How do we get out of here? I don't understand how people can post bogus information not backed by facts, yet when you call them out, you get banned? I participated on this site for a year with no problems. Now I'm getting banned for questioning people posting bogus information? I didn't curse, I didn't harass anyone. Why am I not allowed to ask honest questions to these individuals. For example, I asked a simple question....why are you here if you don't like the stock?.....boom, erased and enventually banned. I didn't even know that you can only have one account per household. Am I seriously supposed to sit down and read the TOS agreement? Really?
I'm an invested stock holder in a company and I can't even question when individuals come to a board and start spreading lies. You have no way of questioning them. That's wrong. How do I not have the ability to question a poster spreading outright lies? How is it an attack on a poster when I'm questioning them? An attack is sitting there calling them names and cursing them out. How are asking questions like "why are you putting so much effort to put down a stock you are not invested in" wrong? How? How is that an attack on another poster. It's a serious question. Not an attack!!!
Please justify this.