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03/03/03 11:36 AM

#7914 RE: deadbeat45 #7913

But are you directly related to mlsoft? Your disgusting twisted religious views seem to match.
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03/03/03 12:08 PM

#7926 RE: deadbeat45 #7913

Pastor Bertrand L. Comparet,A.B., J.D.
In the Bible, God repeatedly warns us against any mixing of races and especially against intermarriage and mongrelization. Some of this has been overlooked because of imperfect translation out of the Hebrew and Greek languages in which the Bible was written. Let us examine some of these passages, carefully noting the exact meaning of the words used in the original tongues.

From the very beginning, the commandment not to permit mongrelization is strongly emphasized. For example:

EXODUS 33:16 "So shall we be separated, I and all of Thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth."

LEVITICUS 20:24 "I am the Lord thy God, which have separated you from other people."

JOSHUA 23:12-13 "if ye do in any wise go back and cleave unto the remnant of these nations, even these that remain among you, and shall make marriage with them and go in unto them and they unto you: know for a certainty that they shall be snares and traps unto you and scourges in your sides and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish off from this good land which the Lord your God has given you."

DEUTERONOMY 7:3 "NEITHER SHALT THOU MAKE MARRIAGE WITH THEM: thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son."

Many warnings are given in the Bible not to mate with "the stranger. "But the Hebrew words translated "stranger" in these verses are "ZUWR", "NEKAR", and "NOKRI" and each one means A PERSON OF A DIFFERENT RACE FROM OURS. (There are other Hebrew words, "ger" and "toshab", meaning persons who are aliens only in a political sense, but of our race.) The warning against race mixing is always against those "strangers" who are ZUWR, NEKAR, or NOKRI. For example.

PROVERBS 23:27 "For a whore is a deep ditch; and a strange (ZUWR) woman is a narrow pit.

The reason for the warning is clear. MONGRELIZATION IS THE WORST FORM OF "GENOCIDE". If you kill 99% of a race, but leave the other 1% pure blooded, they will in time restore the race. But, when you mongrelize them, you have destroyed that race eternally. Once mixed with the Black or Yellow Races, the White Race would be totally and forever destroyed. Hence, God has forbidden it.

PSALM 144:11-12 "Rid me and deliver me from the hand of a strange (NEKAR) children, whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood: That OUR SONS may be as plants grown up in their youth, that OUR DAUGHTERS may be as the polished cornices of a palace."

JEREMIAH 2"21,25 "Yet I planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed. HOW THEN, ART THOU TURNED INTO THE DEGENERATE PLANT OF A STRANGE (ZUWR) VINE UNTO ME? Withhold thy foot from being unshod, and thy throat thirst: but thou saidest There is no hope: no: for I HAVE LOVED STRANGERS (ZUWR) AND AFTER THEM I WILL GO.

HOSEA 5:6-7 "They shall go with their flocks and their herds to seek the Lord, but they shall not find Him: He hath withdrawn Himself from them. THEY HAVE DEALT TREACHEROUSLY AGAINST THE LORD: FOR THEY HAVE BEGOTTEN STRANGE (ZUWR) CHILDREN."

NOAH WAS SAVED BECAUSE HE WAS PURE BLOODED, WHILE THOSE AROUND HIM WERE MONGRELIZED. Genesis 6:2,4-5, records the forbidden mixing of races and the evil results thereof. But of Noah,

GENESIS 6:9 "Noah was a just man and perfect (Hebrew 'taw-meem - without blemish) in his generations (Hebrew 'to-led-aw'- descent, ancestry). Hence, Noah and his family were saved while the mongrels were wiped out.


JUDE 7 "Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication and GOING AFTER STRANGE FLESH, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."

Those who seek to force integration in the schools and churches are new beginning to admit that their real purpose is to bring about RACIAL INTERMARRIAGE. They have even deceived certain well meaning but ignorant clergymen into helping them. Even without inter-marriage, JUST ALLOWING NEGROES INTO THE WHITE CHURCHES IS DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD. Do you say, "I didn't see that in my Bible?" That is only because mis-translation conceals it from you. No doubt, you were puzzled when you read the following:

DEUTERONOMY 23:2 "A bastard shall not enter into the Congregation of the Lord: even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the Congregation of the Lord."

You wondered at this, because an illegitimate child is not to blame for the sins of its parents; and why should the penalty extend for ten generations? They might all be legitimately born.

But the Hebrew word mistranslated "bastard" is the word "MAMZER": It means a MIXTURE, A HALF-BREED OR MONGREL. It has nothing to do with whether a child's parents were married, but it refers to THE FORBIDDEN INTERMIXTURE OF RACES. THAT IS WHY THE PENALTY EXTENDS FOR TEN GENERATIONS: and it shows how seriously God treats this sin. It is true that the mulatto child is not to blame for his parents' sins: BUT HE IS STILL A MULATTO. The first generation would be a half-breed; the second would have at least a quarter of the black blood; the third at least 1/8; the fourth 1/16; and so on. IN THE TENTH GENERATION, THE NEGRO BLOOD MAY BE AS SMALL AS ONE PART IN 1,024, YET GOD HIMSELF SAYS THAT THIS IS TOO MUCH TO BE ALLOWED TO "ENTER INTO THE CONGREGATION OF THE LORD."

If you admit that YOUR church is not worthy to be called "the Congregation of the Lord," then perhaps this doesn't concern you. But if your church is, or trying to be, "the Congregation of the Lord," HADN'T YOU BETTER OBEY GOD'S OWN COMMANDMENT CONCERNING IT? CALL THIS TO THE ATTENTION OF YOUR MINISTER.

The unfortunate children of such marriages are not the guilty ones of course, the sin is that of their parents. Yet the fact that they cannot help what they are does not change the permanent fact THEY ARE WHAT THEY ARE. The experience of thousands of years has demonstrated that the dark races do not have what it takes to produce the White Man's high civilization. They have never had it in their own lands and they only have it here because we, the White Majority, make it so.

The mixed breed is the same. It does not have in proper measure those qualities which God so carefully implanted in the White Race to carry out certain purposes which He has assigned to them. Recognition that God Himself, made the races different does not imply hatred or contempt for any of them. Difference has its purposes, which must be respected. I do not expect the family cat to sing like a canary, nor the canary to keep mice out of the kitchen. If I went quail hunting, I would not expect a horse to point quail for me, neither would I try to saddle and ride the best hunting dog in the world. All the family pets are equally loved and neither is despised because he can't do what some other does. Each has his own purpose and trying to mix them up or interbreed them can only harm them.

I know that there are many people to whom these facts are new. There are also many who have learned the evil lesson that they can get more money or more political popularity by violating these laws of God than by obeying them.

Some of you might not like being reminded of these things. But remember, I did not write the Bible, God wrote it, through His prophets. His commandments are always right. FOR OUR OWN GOOD, FOR THE VERY SURVIVAL OF OUR WHITE RACE UPON THE EARTH AND THAT WE MAY FACE OUR GOD WITH A BETTER CONSCIENCE, WE HAD BETTER OBEY THESE LAWS OF GOD.

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03/03/03 12:08 PM

#7929 RE: deadbeat45 #7913


Where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty - - 2 Cor. 3:17

Louis W. Cable

There is no morality outside of the Holy Bible! We hear this cliché repeated ad nauseam by Bible believers. But is the Bible itself morally flawed? Take, for example, the institution of human slavery. Could anything be more immoral than the buying and selling of fellow human beings into a life of involuntary servitude? What does the Bible have to say about it? Well, we'll see. But first, let us briefly review the history of slavery in America.

The importation of African slaves into the New World began shortly after Columbus’ famous “discovery” in 1492. In 1517 the Bishop of Las Casas, a high official in the Roman Catholic Church, encouraged immigration to the New World by permitting Spaniards to import twelve Negroes each2. So Christianity and African slaves were introduced into the New World at about the same time. In what was later to become the United States of America it begin in 1619 when twenty Africans were unloaded from a Dutch ship at Jamestown, Virginia and sold into slavery3. From these humble beginnings the slave trade blossomed into a hugely profitable venture.

Many of our revered founding fathers were slave owners. George Washington, the father of our country, owned slaves as did the great Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence. Patrick Henry, the great orator who coined the famous slogan, “Give me liberty or give me death,” was, ironically enough, a slave owner. The slaver trade was recognized as a legitimate commercial enterprise, and slave markets operated openly. The rights of slave owners were protected by law while the slave, of course, had no rights. Although President Lincoln's famous Emancipation Proclamation became effective on January 1,1863, slavery did not officially end in this country until the thirteenth amendment to the U. S. Constitution was ratified in 1865.

Slavery was legal in the United States for almost two hundred and fifty years. Why so long? Isn’t this a Christian nation founded on God’s word, the Holy Bible? That’s what many Christians tell me. Well, if that’s so, maybe that’s where the rub comes in because the Bible not only condones slavery, it actually encourages that cruel institution and has, in fact, been effectively used to promote and preserve it. Here, for example is a quote from Jefferson Davis, the first and only president of the Confederacy4, "It (slavery) was established by decree of Almighty God and is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments from Genesis to Revelation."

God approves of slavery. In Exodus 21:1-6 he sets forth the guidelines for the buying, selling and treatment of slaves. He says that if a male slave marries, his wife and children shall remain with the master when the slave departs because technically speaking they belong to the master. Now if the slave is imprudent enough to protests because he loves his wife and children God tells the master to, "Take an awl and thrust it through his earlobe unto the door." This is all repeated in Deut. 15:17 accept here it says, "Do likewise to your maid slaves." In Exodus 21:7-9 God even instructs men how they are to go about selling their daughters into slavery.

Concerning family values, in Joel 3:8 God warns that, “I will sell your sons and your daughters to the Judians, and they shall in turn sell them to the Sabeans, to a people far off.” In case you are still unconvinced, try 1 Tim. 6:1-2; “Let slaves regard their masters as worthy of all honor ." Matthew 10:24 and John 13:16 remind us that slaves are never better than their masters. Women take note that in Titus 2:9-10 slaves are ordered to, “Be submissive to your master and give satisfaction in every respect." Also check Eph. 6:5 and Col. 3:22 which say, “Slaves obey your master." Of the venerated Ten Commandments, numbers four and ten recognize and, therefore, give tacit approval to slavery. In fact, neither the Old or New Testament contains an outright condemnation of slavery.

What did Jesus have to say about slavery? Well, in the cherished Sermon of the Mount, allegedly given by him and recognized as a prescription for Christian living, the institution of slavery, so prevalent at the time, is never mentioned. However, in Matthew 8 Jesus heals the Roman centurion's slave while (v10) praising the centurion for his exemplary faithfulness. Why didn't Jesus seize this opportunity to condemn slavery and forbid it? But the most astounding pro-slavery statement in the Bible is made by Jesus himself in Matthew 10:24-25. Here he not only reminds slaves that they are never above their master, he actually recommends that they strive to be like him. Throughout the gospels Jesus ignores countless opportunities to condemn slavery. Doesn't this amount to an endorsement of that infamous institution?

What are some other Bible commentaries concerning slavery? Peter, Jesus' favorite disciple, directs slaves to obey and fear their masters without question, even if he is cruel and unjust (1 Peter 2:18). This directive is repeated in Ephesians 6:5. In Exodus 21:26-27 and Proverbs 29:19 God tells the masters how to punish their slaves. In Leviticus 25:44-46 God instructs his chosen people on how to treat their slaves. Here he sets a more lenient standard for the Israelite slaves than for those who are not Israelites. But, God is not totally without a sense of justice because in Exodus 21:20-21 he says that if the master beats a slave to death, he shall be punished. But, if the severely beaten slave lingers on for a day or two, the master is off the hook. God says in Exodus 21:28-32 that if an ox gores a slave, the owner shall give their master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox shall be stoned. In Deuteronomy 20:13-14 God tells the Israelites what they should do with the inhabitants of a concurred city, "Whereas the men must be killed, the women and children are to be taken as slaves."

While the Bible may be morally correct in some cases, it's unrelenting endorsement of slavery is certainly immoral. It is the secular state, not the Bible, which we have to thank for ending slavery. Also, it is the secular state, not the church, which stands as the guarantor of freedom and human rights. The truth is that human rights were (and are being) achieved today not because of the Bible but in spite of it.

1 Compiled by Louis W. Cable

2 Franklin, John H., From Slavery to Freedom - A History of Negro Americans, Vintage Books, 1969, page 49.

3 Ibid, page 71.

4 Rowland, Dunbar; Jefferson Davis, vol. 1, page 286.

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Zeev Hed

03/03/03 2:01 PM

#8003 RE: deadbeat45 #7913

Tough this is a Politics" thread, I think it would help if the extent of rancor between posters is reduced, and that is not specific to the poster i responded to in any way.
