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Frank Pembleton

09/16/04 1:07 PM

#10933 RE: roni #10932

Mossberg had a few choice words for both Windows and Macintosh in his column this morning. For the life of me I can't figure out why Microsoft doesn't included security with their operating system-- you know, as part of the price...? I'd like to think I own a Mac for something more than not having to pay third party developers for security.


How to Protect Yourself
From Vandals, Viruses
If You Use Windows
September 16, 2004; Page B1

If you use a Windows personal computer to access the Internet, your personal files, your privacy and your security are all in jeopardy. An international criminal class of virus writers, hackers, digital vandals and sleazy businesspeople wakes up every day planning to attack your PC.

And the company that controls the Windows platform, Microsoft, has made this too easy to do by carelessly opening numerous security holes in the operating system and its Web browser. Even if you install the recent Service Pack 2 update to Windows XP, you will still be vulnerable.

As I have said before, I believe Microsoft and the computer makers should be taking care of all these problems with a unified, managed approach that would free users from having to learn about all the threats and constantly manage security. They should take responsibility for shielding users from hackers, spammers, viruses and spyware -- the malicious software that hijacks your browsing and searching, pushes ads into your face, and secretly logs your activities.

But until that happens, you will have to fend for yourself. So here's a quick, rudimentary guide to protecting yourself in the digital world.

Opting out: The single most effective way to avoid viruses and spyware is to simply chuck Windows altogether and buy an Apple Macintosh. Apple's operating system, Mac OS X, is harder for the criminals to infect, and the Mac's market share is so small that hackers, virus writers and spies get little thrill, financial gain or publicity from attacking the platform.

There has never been a successful virus written for Mac OS X, and there is almost no spyware that targets the Mac. Plus, the Mac is invulnerable to viruses and spyware written for Windows. Not only is it more secure, but the Mac operating system is more capable, more modern and more attractive than Windows XP, and just as stable.

Macs are as good as, and often better than, Windows PCs at doing the most common computing tasks: Web browsing, e-mail, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, photos, music and video. The Mac version of Microsoft Office can handle Windows Office files with ease, and it produces files that Office for Windows handles effortlessly. Apple's computers are also gorgeous.

But switching platforms is expensive, and scary to people. So if you're sticking with Windows, read on.

Halting hackers: Buy a software firewall program, one that won't only stop hackers trying to get in but will also halt suspicious programs already on your PC from trying to send information out over the Internet. The one I recommend is ZoneAlarm, a free utility from Zone Labs, available at Use it instead of the wimpier built-in firewall Microsoft supplies.

If you have a broadband connection or a home network, make sure your modem or router (a common piece of networking gear) is equipped with a feature called NAT, or Network Address Translation. This technology makes it harder for criminals on the Internet to find your computers. Even if you have NAT, however, I still recommend you have a software firewall program, because NAT doesn't block every attack.

Curing viruses: You must run a strong antivirus program, and keep it updated, even if updates cost money. I recommend Norton AntiVirus (the stand-alone program, not the cumbersome security suite). It's very effective, and its automatic update system is the best I've ever tested. It costs $50, including a year of updates.

Stopping spyware: Since antivirus programs don't attack spyware, you will need to run, and keep updating, a separate piece of software called an antispyware program. I recommend Spy Sweeper from Webroot software, at It costs $30, including a year of updates. Like an antivirus program, it not only detects and removes spyware already on your PC, but also watches for, and blocks, new spyware.

Stuffing spam: Buy a decent antispam program. I know of none that is close to perfect, but the best is probably MailFrontier Desktop, available for $30 at If you're really fed up, you can turn on the "challenge" feature in this program, which forces unknown senders to pass a simple test that baffles the mass-mailing software spammers use.

Browsing safely: I suggest dumping Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser, which has a history of security breaches. I recommend instead Mozilla Firefox, which is free at It's not only more secure but also more modern and advanced, with tabbed browsing, which allows multiple pages to be open on one screen, and a better pop-up ad blocker than the belated one Microsoft recently added to IE.

Being careful: Never download software from the Web unless you are certain you know what it is and that you want and need it. If a Web site says you need some special plug-in to view things, be very wary. Common viewer software, like that from Real Networks, Apple or Macromedia, should be obtained from those companies' official sites.

Staying current: You should probably install Microsoft's new SP2 update, which does improve Windows security -- although it has caused serious problems for a minority of Windows users. And you should install all the "critical updates" Microsoft issues for Windows.

Bottom line: If you use Windows, you're asking for trouble. But you can mitigate the risk by taking precautions.

Write to Walter S. Mossberg at,,personal_technology,00.html?mod=home_inside_today_us