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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
I don't think there is any conspiracy here.
Do we know what the issue was?
Let's see if they say anything about it. They might not even know yet - I have seen that happen before.
I'll try to call them later this morning to ask about it.
I doubt that - OTC Markets has a criteria driven framework for classifying stocks.
Are you absolutely sure that all of XCPL's filings are current? I saw a couple other tickers I follow get the same downgrade today. The timing suggests that all had something due 10/31 that was not filed on time or filed correctly.
XCPL went from Pink Current to Pink Limited (yield sign) on OTC Markets today
DBMM Haiku - at first
I thought you had written, but
5-7-5 it's not....
...that's "DBMM" as one syllable :)
Mining is very capital intensive. I would prefer they focus on the remediation services.
Does anyone really care about the mining operations anymore given the big contract for dam remediation? Seems like the old mining stuff is off on a very cool back buner for the foreseeable future.
LOOK at the pic you posted
That's some pretty high-priced rental space. Hop this signals they have clients right there in the immediate area (the PR indicates 250 east coast personnel, but is not specific to the area right around Rockefeller Center).
In addition to Rockefeller Center itself, there are lots of high-end offices and stores like Tiffany's and Saks right nearby.
That is speculation at this point, based on how long it has taken for OTC Markets to make similar changes for other tickers. There is no set schedule. Additionally, once OTC Markets makes its change, it usually can take a few days for any given broker to pick up the change.
You need to monitor the OTC Markets site, and be prepared to call in your order once OTC-M has made the change (and possibly speak directly to the compliane team at your broker as their systems may lag in picking up the change).
$6.95 per trade for anything on the otc (includes pink). Multiple fills against the same order on the same day count as one trade, if those fills are spread over multiple days you get hit with a commission every day there is a fill. Note that if you get a partial fill, then change the limit price on the remainder, that counts as two separate orders so two commissions.
I am a pretty active trader and they have not been willing to negotiate on commissions with me.
As for warrants, there is a two part answer. Most penny stock warrants trade otc so there would be the $6.95 commission. However, most warrants associated with SPACs trade NASDAQ so no commission on those.
I too am not a big fan of AON orders on otc stocks. If the spread is very small I just hit the bid. If the spread is larger, I will usually set my order somewhere just under the ask - sufficiently above the bid to handle multiple commissions if I get fills over several days.
EDIT: the only time I have been able to have Schwab waive commissions is when I have wanted a "courtesy trade" to get out of a worthless stock position so I could claim the loss. They are pretty good about waiving commissions in that circumstance.
So is winter...
Correct - brokerages only started imposing the CE restrictions around September of last year, if I recall correctly.
I doubt that anything else was dependent on Ronaldinho. I would think that would take a little bit of management time but should not take away cycles from the people who would be working on name change etc.
You are spamming.
Maybe not Monday, but later in the week as EOM margin calls come due. Brookers usually square up their books at month end.
US brokers have been accepting sell orders all the time we have been waiting - that has never been an issue and is meaningless.
There is no reason they would cancel your order.
Thanks. I don’t use the Schwab website. I use their Street Smart Edge trading platform. I don’t think the code shows there.
No, they are not. Presumably those were orders worked during each day and then crossed at the close.
Wasn't one of the departing guys CMO?
I wonder if they have built up enough unused vacation that they will get paid through the end of the year. That might be a factor in the timing.
Let's see if AUPH just leaves those positions open (which would favor a buyout scenario) or fills them (which would signal they feel they need to continue to advance their science, conduct further trials, etc.).
I'm not going anywhere either.
Thanks - the AH trades are great, but I am more impressed and happy with the trade for 60,932 shares at 8.26 right before the close. That's half a million bucks. Not coming from iHub!
Where does Schwab show that information?
Look on the bright side - at least you did not get a message that the number was no longer in service.
There is a lot of enthusiasm as there is EVIDENCE that the things longs had been hoping for for a long time are starting to happen.
That is different from baseless pumping and pure hopium, both of which this board has had its fill of over the years.
I am not sure what planet you are coming from, but on this one there is no way the CE coming off (which now seems a question of WHEN, not IF) can be a negative thing for the DBMM stock price.
Thanks for the reply.
That is one POSSIBLE explanation - the best case scenario. The nature of the positions involved (CMO and EVP Research) that are now vacant also suggest that AUPH is not working on further developing their science or IP. It is also doubtful that they both suddenly got new jobs and are leaving on short notice at the same time.
Other than pure cost-cutting, or both of them getting into a spat with PG (why now?) what other explanations are there?
Faster, Faster, the light is turning red...
That would be way better than Chinese.
IF there is a partner.
Nothing has to happen. The company simply can't issue more shares, at least until they either expand the a/s or do a reverse split that affects o/s but not a/s.
There's one big difference - CLHI had a community of people following it, and, at the time, Synergy actively working the shell.
However, to use either "actively" or working in a sentence with our CEO in ASKH would be an oxymoron.
What do long term posters make of the AUPH executive departures? Robert Huizinga EVP Research and Neil Solomon CMO are departing at the end of this month. Pretty sudden.
While I would not buy right now, I personally think that the opportunity come late this year or very early next year - before the merger.
I think that the elongated timeline for merger completion will wear traders out (or simply bore them) and they will exit over the next couple months. I also think that we will see tax selling late this year. I am going to watch SHMP for weakness in December, and then possibly buy back in, taking advantage of the (relative) liquidity in SHMP compared to that of YOTA. Additionally, as with all mergers, SHMP will trade at a discount to YOTA until the deal is actually complete.
Didn’t see the x
If we are at 10-15 a year from now I will be disappointed.
Any idea why Schwab, Ameritrade, and StockTwits all show the company name for SEV as "Sono Group" as opposed to "Spectra7 Microsystems Inc."? Same for OTC Markets.
Is iHub running ahead of a name change that is as yet still unofficial?
I have had limit orders in on TORVF this week but no fills as yet.
Like the story, hate to chase.
Hope you have more than $840. CDEL could have a lot more shares for sale there than the 10K they are showing.