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Replies to #48 on LA CASA DE BECK
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10/04/11 8:34 PM

#49 RE: MR 1955 DOUBLE DIE #48

i have nothing good to say and it probably wouldn't do anything for the "good vibrations" of the board.

ur basher

what do you mean? i love that POS

Love you man !!

thanks baby

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10/10/11 5:53 PM

#50 RE: MR 1955 DOUBLE DIE #48

im just saying i don't take this as positive news and believe the dominoes are starting to fall...hell, a huge expansion in the works and now charlie steps down? although, i hope his health is ok. i think they thought the news of the new mill would drive this thing, when it didn't the towel was thrown in...imo now news will come out that the mill won't be purchased