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Replies to #32 on LA CASA DE BECK
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09/27/11 11:22 PM

#34 RE: MR 1955 DOUBLE DIE #32

It reminds me of MDGC. I got shauno into that one. I flipped that stock for three years. Then it was taken over by a scumbag CEO and pilfered...the guy actually ejected the previous CEO under some crazy pretenses and reneged on the payments to said ex-CEO.

Well it got even more interesting. They had partners on their website that had never heard they were partners with MDGC. Lawsuits were were removed, things got...shall we say, scammy.

The latest news is a true coup de grace in scamville. It was something along the lines of "MDGC has signed a Letter of Intent to secure a $10 Million funding arrangement..." (with a broke company).

Until that point it was a real business, supposedly real (but expired) patents that they were always claiming that they would renew; had amazing sayings like "we will revolutionize the wireless markets with our technology", etc etc. Well, kinda hard to do that when you are competing with the status quo that gets what they want, ie: sprint, verizon, at&t, etc.

I unfortunately see this in MOP as well. They want to be the world's solution but can't quite seem to crawl out of the small town of Bath, NH. Well, in the PRs it seems like they do, but even that trip to SA was postponed at the last minute...even JAMAL came to them.

Just my thoughts and opinions and former experiences with similar situations.