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Replies to #833 on Glenn Beck
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09/05/09 12:28 AM

#835 RE: NYBob #833

these are some goodies. IRS enforcer to taxpayers. ever have an sudit recently or years before?

IRS to be ObamaCare enforcer (Updated)
Thomas Lifson
What do you get when you cross health care with the IRS? Something very scary. William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection explains that the IRS will getting reports of who has health care coverage, and enforcing taxes as part of the deal in both House and Senate versions.

The Senate bill imposes a new requirement that all persons who provide health care coverage to others must file a return with the IRS listing the names, addresses, social security numbers, and the coverage period for each person, and "such other information as the Secretary [of Health and Human Services] may prescribe." (Section 161(b) starting at page 107). The bill does not limit what information the Secretary may request, so it is conceivable and likely that information as to the nature of the coverage, the family members included, and other details will be reported to the IRS.

The House bill contains similar provisions in section 401(b) (at pp. 175-176).

Employers who don't offer coverage will be taxed, and that opens the door to the IRS as health care enforcer:

These reporting provisions would allow the IRS to cross-check income tax returns and health coverage filings, and withhold tax refunds or utilize other collection methods for persons who do not have coverage unless they can prove they have acceptable coverage from some other source. This is similar to the cross-checking the IRS does on income reported separately by the person making the payment and the taxpayer receiving the payment. But for the first time the IRS is not checking for income to tax, but for lack of health coverage.

These provisions should have people interested in privacy greatly concerned. While income information already is reported to the IRS, the IRS traditionally has not received personal health care information about individuals.
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09/05/09 6:54 PM

#853 RE: NYBob #833

Hi Bob, I think that the 912 project will be on-going, so, we made a new board since mick does not like the 912 project idea.

The board will be a balanced view. You have good insights and I would like to invite you over to the new board.


God bless America

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09/05/09 10:35 PM

#859 RE: NYBob #833

Bob, reviewing these tea party items; i'll try to get to them later on.

National Tea Party Rally's - Taking it to the Capitol's


Washington D.C. - & - Arizona State Capitol

Cincinnati Tea Party Projecting 15,000 at their rally on 9/5 -
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09/09/09 12:17 AM

#968 RE: NYBob #833

o.k. on this item. National Tea Party 09-12-09

National Tea Party Rally's - Taking it to the Capitol's


Washington D.C. - & - Arizona State Capitol
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09/09/09 1:11 AM

#969 RE: NYBob #833

Taxpayers face heavy losses on auto bailout
Taxpayers likely to face significant losses on $81 billion auto bailout, watchdog report says
By Christopher S. Rugaber, AP Economics Writer
On Wednesday September 9, 2009, 12:01 am EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Taxpayers face losses on a significant portion of the $81 billion in government aid provided to the auto industry, an oversight panel said in a report to be released Wednesday.

The Congressional Oversight Panel did not provide an estimate of the projected loss in its latest monthly report on the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program. But it said most of the $23 billion initially provided to General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC late last year is unlikely to be repaid.

"I think they drove a very hard bargain," said Elizabeth Warren, the panel's chairwoman and a law professor at Harvard University, referring to the Obama administration's Treasury Department. "But it may not be enough."

The prospect of recovering the government's assistance to GM and Chrysler is heavily dependent on shares of the two companies rising to unprecedented levels, the report said. The government owns 10 percent of Chrysler and 61 percent of GM. The two companies are currently private but are expected to issue stock, in GM's case by next year.

The shares "will have to appreciate sharply" for taxpayers to get their money back, the report said.

For example, GM's market value would have to reach $67.6 billion, the report said, a "highly optimistic" estimate and more than the $57.2 billion GM was worth at the height of its share value in April 2008. And in the case of Chrysler, about $5.4 billion of the $14.3 billion provided to the company is "highly unlikely" to ever be repaid, the panel said.

Treasury Department officials have acknowledged that most of the $23 billion provided by the Bush administration is likely to be lost. But Meg Reilly, a department spokeswoman, said there is a "reasonably high probability of the return of most or all of the government funding" that was provided to assist GM and Chrysler with their restructurings.

Administration officials have previously said they want to maximize taxpayers' return on the investment but want to dispose of the government's ownership interests as soon as practicable.

"We are not trying to be Warren Buffett here. We are not trying to squeeze every last dollar out," Steve Rattner, who led the administration's auto task force, said before his departure in July. "We do want to do well for the taxpayers but the most important thing is to get the government out of the car business."

Greg Martin, a spokesman for the new GM, said the company is "confident that we will repay our nation's support because we are a company with less debt, a stronger balance sheet, a winning product portfolio and the right size to match today's market realities."

The Congressional Oversight Panel was created as part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. It is designed to provide an additional layer of oversight, beyond the Special Inspector General for the TARP and regular audits by the Government Accountability Office.

The panel's report recommends that the Treasury Department consider placing its auto company holdings into an independent trust, to avoid any "conflicts of interest."

The report also recommends the department perform a legal analysis of its decision to provide TARP funds to GM and Chrysler, their financing arms and many auto parts suppliers. Some critics say the law creating TARP didn't allow for such funding.

The panel's members include Rep. Jeb Hensarling, a Texas Republican, who dissented from the report. Hensarling said the auto companies should never have received funding and criticized the government for picking "winners and losers."

Other agencies have also projected large losses on the loans and investments provided to the industry. The Congressional Budget Office estimated in June that taxpayers would lose about $40 billion of the first $55 billion in aid.

Associated Press Writer Ken Thomas contributed to this report.

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09/10/09 10:05 AM

#1062 RE: NYBob #833

all these people are wrong? president said it is a lie, a lie and a lie.
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09/10/09 10:29 AM

#1063 RE: NYBob #833

Bob, this guy , this guy can't stay off t.v. now addressing some woman and male nurses.

i'm wondering who wrote what first speaker speaking words of healthcare reform.

opps introducing Obama = soldier = nation!
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09/10/09 10:40 AM

#1065 RE: NYBob #833

Bob this guy repeats, repeats and repeats. when does this stop?

fox said no more t.v. on obama healthcare issue.

well it on again this morning.
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09/12/09 11:37 PM

#1149 RE: NYBob #833

Bob let take a step back and look at retirees situation some.
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09/18/09 4:41 PM

#1294 RE: NYBob #833

Irving Kristol dead: Father of neocons has passed
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09/20/09 11:48 AM

#1424 RE: NYBob #833

looking to see how this looks. do you have this link?
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09/20/09 11:58 AM

#1425 RE: NYBob #833

Bob, adding a few more and placing it soon as a sticky one;

Glenn Beck - Tree Of Revolution ----

Glenn Beck - The Chicago Connection - Behind Obama's Door

A.C.O.R.N. - Bertha Lewis Is Cleaning Up ACORN? ---

Obama Chooses These Czars Because That's Who He Is - RADICAL

Chavez Shutting Down Free Speech Radio ---

We Are The New Breed - Communists/Socialists/Democrats

Bertha Lewis Runs A Sqeaky Clean A.C.O.R.N. ---

PATRIOTS CHAT AND VIDEO. Joe Wilson,Maxine Waters,Mark Williams,Peter Stark,Michael Moore,Glenn Beck,and Sarah Palin

Chuck Baldwin "The true battle that we face" NWO obama ---

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama ---

Bush/Obama vs Hitler - the United States now and Germany then Part 3/3


Russia Would Not Win New Cold War, Polish FM Says ---

Russia foretells future of Europe. ---

Russia prepares for WAR OBAMA & the NAZIS with sound ---

Russia : Israel +US before Novermber 5 will bomb Iran ---