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11/17/09 12:08 PM

#93902 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Can somebody let me off the hook here...I would like to be posting and fully understand the reason for suspension. It won't happen again.
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11/17/09 2:25 PM

#93911 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

<" iHub allows only one account per User "> - Shelly

Can you then please explain to me why, when I uncovered a certain Moderator who was running 3 accounts - confirmed by Admin Dan as you can find if you go back through my mail - the following happened:

1. No panalty whatsoever was incurred by the Moderator

2. Instead it was me who was thrown in jail, for using the proof contained in these PMs to "out" the same abusive bahaviour on IV by the same individual.

3. Why would iHub fall behind a competitor in perception as a fair-play site ? Over there, once uncovered, the same individual was banned along with all his abusive "attack" IDs.
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11/17/09 2:28 PM

#93912 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Announcing New Site Improvement:

IHub, you asked, and we heard you! So on behalf of your Admin team, I am pleased to announce the beta version of our newest site improvement:

Psychosis Marks

Many IHubbers have noted that while using the site, it is increasingly difficult to differentiate between the merely stupid and the criminally insane. We believe that Psychosis Marks will become an important tool for resolving that problem.

Those of you selected to test this latest feature will note that member profiles contain a new option:

Send A Private Message
Read Last 50 Messages
Add Person Mark
This Person is a Frigging Whackjob
Ignore this Poster
Give A Gift Sub
All Posts By Board

Simply click on the new option to give a member a Psychosis Mark. Accordingly, the "Hot!" section of the toolbar will soon contain a Most Psychosis Marks heading.

This is just the first of many new improvements that will be coming your way in the months ahead!

Happy IHubbing,

Your Admin Team

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11/18/09 12:16 AM

#93917 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

ARGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!! Shelly. You are so nice to the inmates. what can i do to get to be #2 on the sticky post. It's a life's dream to make it on a sticky post on jailhouse. It's like the wanted sign.

You can have my crabs for sticky post!!!!!!!!

ARGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! Go SHELLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I called u Smelly :o)
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11/19/09 1:49 AM

#93946 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Shelly!!! since u are my favorite admin at jailhouse. I will let you in on a secret.

we are discuss potential multi baggers at IV

message board is DNDN pirates

in two weeks i will announce my recommendation for a 20x bagger stock.

I know you are over paid here, but could use more $$$$$$$$$$$$$



IT"S Christmmas at jal house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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11/19/09 12:07 PM

#93951 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

What CRABS Breakfast do we have today all?


Morning all Inmates!!!

Have anyone been served a CRAB BURRITO yet???????????

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11/19/09 12:57 PM

#93956 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

THIS IS BULLSH*T[color=red][/color]
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11/20/09 2:34 AM

#93971 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Shelly help!!! Justice needs to be served on the CRAB case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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11/21/09 7:33 PM

#93999 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

my apologies. tried to change post user name .
unable to do so.
Like to get back on board but understand rationale.
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11/22/09 2:08 AM

#94001 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

What does everyone think of my CRABS!!!!!!!

I catch so much!
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11/23/09 1:56 PM

#94016 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

What must I do to get out of here?

I used an account that was not mine to post. I decided to get my own account. My mistake. I will not use any other account besides my own.

Can't someone just hit me in the nose with a rolled up newspaper or something?
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11/26/09 2:44 AM

#94049 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890


I did not violate any terms of use. I am a paying member.

And I will not rest until Rawnoc's moderator privileges are removed for EGMI. Rawnoc is extremely biased and abuses his powers. He deletes posts for unwarranted reasons when the post either enhances my credibility or damages his based on a review of the facts.

So he abuses his power to make it look like he is always right. Deleting posts and then immediately posting personal attacks to which we cannot respond because he will delete them as off-topic.

Excuse my language - but this is a F**K'n joke. He is making a mess of your website. If you do not review moderator activity and suspend those who abuse it, then i will stop paying for iHUB, I will tell my entire network of investors to stop paying for iHUB, we will all issue chargebacks for the last 6 months of payments - and to be quite honest - you don't even have to worry about us... you're site will simply go down down down the hill if you continue to have biased censorship and bigotry by moderators like RAWNOC.

I have sent numerous complaints about him but instead of him getting suspended, I get suspended? How comical. I'm not hiding behind anonymous screen names - I have nothing to hide. Rawnoc has plenty to hide. Please kindly advise.

Ben Rabizadeh
Founder, Ascending Capital, Inc.
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11/26/09 9:15 AM

#94050 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890


Here is an example of a typical Rawnoc post:

* He puts stuff up like this routinely to attack the credibility of users - in this case, StockJunkie, who cannot even respond right now and defend himself because he is suspended. Rawnoc knows this and is taking advantage of the situation to attack StockJunkies credibility.

* The real problem is if we post something similar to that or respond to defend ourselves - he will DELETE IT RIGHT AWAY AS OFF-TOPIC. He will also delete any post right away that establishes our credibility.

This is disgusting behavior by a moderator - I will not rest until Rawnoc is punished. If action is not taken, I also plan on filing a lawsuit against iHUB and Rawnoc for discriminatory and anti-semitic behavior.

I am not bluffing here - I am extremely upset and I will do everything it takes to make sure this injustice Rawnoc continually commits is corrected. Money is no object to me - I will spend all the money and time required to come to the right resolution. This is about principal. I just cannot believe you would suspend my account and StockJunkies account without first reviewing and suspending Rawnoc's moderator privileges.

Ben Rabizadeh
Founder, Ascending Capital, Inc.
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11/29/09 3:50 PM

#94099 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Check out SEECLEAR, he is the reason I am here, I simply state facts in the CYSG board and he takes offense, yet he can send me harrassing PM's and you guys do nothing about it? Something does not seem right here.
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02/01/10 9:59 AM

#94879 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

"iHub allows only one account per User" This phrasing needs to be changed to "per household" or per "ip address." My wife or child or father or brother can't have an account from the same ip as me. just FYI.
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02/03/10 3:56 PM

#94912 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Thanks for sending me here, I will not try to get accounts anymore, I promise.
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02/21/10 2:34 AM

#95145 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

good wekend shelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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03/09/10 2:51 AM

#95376 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Shelly if anyone thinks i'm talking to myself u can verify that i have a mysterious teacher now.. check my PM :o) if u guys ahve access

GOOD day all inmates

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03/25/10 12:19 AM

#95565 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Shelly! As inmate of month, I would like lobster and wine tomolo for breakfast!


Inmate of month award is so NICE!!

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03/30/10 4:24 PM

#95603 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Why am I being banned or suspended for saying the truth??
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04/03/10 10:13 AM

#95629 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

If you are 30, or older, you might think this is hilarious!

When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were. When they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning.... Uphill... Barefoot.... BOTH ways… yadda, yadda, yadda.

And I remember promising myself that when I grew up, there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on my kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've got it!

But now that I'm over the ripe old age of thirty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today. You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a damn Utopia!

And I hate to say it, but you kids today, you don't know how good you've got it!

I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have the Internet. If we wanted to know something, we had to go to the damn library and look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!!

There was no email!! We had to actually write somebody a letter - with a pen! Then you had to walk all the way across the street and put it in the mailbox, and it would take like a week to get there! Stamps were 10 cents!

Child Protective Services didn't care if our parents beat us. As a matter of fact, the parents of all my friends also had permission to kick our ass! Nowhere was safe!

There were no MP3's or Napsters or iTunes! If you wanted to steal music, you had to hitchhike to the record store and shoplift it yourself!

Or you had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio, and the DJ would usually talk over the beginning and @#*% it all up! There were no CD players! We had tape decks in our car. We'd play our favorite tape and "eject" it when finished, and then the tape would come undone rendering it useless. Cause, hey, that's how we rolled, Baby! Dig?

We didn't have fancy crap like Call Waiting! If you were on the phone and somebody else called, they got a busy signal, that's it!

There weren't any freakin' cell phones either. If you left the house, you just didn't make a damn call or receive one. You actually had to be out of touch with your "friends." OH MY GOD !!! Think of the horror... not being in touch with someone 24/7!!! And then there's TEXTING. Yeah, right. Please! You kids have no idea how annoying you are.

And we didn't have fancy Caller ID either! When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was! It could be your school, your parents, your boss, your bookie, your drug dealer, the collection agent... you just didn't know!!! You had to pick it up and take your chances, mister!

We didn't have any fancy PlayStation or Xbox video games with high-resolution 3-D graphics! We had the Atari 2600! With games like 'Space Invaders' and 'Asteroids'. Your screen guy was a little square! You actually had to use your imagination!!! And there were no multiple levels or screens, it was just one screen... Forever! And you could never win. The game just kept getting harder and harder and faster and faster until you died! Just like LIFE!

You had to use a little book called a TV Guide to find out what was on! You were screwed when it came to channel surfing! You had to get off your ass and walk over to the TV to change the channel!!! NO REMOTES!!! Oh, no, what's the world coming to?!?!

There was no Cartoon Network either! You could only get cartoons on Saturday Morning. Do you hear what I'm saying? We had to wait ALL WEEK for cartoons, you spoiled little rat-finks!

And not many of us had microwaves. If we wanted to heat something up, we had to use the stove! Imagine that!

And our parents told us to stay outside and play... all day long. Oh, no, no electronics to soothe and comfort. And if you came back inside... you were doing chores!

And car seats and seat belts - oh, please! Mom threw you in the back seat and you hung on. If you were lucky, you got the "safety arm" across the chest at the last moment if she had to stop suddenly, and if your head hit the dashboard, well that was your fault for calling "shot gun" in the first place!

See! That's exactly what I'm talking about! You kids today have got it too easy. You're spoiled rotten! You guys wouldn't have lasted five minutes back in 1980 or any time before!

The Over 30 Crowd
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04/09/10 2:44 AM

#95669 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

it is reasonable for INmate of Month to get released early???



Go Shelly!!!!!!!!
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04/09/10 4:38 PM

#95680 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

My dog opened a second account and he didn't know the rules
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05/10/10 4:52 PM

#96081 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Hello, Shelly. I have not posted on IHUB for awhile, but just tried to and I came to your post. There is some mistake. Please advise. I have been an active poster and moderator for awhile now, and now I have no posting privedges?
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05/17/10 3:24 PM

#96199 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

What is this?
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05/19/10 7:48 AM

#96214 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Wow, one hard comment against constant bashing and I´m out... I wanted to subscribe, asked the bank b/c I don´t have a credit card. My fault, I have a life without ihub. Even talked to a friend about this site. What about restrictions against constant bashing...?!? Looks like this page is a mirror to the public life, you only need the connections (...)

Good bye!

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06/17/10 6:51 AM

#96641 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Thank you for this. I needed to cool off a little. I guess I got a little to use to flipping FRE and making profits off the trades. Never took a loss on this one until yesterday...The news really got under my skin. My bad though I got greedy and tried to let her ride to 1.30. Did take some off at 1.23 but held it a little to long from a 1.16 starter position..I have to start listening to my own advise and take the money and run.

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06/19/10 9:45 PM

#96694 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Why what does it matter? What does having 2 accounts do diffferent if everyone knows they are the same person?
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07/18/10 8:10 PM

#96993 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890


What else do you look at to determine multiple aliases pray tell???


Will I be suspended longer if I question someone that is no longer on the boards, someone that has been booted and "has not" returned??!?!?!?!
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08/22/10 10:16 PM

#97488 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Pm sent
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08/31/10 4:07 PM

#97571 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

May I please get out of jail?

I will respect the IHUB TOU rules please?

Thank you in advance Shelly.
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09/08/10 11:33 PM

#97740 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Is there anyway I could have an early release?
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09/10/10 1:43 PM

#97757 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Hello shelly. I do not understand why the put me in Jail. I honestly did not know my roomate could not open an account on my home computer. We both are I hub followers. I introduced him to the post forum. He is a invester and never posted before till recently.
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09/30/10 8:13 AM

#97958 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

How would my wife open her own account?

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11/10/10 1:32 PM

#98264 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

shelly i have no idea why u throw me into jail .. seriously
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11/10/10 3:18 PM

#98269 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

But what if it REALLY was my wife?? I hope this question doesn't prolong my stay
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03/07/11 4:12 PM

#99526 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Anyone see the large AH sell order 2,690s @ 15.85.@.16:01:39 !!!
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03/07/11 8:01 PM

#99527 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

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Aston Martin

04/01/11 12:16 PM

#99732 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

You seem to misunderstand my post: I did not critisize anything I just ask: What is "rest of your suspension"? One year, ten year, forever? So, if you put people into 'jail'....why shall they stay here and discuss for nothing? Suspension is suspecion, right?
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Jersey Dude

04/15/11 4:06 PM

#99882 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890


You linked me to the profile of soccernut. What does that have to do with my suspension/jailtime?

That is not me, nor a member of my residence (wife and I already taught lesson on that one) or someone who ever uses my primary laptop (only I do).


Jersey Dude

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05/14/11 2:07 AM

#100136 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

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05/22/11 7:12 PM

#100175 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

I have only one pay registration and intend on using only this one.

I am aware if TOS and plan on abiding by them.

Please take me off the suspension.

Thank you
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05/31/11 3:51 PM

#100338 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890


Absolutely, I admit that I posted under a new alias. At the same time, I admit that I tried this one time before as well.

And obviously I'll wait for whatever punishment comes of it.

I guess I need to ask for help with a situation that has led to me chosing this road of opening a new account...

It is clear to me that on the MDMN board, there are moderators that selectively delete posts by certain users, or with certain perspectives that they do not want on the board. I at some point was limited to one post per 24 hours - which has left me with no opportunity to post anything, or ask any questions. So, if the moderator decides to delete my post, leave a reply that opens up more conversation, I am unable to respond!

Regardless, yes, I agree that I voted the rule that does not allow multiple accounts. I'd be more than happy to delete my old one and keep with the new- but the problem lies in the one post per 24 hours that I'm allowed; and the fact that they are deleting just about everything I post regardless of its appearance or content. With no opportunity to question why, or apparent justification based on the rules.

In my opinion, the deletion of posts should be scrutinized as much as those leaving posts that are getting such treatment.
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05/31/11 8:40 PM

#100339 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

I understand I called Americans stupid but I didn't realize I would get banned for that.

I now understand it is not allowed and promise it will not happen again.

However, it also seems you are banning whoever brings up negative news about a company even it is genuine news. You banned Timothy Sykes because of this, please could you explain why he was banned?
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07/09/11 1:15 PM

#100820 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Why am I in the jailhouse?
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07/14/11 9:05 AM

#100892 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Checking in for the day...AAVG!
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08/01/11 9:03 AM

#101074 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

I'm connecting from a trading office. So we've all been banned?
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Around The Clock

08/15/11 12:22 PM

#101248 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Hey. I just made an account about a week ago, Around The Clock. After reviewing the site for a while, I thought of it as a great way to learn and alerted my friends. My friends and I are in the same house, there are 4 of us all together under the same internet connection. When I told them, the 3 of them made accounts at the same time. They were all free accounts so I alerted them by saying that you must post 3 times a day until you're allowed to post 15 times. As soon as they posted, we were all banned.
I did not know about this at all. Again you can check how new this account is and know that I am new to this board. If you can let me post from Around The Clock, that would be great for numerous reasons. One is that I get to ask question: I Want to LEARN! Another is to make some friends that are reliable. I could keep going but I hope you get the point.
I'm asking for Around the Clock to be released only, not the other accounts.
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12/27/11 8:46 AM

#102311 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

I want to know how the heck can you put me here for calling someone out but he is allowed to post lies all day on the board and pm everyone on the board and try and steer them away. He was already Banded from the board once an as soon as he was allowed on he started his same games and I go to jail for calling him out there were no attacks in my posts and if you call them lies then what are his posts
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03/05/12 8:03 AM

#102921 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

"Yep, guilty as charged. I acknowledge and regret my actions and I am prepared to accept the consequences. I commit to modify my bad behavior in the future."

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05/24/12 10:20 AM

#103527 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

I have done wrong and will abide by the rules.
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06/07/12 10:59 AM

#103616 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

I actually didnt know it was not allowed. I opened another account to start fresh and follow the rules. Either way I still broke the rules and I will server my time. I just want to know how long am I banned, if there is even a time limit?
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08/17/12 12:29 PM

#104260 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

ROFL LMFAO! I love the cat thing! Totally not a the girlfriend, cat, mother, father, just me and couple of sammich artists setting up to invest in 2 stocks!

But I love the cat thing very much!
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10/06/12 8:40 PM

#104801 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Why am i suspended? This is my only account! Why does admin think i am the alias "bagsforall791"? Thats not me!!!
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10/08/12 7:54 PM

#104818 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Why am i suspended? Why do you guys(admin)think i am the alias bagsforall791? That is NOT ME! This is my ONE and ONLY account. Please respond this is completely out of line! I understand the rules, but this is a mix up. I AM NOT BAGSFORALL791!
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11/08/12 9:04 AM

#105120 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

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11/11/12 9:33 AM

#105140 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Can this get shortened till december is too long i cant operate without l2 signed up on ihub,besides i cant pm other ihubers
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11/27/12 8:06 AM

#105298 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

I was told to post to an admin that I acknowledge that I am (once more) in ihub jail

I acknowledge it.
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03/10/13 8:15 PM

#106118 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

iHub allows only one account per User. If you've recently opened a new account and/or been posting from multiple accounts, that's why you are now suspended.

We are not interested in hearing how it was your wife, girlfriend, neighbor, cousin, father, brother, roommate, grandfather-learning-the-internet, father-in-law, dog or cat. (Though to be fair, I've only seen the "cat" excuse when someone was trying to explain how it wasn't them manipulating stats.)

If you knew it was against the rules and thought you were simply better than our Geek's amazing tools, then take your sanctions without the lame excuses.

If you had no idea it was against the rules, now you do and should spend the rest of your suspension reading the below so you don't find yourself confused about any further sanctions.

What are you referring to? I have had my account for awhile now.
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04/30/13 10:55 AM

#106561 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

On this very day...

1527 - Henry VIII and King Francis of France signed the treaty of Westminster.

I laith down my sword...begging your alliance of a release treaty this day....
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05/30/13 12:11 PM

#106946 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

LOL thats pretty good. I'll take my suspension happily in here, thank you guys for the great service! I do apologize as well!
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10/27/13 12:18 PM

#107990 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Check out the SERIOUS, tell me what ya think?

***** Hi Shelly, I am an investor of BIHC stock, ALL INVESTORS ARE LOCKED OUT UNABLE TO TRADE SHARES. So why does BIHC stock volume continue JULY 2012, AUG 2012, DEC 2012, and JAN 2013?
~~~~~~~~~ Do you think MM's or HEDGE SPECIALISTS are using BROKERS to buy back BIHC stock shares under the RADAR? Is that legal or CH!TTTY? lol lol Is the HEDGE ADVISOR over at A&M involved do you think? lmao lol........ THanks SHELLY, oh ya by the way, OVER at BLOOMBERG BUSINESS WEEK i copied the article that says PRIME RESTAURANT INC from 2007 is a subsidiary of FAIRFAX FINANCIAL HOLDING LIMITED. Is that why PRSU.PK stock from 2007 has the advertising logo of PRIME RESTAURANT ROYALTY FUND on it ??? You know SHELLY, i have two copies of two different BROKERS with PRIME RESTAURANT ROYALTY FUND Headlines showing up on BIHC STOCK news on their websites, Copied that also! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shelly, want to take a guess at what is going on??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thanks SHELLY,
just my own opinion of speculations do your own research.
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11/03/13 11:06 AM

#108061 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Your Geek's amazing tools? Unless your geek has the ability to turn on someone's webcam and show that they were at the computer at the time the account was created, you have no proof that any specific individual did it. Does your geek have this ability? I'd really love to know. Is that what he did? Please, do tell.
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12/19/13 10:12 AM

#108409 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

It was my cat Target!!
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01/15/14 9:21 AM

#108948 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

I fully confess guilt in creating multiple aliases. I admit to having knowledge of my actions being against the rules.

If given another chance, it will not happen again.
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Greedy G

02/25/14 8:58 AM

#109357 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Good Morning Shelly,

Checking in.

Can we make a deal, I like to get out early.

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Greedy G

03/01/14 9:17 AM

#109411 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Ok I m supposed to be outta here. Pls release me
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03/16/14 12:03 AM

#109486 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

I needed more than 15 posts so I tried to make another account. I didn't realize it was that serious of an offense. I sincerely apologize; please lift my suspension so I can post again about my upcoming important trades. Please! I promise to not do it again.

Thank You
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03/29/14 1:20 PM

#109670 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

ok understood i made a mistake in honesty i didn't know ,i know that i know how to i get out of this mess, i am sorry that i made a mistake, please get me out i won't do it again
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05/13/14 6:27 PM

#110215 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Sorry guys. I know the TOU but just got fed up with a certain poster. It won't happen again. My bad.
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07/31/14 5:36 PM

#110984 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Does anyone know where to find my release date? I looked on the profile page but can't seem to see anything. TIA
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09/17/14 11:41 AM

#111394 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Jail for ????? Direct questions to other posters???
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03/03/15 8:26 AM

#112742 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

That is what I did. I did not realize you company had cookies that specifically track a computer and not just a IP address.

sorry for the hassle. my excuse is that a paid basher on Bioheart is a soon to be (hopeful) Is this another 30day ban?
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06/01/15 9:00 AM

#113346 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

WTF? HTF do I wind up in jail having not posted a message in weeks (maybe months)
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06/17/15 4:30 PM

#113456 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

And you suspend people unwillingly for a month LOL....without even the common decency to respond to PMs about #Classy
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06/27/15 6:11 PM

#113545 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Well someone at work uses a computer and so do I they do not live in my household!!!!! they created an account just the other day... so your geeks aint that smart that's right I used the word AINT! HA!!!
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07/04/15 11:34 AM

#113630 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

How do we get out of here? I don't understand how people can post bogus information not backed by facts, yet when you call them out, you get banned? I participated on this site for a year with no problems. Now I'm getting banned for questioning people posting bogus information? I didn't curse, I didn't harass anyone. Why am I not allowed to ask honest questions to these individuals. For example, I asked a simple question....why are you here if you don't like the stock?.....boom, erased and enventually banned. I didn't even know that you can only have one account per household. Am I seriously supposed to sit down and read the TOS agreement? Really?

I'm an invested stock holder in a company and I can't even question when individuals come to a board and start spreading lies. You have no way of questioning them. That's wrong. How do I not have the ability to question a poster spreading outright lies? How is it an attack on a poster when I'm questioning them? An attack is sitting there calling them names and cursing them out. How are asking questions like "why are you putting so much effort to put down a stock you are not invested in" wrong? How? How is that an attack on another poster. It's a serious question. Not an attack!!!

Please justify this.
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08/20/15 9:23 PM

#114038 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

When do I get released
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09/21/15 8:25 PM

#114299 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Listen to Shelly She is right.
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09/23/15 1:01 PM

#114324 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Shelly... wow you look nice today! How's about you let me and mean weimeraner out today for great amazing behavior. ..;)
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01/24/16 2:06 PM

#115337 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Following a total reinstall of Windows 10 MS forced on me unwanted I had so many script errors and frozen sites I spent the 2 hours Friday PM to do again. Your site BTW was the worst of all in scripting boxes and the problems now seem removed. When you also forced me to renew my log in I used another common alias of eighthaero not 8thaero here since '11. I allowed 3 post and then this! As a major cause of my glitches please remove the 2 yr 10 month period and please allow me to assist other folks as always. I'm NOT the enemy you envision. Don Phillips
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04/20/16 5:50 PM

#115798 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Shelley, we just learned its 1 account per household. No problem with that. But how long am I in jail? I've tried posting admins and nobody replies.

Can I get some help here? Feeling pretty lonely! ??
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05/06/16 8:08 AM

#115895 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

My apologies to you this morning for the delivered dumbness belonging to me. I am sorry for cursing you. I am willing to act like a respectable human being now and always.
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01/10/17 4:37 AM

#116799 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

when will I get out of this jail?
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03/15/17 12:34 AM

#117269 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Eric Parkinson HHSE will be arrested soon
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12/12/17 3:45 PM

#118503 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

How longs this jail sentenced for?
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07/05/18 6:37 PM

#119112 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Ahhhh I see why now :-(
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10/03/18 3:45 PM

#119398 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Reply to an admin message.

Why cant I send a PM ? Has nothing to do with any of the public boards.
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06/28/19 1:33 PM

#120219 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Where do I check how long I am incarcerated for
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08/20/19 9:43 PM

#120309 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Awaiting response from other admin. Hopefully tomorrow.
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09/24/19 1:16 PM

#120409 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Yes but if you use there own personal account under there name and email than it's no ones business correct?
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08/11/21 10:32 AM

#122132 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Wait? I was told one per household but this says one account per user?
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11/30/21 12:00 AM

#122330 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

These typical low iq smug responses from you admin poofs are really amusing.

Must be engrained in yalls dna.

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07/21/22 6:54 AM

#122675 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

This is funny. Of course I only have one account because I am not into deception and the whole face change thing. But, this exact topic is particularly what got things so heated between me and another which landed me here. Often the same when restrictions are applied on a per board basis… those with “burner” profiles or even 3 or 4 profiles some how are above the law here…. By far not a level playing field…. Blah blah blah the rules are not applied fairly but that’s ok… everyone knows that and I know that. I was told by the person who pulled the trigger to get me here it was his “clout”. Well good for him even though he has 3 different profiles I know 100%.
With all that said, I realize I went overboard and can’t do that… especially with those with “clout” here.

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03/10/23 4:36 PM

#123285 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

Shelly - How does one get out of "jail"?...and How does one learn why they are in "jail" to begin with?
Also, it's pegnva. NOT pegg,
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04/29/24 4:05 PM

#123781 RE: IH Admin [Shelly] #93890

My previous account was suspended so opened a new account. I will follow the rules.Please allow me to post

Thank you