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10/18/10 9:24 PM

#397 RE: pediman #396

Thanks for the info. There are many more details in the 10K that explain more of what you posted. If you read it all, it appears that the company has spent a lot of time on R&D in the past, and are ready for the next level. This company operates in China, and several other countries, but not the US, yet. They are making headway with a US distributor, and are concentrating more on the fitness market. Word is they are in talks with Life Fitness, which is a huge fitness equipment company here in the US. Their products not at the trade show could be explained by them not distributing in the US yet, and concentrating on the US fitness equipment market. Currently, their main distribution is in Southeast Asia, and the license was purchased by a Korean company.

As for dilution. They have sold shares 4 times since may 2007, totaling 10 million or so. Those were sold at .04, .05, .06, and .15. With the smallest amount of shares being at .04 in 2007. With the company starting to move into distribution and licensing agreements, dilution is very unlikely when you look at their history.

Currently, it sounds as if their bikes are built to order. If they continue additional licensing deals, they could hit production pretty quickly. With the debt judgements, that $300k could get wiped out quickly with the funds from these licensing payments or future income.

Personally, when you look at the SS, financials, and potential on this one, I really like it. There are many other PR pumping companies that have never turned a nickel, have 5 times the OS, and millions in debt trading at .10 or better. I like the potential here.
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11/28/16 10:16 PM

#745 RE: pediman #396

What's up pediman longntime!!