing opportunities for "front
One technique the non-U.S.Brokerage Firms utilize is known as the
"Hot Potato" technique. Firms are often allowed to keep a naked short
position on the books for only a 10-day period after which fines may
be levied. After 9 days a firm carrying a large naked short position
can hand that position off to a "Buddy" brokerage firm like a hot
potato. After another 9 days it may go to a 3rd firm or back to the
original firm. If it gets too burdensome then it's off to a friendly
hedge fund for long term "storage".
Who are the typical holders of these non-U.S.margin accounts used for
perpetrating this fraud? Offshore hedge funds are the most powerful
of these groups. Hedge funds with less than 100 participants do not
need to follow the rules and regulations dictated by The Investment
Company Act of 1940. This provides both anonymity and lack of
liability for the participants. Hedge funds typically contain the
money of deep-pocketed players not averse to risk. Large market
making firms as well as other Wall Street entities own significant
positions in these hedge funds and can count on them when caught in a
pinch. Hedge funds account for a very large percent of this naked
short selling activity. The Senate Finance Committee is currently
investigating the relationship between hedge funds and naked short
Various naked short selling consortia are in existence around the
world. They pride themselves on their due diligence capacities and
they really are very impressive in that regard, but not infallible,
which leads to significant opportunities when they do make errors.
Some of these groups have their own websites and aid their disciples
on the choice of non-U.S. Brokerage Firm to set up a relationship
with. Usually a firm with a Head Compliance Officer that is willing
to turn his head the other way a lot. These groups will typically
have their head "guru" with good investigative connections as well as
"street smarts".
Recently we've seen a lot of activity out of Europe. Shares of OTCBB
and Pink Sheet stocks actually "trade" on subdivisions of various
markets over there, totally unbeknownst to management. Not
unexpectedly 99% of the trades are "sells".
One aspect of this business that has recently been revealed is how
these various naked short selling groups communicate and collude with
each other. If one group is having a tough time killing a company and
their intent is becoming very obvious, then they will hand the baton
on to their co-conspirators to help polish off the corporation. This
is a very scary thought. These people are incredibly deep-pocketed in
the first place.
An interesting phenomenon often occurs when the
first gets visibility of a large sell order. Let's assume that it is
a 20-million share sell order of nonexistent stock "at market" to be
executed in two weeks time. The typical source of a sell order like
this might be a market maker with a hedge fund connection that
"accidentally" got into a large naked short position while servicing
a valued client.
Knowing that this sell order is going to severely depress the victim
company's share price, the will often put in
their own sell order of maybe 10 million shares and process it before
processing the 20 million share sell order. The offshore corporation
can't exactly point an accusing finger should they detect the front
running since they are breaking the law themselves. Now the non- will hand a 30-million share sell order to a market maker.
When the market maker sees this now gigantic sell order they will
often front run this 30 million share sell order with a 10 million
share sell order of their own making. They know all too well what a
30 million share sell order will do to one of these thinly traded
securities. Thus a sell order of 20 million nonexistent shares has
now grown to 40 million nonexistent shares.
This elucidates the "Self fulfilling prophecy" aspect of naked short
selling. Unsuspecting shareholders will pay "real" money for all 40
million of those shares and not suspect any hanky-panky at all. How
could a monthly statement from one of these prestigious Wall Street
firms be telling a lie?
Thus naked short selling can work from left to right through the
various steps involved in the processing of a buy order, in essence
"neutralizing" the up ticking effect on share prices caused by buy
orders, or from right to left with the introduction of massive sell
orders of nonexistent shares.
A close cousin of naked short selling involves a form of predatory
financing called "Death Spirals". Companies in dire need of
financings are often forced, by necessity, to trust that financiers
will not pre-sell their equity financings in an effort to clobber the
market and then convert for a very large number of shares at
artificially low prices. These financings are based on fixed dollar
amounts of conversions and not a fixed number of shares. A riskier
form of death spirals involves potential financiers dumping tons of
shares before even cutting a deal for a financing. Conventional death
spirals are actually a form of "temporarily naked short selling"
because the shares are forthcoming but usually restricted by Rule
Within the past two years the world of naked short selling has been
changed forever. Four separate events have rocked the world of the
naked short sellers. Since the secrecy of the modus operandi is so
important to these people, the headlines caused by these Four events
is not welcome at all by the perpetrators.
The first event was the arrest of Anthony Elgindy and the exposure of
his methodologies of naked short selling utilizing the services of
two allegedly corrupt FBI agents. Elgindy and his huge following have
allegedly been one of the pillars in the naked short selling
The second event was the sudden bankruptcy of the non-U.S. Brokerage
Firm which has been the alleged "headquarters" for naked short
selling worldwide.
The third event was the arrest of the CEO of this firm for attempting
to naked short sell $30 million worth of three companies' shares to
an undercover FBI agent. The fourth event was Operation Uptick,
revealing the incestuous linages between organized crime and
reputable brokerages in the U.S. The "Winds of Change" do seem to be
blowing a bit, and it wouldn't take much of a breeze to knock down
this "House of cards" the naked short sellers have built.
The significance of these events is not just getting these
individuals and institutions out of commission. The real importance
is the education that the public needs to receive in regards to naked
short selling as these trials and bankruptcies go forward. Again the
secrecy factor is the key to naked short selling. If the investing
public knew what was going on behind the scenes on the OTCBB and Pink
Sheets, then the uproar caused could mushroom into a total lack of
confidence in this system, which is already on its knees after the
Enron and Anderson debacles. If this knowledge did become
commonplace, then at least one of the main two prerequisites, that of
not registering and demanding delivery of shares, might be
Several non-U.S.Brokerage Firms were recently sued by clients for not
delivering the share certificates that he had demanded the delivery
of. He had obviously been naked shorted the shares by both firms. In
their statement of defense, the attorneys for the firms claimed that
it was the actual client of theirs doing the naked short selling that
owed the share certificate to the client/buyer and not the firm. The
Customer Protection Rule would obviously beg to differ. This is a
typical example of the mentality of the non-U.S.Brokerage Firms.
The non-U.S.Regulators have "lowered the boom" on the behemoth BMO
Nesbitt in regards to "Serious Know your client deficiencies" and
"Failure to supervise brokers". Many of those 13,000 "offshore
corporate" accounts have tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars
playing the naked short side of the market. A broker managing these
accounts is supposed to look into the sources of these funds to rule
out any illicit activity like money laundering.
In the U.S. the Patriot Act demands that brokers scrutinize these
funds and file "SAR"s (Suspicious Activity Reports") when illicit
behavior is suggested. This was implemented mainly as an anti-
terrorist funding measure, but hopefully will spill over into keeping
in check naked short selling. The dynamics of bringing to the
public's attention this insidious disease of naked short selling, has
never been more exciting than at the present. The public is being
immersed in learning the mechanisms of action of the Elgindys, the
Valentines, the Thomson Kernaghans, these 13,000 offshore corporate
accounts, money laundering, tax evasion aspects, etc.
An important aspect of these naked short selling wars is the length
of time that the victim company has been under attack. When these
naked short selling "gurus that can smell a scam from 40 miles away"
guess right and beat up a scam company, the company doesn't have a
chance because of the vicious nature of naked short selling. The lack
of assets of the company will be exposed and announced from the
What are interesting are the battles that ensue when these "gurus"
misdiagnose a "real" company with "real" assets as a scam. The naked
short sellers will still be able to knock the market cap down by 99%,
but often it becomes tough to "Kill" the company. Investors that know
that the company has the goods can sit back and buy shares at a tiny
fraction of book value and thereby average down their previous
purchases. Since the size of the naked short position is of a
cumulative nature, increasing with the age of the battle, a point is
reached wherein the naked short sellers cannot afford to cover this
massive naked short position without driving the share price to the
moon. This is when the games get really dirty because hundreds of
millions of dollars are now up for grabs, winner take all.
One has to wonder how many young micro cap corporations with great
promise have been snuffed out while in this incubator of the OTCBB
and Pink Sheets. Have we missed out on any potential cures for cancer
or high tech breakthroughs? What happened to the dreams of all of
those entrepreneurs who put every penny they had into their private
companies in preparation for going public, and then getting massacred
once public?
For an annual fee of $1,850, a corporation can receive from the DTCC
a weekly update as to the number of shares that each of the brokerage
firms on Wall Street have for a given corporation in their "Shares"
account. Keep in mind they all have "cash" accounts also. The problem
with these lists are two-fold. They only reflect the number of shares
for which "Good Delivery" was attained. They also don't address
whether or not that brokerage firm owes any shares to a common "pool"
of shares there available to any broker/dealer in need of quick
shares. If for example the weekly DTCC Summary states that a broker/
dealer has 1 million shares of a given corporation's stock in their
account, this must be compared to the sum of all shares being
reflected as owned in the monthly statements of that firm as mailed
out to their client/shareholders. Let's assume this total is 4
million shares. The difference between these two figures can be
characterized in several ways. The difference represents: 1) The
naked short position of that firm, 2) The number of shares bought by
that firm for which "Good delivery" did not occur, 3) The number of
"Bogus electronic entries" that firm has on its books and that gets
mailed out every month.
Wall Street can camouflage very well the number of shares represented
by the sum of all shares being reflected as owned in monthly
statements. An indication of this number can be attained by a
corporation receiving its "NOBO" list or list of non-objecting
beneficial owners. To this number must be added the number of shares
owned by "OBO"s or objecting beneficial owners. When a person signs
up for a brokerage account he is asked to check a box denoting
whether or not the company in which he owns shares of has the right
to know of his shareholdings. If he does not object to this, then he
is a "NOBO". The "NOBO" lists are available from ADP Brokerage
Services Group at 1-888-237-1900.
When a person adds the total shares held of a given corporation at
the DTCC to the number of shares held by "Registered" shareholders in
safe deposit boxes, the sum will equal the issued and outstanding
number of shares of that corporation exactly. So at first glance, all
seems to be in order until you realize that the DTCC list only
represents "Good deliveries" which on these trading venues is the
exception and not the rule. And so the fraud is perpetrated on and on
and on.
In regards to the "Pool" of shares held at the DTCC that is available
in the case of an emergency, this was allowed by Addendum C- (1) of
the NSCC's (National Securities Clearing Corp.) rules and regs. They
were taken over by the DTC several years ago, the amalgamation of
which formed the DTCC. The Lending Departments of a firm monitor
things here and are one of the biggest profit centers in any firm.
From a practical point of view, until this pool is 100% empty of
shares, don't expect any upward pressure on share prices due to the
borrowing ability provided by the pool. Once it is empty, however,
each further demand for the registration and delivery of shares
should theoretically cause a forced buy-in of shares under a
"Guaranteed Delivery" basis.
It is relatively easy to empty out the "pool" at the DTCC. If a
company has 70 million shares at the DTCC and a naked short position
of 500 million shares, then all the company has to do is create a
situation that withdraws 70 of 570 million shares available to be
withdrawn. As was stated earlier, all of the brokerage firms
represented along the chain of events of one buy order are HIGHLY
incentivised not to demand the correction of those "Failures to
receive and deliver". In order for this to occur, the shareholder and
the issuer must be educated as to how this game is played
Absolutely correct. It just continues to amaze me how the investing public swallow his PR and keep the company alive with diution. You hit the main problem right on the head. Each delivery of an order for a SU MRI results in an operations loss.The technology is super-have even had my own wife scanned 3 times in sitting position-but as a business it stinkss. With the new lower reimbursement rates for scans the "entrep;reneurs" who bought will now start bleeding dollars along with the company
May not be true, but a great story nonethless.
Justice for an Aerial Radar Trap -- British News Item Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 12:49:06 -0400
Two British traffic patrol officers from North Berwick were involved in an unusual incident, while checking for speeding motorists on the A-1 Great North Road
One of the officers (who are not named) used a hand-held radar device to check the speed of a vehicle approaching over the crest of a hill, and was surprised when the speed was recorded at over
The machine then stopped working and the officers were not able to reset it.
The radar had in fact latched on to a NATO Tornado fighter jet over the North Sea , which was engaged in a low-flying exercise over the Border district.
Back at police headquarters an irritated chief constable fired off a stiff complaint to the RAF Liaison office.
Back came the reply in true laconic RAF style: "Thank you for your message, which allows us to complete the file on this incident. You may be interested to know that the tactical computer in the Tornado had automatically locked on to your 'hostile radar equipment' and sent a jamming signal back to it. Furthermore, the Sidewinder Air-to-ground missiles aboard the fully-armed aircraft had also locked on to the target. Fortunately the Dutch pilot flying the Tornado responded to the missile status alert intelligently and was able to override the automatic protection system before the missile was launched".
161 units sold and each one added to the company's operating loss. Unless a sale results in profit generfation this company will flounder on the backs of their share holders.
You misplaced the decimal point. It should have read $0.669
ContacNewMarket Technology, Inc. Announces Yahoo! Finance Update For Independently Listed Chinese Subsidiary NewMarket China, Inc.
DALLAS, TX – November 1, 2007 -- NewMarket Technology, Inc. (OTCBB: NMKT) today announced that Yahoo! (NASDAQ: YHOO) Finance has updated their information for NewMarket’s independently listed Chinese subsidiary, NewMarket China, Inc., (OTCBB: NMCH) to now correctly reflect the company’s information. The prior information was incorrect and reflected an unrelated company’s information.
NewMarket Technology, is an emerging market technology company. Part of NewMarket’s strategy is to independently list regional operations. The operation in China was NewMarket’s first independently listed regional operation. NewMarket China reported $29.5 Million in annual revenue in 2006. NewMarket Technology reported $77.6 million in annual revenue in 2006 with $5.8 million in net income. NewMarket Technology and NewMarket China are both reporting substantial organic sales growth year to date for 2007.
Award Winning Growth Recognized by Deloitte
The Company’s rapid growth has landed NewMarket near the top of the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 in both 2006 and 2007. After a Top Five finish in 2006, NewMarket ranked Number Twenty-One on Deloitte's 2007 Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications and life sciences companies in North America. For 2007, Deloitte also highlighted NewMarket as an exceptional performer for “repeating the feat”. To read the article in its entirety, go to: Rankings are based on percentage of fiscal year revenue growth over five years, from 2002-2006. NewMarket Technology grew 7,996 percent during this period.
To be added to NewMarket Technology’s e-mail database for shareholders and interested investors, please send an e-mail to
About NewMarket China, Inc.
NewMarket China, Inc. is a technology leader in the rapidly developing Chinese market specializing today in software engineering, high quality software development and digital multimedia outsourcing services delivered to customers globally. At the same time, the firm is a systems integrator and value added reseller of major global hardware brands in the Chinese domestic market.
Headquartered in Dallas with operations in Shanghai and Beijing, NewMarket China bridges the gap between Western and Eastern business cultures to assist western clients in realizing the advantages of the high quality, low cost technology products and services available from China. NewMarket China also assists Western clients in localizing products and services to realize the tremendous growth potential available by expanding into the Chinese Market
October Love Story
Love Story
I will seek and find you ...
I shall take you to bed and have my way with you
I will make you ache, shake and sweat until you moan and groan..
I will make you beg for mercy, beg for me to stop.
I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I'm finished with you.
And, when I am finished, you will be weak for days.
All my love,
The Flu
LOS ANGELES, Oct 29, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- ImClone Systems Incorporated (IMCL:
News, chart, profile, more
IMCL, , ) , a leader in the development and commercialization of novel cancer therapeutics, today announced that the 1000th patient has been enrolled in the independent national registry of patients with head and neck cancer known as LORHAN (Longitudinal Oncology Registry of Head And Neck carcinoma). The announcement was made in conjunction with the Company's sponsorship of and participation in the American Society for Therapeutic Radiation and Oncology (ASTRO) 49th Annual Meeting, which is being held this week in Los Angeles. Radiation therapy is a core treatment option for patients with head and neck cancer.
The LORHAN Registry was established in October 2005 to better understand treatment practices for Head and Neck Cancer patients by providing insight into national treatment trends and outcomes. LORHAN is the only longitudinal registry of its kind in the U.S. and since its launch less than two years ago, 95 sites have joined the Registry, including many major U.S. cancer treatment centers.
LORHAN is guided by a prestigious advisory board chaired by Dr. K. Kian Ang, of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, that includes: Walter Curran, M.D., Thomas Jefferson University Hospital; Paul Harari, M.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison; Barbara Murphy, M.D., Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center; Stuart Wong, M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin; Amy Chen, M.D., Emory University; and Adam Garden, M.D., M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. The program is being supported by ImClone Systems Incorporated and implemented by MedNet Solutions, Inc. of Minnetonka, Minnesota.
LORHAN is non-drug specific and collects detailed longitudinal treatment data for head and neck cancer patients managed in all practice settings. The Registry gathers the information, including treatment and supportive care choices as well as recurrence and survival outcomes, into a national database via a confidential, simple and secure Web-based system. The Registry allows physicians in all practice settings to compare the treatment outcomes of their patients as well as to compare treatment practices and outcomes in community and academic settings.
"LORHAN complements the existing general cancer registries (SEER and NCDB) in that it collects the details of non-surgical treatments and supportive care rendered along with disease and functional outcome data in all practice settings," said K. Kian Ang, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Radiation Oncology, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Chairman of the LORHAN Advisory Board. "Findings from LORHAN are expected to contribute to developing strategies to optimize patient care and generating hypotheses for future trials. From a practical standpoint, LORHAN allows active participants to confidentially compare the findings from their individual practices to those of the aggregate dataset on an ongoing basis. This unique feature can help individual oncologists in designing plans and compiling documentation for complying with the emerging national mandates to continuously improve practice quality and patient safety."
"As a leader in the development of biologic therapies for head and neck cancer, ImClone is proud to support LORHAN and the generation of this type of data designed to improve the consistency and quality of treatment and outcomes for patients with head and neck cancer," said John H. Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of ImClone. "The enrollment of the 1000th patient in LORHAN is an important milestone for the Head and Neck Cancer Community and is a testament to the dedication of our prestigious faculty, the participating sites, and ImClone in better understanding and treating this devastating disease."
Learn More
Physicians interested in participating or learning more about LORHAN should visit https:// (Login ID and password: LORHAN) or contact Jen Ohme at Other interested parties can visit for more information about LORHAN.
About ImClone Systems
The average health professional rarely ever sees let alone tyreats a staph MRSA infection. The Infectious disease specialists know abot it very well. As Community Staph MRSA keeps spreading and infecting large numbers it will become as well known as aspirin.
Thaks for your post. It saved me the time I would have spent saying the same that you posted.
In Case You Missed The Connection
Interesting Year 1981
1. Prince Charles got married
2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champion of Europe
3. Australia lost the Ashes tournament.
4. Pope Died
Interesting Year 2005
1. Prince Charles got married
2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champion of Europe
3. Australia lost the Ashes tournament
4. Pope Died
Lesson Learned:
The next time Charles gets married...someone warn the Pope
Cytomedix Licenses Technology Patent to Smith & Nephew
Tuesday October 16, 2:00 pm ET
ROCKVILLE, Md., Oct. 16, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Cytomedix, Inc. (AMEX:GTF - News) today announced that it has entered into a licensing agreement with Smith & Nephew, Inc., a global medical technology business, specializing in Orthopedic Trauma & Clinical Therapies, Orthopedic Reconstruction, Endoscopy and Advanced Wound Management products.
Under the agreement Cytomedix has granted to Smith & Nephew a non-exclusive license under its key ``Knighton'' patent (U.S. Patent No. 5,165,938) for all applications of its autologous platelet releasate therapy except for use in the chronic wound market.
``We are very pleased to license our proprietary technology to an esteemed company such as Smith & Nephew for its own platelet gel products, while at the same time excluding rights to the chronic wound market, where Cytomedix is the only company with a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared platelet gel therapy product with an indication for use on chronic wounds,'' said Dr. Kshitij Mohan, Ph.D., Cytomedix's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. ``This agreement will provide us with additional cash and another expected royalty stream. As a result of our recently announced agreement with our patent counsel, we will not be required to pay any contingent legal fees from the proceeds received from Smith & Nephew as a result of this agreement. These agreements come at an opportune time as the Company prepares to launch its new AutoloGel(tm) System that was just cleared by the Food and Drug Administration.''
Cytomedix recently announced that it had obtained clearance from the FDA to market its AutoloGel System for use on a wide variety of wounds, including diabetic ulcers, leg ulcers and pressure ulcers. The Company has also recently announced progress in its efforts to obtain national Medicare coverage for platelet gel therapy.
My wife, as a consequence of a total knee replacement surgery several years ago tried a three week course of treatment with Cubicin in a wasted attempt to contain the Staph Epi infection in her knee. Of course Cubicin is for treatment of Stapf MRSA infections. The infectious disiease specialist who prescribed this expensive treatment was also involved in the clinical trials of this drug. I am going to speak with him and see if he can explain the lack of awareness on the part of our media. I'll post result. PS The treatment with cubicin cost $7000 and I administered the intravenous treatment at my home.
In the D.C. Metro area the newspapers and TV news are reporting wide spread of Staph infections in area high schools. A number of Staph MRSA cases have surfaced and one student death has been recorded. Could have impact on sales.But surprising to me is that not a single story on this subject has mentioned daptomycin nor cubicin
Wow! GHlad I don't use diesel.
The Holiday Season is just a little bit down the road
and the bad guys are already trying to get free stuff by using your
New Credit Card Scam says this is true. See
this site -> This Snopes site
says TRUE!!!
This one is pretty slick since they provide YOU with all
the information, except the one piece they want.
Note, the callers do not ask for your card number; they
already have it. This information is worth reading. By understanding
how the VISA & MasterCard Telephone Credit Card Scam works, you'll be
better prepared to protect yourself.
One of our employees was called on Wednesday from
"VISA", and I was called on Thursday from "Master Card".
& nbsp; The scam works like this: Person calling says, "This is
(name), and I'm calling from the Security and Fraud Department at VISA.
My badge number is 12460. Your card has been flagged for an unusual
purchase pattern, and I'm calling to verify. This would be on your VISA
card which was issued by ( name of bank). Did you purchase an
Anti-Telemarketing Device for $497.99 from a Marketing company based in
Arizona ?" When you say "No", the caller continues with, "Then we will
be issuing a credit to your account. This is a company we have been
watching and the charges range from $297 to $497, just under the $500
purchase pattern that flags most cards. Before your next statement, the
credit will be sent to (gives you your address), is that correct?"
You say "yes". The caller continues - "I will be
starting a Fraud investigation. If you have any questions, you should
call the 1- 800 number listed on the back of your card (1-800-VISA) and
ask for Security.
You will need to refer to this Control Number. The
caller then gives you a 6 digit number. "Do you need me to read it
Here's the IMPORTANT part on how the scam works. The
caller then says, "I need to verify you are in possession of your card."
He'll ask you to "turn your card over and look for some numbers." There
are 7 numbers; the first 4 are part of your card number, the next 3 are
the security Numbers' that verify you are the possessor of the card.
These are the numbers you sometimes use to make Internet purchases to
prove you have the card. T he caller will ask you to read the 3 numbers
to him. After you tell the caller the 3 numbers, he'll say, "That is
correct, I just needed to verify that the card has not been lost or
stolen, and that you still have your card. Do you have any other
questions?" After you say, "No," the caller then thanks you and states,
"Don't hesitate to call back if you do", and hangs up.
You actually say very little, and they never ask for or
tell you the Card number. But after we were called on Wednesday, we
called back within 20 minutes to ask a question. Are we glad we did!
The REAL VISA security Department told us it was a scam and in the last
15 minutes a new purchase of $497.99 was charged to our card .
Long story - short - we made a real fraud report and
closed the VISA account. VISA is re issuing us a new number. What the
scammers want is the 3-digit PIN number on the back of the card. Don't
give it to them. Instead, tell them you'll call VISA or Master card
directly for verification of their conversation. The real VISA told us
that they will never ask for anything on the card as they already know
the information since they issued the card! If you give the scammers
your 3 Digit PIN Number, you think you're receiving a credit. However,
by the time you get your statement you'll see charges for purchases you
didn't make, and by then it's almost too late and/or more difficult to
actually file a fraud report.
What makes this more remarkable is that on Thursday, I
got a call from a "Jason Richardson of Master Card" with a word-for-word
repeat of the VISA scam. This time I didn't let him finish. I hung up!
We filed a police report, as instructed by VISA. The police said they
are taking several of these reports daily! They also urged us to tell
everybody we know that this scam is happening .
Please pass this on to all your family and friends. By
informing each other, we protect each other.
The Holiday Season is just a little bit down the road
and the bad guys are already trying to get free stuff by using your
New Credit Card Scam says this is true. See
this site -> This Snopes site
says TRUE!!!
This one is pretty slick since they provide YOU with all
the information, except the one piece they want.
Note, the callers do not ask for your card number; they
already have it. This information is worth reading. By understanding
how the VISA & MasterCard Telephone Credit Card Scam works, you'll be
better prepared to protect yourself.
One of our employees was called on Wednesday from
"VISA", and I was called on Thursday from "Master Card".
& nbsp; The scam works like this: Person calling says, "This is
(name), and I'm calling from the Security and Fraud Department at VISA.
My badge number is 12460. Your card has been flagged for an unusual
purchase pattern, and I'm calling to verify. This would be on your VISA
card which was issued by ( name of bank). Did you purchase an
Anti-Telemarketing Device for $497.99 from a Marketing company based in
Arizona ?" When you say "No", the caller continues with, "Then we will
be issuing a credit to your account. This is a company we have been
watching and the charges range from $297 to $497, just under the $500
purchase pattern that flags most cards. Before your next statement, the
credit will be sent to (gives you your address), is that correct?"
You say "yes". The caller continues - "I will be
starting a Fraud investigation. If you have any questions, you should
call the 1- 800 number listed on the back of your card (1-800-VISA) and
ask for Security.
You will need to refer to this Control Number. The
caller then gives you a 6 digit number. "Do you need me to read it
Here's the IMPORTANT part on how the scam works. The
caller then says, "I need to verify you are in possession of your card."
He'll ask you to "turn your card over and look for some numbers." There
are 7 numbers; the first 4 are part of your card number, the next 3 are
the security Numbers' that verify you are the possessor of the card.
These are the numbers you sometimes use to make Internet purchases to
prove you have the card. T he caller will ask you to read the 3 numbers
to him. After you tell the caller the 3 numbers, he'll say, "That is
correct, I just needed to verify that the card has not been lost or
stolen, and that you still have your card. Do you have any other
questions?" After you say, "No," the caller then thanks you and states,
"Don't hesitate to call back if you do", and hangs up.
You actually say very little, and they never ask for or
tell you the Card number. But after we were called on Wednesday, we
called back within 20 minutes to ask a question. Are we glad we did!
The REAL VISA security Department told us it was a scam and in the last
15 minutes a new purchase of $497.99 was charged to our card .
Long story - short - we made a real fraud report and
closed the VISA account. VISA is re issuing us a new number. What the
scammers want is the 3-digit PIN number on the back of the card. Don't
give it to them. Instead, tell them you'll call VISA or Master card
directly for verification of their conversation. The real VISA told us
that they will never ask for anything on the card as they already know
the information since they issued the card! If you give the scammers
your 3 Digit PIN Number, you think you're receiving a credit. However,
by the time you get your statement you'll see charges for purchases you
didn't make, and by then it's almost too late and/or more difficult to
actually file a fraud report.
What makes this more remarkable is that on Thursday, I
got a call from a "Jason Richardson of Master Card" with a word-for-word
repeat of the VISA scam. This time I didn't let him finish. I hung up!
We filed a police report, as instructed by VISA. The police said they
are taking several of these reports daily! They also urged us to tell
everybody we know that this scam is happening .
Please pass this on to all your family and friends. By
informing each other, we protect each other.
And what, may I ask, would you teach him?
RKM Recently Named Microsoft Large Account Reseller and Enterprise Software Advisor Partner
DALLAS, TX – October 19, 2007 -- NewMarket Technology, Inc. (OTCBB: NMKT) announced today that their regional subsidiary, RKM IT Solutions (RKM), has reported that their Microsoft license sales for the third quarter of 2007 have achieved 83% of all the sales reported in the trailing 4 quarters. Microsoft Venezuela, S.A.'s fiscal year ends June 30 and the RKM Microsoft license sales for Microsoft Venezuela's first quarter 2008 have already achieved 83% of all similar license sales achieved in the Microsoft fiscal year 2007. RKM attributes this significant increase in sales primarily to three main customers, which are Molina Agencia de Viajes, a major travel agency, Consorcio Promoting, and Accroven, a natural gas company.
RKM was recently selected by Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) as a Large Account Reseller and Enterprise Software Advisor (LAR/ESA) for Venezuela. This new partnership allows RKM to significantly extend its existing Microsoft Gold partnership to offer high volume licensing, specifically "Enterprise Agreement" (EA) and "Select" for companies with more than 250 PCs and support services to large enterprise and institutional customers.
Microsoft recently completed the competitive evaluation process, selecting RKM as one of only three firms across the country to be a LAR/ESA partner. Prior to their selection to the LAR/ESA Partner program, RKM has been a Microsoft Gold Partner since 2001, winning the 2003 Microsoft Infrastructure Solution of the Year award in Venezuela.
RKM and NewMarket Latin America, Inc.
Separately, NewMarket Technology is currently working on consolidating RKM into the company's recently formed regional subsidiary, NewMarket Latin America, Inc. (OTC: NLAI). NewMarket Latin America focuses on systems integration and emerging technology in Latin America and currently has regional offices in Brazil and Chile.
To be added to NewMarket Technology's e-mail database for shareholders and interested investors, please send an e-mail to
About RKM IT Solutions (
RKM, owned by NewMarket Technology, is a sixteen-year old systems integration and IT outsourcing services firm recognized in Venezuela and throughout northern South America as a leading provider of mission critical voice, data and video network solutions, as well as systems integration and help desk support. Clients include the Top 50 international corporations in the country, as well as a strong presence in the Oil and Gas, Banking and Manufacturing industry. RKM is also a regionally certified partner for Cisco Systems, Novell, Computer Associates, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Systimax and Microsoft. RKM was awarded the 2003 Microsoft Infrastructure Solution of the Year in Venezuela and has been recognized as a Microsoft Gold Partner and now a Microsoft LAR/ESA partner. The company is expanding its system integration and IT outsourcing services in the Caribbean, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Mexico.
Fonar = Fantasy!!!!
NewMarket Technology, Inc. Issues Update on Continued Rapid Revenue Growth Beyond $77.6 Million in 2006 and Plan to List Subsidiaries and Issue Dividends
CEO Publishes Letter to Shareholders
DALLAS, TX – October 18, 2007 -- NewMarket Technology, Inc. (OTCBB: NMKT) today released a letter to shareholders from the Company’s CEO, Philip M. Verges. The letter updates shareholders on the Company’s initiative to strengthen and reinforce the staffing, processes and procedures to support continued revenue and profit growth. The initiative will also support the Company’s plans to list additional subsidiary operations and subsequently distribute public subsidiary stock to NewMarket shareholders through dividend declarations. NewMarket revenue has grown 7,996% in five years to $77.6 million in 2006 with $5.8 million in net income. The Company has made progress with its plans to independently list subsidiary operations with the recent successful listings of both NewMarket China, Inc (OTCBB: NMCH) and NewMarket Latin America (OTC: NLAI).
The CEO’s letter to shareholders is included in its entirety below.
Dear Fellow Shareholders:
It was an exciting surprise to receive the award for NewMarket ranking first in the Dallas-Forth Worth MTBC and Deloitte Tech Titan Fast 50 for a second consecutive year. You can see highlights of the awards ceremony on YouTube.
NewMarket Technology, Inc. Subsidiary, RKM IT Solutions, Named Microsoft LAR/ESA Partner
DALLAS, TX – October 18, 2007 -- NewMarket Technology, Inc. (OTCBB: NMKT) announced today that their regional subsidiary, RKM IT Solutions (RKM), has been selected by Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) as a Large Account Reseller and Enterprise Software Advisor (LAR/ESA) for Venezuela. This new partnership allows RKM to significantly extend its existing Microsoft Gold partnership to offer high volume licensing, specifically “Enterprise Agreement” (EA) and “Select” for companies with more than 250 PCs and support services to large enterprise and institutional customers.
Microsoft recently completed the competitive evaluation process, selecting RKM as one of only three firms across the country to be a LAR/ESA partner. Prior to their selection to the LAR/ESA Partner program, RKM has been a Microsoft Gold Partner since 2001, winning the 2003 Microsoft Infrastructure Solution of the Year award in Venezuela.
Microsoft has established the LAR/ESA channel with specialized partners that provide superior license consulting and Software Asset Management services to medium-sized and large organizations. LAR/ESA Partners significantly expand Microsoft’s reach both geographically and to the rapidly growing category of Mid-Market and corporate customers.
RKM and NewMarket Latin America, Inc.
Separately, NewMarket Technology is currently working on consolidating RKM into the company’s recently formed regional subsidiary, NewMarket Latin America, Inc. (OTC: NLAI). NewMarket Latin America focuses on systems integration and emerging technology in Latin America and currently has regional offices in Brazil and Chile.
An Einstein Theory
March 19, 2007 was Einstein's birthday. He would have
been 128. Few people remember that the Nobel
Prize winner married his cousin, Elsa Lowenthal,
after his first marriage dissolved in 1919.
He stated that he was attracted to Elsa because
she was well endowed. He postulated that if you
are attracted to women with large breasts,
the attraction is even stronger if there is a DNA
This came to be known as Einstein's Theory of
Relative Titty.
Have a good day,
Bar Stool Economics
---- From the University of Georgia:
Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.
So, that's what they decided to do.
The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. "Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20." Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.
The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free.
But what about the other six men - the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?' They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.
And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).
Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.
"I only got a dollar out of the $20,"declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man," but he got $10!" "Yeah, that's right,"
exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he got ten times more than I!" "That's true!!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!" "Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!" The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up
The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!
And that, ladies and gentlemen, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.
David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
University of Georgia
For those who understand, no explanation is needed. For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.
Merck Announces Joint Agreement With ImClone and Bristol-Myers Squibb for
Erbitux in Japan
• Co-development and co-commercialization of Erbitux in metastatic
cancer upon health authority approval
Darmstadt, October 17, 2007 – Merck KGaA announced today that it has
established an agreement with ImClone Systems Incorporated and
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company for the co-development and
co-commercialization of Erbitux® (cetuximab) in Japan if approved by the
Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA). Under terms of
the co-development and co-commercialization agreement, Merck, ImClone
Systems and Bristol-Myers Squibb will jointly market the product under the
common trademark Erbitux in Japan for the treatment of metastatic
colorectal cancer (CRC), as well as for the treatment of any other cancers
that the parties decide to pursue. Merck and BMS will utilize their
respective sales forces in Japan and the three companies will share
development costs, sales and marketing expenses, and profits realized as a
result of the agreement. Merck Serono Japan will distribute the product and
book the sales for the collaboration.
The complete news release can be downloaded at the following link:$File/Japan-e.pdf
Merck's news releases are available at this address:
You may change your subscription at any time by following this link:
This morning on the Interstate,
I looked over to my left and there was a
In a brand new
Doing 65 mph
With her
Face up next to her
Rear view mirror
Putting on her eyeliner.
I looked away
For a couple seconds
And when I looked back she was
Halfway over in my lane,
Still working on that makeup.
As a man,
I don't scare easily.
But she scared me so much;
I dropped
My electric shaver,
Which knocked
The donut
Out of my other hand.
In all
The confusion of trying
To straighten out the car
Using my knees against
The steering wheel,
it knocked
my cell phone
away from my ear
which fell
into the coffee
between my legs,
splashed, and burned
Big Jim and the Twins,
ruined the damn phone,
A fleeing Al Qaeda guerrilla, desperate for water, was plodding through the Iraqi desert when he saw something far off in the
distance. Hoping to find water, he walked toward the object, only to find a little old Jewish man at a small stand selling neckties.
The Arab asked, "Do you have water?"
The Jewish man replied, "I have no water. Would you like to buy a tie? They are only $5."
The Arab shouted, "Idiot Jew! Israel should not exist! I do not need an over-priced tie. I need water! I should kill you, but I must find water first."
"OK," said the old Jew, "It does not matter that you do not want to buy a tie and that you hate me. I will show you that I am bigger
than that. If you continue over that hill to the east for about two miles, you will find a lovely restaurant. It has all the water you need. "Shalom."
Muttering, the Arab staggered away over the hill.
Several hours later he staggered back, near collapse.
"Your brother won't let me in without a tie."
Will thius latest sale,as all others in the past, ioncrease the bottom line loss????
Chicago Cubs outfielder Andre Dawson on being a
role model: "I wan' all dem kids to do what I do,
to look up to me. I wan' all the kids to copulate
New Orleans Saint RB George Rogers when asked
about the upcoming season: "I want to rush for
1,000 or 1,500 yards, whichever comes first."
And, upon hearing Joe Jacobi of the 'Skins say:
"I'd run over my own mother to win the Super
Bowl," Matt Millen of the Raiders said: "To win,
I'd run over Joe's Mom, too."
Torrin Polk, University of Houston receiver, on
his coach, John Jenkins: "He treats us like men.
He lets us wear earrings."
Football commentator and former player Joe
Theisman in, 1996 : "Nobody in football should be
called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman
Senior basketball player at the University of
Pittsburgh: "I'm going to graduate on time, no
matter how long it takes." (Now, that is
Bill Peterson, a Florida State football coach:
"You guys line up alphabetically by height." And,
"You guys pair up in groups of three, then line up
in a circle."
Boxing promoter Dan Duva on Mike Tyson hooking
up again with promoter Don King: "Why would anyone
expect him to come out smarter? He went to prison
for three years, not Princeton " (This one is
Stu Grimson, Chicago Blackhawks left wing,
explaining why he keeps a color photo of himself
above his locker: "That's so when I forget how to
spell my name, I can still find my clothes."
Lou Duva, veteran boxing trainer, on the Spartan
training regime of heavyweight Andrew Golota:
"He's a guy who gets up at six o'clock in the
morning, regardless of what time it is."
Chuck Nevitt, North Carolina State basketball
player, explaining to Coach Jim Valvano why he
appeared nervous at practice: "My sister's
expecting a baby, and I don't know if I'm going to
be an uncle or an aunt." (I wonder if his IQ ever
hit room temperature in January)
Frank Layden, Utah Jazz president, on a former
player: "I told him, 'Son, what is it with you?
Is it ignorance or apathy?' He said, "Coach, I
don't know and I don't care." (My favorite)
Shelby Metcalf, basketball coach at Texas A&M,
recounting what he told a player who received four
F's and one D: "Son, looks to me like you're
spending too much time on one subject."
Amarillo High School and Oiler coach Bum
Phillips when asked by Bob Costas why he takes his
wife on all the road trips, Phillips responded:
"Because she is too ugly to kiss good-bye." (Dead
man walkin'