The Non Disclosure Agreements on the unknown mergers has tide up OneMind Technologies SL and Affluence/Durham Black. While the unknown companies are growing and posting new things and news, but since we are not suppose to know who they are they don't have to follow the agreements because we don't know who they all are but it is obvious who one of them are.
As an example and no way related to AFFU: One year and 3 months ago SMCE did am acquisition valued at $25 million. The Company i believe issued 2,500,000 unregistered shares of its $10.00 Series B Preferred Stock (" Preferred Stock" to Fyniti's stockholders. That SMCE stock recently had run and is still way off the lows.
Another stock as an example DLOC was to offer 300,000,000 new Common Shares about a year ago but that has not hit the markets.
Both DLOC and SMCE have had very nice runs since then. The difference is both of these companies get news or information out.
I still believe AFFU will be in a much better position than SMCE and DLOC. While the share price of AFFU may not reflect a better position at this time at these very low bargain stock prices AFFU's subsidiary has more revenue coming in than both of SMCE and DLOC combined. I still believe AFFU at these .0052 x .0074 AFFU prices that when news comes out the stock should run.
These 3 unknown mergers that they are to form Digibriks have been reported to be profitable and growing companies which should reflect on the quarterly reports when mergers are completed. I still believe one of the companies is Mingothings International since they own that AFFU is going to have as a subsidiary, that website is not up and running for the public to see. Also the owner of Mingothings had worked for OneMind Technologies SL, the company that Affluence/Durham Black bought from Worldsensing. These are all high technology companies in Spain that are world leaders in their own fields. Note Spain is a tech leader for these fields. The owner of Mingothings also currently works for Worldsensing.