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01/23/04 2:07 AM

#24106 RE: HailMary #24105

I don't want to be critical, because you have obviously done very well with this investment, but wouldn't it be wise to move a good portion of your Intel investment into better growth prospects or even a stable value fund?

Thanks for the feedback. I didn't exactly say that it was my only investment. At this point, it's really a bigger chunk than I would like. Who the heck expected it to split so many times since I bought it.

But since it is such a chunk, I've one thing is, I've been able to make other investments off of the ummmmmmm dividends. (Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Health Care/Pharmacuticles, or Agriculture, anybody?). Ironic eh, based on the recent fun being made of dividends. There are also countless other ways to make money off of stock, Oh, and let's not forget the huge 401K that was amassed pre-intel enlightenment, since diversified into 5 funds. And just where did I put those US Savings Bonds that I bought religiously when I was in the military............ Oh yeah, the banks vault. Been planning this for a loooooooong time. Intel was unplanned, not the root of the plan. Plenty of eggs in plenty of baskets, no need to worry. Thanks for the concern though

