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09/26/24 5:29 PM

#781 RE: nagoya1 #780

Ding, ding, ding we have winner! That's it. I knew I would know it if I heard it. Absolutely right, he shot knife looks at the Kenyan. I still believe he will take out more of whatever legacy is left of Obama's and is why he is campaigning to change everything, he knows Obama is pulling the levers. What's baffling, and what we should be trying to push to the forefront to Trump and his people right now, is those presidential privilege documents. Trump would do well to expose them. He didn't last time because there must have been someone in his group the Dems threatened to expose. Hopefully that's changes now.
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09/27/24 12:02 AM

#786 RE: nagoya1 #780

Yeah, I think that you’re right.